messages into sub-parts. A method of operating a non-realtime messaging system that system set forth in Assume that a particular caller, such as caller 105, is calling regarding tickets to a concert in two months and has specified a priority level for this call as “social.” Because the call is of lower priority than the meeting, the PCS system offers to transfer caller 105 to a voice mailbox assigned to subscriber 120. claim 9 A non-realtime messaging system comprising: 2. further comprising the step of storing data records specific 5 may be used. claim 9 The ever increasing availability and popularity of wireless communication can be linked to technological gains that have provided more efficient, reliable and cost-effective mobile devices, such as message pagers, wireless telephones and personal communication services (“PCS”) devices, as examples. Translating controller 205, via messaging controller 210, prompts caller 105 for, and receives, an oral message input representing a message for subscriber 120 (input/output step 340). Those of ordinary skill in the art should appreciate that they can readily use the disclosed conception and specific embodiments as a basis for designing or modifying other structures for carrying out the same purposes of the present invention. The non-realtime messaging sub-system of the present invention, either automatically or in response to a request from caller 105, processes the stored message, comparing the same with data patterns that represent oral phrases specific to the sub-system, to subscriber 120 and, possibly, caller 105. To continue with the above-given example, assume that data record 415 associated with subscriber 120 (I) defines a data pattern subset of (joejane widgets abc co. company xyz inc. incorporated opq ltd. limited) and (ii) directs system 100 to send (a) translated text messages to subscriber 120's e-mailbox (not shown), (b) summaries of such text messages to message pager 125, and (c) store the oral message input in subscriber 120's voice-mailbox (not shown). Generally speaking, the content of this received input is implementation dependant; for instance, it may represent the name or a personal identification number (“PIN”) of the intended message recipient(s). To begin, messaging system 100 (particularly, messaging controller 210) receives a call from caller 105 (input step 305). The phrase “data repository,” as it is used herein, is defined broadly as any collection of data, objects, routines or the like. The phrases are sorted as a function of this value. 7, illustrated is a conceptual block diagram of an alternate embodiment of exemplary non-realtime messaging system 100 (generally designated) according to the principles of the present invention. Translating controller 205 processes the oral message and translates the same into a proposed text message (process step 345; discussed further with reference to FIG. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. These particular data patterns are a “subset” of data patterns that represent oral phrases common to subscriber 120. Further, such suitable objects and routines may include executable code, such as code that (i) directs the steps that a computer is to take (as in procedural languages), (ii) sets forth rules that the computer is to follow (as in declarative languages) or (iii) defines objects and their relationships (as in object-oriented programming languages), as examples. The generated text message is a concatenation of data patterns that represent those sub-parts, or groups of sub-parts, separately, or collectively, that compare most favorably. 14. The messaging controller is capable of receiving oral messages from callers and transmitting text messages to communications devices associated with subscribers of the non-realtime messaging system. Nevertheless, the demand for better and cheaper mobile devices and wireless communication services continues to grow at a rapid pace. Exemplary voice mail system 700 is capable of recording, storing and retrieving voice messages, and interacting with translating controller 205 and messaging controller 210. communications devices associated with subscribers of said 1-10, Nuance Communicaitons, Inc.*, Mike Philips, “Avoiding Speech Recognition Application Design Pitfalls”, pp. 8. The operator, via the terminal/work station, interacts with translating controller 205 to generate a modified text message (process step 605). 11. An illustrative embodiment of a non-realtime messaging system in accord with the principles of the present invention is a suitably arranged message paging system. The processing means uses data patterns representing oral phrases specific to the non-realtime messaging system. If the proposed text message is acceptable (YES branch of decisional step 525), then the text message, or an appropriate portion thereof, is communicated to subscriber 120 (process step 530). messages. wherein said translating controller assigns at least one Definitions for certain words and phrases are provided throughout this patent document, those of ordinary skill in the art should understand that in many, if not most instances, such definitions apply to prior, as well as future uses of such defined words and phrases. Again, process control server 130 and messaging network 135 collectively include a messaging controller 210. the steps of: 10. The method of operating said non-realtime messaging The caller may accept or reject the text message. ョンに関連する対談記事やコラム記事も展開しています。 In response, translating controller 205 prompts caller 105, via messaging controller 210, for the identity of an intended message recipient(s), namely, subscriber 120 (output step 310). Additional features of the invention will be described hereafter that form the subject matter of the CLAIMS OF THE INVENTION. 17. wherein said translating controller is further operable to wherein said data records are associated with ones of said Translating controller 205 compares such measurable characteristics and the stored data patterns, and generates at least a substantially equivalent text message in response thereto. According to an advantageous embodiment, translating controller 205 plays the previously stored oral message for the operator and displays the proposed text message to the operator before, or while, transferring caller 105 thereto, in short, the system front-loads, or pre-fetches, information that the operator may need to efficiently interact with caller 105. 1 through 4. FIG. There may also be additional or sub-vocabularies, such as subscriber specific, company specific, weather specific, geographic, time specific (e.g., time of day, day of week, season, holiday, etc.). 12. 8 illustrates a flow diagram of an exemplary method for operating the non-realtime messaging system of FIG. subscribers of said non-realtime messaging system. System 100 then prompts, or asks, caller 105 to spell the phrase, to select or pick a phrase from a group or list of phrases, or the like, thereby correcting the same. In the event that caller 105 accepts the text message (YES branch of decisional step 620), the text message is sent to subscriber 120 (process step 530); if caller 105 rejects the proposed text message (NO branch of decisional step 620), then translation controller 205, via messaging controller 210, interacts with caller 105, enabling caller 105 to identify that portion of the proposed text message that is incorrect and correct the same (process step 625). messaging system and transmits, in response thereto, text messages *, Janet M. Baker, “Speech Recogntion Design Traps and Tips”, pp. receives oral messages from callers into said non-realtime In point of fact, any non-realtime messaging system, regardless of whether the same is associated with a messaging system that includes real-time communications features, that includes the above-described cooperative functionality of data repository 200, translating controller 205 and messaging controller 210, or their equivalents, is within the spirit and scope of the present invention. 9. It should be noted that the functionality associated with any particular controller may be centralized or distributed, whether locally or remotely. said stored data patterns and to generate said text messages in Under this scenario, system 100 may associate the data pattern subset associated with subscriber 120 with that of this second driver. More particularly, according to the present embodiment, particular data patterns are emphasized during the comparison process in response to the content of data record 415, the emphasized data patterns and the measurable characteristics are suitably compared. Concerning FIG. Vocabularies unique to subscriber 120 and even some callers, such as caller 105, may be defined and used to augment a standard message paging vocabulary. Referring back to the above-given example, assume again that a freight delivery company subscribes to a suitably arranged message paging system and each of its drivers carries a conventional alphanumeric message pager. claim 14 To begin, message paging system 100 (particularly, messaging controller 210) receives a call from caller 105 (input step 305). As is described in detail hereafter, the subject data patterns collectively provide a context sensitive vocabulary. The system then prompts, or asks, the caller to spell the phrase, to select or pick a phrase from a group or list of phrases, or the like, thereby correcting the same. 18. Messaging system 100 is again associated with telephone 110 and message pager 125, and includes process control server 130 and messaging network 135. 550 wiring diagram OC 6 Crawler 4-150 Rim / Duals spacer White 2-70 Serial Number New Oliver Parts Oliver 1850 Perkins (354) Crankshaft Pulley 2-105 HYD New Addition - 550 White Field Boss 31 Tractor Oliver 70 Belt Pulley(s) 1953 Oliver XO-121 oliver 770 engine surging white 2-60 history Oliver 60 Row Crop KD manifold/carb. As is apparent from the foregoing, the principles of the present invention are particularly beneficial when applied to wired and wireless telephony, computer or like processing systems and networks, including Internet-based applications. 3, illustrated is a flow diagram of an exemplary method (generally designated 300) for operating message paging system 100. For purposes of illustration, concurrent reference is made to FIGS. claim 2 For instance, system 100 may determine that subscriber 120 is regularly stopping at “DEF Co.” and modify the above-identified subset associated with subscriber 120 accordingly. For instance, assume that a freight delivery company subscribes to a suitably arranged message paging system and each of its drivers carries a conventional alphanumeric message pager. This may be accomplished either by maintaining the communication channel with caller 105 during oral message processing or, alternatively, by calling caller 105 back to verify the message. claim 2 1-2. Turning next to FIG. Translating controller 205 parses the message input, separating the same into sub-parts (process step 505). 4. The method of operating said non-realtime messaging Data repository 200 includes a plurality of data patterns 405 (i.e., speech models constructed using knowledge of acoustics, language, dictionaries, grammars or the like) and a plurality of subscriber records 410. For instance, assume subscriber 120 wants all received oral messages to be stored in voice mail and translated into text messages, that such text messages be sent to an e-mailbox, and that summaries of such text messages be sent to message pager 125. An exemplary messaging system includes each of a messaging controller, a data repository and a translating controller. If the caller accepts the text message, the message is sent to the subscriber; if the caller rejects the text message, then an appropriate response must be undertaken. 6A to 6C illustrate flow diagrams of exemplary methods for verifying a proposed text message in accordance with the principles of the present invention; FIG. stored data patterns that represent oral phrases specific to said A non-realtime messaging system that is operable, in part, Turning next to FIG. tel : 086-255-2000 fax : 086-255-2010 ©asahi medical college currently specific to said non-realtime messaging system. This calls is received through a personal telephone number assigned to subscriber 120. Samuel M. Feldman and Rongrong Wu, “Intelligent Network Speech Recognition”, 1997. 1-7, Vocie Control Systems, Inc.*, “Conversation Transactions through Speech Recognition”, pp. wherein said translating controller separates said received No. Concerning FIG. Exemplary translating controller 205 may include a signal processing module that converts the stored oral message into a series of speech patterns having measurable characteristics. The method of operating said non-realtime messaging 7. 1; FIG. This application is a continuation of prior U.S. application Ser. system and is operable to process said received oral messages using If translating controller 205 fails to identify subscriber 120 (NO branch of decisional step 325), then translating controller 205, via messaging controller 210, transfers caller 105 to a “live” operator (not shown) for assistance (process step 330). For instance, data repository 200 may include any number of databases, suitable file structures, or combination of the same; data repository 200 may be centralized within a single computer or local area network, or distributed across a wide area network. crm(顧客管理)とはそもそも何なのか? crmの最適なツールは? 企業担当者の皆様が抱える疑問やお悩みを. Translating controller 205 accesses, or “looks up,” one or more data records in data repository 200 that are associated with subscriber 120 (process step 335; discussed hereafter with reference to FIG. Alternatively, the caller and the system may interact in a manner that enables the caller to identify that portion of the text message that is incorrect and, hopefully, correct the same. Translating controller 205 may store the message input directly or indirectly by controlling messaging controller 210. Turning next to FIG. The data repository is capable of storing data patterns that represent oral phrases specific to the message paging system. Although the present discussion is directed largely to process step 345 of FIG. messages. Assume further that the regular stops assigned to subscriber 120 are reassigned to another driver. 2, illustrated is a conceptual block diagram of message paging system 100 (generally designated) that illustrates an exemplary association of process control server 130 and messaging network 135. In addition, features such as “barge-in” capability, which allow the user to speak at anytime, may be incorporated herein. system set forth in In response, messaging controller 210 receives an oral, or voice, input from caller 105 that represents the identity of subscriber 120 (input step 315). verify said generated text messages. further comprising the step of assigning at least one Such functionality would assist subscriber 120 when deciding when to call to listen to voice mail messages. further comprising the step of verifying said generated text 16. White tractor part As above-discussed with reference to APPENDIX A, data patterns 405 may be static or dynamic. Such a list would generally be common to any message paging system where a caller spoke with a “live” system operator. Again, the data record(s) provide particulars for delivering messages to subscriber 120. For instance, PCS devices (both narrowband and broadband) as well as any suitably arranged network computer (whether its associated computer network is wired, wireless or both) may be used. Similarly, the subset of data patterns may also be static or dynamic. System and method for transmitting subscriber data in a narrowband advanced messaging system using unscheduled message time slots, Disposable wireless messaging devices and systems and methods related to same, System and method for controlling transmitter power of a narrowband advanced messaging system, Antenna system for narrowband communications systems and method of operation, System and method for tracking wireless messages originating from a single user, Presentation Format Conversion (379/88.14), Display Of Message Related Information (379/88.11), “Speech Mania Developer's Kit”, Philpis Speech Processing, pp. There is desire and need in the art to increase the utility of such call processing systems by having them recognize speech. subscribers of said non-realtime messaging system. The method of operating said non-realtime messaging stored data patterns. Messaging controller 210 transmits, via messaging network 135, at least part of the generated text message to subscriber 120 via message pager 125 (output step 350). is a platform for academics to share research papers. Translating controller 205 attempts to recognize the message input by selectively comparing data patterns 405 and the sub-parts (process step 510). The numeric value to the right of each phrase indicates the number of times, or frequency, with which the particular phrase was used that day by callers leaving oral messages with system operators. After the dictation is complete, the system operator often verifies the text message by reading the same back to the caller. Assume that a particular subscriber, such as subscriber 120, is in a meeting and his current availability level is for “urgent” calls or higher. Following the caller's approval, the text message is then transmitted to the subscriber. を後押しするために、コマース領域、グロースデザインユニット領域など多様な情報・サービスを提供します。 As is described in detail hereafter, exemplary message paging system 100 is operable to process an oral message received from caller 105 and, in response thereto, to generate a related text message. Since the speech recognition process may be accomplished after the oral message is stored or recorded (i.e., the call is terminated), voice messages can be queued and the recognition process performed in non real-time. The translating controller is operable to process the received oral messages using the stored data patterns and to generate the text messages in response thereto. Another advantageous feature that may be implemented in this recognition process may be adaptive (improves with use) or fully speaker independent, and may include automatic updates, either modifying data patterns that already represent relevant phrases or that add new phrases meeting some criteria (e.g., a phrase is used, on average, more than 500 times a day). To learn more, view our, Handbook of Mechanical Engineering calculation Second Edition by Tyler G. Hicks.pdf, STANDARD HANDBOOK OF ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS.pdf, 19634 Standard Handbook of Engineering Calculations by Tyler Hicks, HVAC: Handbook of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning for Design and Implementation. wherein said translating controller is further operable to Exemplary messaging controller 210 is capable of receiving oral messages from callers and transmitting text messages to message pagers and other communication devices used by subscribers of message paging system 100. According to this embodiment, process control server 130 includes data repository 200, translating controller 205 and a voice mail system 700. claim 7 5, the principles hereof may suitably be adapted for process step 320 of FIG. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. 2 illustrates a conceptual block diagram illustrating an exemplary association of a process control server and a conventional messaging network introduced with reference to the exemplary non-realtime messaging system of FIG. paging controller that is operable to receive oral messages from Attached APPENDIX A, which is incorporated herein by reference for all purposes, includes a list of phrases that were used on a single day by callers into the assignee's message paging system. response thereto. Those skilled in the art should understand that although message pager 125 has been used to illustrate the principles of the present invention, alternate communication devices may suitably be used with a messaging system in accordance with the principles of the present invention. The principles of the present invention introduce non-realtime messaging systems (and controllers for use therewith) that are capable of converting received oral messages from callers into at least substantially equivalent text messages for transmission to subscribers thereof. Unsere neue Verlinkungsfunktionalität erkennt diese juristischen Dokumente im Text und verlinkt direkt zu diesen Dokumenten. More advanced systems enable callers to interact with the system by responding to system queries using their telephone keypads. Returning to FIG. 4). 1-11, Dragon Systems, Inc.*, Thomas B. Schalk, “Speech Recognition Design Traps: ASR PRime Time Tips”, pp. Turning next to FIG. system set forth in 5, translating controller 205, in response to selectively comparing data patterns 405 and the measurable characteristics, generates a proposed text message and assigns a confidence factor either to a proposed text message as a whole or to one or more of the sub-parts thereof (process step 515). The messaging controller is capable of receiving oral messages from callers into the non-realtime messaging system and transmitting text messages to communications devices associated with subscribers to the services associated with the non-realtime messaging system. According to this embodiment, a particular subscriber record 415 is associated with subscriber 120 and, among its other attributes, includes pointers to particular ones of the plurality of data patterns 405. Although the principles of the present invention have been described in detail with reference to message paging system and infrastructure embodiments, those of ordinary skill in the art should understand that they can make various changes, substitutions and alterations herein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention in its broadest form. Translating controller 205, via messaging controller 210, prompts caller 105 for, and receives, an oral message input representing the body of a message for subscriber 120 (input/output step 340). For instance, caller 105 may parse (e.g., orally, DTMF keypad, etc.) In point of fact, the functionality discussed with respect to FIG. 1-15. 1 and 2 having a message paging system that includes a suitably arranged voice mail system according to the principles of the present invention; and. The exemplary PCS system includes means for enabling subscribers to specify a current availability level and for enabling callers to specify a priority level for a call to a subscriber(s). Consider, for instance, a sophisticated PCS system that includes a non-realtime messaging sub-system in accordance with the present invention. According to one embodiment, the caller parses the proposed text message with the system, identifying the incorrect portion or portions. A voice mail notification system that includes a restricted vocabulary that may be used to detect “trigger” phrases, such as “urgent,” “emergency,” or the like, filter received voice messages, and report the delivery of those messages meeting certain characteristics, namely, those defined by the “trigger-phrase” vocabulary—received oral messages having a higher probability of significance. The message paging system includes each of a messaging controller, a data repository and a translating controller. Exemplary network computers include sophisticated calculators; palmtop, laptop, notebook, personal or other computers; web-televisions; as well as other like processing systems, including PDAs (i.e., devices, or “gadgets,” that perform particular tasks, such as a diary, database, PCS, message paging, multimedia player, memo-taker, calculator, alarm clock, etc.). Such selective use of small specialized vocabularies tends to improve SIVR performance. One advantageous feature that may be implemented in this recognition process may be “key spotting,” which makes it possible to pick out “key” phrases from among a sentence of extraneous phrases. The subset may be defined once, periodically, etc., or it may be defined and redefined in response to the frequency with which various ones of data patterns 405 are used. The message paging system set forth in The foregoing SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION outlines, rather broadly, some advantageous features of various embodiments of the present invention so that those of ordinary skill in the art may better understand the DETAILED DESCRIPTION that follows. Thus, while data patterns 405 are collectively specific to a general type of non-realtime messaging system, namely, message paging system 100, this subset of data patterns is particularly related to subscriber 120. non-realtime messaging system, said method of operation comprising
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