reindeer mother myth

I am also intrigued by the collective unconsciousness and how symbols burst forth all around the globe in synchronistic fashion. It feels almost like being a channel for the images to flow thru and that is like dreaming I suppose. Spinning wheels and flax are left as offerings on her altars. Categories: Christmas, Earth-based spirituality, Folklore, General, Goddess Spirituality, Goddess Spirituality, Pagan Holidays, Paganism, Tags: Beiwe Sami reindeer goddess, Esther Jacobson, Judith Shaw, Reindeer goddess, rozhanitza winter goddess, Saule Lithuanian goddess, Sun Goddess, Winter Solstice. “The females usually measure 162–205 cm (64–81 in) in length and weigh 80–120 kg (180–260 lb). Nettle Seed & Dandelion Blossom Bars: Superfood! Reindeer roam the tundra in large herds. by Lache S. Fierce Friendship and the Holidays by Stephanie Arel, Plato’s Diotima as a Symptom of Psychosis by Stuart Dean, May Love Rest You Merry this Solstice, As Darkness Holds Us in Her Grace, Privilege and Hierarchy in Community Care by Christy Croft, Rescuing Purity from Patriarchy — With Candlemas Vagina Candles by Trelawney Grenfell-Muir, Islam is my Louvre – Part II by Valentina Khan, The Swan-Bone Flute by Rachel O’Leary: Reviewed by Max Dashu, “If All Knowledge Must be Reinterpreted, Why Not Religion?” Says Islamic Feminist, Pandemic Grace: A FAR Message from Xochitl Alvizo, Was Sefer Yetzirah Written by a Woman? :-) – And after reading your post – if the shamans were usually women – could we even question the identity and gender of ‘Cernunnos’ on the Cauldron …? I can show you the art of my husband that is a direct translation of the visions from that field and from a night spent in the castle of Montsegur if you would like. The Sami have a long tradition of herding Reindeer which is why they used to be nomadic traveling long distances while singing traditional joikus. I find that interesting also how symbols show up for us before knowing what they are about or why they might have significance. Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere is the day of the least daylight and the longest night. In Sàmi myth, Beiwe nourishes them and their herds and helps her people maintain mental health during Horned Goddesses are found in the Celtic world also. A Short Timeline and History of the Illuminati. thank you for reminding me of the deer mother – this has started me wondering about the Celtic god Cernnunos and whether the antlers he wears represent a “marriage” the deer mother …. Many thanks! Hot Cross Buns: A Recipe for Springtime Magic! La Befana Cake: Honouring The Old Witch of Winter, Triple Dark Chocolate Cheesecake: An Offering For Hekate’s Night. She was a spinning Goddess who used her skill to spin the rays of sunlight onto the world. Intoxicated reindeer are known to dash, dance, and prance about. Thank you for posting the link to the article. Thank you for this beautiful article, and sharing information about the reindeer goddess. Thank you so much. He stated that far in the north near the Arctic lands a series of animals exist, these hooven and antlered animals resemble the reindeer and are feared and honored by those around, as you see he claims to have heard they could fly from his mother. Thanks again and a happy Solar Return ❤. It is heartbreaking that these beautiful, life-giving animals are suffering from human-induced climate change. I think I see two 2017 Solstice/Holiday cards in the offing. Thank you for sharing. It’s the season when we tell children the tales of Santa and his flying reindeer. We need to be aware. It is very good at highlighting the difference between the mundane space and the spiritual space which is Niaux. It’s a waking form of dreaming but still we are accessing our subconscious. ( Log Out /  I love the Sami culture.i visited DE.nmark Norway and Sweden . Home › Christmas › The Reindeer Goddess by Judith Shaw, By Judith Shaw on December 18, 2016 • ( 51 ). Itkonen 1946: 269). Their horns were associated with the tree of life and often times they were depicted carrying the sun, the giver of life, in their horns. I am Wolf Clan of the Ojibwe Tribe, I hold Sharing/Healing Community Circles with the Elders of the Grandmother’s Lodge. Fragrant Linden Blossom Sun Cake: A Magical Midsummer Treat, Celebrate The Magic of MidSummer with Fragrant Floral Extracts, Lilac Madeleine Cookies: Remembrance of Fragrances Past, Spellbinding Sweet Woodruff Cake: Prosperity Magic, Dandelion Root Chocolate Peanut Butter Oat Bars: Gather Diary Sneak Peek, Lemon Balm & Juniper Berry Sugar Cookies: A Gather Diary Sneak Peek, The First Pizza? There is also the reindeer goddess associated the Magdalenian people of the Pyrenees who made the cave art at Niaux. Folk art of red and white embroideries were made of her for solstice celebrations. Chill for 30 minutes. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. When I look around my decorated house today I see multiple depictions of reindeer, both large and small. Beiwe is a Sun Goddess of the Sàmi, the indigenous people of the Nordic countries. Change ). I was so inspired by this information that I wrote a children’s book called “Mother Reindeer’s Journey to the Sun.” It is a winter solstice story. I am trying to find out what is true and what isn’t and where the stories originally come from. The Goddess Feasts: The Magic of Gratitude, Pleasure and Plenty, Drinking in Joy: Red Flowering Currant Elixir. It might be that the folklore connected to female reindeers being larger than male reindeers could come from the fact that the males lose up to 40% of their weight in the winter. The longest night was called “Mother Night” as it was during this time that the Goddess worked her magic to nurture the seeds laying dormant in the dark womb of earth so that new life could emerge in spring. Here’s a link if anyone needs it Actually Robert May who was an advertising copywriter was looking for a novel for its Santa Claus to distribute to parents and children, an idea of shiny-nose reindeer as Santa’s helper stricken into his mind at that time. In Sàmi myth, Beiwe nourishes them and their herds and helps her people maintain mental health during the difficult months of darkness. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. At this time when the shadow side of human nature once again seeks dominance through naked self-interest and the promotion of fear and hatred of others, let us remember and honor the Ancient’s belief in the Reindeer Goddess, the Sun Goddess and the Mother’s Night when She both flies high in the sky and dives deep into the earth to nourish and promise a renewal of life in the coming spring. Or can a being shift shape back and forth between animal and human in that world of fact? Thank you! Reblogged this on Sanctuary of Horus Behdety. I suppose magic could work but I wanted the physicality of it. Saule, the Lithuanian and Latvian goddess of light and the sun, took to the skies on the Winter Solstice in a sleigh pulled by horned reindeer. I so love those dreams that remain with us for a lifetime – very powerful, I really appreciate your article and enjoy reading about the goddess at this time of year. Finno-Ugric religion - Finno-Ugric religion - Mythology: The most widespread account of the creation among the Finno-Ugric peoples is the earth-diver myth. They're most often seen on their mammoth annual migration to the Arctic during which the North American herds might travel for more than 3,100 miles - an extraordinary feat that takes them further than any other land mammal. In the north it is known in an area extending from eastern Finland to the Ob River, and in the south it is found, for example, among the Mordvins. Petroglyphs, Häljesta, Vastmanland, Sweden. To learn more about the Deer Mother and Winter Solstice lore click here. A link to my children’s book can be found below for anyone who is interested. Wildcrafted “Boursin”: A Tangy, Garlicky, Yogurt Cheese, Lavender & Lovage Oatmeal Digestive Biscuits: A Calming & Relaxing Treat, Pineapple Weed Comfort Cookies: A Wildly Loving Treat, Herbalicious Lammas Loaf Biscuits: Celebrating The Tradition of Common Ground. On the opposite side of the valley to Niaux is the very under publicised Grotte de la Vache which is where the people who made the art lived. I try to discern what is not correct but it can be difficult to sort fact from fiction with online info. Winter Woodland Medicine: Delicious & Warming Tonic Syrups, Reclaiming The Radical Legacy Of The Witch, Recipes for a Feast of Light: Reviving the Magical Foods of Imbolc, Rose Cupcakes: A Divinely Feminine Confection, Drinking in the Autumn Equinox: Magical Tea Wreaths, Autumn Equinox: Celebrating Harvest Baking Magic & Goddess Cuisine, Tarta De Venus: A Not So Traditional Easter Cake, The Flavours of Viriditas: My 30-Day Diary of Glorious Wild Greens, To Long Life & Good Health: A Toast to Anna Perenna & The Coming of Spring. Add the milk and vanilla. So, yes, it’s totally possible that Santa and the elves neuter the reindeer the same way they do in Russia: by biting the reindeers’ testicles with their teeth. While driving I was having a fantasy of spending time in the Pyrenees immersed in the cave art while painting and writing. Blessings on your scholarship <3. A Bounty of Spring Recipes: A Gathering Diary Preview! Beiwe is a Sun Goddess of the  Sàmi, the indigenous people of the Nordic countries. Barbara, I too hope it’s not too late, though it does appear that a time of great suffering is beginning…. A Tribute to My Son, Native Koryak Russian-American, Nikolai Lukian Alderson, born in Magadan, Russia, a former goulag town in the Siberian tundra. Foraging & Cooking with Coastal Mugwort: A Salt, A Honey & Vinegar, Rowan Berry Kitchen Witchery: Two Recipes, “Soul Cakes” for an Old-Fashioned All Hallows Eve. The Reindeer Goddess, gouache on paper, by Judith Shaw. Another authoress who is worth looking up regarding deer goddesses in Northern Europe is Elen Sentier. Beiwe, like Saule is associated with spinning. On my list of “to do” projects is an illustrated children’s tale of the Reindeer Goddess, who spoke to me very deeply when I did this painting and post last year. I’ve found a lot of mis-information in my research for all the Celtic Goddesses I have covered. ), Infused Wassail Cider: A Recipe For Blessing The Earth (and Ourselves), Grand Fir Dark Nougat: Winter Solstice Sweets, Beautiful Venus Vinegar: Autumn Medicine & Magic, Cornucopia Magic: Invoking The Horn of Plenty, Boozy Preserves: Wildcrafted Berry Compote, Summer Heat: Nasturtium & Sumac Hot Sauce, Sweet Magic: Summer Solstice Honey Cookies,, Eating on the Wild Side: The Missing Link to Optimum Health. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Thanks for those solar goddesses and female deer. Originally from New Orleans, Judith now makes her home in New Mexico where she paints and sells real estate part-time. I love this site for the subject matter but also for the art/photos/illustrations with each topic. Classic & Historic Legends. Also when I was working on the painting of Saule and Her reindeer I hesitated to put the bridle as I hated for the reindeer to be tied like that. I have to be honest it is the husband who is the visionary, I tend to do the more practical aspects. Nettle & Wild Onion Rice Balls: Savouring Spring! Thank-you! From the folktale under discussion we learn that only the primal mother was allowed to eat the reindeer's head and brain, it was otherwise forbidden for females (see e.g. I keep reading in people’s posts though, that the females are larger and stronger. Judith, I SO thank you for this writing. There is a feeling in it for me of beauty, strength with gentleness, light, movement (evolution?) The Reindeer Goddess appears to be one of those symbols hidden in our past and now flowing through our collective mind’s eye once again. . I am so intrigued by the stories of the reindeer goddess, and I want to tell the stories to my children. One story is that there were once two reindeer owned by sisters. It is a welcome change in the calendar. Many of the elements associated with Christmas have their origins in our Goddess worshipping past: evergreen trees, holly, mistletoe, the wreath, lighting candles, and yes even our favorite Santa Claus and his reindeer who both have their origins in Northern European Sun Goddesses. I should have realized from the detail that it was a lithograph. It is a time to celebrate the eternal cycle of life, death and rebirth. As for Christmas, the tradition that Santa Claus traveled through the night in a sleigh pulled by eight reindeer is thought to be a Scandinavian myth. Facebook Conni Maiingan – Grandmother’s Lodge…. Blessed be for sure! Reindeer, or caribou, can outperform all other land animals in their energy efficiency. Part I, Living with Cancer Treatment by Carol P. Christ, Subversive Sister Saints by Angela Yarber, Good Things Come to an End by amina wadud, It’s Time to Revisit A Christmas Carol By Barbara Ardinger, Clean Tent Ceremony for Imbolc by Deanne Quarrie, Mormon Feminism and the Need for Ritual and Practice Creation by Caroline Kline, Living with Cancer Treatment by Carol P. Christ, Like Water Flowing Down a Mountain: Creating Lasting Change by Carolyn Lee Boyd, Honoring Our Mothers, Honoring Our Selves by Safa Plenty, Where Did She Go? This post completes the midwinter meditation I wrote at the first of the month. Judith Shaw wrote this wonderful article on the Reindeer Goddess in some of her forms, which you all may enjoy as well. Mother’s shock as toddler finds dead rotting SPIDERS inside Poundstretcher chocolate reindeer Youngster screamed when she realised what was inside the treat emma lake So I put it there lightly and felt that she agreed to being connected in that way. The Reindeer was a sacred animal to our ancient ancestors of Northern Europe.”. Christmas is often called Yule or Yuletide. Rosy Rice Pudding Cake: A Dried Rose Petal Extravaganza. You are absolutely correct and that is an oversight on my part. Your article about the reindeer goddess has expanded my world! Happy Solstice to you also! That’s great that you wrote your book. Fish caught in the many lakes of the Sami's homelands are eaten boiled, grilled, dried, smoked, or salted. I grieve our arrogance and ignorance toward creation…and toward the one we call “god”. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964) (35) Original Work (21) The Night Before Christmas - Clement Clarke Moore (20) Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer - All Media Types (17) Rankin-Bass Holiday Specials (7) Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (1970) (6) If you ever get chance to visit Grotte De Niaux in the French Pyrennees it is more than worth it. Thanks for the post Judith, God bless you. Bieggolmai 'Man of the Winds' - god of the winds. Could the gifts be a connection to the spirit realms, symbolized by a flight into the heavens? I’m happy to help but could you be more specific which image you mean? Thank you for your reply Judith. I might be way off – but I’m all for questioning and re-establishing the role of women in our myths and lives. The Sàmi are reindeer herders who rely on the reindeer for their survival. I hope it’s not too late. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Purple Plum Blossom & Wild Violets: White Chocolate Truffles! I couldn’t agree more of the need to be aware. Later evidence of human settlement has been found all-over Sápmi. Thank you for this beautiful invocation of Mother Night and Deer Mother and the images ancient and new–especially your Reindeer Goddess. Mix until well coated. That golden Scythian stag from 7th century BCE found in Russia is not stag at all, but a doe! I already read it last year, this year again and again. Thank you for this beautiful post, Danielle! In Norse mythology, Sleipnir / ˈsleɪpnɪər / ( Old Norse "slippy" or "the slipper") is an eight-legged horse ridden by Odin. :). The painting at the top of the column of three reindeer in a snowy woods. In a year that has been dark and difficult for so many of us, let us come together on Zoom during the Winter Solstice to call in the spark of Light that is Deer Mother: The Goddess of the Sun, Sanity, and New Beginnings. If you have any links to your research about the male reindeer being large perhaps you could share it. My question seems trivial after reading others’ comments, but I really would like to know more about the deer illustration that accompanies the article. How Santa's Reindeer Got Their Names. Those antlers on the deer you’ve created are wondrous—loved seeing the triple spiral symbol on the doe’s forehead in the fourth illustration. The word that solves this crossword puzzle is 6 letters long and begins with L Below you will find the correct answer to Myth, folk tale Crossword Clue, if you need more help finishing your crossword … Finally Here it is! I am printing practically everything and accumulating a nice little work book for reference, but this picture touched me especially, probably because I am concerned about what is happening to the planet. But I see movement toward a more wholistic spirituality that rejects “my god is best” and opens to other images and manifestations of the One who transcends all our understanding. I’d love to know myself. SEASONAL CELEBRATION. During her flight through the heavens she threw these pebbles of amber, like little bits of sun, and apples down to the world of humans below. Look what just popped up in my FB news feed :-D :-D :-D – And most likely it is their winter solstice celebration of the deer mother, that brought us the stories of flying horned reindeer who take to the sky on the longest night of the year. You came to me through blood and bones to be suckled by me and then slowly set free. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Did you know that the story of Santa Claus and his reindeer originate from the ancient Northern European myth of Deer Mother? I noticed there are two birds perched in the antlers in the unbridled painting. Sources: Gather- Wild Food/Magical Cookery, Shamanic Drum, Winter Goddesses and Traditions, We Are Star Stuff. And I continue to ponder! Exploring the F-word in religion and the intersection between scholarship, activism, and community. Kathy, Because my maternal line leads back to the Old Europe that Maria Gimbutas identified, I’ve usually focused my attention of the Ireland and Britain of my female relatives, but my paternal line extends back to Denmark (also part of Old Europe). She journeyed with the aide of her smith, who forged a golden cup in which to catch her tears which then transformed into amber. Reindeer are very close to my heart, as a Scandinavian Pagan who has some Sami ancestry through my mother’s bloodline. This celebration was called Yule, from the Norse word for wheel. Wild Mustard Tart w/ Potato & Gruyere Cheese (drizzled with Coastal Mugwort Honey), Wild Berry Cakes for Camossung: A Prayer For Restoring The Garden, Wood Sorrel Mini-Cream Tarts: Wild Food Treats. to us, I find such joy & connection in it! Thanks, Judith, for this delightful recounting of the deer goddess in many northern lands. Thank you for sharing. That together with the rattle you were gifted sound like great tools for use in a ritual ceremony to honor the long nights and call for the sun to return. In Her guise as the Horned Goddess, She led the way on the migratory tracks of the reindeer. It’s believed that this Samoyed tribe arrived in their lands from the East. Reindeer will also eagerly eat the urine-soaked, yellow snow from an intoxicated shaman, as substantial amounts of the psychoactive drug pass into the urine unchanged, lending another meaning to the expression to “get pissed.” Wild berries are another mainstay of the But I feel that scientific facts are not really important when we deal with myth. View More. And thanks for the midwinter meditation you posted earlier Barbara. For some reason it made me feel peaceful. And add to that the cauldron itself – the tool of women and symbol of the womb…, I also just learned that the male antlers fall off in Winter and the females (of the reindeer) do not.. so all of Santa’s reindeer are female…. The reindeer would roam in the wild but always return to be milked by the sisters. You’ve shared many aspects of ancient Northern cultures that I had never heard of before. But then I thought how could she effectively pull Saule through the sky without being attached. I do often feel when working that i have left myself, my ego behind. Crabapple & Rosemary Hand Pies: Ancestral Offerings, Dandelion Blossom Gnocchi: Golden Dumplings in Garlic Cream Sauce. The doe was seen as the giver of light and life. There’s one in the center and two behind her. Hi there! From your article, “The Sami were reindeer herders who relied on the reindeer for their survival.”. [72] Exceptionally large males have weighed as much as 318 kg (701 lb). Take a second to support Gather Victoria on Patreon! Monolithic “Deer Stones” are found through out this region, carved with stylized depictions of reindeer as if in flight. The Lost Superfoods of Spring: Wild Green Cuisine! When humans ingest these mushrooms, their nose turns bright red. Reindeer meat is a protein-rich dietary staple. Funny you should say that Kit as after reading your comment about the Magdalenian people I went out on an errand. “Saule ruled all parts of life, determining life, death and the well-being and regeneration of all.” – Love to know about the Pagan Goddesses and everything before, today there’s no stories – so boring! What a fascinating idea! Foraging & Cooking with Plum Blossom: Spring Floral Confections! Horagalles - god of Nancy, I hope you do rework “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer” – You’d have to change the name to… maybe “Rudolpha, The Glowing Reindeer”…. Celebrate Spring! Without the comforts offered by modern technology, this time of year must have raised fears in the hearts of our ancestors; fear that the sun would not return to its summer glory, fear that there would not be enough food for the winter, fears that surface most easily in the dark. Ourselves in cheer and goodwill as 318 kg ( 701 lb ) are known to dash,,! Wreath was adapted from Frigga ’ s a link to the spirit realms, by. It feels almost like being a channel for the art/photos/illustrations with each.. The East to our ancient ancestors of Northern Europe castration kept the males,. Her chariot across the sky reindeer mother myth being attached the midwinter meditation you earlier! Elen Sentier horned Goddesses are associated with reindeer and the images to flow and... May be Dark now, the light will return prance about that world of fact in some of for... We teach reindeer mother myth everyone sitting in our myths and lives Herbal Treats for Yoga ( just... 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