pestle analysis of confectionery industry

�� By last estimates, the 8 Cadbury factories in the UK had employed 3,000 workers. There is steady growth in labor market as well since 2001 (Chandra Shah, Gerard Burke, 2006). This is primarily because they buy in very large volumes and because they are highly concentrated. The PEST Analysis is mainly used for tactical planning, promotion planning as well as industry and the development of manufactured goods. However, it is the larger players that dominate the market, particularly for chocolate confectionery. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. The political unrest caused by insurgencies is very detrimental to the economic … There are four major factors identified to capsulate the different factors found from the different environmental influences. This article covers only some examples of general external factors that companies may want to take into account. One of the UK’s major political factors which is responsible to effect the automobile industry is the system of taxation. In the Middle East and Asia, flour-based confections are more dominant. SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool that can be used by Lotte Confectionery managers to do a situational analysis of the firm . Pestle Analysis Of Confectionery Industry Paper. Terrorism is especially relevant to the confectionery industry – terrorist attacks have taken the form of food poisoning in the past1. As with other food sectors, there are considerable legislative needs to be met, which requires a larger scale of activity in order to operate profitably. Analysis of the chocolate confectionery market "Rahat" Plan Political Swot-analysis Pest-analysis trade policy; private company; governed by government and foreign rules; government stability. 4. Hi there, would you like to get such a paper? Retrieved from, Is Your Deadline Too Short? Ew�h�#a�|�����-�p��E�-t��#�U����s�Ş%����ya�a���c�o�W���^���������|$�����ϥ_V��д�c�^���~�tK���!8�0��O-� Want to get a price estimate for your Essay? Pest Analysis Of Confectionery Industry. The confectionery market comprises an array of … These suppliers would have more bargaining power than those previously mentioned since the products that they supply are more specialized, and imply higher switching costs (Porter, 1985, p.137). The core aspect of Industry 4.0 is agility, data allows in depth PESTLE analysis which, empowers Nestle to proactively transform. It captures 35% of the global market. Retail prices and margins vary widely according to product and outlet. Introduction to The PESTLE Analysis tool PESTLE analysis is a useful tool for understanding the “big picture” of the environment in which you are operating, and the opportunities and threats that lie within it. The impulse market experiences a higher level of distribution through smaller outlets such as kiosks, confectioners, tobacconists, and food courts. YuFong Fan (ID No. The large regions of the Sahara Desert, which constitute most of Egypt's territory, are sparsely inhabited. How about receiving a customized one? Prices in large food stores, especially for products sold under distributors’ brands, are much lower than those of products retailed by other miscellaneous shops and this has been an important factor in the growth of own labels in this market. As a result the company had to halt production and clean the factory at a cost of over 30 million US Dollars. These can encompass: Strategic business planning. The international organisation’s Cadbury and Nestle are the organisations where the leaders of confectionery food. 2012). The growing populations in Asia and South America, on the other hand, are a source of much opportunity. The following sample essay on Pestle Analysis Of Confectionery Industry discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. It is a handy technique to analyze the present Strengths (S), Weakness (W), Opportunities (O) & Threats (T) Lotte Confectionery is facing in its current business environment. ���m;ZH���)�,�$�}�]���M���+��+������e�6�f�����Xڰ`;���zYn����o�� _�+�����/��m{Em(�d#�� �0��e�̓����o�����2�\7 Want to add some juice to your work? Don't use plagiarized sources. Pestle Analysis Of Confectionery Industry. These forces are determinants of that industry… Here you will also find the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your research paper well-formatted and your essay highly evaluated. words(double In particular, the Czech Republic is emerging as new centre for European confectionery production2. In the UK, Martin Paterson, Deputy Director General of the Food and Drink Federation made a statement to the press in February 2003 in response to heightened media coverage of the ethics of targeting children with food and drinks, saying advertisements should not: Encourage children to eat or drink frequently throughout the day; condone excessive consumption; suggest confectionary or snacks should replace balanced meals; take advantage of children’s natural sense of loyalty4. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south. The following sample is written by Matthew who studies English Language and Literature at the University of Michigan. The analysis focuses on the BreadTalk Company based in China and will only discuss the topics which will affect the audience present in China. PEST Analysis of Confectionary Industry The Commonwealth of Australia has stable liberal democratic system with policies that support industrial growth (, 2009). Paper type: Analysis , Subject: Childhood Obesity. BAKERS' CONFECTIONERY Bakers' confectionery, also called flour confections, includes principally sweet pastries, cakes, and similar baked goods. Confectionery Market was valued $210.3 bn in 2019 & to hit $270.5 bn by 2027, at a CAGR of 3.6%. PESTLE ANALYSIS and 5 FORCES ANALYSIS CHOCOLATE CONFECTIONERY PESTLE Analysis Although it has been nearly 4 years since the destruction of the twin towers in the US, terrorism remains a very real threat in much of the world, and a powerful political and economic influence on business. A PESTLE analysis is an appropriate framework and activity to use in a range of business planning situations. *����jc�$�!��tK�^���.D���5������*���2�'�F���ƍ���Ӝ���kd�aN����\V��� N[4�.0z�2����'�܋�unmcD����U�D�+����n��� ܫҵ�:0ʥva�pk��F���`�o��w�K�e�S�X�߻���\>�Z""�%���[�R�r�� ^E+�q�zPP�?�6�J�U.�������p� Food industry is all about consistency in quality assurance. The main inputs for the manufacture of confectionery include dairy products, sugars, cocoa and other ingredients. Scale economies in production, research, and marketing are very high. Product differentiation is also a powerful entry barrier. The food industry is finding itself increasingly under pressure from legislators to accurately inform customers of the nutritional value of their products5. 550 These outlets have much less bargaining power and According to a retail panel, 87 per cent of the value of sales of chocolate bars of all types went through large grocery outlets in 1995 while the market share of small grocers’ shops was 13 per cent. Consumers of chocolate bars and confectionery are very price conscious, especially on basic items. �{ \��]�"� Political Forces: PESTLE Analysis Automobile Industry. In analyzing the macro-environment, it is important to identify the factors that might in turn affect a number of vital variables that are likely to influence the … It is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.1% to reach USD 82.81 billion by 2025. PESTEL analysis of garment industry in Bangladesh. PESTEL Analysis In Sum. However, there are also more specialist additions supplied to the industry, such as flavours, fragrances, chemicals, and machinery for cocoa processing and confectionery manufacturing. For example, recent research has shown that natural cocoa contains the highest capacity of the antioxidant procyanidin6 has allowed for technological developments such as the process of retaining polyphenols in cocoa beans throughout chocolate processing7. Japan Display Inc. (JDI) SWOT & PESTLE Analysis Last Updated : Sep, 2020 Founded in 2011, JDI integrates the small and medium-sized display divisions of Sony, Toshiba, Hitachi, and Panasonic, and was once the world ’s largest manufacturer of small and medium-sized displays. It does so by looking at five forces which act on that industry. Changes in world demographics also have weighty sociocultural implications for the confectionery industry. Europe is also said to have an ageing population, whereas Africa, South America, and most of Asia have populations that consist of 30-40% who are under the age of 15 (See Appendix A). Confectionery Market Research Reports & Industry Analysis The term “confectionery” typically encompasses products such as chocolate and non-chocolate candy; gum; ice cream and frozen desserts; cookies, cakes, and pastries; and other sweet goods such as jams, jellies, and preserves. Certain countries don’t even require a visa to travel to them,allowing for an even furthe… This trend has legal implications as well. of service. Growing wages are currently pushing production of confectionery products out to Central and Eastern Europe. However, the stringent restrictions on the entry of skilled workers from rest of Europe can affect Cadbury’s hiring decisions in the future. Topic: Pestle Analysis Of Confectionery Industry, By clicking "Send Message", you agree to our, PESTLE Analysis for SelfridgesPolitical Due to Selfridges selling, Lidl Pestle Analysis of Business Strategies,, terms They can be used in … The Company has various popular products in the Petcare as well as in the chocolate category for example; in the Petcare industry Pedigree, Royal Canin, Whiskas etc. When analyzing the competitive environment of Cadbury, the factors that should be considered are both factors from the confectionery industry and factors from the macro environment, which would have an effect on the successful operation of the company. The ALF in 1984 claimed to have poisoned MARS Bars in the UK. Click to learn more Sorry, but downloading is forbidden on this website. Introduction. Another technological development resulting from growing concern for the environment is the use of biodegradable wrappers. Analysis of the Confectionery Industry. 3. various products of bakers confectionary like loaf bread, fancy bread sticks etc. B}�B`���*�Fڲ8�>�G�����7ݰ D�M�H�7�AVJ��F ӵJך��Y�.��P�k���JbQ���d,�YX_�W���G�nٮV������7��9�W��$ƒ�VSsV�z5��"g·���U������T7i>�r���jr��:"�@~k�PP��2(.�f�xC��Q�Z���ϙ)Z���S�+�qC����%�W��]���1 I�6�D�b˽J�_���w ��A/e�< Let Professionals Help You, Leave your email and we will send you an example after 24 hours 23:59:59, Let us edit for you at only $13.9/page to make it 100% original. Words: 1446, Paragraphs: 19, Pages: 5. PESTEL or PESTLE analysis, also known as PEST analysis, is a tool for business analysis of political, economic, social, and technological factors. Conclusion Pest Analysis of the chocolate confectionery market "Rahat" Economical This The supplier would be responsible for things like training employees to use the machinery as well as its service and maintenance. A PESTLE analysis report is a useful document to have available when starting a business planning process. And according to Porter (1985, p. 135), overcoming customer loyalty towards more venerable players is likely to cost new entrants substantial amounts. Don't Miss a Chance to Connect With Experts. The following sample essay on Pestle Analysis Of Confectionery Industry discusses it in detail, offering basic facts and pros and cons associated with it. Get up to speed on any industry with comprehensive intelligence that is easy to read. Pestle Analysis Korean Chocolate Industry In: Business and Management Submitted By jitin10 Words 2631 Pages 11. Browse Report With over 84 million inhabitants, Egypt is one of the most populous countries in Africa and the Middle East, and the 15th most populated in the world. Here's the SWOT analysis of Mars Incorporated which is an American multinational company primarily engaged in production and marketing of confectionery. Porter’s Five Forces model analysis on HSBC in Bangladesh Porter’s five forces, also known as P5F was created by Michael E. Porter in 1979, is a way of examining the attractiveness of an industry. I have chosen Porter’s Five Forces, and PESTEL analysis. One of the market leaders, Cadbury Schweppes, had tangible fixed assets amounting to �1.63 billion and total assets amounting to �9.7 billion in 20049. Find industry analysis, statistics, trends, data and forecasts on Chocolate & Confectionery Production in the UK from IBISWorld. Our customer support team is available Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST. spaced), Paper type: Analysis , If you contact us after hours, we'll get back to you in 24 hours or less. Egypt PESTLE Analysis & Macroeconomic Trends Market Research Report. At you will find a wide variety of top-notch essay and term paper samples on any possible topics absolutely for free. An economic trend with profound effects on operations of Western European confectionery companies has to do with the cost of labour. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. MAMEE-DOUBLE DECKER (M) SDN BHD ANALYSIS OF THE MARKETING PROGRAMMES A) PEST ANALYSIS PEST analysis is a useful strategic tool for understanding market growth or decline, business position, potential and direction for operations. There is a grave threat for confectionery companies operating in European countries due to the declining and aging population. Overall, the huge investment needed to create and maintain a market-leading brand means that it is difficult for smaller, or new, players to enter the market (Mintel, 2004). Australia’s confectionary manufacturer Cadbury Schweppes was the first manufacturer in the world to implement a new form of environmentally friendly packaging in 2003. The imposition of taxes is yet another political f… 1.1 Porters Five Forces ���HV֖K�z#�9B�����T���,�� DD��)���/m���m��hvK���� �2�b�)�X�O�z���T� &��7��"����B�Wh�`�����fJ ����ҫȺ�v���T��H9I0��~#�ܨT���� �_�������_�Z���I:��%�b����im($Q��z�(@d���.W�y�?I�:�)*����J���E]�k�R�*ٮ�nw�ٔ4\k ���^�(�/����7�ܼ� �`=��H}z��Һ��5�)R��YT�S�**��Qf��8���kr:�3�\Gt��n�eq��Lk����ǎ�;sF�^*�ˋԶ�l[ȴ-Dm���w�ɜY�Tè;u�%9�u�D�Ӵ ђF�8��\y�H��PC���5'A�_��������ch� K��Ʀј��UEd�� �Q�PV�����FZ%�=3�`�4��Ǘ ~ά���IL��4ùW9���5e���4P٨ A��� X �4W߼�8�o �q�?��u������+5A�-��& 5G| ��Z^]����.�o����h0��J��U�[ ��4�FRP�t�����&���B4Y励 �P}��KF.�p�*�0%y���YE?���s�>���y]�'i$��ݬ���U�q�`��sG��*gܬ���a꠹�n�~�D�#�z�P��*#�7�'rC(c�q���)��El�H�)�:�S>Q��϶��D�6*�`]���"R�X���$0ov3r�ٍv���p}��-e� �e� ���� Branding plays a key role, particularly in the impulse market. The confectionery industry indulges consumers’ desire for sweets. To read the essay’s introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down. They used the biodegradable polymeric material for packaging Cadbury Milk Tray Chocolates8. PESTLE and SWOT are highly effective analysis tools to help you during the process of developing a strategic plan for your business. In the context of the UK, the change of government from the Labour party to the Conservative/Liberal Democrat is bound to influence Cadbury’s operations. No problem! Get Your Custom Essay on Pestle Analysis Of Confectionery Industry Just from $13,9/Page, We will write a custom essay sample on Pestle Analysis Of Confectionery Industry specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page. All the content of this paper is his own research and point of view on Pestle Analysis Of Confectionery Industry and can be used only as an alternative perspective. Subject: Childhood Obesity. The PESTLE analysis was conducted in order to find out the opportunity of chocolate confectionery in the UK. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. Every MARS candy bar in the UK was removed from the shelves at a cost of over 3 million pounds. Europe Confectionery Market Research Overview: Europe Confectionery Market size was around USD 71.05 billion in 2019. Banks, consultants, sales & marketing teams, … �w�s. In the two years from December 2002, Mintel (2004) recorded nearly 300 new product launches into the chocolate confectionery market and an average of �8.67 million spent by the top three advertisers in the industry. (Source: Academy, 2016) Cadbury is identical with the consumption of chocolate on a universal basis. Perhaps marketing strategies in Europe may need to be adjusted while using the original strategies to penetrate Asia and South America further. Japan, formally known as Nippon-koku which literally transaltes to State of Japan, is an island nation in East Asia. The investment needed to create and maintain a market-leading brand has meant that it is difficult for smaller, or new, players to enter the market. An extremely substantial portion of the confectionery market is made up of children; even adult purchases are often motivated by children. Branding plays a key role, particularly in the impulse market. Most of the governments across the world have their bordersopen for citizens of other countries. Confections refer to food items that are rich in sugar & carbohydrates For example an Industry may be highly profitable with a strong growth trajectory but it won't be any good for The Hershey Company if it is situated in unstable political environment. The market is highly competitive and price-cutting is widespread. lets enjoy it Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. PESTEL analysis provides great detail about operating challenges The Hershey Company will face in prevalent macro environment other than competitive forces. (2019, Dec 06). To gain consistency in operations Nestle defines core competencies to map against threats. � �}�nǶ�s��?T��H�a�xՍ�2-Y���i{;A`�E��f7�J�, ?p�μ0`�����'��YkU��M�,�>g��d]W�Z�Z]����'����=6�G���3���ϳ����J?��k�}�O�b���K�#�pYZ�Y���=�t�e�rU����73��+���׻�1�Q,�lM�`��;�H8���_���+��.�Y:7�����צ�[��o�9�*^.X7 Since these products are commodities, which can hardly be differentiated and do not imply high switching costs for buyers, their suppliers have little bargaining power over chocolate manufacturers (Porter, 1985, p.137). The PESTEL analysis helps to draw the influence and implications of various factors. Consequently, ethical marketing is becoming more prevalent, both in Europe and in the United States3. It's Free! We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Although it has been nearly 4 years since the destruction of the twin towers in the US, terrorism remains a very real threat in much of the world, and a powerful political and economic influence on business. �n#�:}&.ǎ�{?�O;���m{K�߯��,�˭�ǖ?4���³UI��4�);��'Zh������lm�/ܫ�c9��_z��F���96���*�}��y�ob���Ũ1�����JL����㙈�-�y�q�_M_hޘ����]�]�||�(�bai�Z�w{C��\~�`���/ҿW]�5��U_2ϱ���"ʢ&��-�����(?��%���%;�`�z�����rW�u�`�u�����α@ӐU��F#i��-۱a%��`d{�KZ�VQljf$��� These threats have to be addressed in order to maximize profits in the industry. Like with most food products, the major multiples have substantial buying power, and often buy directly from chocolate manufacturers. The duty charged on the imported cars is highly dependent or in other words its basis lies on the category of the engine of the cars. Again, in 1988, the ALF terrorists poisoned a lot of confectionary sugar at a Swiss chocolate factory with rat poison and sent the results to the media. Much of the focus has been on children’s diets being loaded with sugar, salt and fat, as well as the related issue of childhood obesity. The political unrest caused by insurgencies is very detrimental to the economic situations of countries, affecting economic factors like interest rates, consumer spending, and foreign investment. Growing health consciousness has sparked the pursuit of healthier chocolate. Confectionery companies will have to adapt to the laws that are passed due to these changes in consumer lifestyles and perceptions, or face legal consequences. 0655330) & Jitin Kochhar (ID No. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. The PEST Analysis is quite similar to that of the SWOT analysis (Srdjevic et al. Companies in the confectionery industry will have to select the countries that they operate in wisely, and take the necessary security measures to ensure that their products are not tampered with. Though they are outside of the Western European market, it would be wise for the large multinationals to start giving them more attention. Capital requirements are also very high. is an educational website collecting all the information and resources related not only to PESTLE but also SWOT, STEEPLE and other analysis that will come useful to business owners, entrepreneur, and students alike. Western European populations are growing very slowly and in some instances actually declining (Eastern European countries have negative growth rates) while Africa, parts of Asia and South America have rates of population growth near 3 percent per year. Companies that do not quickly adapt to this trend will find themselves at a cost disadvantage, which will hinder their competitiveness in the industry. Tourists can visit most of the world ifthey can afford it, and this has really provided a major boost to the tourismindustry. A chocolate manufacturer would, for example, be highly dependent on the company that supplies it with machinery. Political Analysis . It is also because the product is not of strategic importance to the retailer, since large groceries and supermarkets offer a wide range of products and even offer own-brand ranges. Pest Analysis of Confectionary Industry. The retail distribution of take-home and eat-later confectionery is basically done through two groups of channels, i.e. A relevant sociocultural trend occurring in developed countries today is increased health consciousness; there is growing public concern over the ingredients in products, appropriate labelling, and other related health issues. There are probably many more factors that could influence a certain business. PEST ANALYSIS A PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) analysis is a major part of the environmental scanning section of strategic management and it is used by companies during market research and strategic analysis. PEST and Competitive Analysis Faced by Confectionery Organizations This report defines the PEST and competitive analysis facing by confectionery organisations. To read the essay’s introduction, body and conclusion, scroll down. multiple grocers and impulse retail channels. These new developments are vital opportunities for the industry in its current situation, and if exploited, may be the means by which companies can quell some of the threats brought about by the sociocultural trend of increasing health consciousness. How about make it original at only $13.9/page? Entering the industry to compete with the leading players is extremely difficult. Besides it really varies from industry to industry and from nation to nation how important certain factors are. 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