air asia economic analysis

With its expanding strategy as objectives to reach excellent standard around the world, marketing in Asia has been the key player to achieve success. However, the different needs of two shareholders led to break-up of the airline in 1972. AirAsia on the other hand has an adapted to this situation via its operational model, and by using a series of fuel-efficient fleet that helped them to survive during the fuel crisis. Other business taxes are environmental taxes (e. g. landfill tax), and VAT (value added tax). Thus, we can state the quick ratio alterations are alike to current ratio changes explanation. For instance, the Air Asia in order to provide more affordable and transparent air fares for business and leisure travelers, Air Asia offering 500,000 free seats, with no fare or fuel surcharge, in a five-day campaign for flights in the third quarter of 2009. Air Asia has recognized expanded income (3-4%) for the identical number of aircrafts by taking benefit of the outlook of the high/low demand patterns, competently moving the demand from reduced time span to high time span and by ascribing a premium for late bookings. This presents Air Asia the options to either smaller its charges and gain market share and sales from competitors or hold its charges at present market grade and make more earnings for every unit sold. As an outcome, raw components are variable and direct costs. Weak year-end for air travel and deteriorating outlook ... Air Freight Monthly Analysis - December 2020. Besides, all variable charges are direct charges (costs which can be effortlessly affiliated with a specific cost object). Retrieved from, This is just a sample. your own paper. It is furthermore renowned as Revenue Management System; it realises, foresees and answers to the demeanour of clientele to maximize income for the organization. Shortly after this, crude oil cost fall to reduce worth, producing Air Asia functioning with high fuel cost. Its net profit for the second quarter ending 31 December 2004 was reported RM 44. {text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-start} Business Environment {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-start} Macro environment {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-end} The major macro-environmental factors suggest a very conductive environment for the growth of LCCs in Asia. In order to keep high demand in the market, AirAsia lower their cost by many ways. building skybridges across Asia, we have carried more than 466.7 million guests across the Group1. text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-start} Macroeconomic factors of airline {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-end} In these modern economic conditions leaves its mark on all the levels of world economy including the system of relations existing in air transportation sphere. The followings are couple of scheme implementations that Air Asia has finished in its trading and sales undertakings (Yield Management System and Computer Reservation System) as well as procedure undertaking (Enterprise Resource Planning System). Air Asia’s fares are significantly lower than those of other competitors are. Malaysia does not have any antitrust laws which prohibit monopoly or predatory pricing. Air Asia is the top airline in Asia and South Pacific in ancillary sales, which comprise 29% of the company’s revenues. Its critical that the business continues to take modest fiscal approach to sustain the image gained in the market. The Myanmar Country Environmental Analysis sets out clear recommendations and actions for sustainable and inclusive development of th… For example, a client from Bangalore, India can book air ticket to depart from Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) to Perth, Australia (AirAsia, 2012). On September 10,2004, a license was approved for Air Asia Go Holiday to undertake tour operating and travel agency business. The common currency is struggling amid a … Air Asia has adopted a generic strategy of cost leadership by reducing the cost of operations and passing the savings through to customers with very low ticket prices. Air Asia operates with the world"s lowest unit cost of US$0.023/ASK and a passenger breakeven load factor of 52%. China’s total domestic activity is now the world’s second largest, following that of the United States. This variation has a regional dimension. But, on the other hand, this internet technology could also be used to AirAsia advantage because they are able to reach potential customers from all parts of the world. Threat of substitutes is moderately low; there are several substitutes such as cruises, rail, bus, and car. Based on the environmental scanning performed, the demand for LCC is expanding, thus LCC industry will keep growing rapidly. For certain, every individual can get their transaction finished by using telephone call, facsimile, posted letters and etc. I. e. by cutting cost in the pricing and the surcharges they are able to gain more customers and provide a better service. Obtaining a Web occurrence is absolutely crucial, those enterprises that were making huge earnings margins a couple of years before, are starting to see the market make flat out with expanded competition. Investigations show that air transportation rate of development outstrips the level of business activity in the world. {text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-start} Social {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-end} The standards of living of people in destinations served by AirAsia – they have the ability to pay for air travel. Some of the staff is former employees of other full-service airlines; some of the old habits/norms are still with them. Accounting & Finance TP 023513 UC1F1007BMP (AF) Utari Asmelia Introduction of Management 08 Fall AirAsia Company Analysis Background of AirAsia Company Dato’ Tony Fernandez was the entrepreneur that brought up AirAsia to be the one of the award wining the largest low fare airlines that is currently well known for now in Asia. Other non-tradable sectors such as telecommunications have also witnessed M&As that have increased market concentration. MAS present assets on the other hand, fallen from RM6.6billion in 2008 to RM4.7billion in 2009, and had rapid increase in present liabilities, probably assisted from hedging undertakings contrary to fuel, currency and concern rates amounting RM584.8million as display in MAS balance sheet. With a randomized pricing strategy, a firm varies its price from hour to hour or day to day basic, consequently. Since then it has been flying to over 61 domestic … This is a strategic proceed for development as the Asia-Pacific district has a bigger community of wireless telephone users other than internet users (Wong, 2009). {text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-start} Malaysia {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-end} From 1985 to 2003, domestic passenger movements at Malaysian airports strongly at a compounded average annual growth rate of 11. "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy", Don't use plagiarized sources. These aerodromes were furthermore less engaged and had shorter runways, therefore assisted decrease fuel utilisation while airplane line for take-off or taxi on the ground. A significant characteristic is that Open Skies seamlessly incorporates with the currently applied YMS in order that the schemes can be utilised in unison for charge and income maximization (by supplying data on bookings, agenda etc.) The major players in the airline industry in Malaysia are Malaysian airline, firefly, who a combined own 40% of the market share. Air Asia also faces competition from regional low-cost carriers. Open, Skies levelled effortlessly to accommodate our growth.”. VAT is actually passed down the line to the final consumer but the administration of the VAT system is a cost for business. Centralized clientele facts and numbers are furthermore sustained by Open Skies and this assists Air Asia to pathway registration and agenda air journey undertakings with real-time, on-demand describing feature. With the introduction of the ‘no-frills’ concept to the Malaysian market, Air Asia has proven this theory wrong and goes from strength to strength by actually increasing the size of the market and more recently by taking away passengers from the major airline competitors. Furthermore, air travel market is bound to continue to grow due to a rapidly increasing urbanization trends (Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation, 2002). It has a particular strong presence in Southeast Asia region, together with MASWings and Firefly. Such perform would inescapably convey down receivables fee days (RPD) rather substantially on mean cornerstone, with receivable earnings from cargo freight, advocating, on-line merchandising, and etc. Any information contained within this essay is intended for educational purposes only. The optimization is finished on two grades in Air Asia (Wong, 2009): Seat (Every chair is advised an opening to maximize revenue. Air Asia Vietnam – First of all, we have Air Asia Vietnam, the newest in the group launched in early 2018. AirAsia offers no-frills domestic flights at low fares. Since consumers do not have an understanding of where a company stands on pricing, they have less incentive to shop for the best price. 3 million in 1978 to 87. 4. Apart from Air Asia X, each ‘franchise’ acts as a low-cost domestic equivalent. A booking finished at a subsequent designated day will be ascribed more than the one finished previous – for the identical seat) (Wong, 2009). With Air Asia’s plan to expand, more in the Asian sector there is certainly a lot of opportunity for AirAsia to gain high income. 4 million, a 323% increase over the previous quarter. Due to the high volatility in fuel price, the airline is adopting static hedged approach at … The LCC industry attractiveness and profitability will attract many full service airlines to launch its LCC version adding the degree of rivalry in this industry. our expert writers, Please indicate where to send you the sample, Hi, my name is Jenn When a firm decides the price of their products, they must be very careful. The main goal of AirAsia is to focus on improving the customer and to expand in and out of Asia. Since it is the only low cost carrier in Malaysia, such government spending attracting foreigners will have a direct impact by raising demand for flight tickets of Air Asia at large. Businesses characterise fixed costs as any cost that do not fluctuate throughout the fiscal year. This service of AirAsia basically under the form of air travel, and the critical success factor for its product are as follows Low cost airlines strive to achieve the lowest possible price for their products and services. This is drastic in Air Asia’s perspective as allowing a free entry will make the market look less attractive because there is always a tendency of price war. Thus AirAsia has to adapt to the business environment to help them sustain in the business for a long run. text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-start} Individual effects {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-start} China {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-end} China is one of the countries AirAsia has begun its operations and Chinese government aviation officials have recently indicated an interest in building a more liberal air service framework between China and the ASEAN countries. In panel B the demand for good one decrease as its price decreases, so it is a Giffen good. %, as shown in the figure below. Using this facility AirAsia was able to cut cost and provide customer with a cheaper fares i. e. when tickets are sold online, it reduces the intermediaries and connects directly to the customers, which in turn reduces the commission cost, agency cost etc. In case you can’t find a sample example, our professional writers are ready to help you with writing According to Sachs (1997), “demographic fundamentals of large populations, rising middle classes with increasing leisure time and disposable incomes, combined with the lack of competitive forms of transportation, paint an extremely encouraging demand picture in the long run”. The use of e-ticketing assists to save the cost of handing out hardcopy permits, which were approximated at US$10 per ticket. This always directs to comparatively better productivity as the business was adept to use its airplane for a mean of 13hours per day as are against to 10.5 hours by other airlines. Route (By modifying charges for routes/destinations that have a higher demand when in evaluation to others). Introduction To Air Asia Economics Essay. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. The Air Asia being a low cost airline, whose target audience is the all people whose salary falls in the middle or lower income of Malaysia. The predecessor of MAS was Malaysian Airways founded in 1947. Every individuals behavior depend on thinking process” ( Sandhusen, Richard L). Gearing = Long term borrowing / (long term borrowing + equity). The new airplane permit Air Asia to relish considerable smaller fuel cost as these up to date airplanes had smaller fuel usage by as much as 12%. draw:frame} In the figure whereby in panel A the demand for good one increases as the price decreases so it is an ordinary good. The overexploitation of fish stocks has contributed to a severe decline in Myanmar’s marine fish resources, reportedly by as much as 90 percent since 1979/80. Air Asia has successfully positioned itself in customers’ mind. “With today’s high fuel costs, it does not work anymore. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! There was a rapid expansion in the following year. One of the more interesting cases of competition in the services sector has been the competition between Malaysian Airlines (MAS) and AirAsia. The nonattendance of in-flight services decreased pre-flight ground works for example the stacking of nourishment and beverages, cleansing time and the cost of repasts and management, buying into in food groundwork areas equipment for saving, heating scheme and assisting of repasts can be avoided entirely (Marcus, 2010). draw:frame} To improve the consumer behavior, AirAsia has also used various pricing factors to gain better response from the consumers. *You can also browse our support articles here >. Thus inventory needed to double-check enterprise continuation, comparatively to other present assets, is somewhat little, which is observable in the quick ratio calculation. Threat of new entry is moderate; high capital requirement and government barrier such as air service agreement can act as barriers to entry. The cost varies with the number of air journey and length of journeys (Analysis, 2012). Therefore in abstract, anything the attenuating components perhaps, Air Asia had absolutely advanced its liquidity enormously from 2008 to 2010, while MAS too made enhancement, in the capital administration, but in a lesser way in evaluation to Air Asia. 2 % in the first three months of 2009, its first quarterly drop since 2001. But the any conclusion made at that time gave them the advantage of accomplishing better than Air Asia in economic year 2008. Air Asia’s high frequency air journey have made it more befitting for travellers to journey as the airline applies a fast turnaround of 25 minutes, which is the fastest in the region. Archipelago geographical structure of Asia continent is also contributable to the importance of air transportation. No plagiarism, guaranteed! Air Asia procedure outsource their airplane foremost upkeep, while MAS convey numerous foremost upkeep internally. Air Asia’sstrategy is to target markets within a three and a half hour flight time from its hubs. It should not be treated as authoritative or accurate when considering investments or other financial products. {text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-start} Consumer Behavior {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-end} “Consumer behavior referred to as the study of when, why, how, where and what people do or do not buy products. {text:bookmark-start} {text:bookmark-start} References {text:bookmark-end} {text:bookmark-end} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item}, Air Asia Economic Analysis -Mba. This kind of target market will easily shift to other competitor who also offers the lowest price or doing a sales promotion. Direct charges are charges that can be effortlessly traced to a specific object (also called a cost object), for example merchandise, the raw components utilised to construct merchandise, or the work affiliated with the work to make the product. Since Air Asia was established based on the low cost carrier concept, prices of air tickets fluctuates from day to day mainly because of Tax. Air Asia has very powerfully bought into in buying the most up to date airplane A-320s. Indirect cost for an airline commerce would be Landing & Airport Charges, Route facility charges, Station Expenses, Ticketing, Sales & Promotion, country tax, General & Administration (Peavler, 2011). Get Your Custom Essay on, By clicking “Write my paper”, you agree to our, By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree on the,, Get your custom Despite MAS’s plea for government (Ministry of Transport) intervention to resolve the perceived ‘price war’, the government has maintained that the competition between the two firms as healthy competition. Essay, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Though air Asia is one of the United states a service perfectly matched to your needs its. Will change these rules and frameworks forcing businesses to change the way they operate forecast for Malaysia year! Journeys ( Analysis, 2012 ) its online booking facility the client experience with air air! 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