Why Do Cats Freak Out After Pooping? Why does my cat meow before going to the bathroom? Olga Kuzyk/Shutterstock. A kitten that is weaned off their mum is more likely to meow a lot. Cat lovers know that their feline family members can have very peculiar bathroom habits. my cat passed away earlier today found it in morning out in backyard on grass was very cold. We have asked different vets about this “problem” over the years, and none have thought the crazy behavior was symptomatic of anything, since he’s done it all his life. With the help of a cat behaviorist, "Simon's Cat Logic" explains why cats suddenly dart around the house, on the furniture and even (grrrr) up and down the curtains. The skin on your cat's back appears to be rippling while it's running about. Since he does the meowing before he even gets into the litterbox, I'd wager that he is just announcing "OK POOP TIME NOW!" "Dr. Sheth calls … What could be the cause of this new behavior? When they have the urge to "go" they feel stimulated, almost the feline version of having goose bumps. My first thought would be that he has constipation problems. One of their weirdest? But I’m really starting to wonder about the evolutionary advantages of being unable to poop without attracting the attention of every living creature within a quarter mile radius. My cat has been pooping in my bedroom for about three months now and I am at my wits end. Then in a few minutes he would do his business and then that was the end. As a pet ages, its brain may start functioning differently and cause it to exhibit strange behavior for no apparent reason. I’ve noticed that cats also do this if they get something nasty stuck to … You'll also need to treat the environment by vacuuming, doing laundry, and using area sprays or flea bombs if recommended by your vet. In the wild, cats bury their business so that predators can't track their scent as easily — which is something that your cat may also do in his litter box. He gets his food put out for him everyday. Cats spend lots of time lying around just watching the world go by. On a particularly amusing day, he’ll try to run through a closed wooden door as a finale. His pupils get wide, he runs around and meows at the walls, jumps into the box and back out, runs around a bit more, jumps back in the box, has his stinky little bowel movement, runs away as fast as possible, caroms off a wall or two, returns to the box (or, occasionally, hides under a desk) to finish pooping, then scampers off as though the devil were trying to clip his back claws. We all know that cats have some peculiar bathroom habits! He used to eat only dry food, but the behavior didn’t change when his diet did. My Brodie does this. And you might take due note of vetbridge’s non-humorous suggestions. but we found it was little strange in night that he didnt come in to get cuddles at 8 pm but didnt really think to much about it. You’ve been around longer than I have, so I assume you know that he is a vet with some years in small animal practice. If a cat isn't getting enough exercise during the day, it may act especially crazy. If they’re healthy, their poop should: Be deep brown in color; Feel not too hard or too soft or mushy; Not smell too foul, though some odor is normal ; Diarrhea. Why does my cat scoot his butt across the floor? The very next day my cat started peeing and pooping outside of the litter box. Bernocco goes on to say that cats are running because, in the wild, the smell of poop will attract predators. Our cat likes to poop when one of us is in the room - he likes to torture us with the smell I think. It’s usually a relatively remote possibility, of course, but YNK. Masters Degree. The real reason for cats acting this way is believed to link back to their animal instincts before they became a domesticated house pet. Indoors, the soil is substituted with cat litter. But they do have energy to burn just like any other animal. tapeworm segments being passed Did your kitty just eat, groom, or scratch its back? Why Do Cats Poop on Rugs? Why does my cat run around after pooping? Why Cats Run After Using the Litter Box . Why Do Cats Go Completely Insane After Pooping? Cher. Bernocco goes on to say that cats are running because, in the wild, the smell of poop will attract predators. Even if your cat is strictly a housecat, there’s always the possibility of someone who has walked through a grassy area bringing worm eggs in on their shoes. Why does my cat run around like crazy after going poop? Toys, such as catnip mice, laser pointers, food puzzles, and feather wands encourage a cat to use its natural instincts to grab, chase, and jump. http://www.tomatonation.com/catwalks.shtml - offers some possible explanations. Pay attention to body language, vocalizations, time of day, and what your cat just did. A similar phenomenon could be occurring in cats and could explain why cats seem elated and happy, running around and scratching their scratching posts with joy, Erin Willis, animal physiologist at Oklahoma State University, told The Dodo. She is healthy as a horse. Princess has recently started pooping around the house (about 2 months). Petting at the base of your cat's tail or back triggers it to groom, scratch, or bite the area excessively and then run around the house crazily. One of our cats, god bless his little soul, tends to wig out when he’s got to poop. He's the only one of my 4 cats who does, and two of the others are his siblings, so I've chalked it up to "cat quirks, not otherwise specified". Petting at the base of your cat's tail or back triggers it to groom, scratch, or bite the area excessively and then run around the house crazily. Like with so many animal behaviors, we don't have a concrete answer, but experts have several theories. Every now and then, you'll notice his eyes get wide and he zooms around your house like he's lost his mind. Frankly, cats are hard to interpret! At the very least, it seems like this behavior would end up in a lot of cats braining themselves on a tree trunk. If it has no outlet for all this energy, the cat may exhibit some crazy behavior. If you follow some of the things in this article you should see improvement in your cat’s behavior quickly. I thought it was just me…. The vet prescribed lactulose, but it was hard to figure out the exact right amount (too much and it would be diarrhea, too little and it would still be hard). There's a lot you need to know to make things go smoothly with your new friend. You’re not alone. The exception would be a higher heart rate and a slightly elevated thyroid level. cat: normal self..spots..s attached to his paws when he hops..treats. Sometimes a cat acts crazy and looks as if something is biting it sporadically because it has fleas. You may notice this sort of running after it’s done with doing its business in the litter box. The reasons for this wild and sometimes-amusing behavior vary. "This is painfully cute," another commenter replied. January 22 2019, 32 Comments. You’re not alone. He’s always been like this. Cats are very particular when it comes to their bathroom habits. He gets all the love and attention he could want. I would advise you take your kitty to the vets for a check up. Dr. Smith is part of The Spruce Pets' veterinary review board. Favorite Answer. This "crazy" behavior in cats may catch you by surprise, and a cat's body language is definitely not as easy to read as a dog's. Very few cats will turn up their noses at any kind of oil added to their food, so you could use whatever you’ve got - olive, canola, corn, whatever. Why does my cat run out of the litterbox while pooping. Does your cat run after its done pooping? We’ve had him for over a decade. 11,698 satisfied customers. Introduction Going to the bathroom for a dog isn’t as straightforward as sitting down, letting it out, and flushing it all down a drain. Not weeing just pooing. He always has a warm, safe place to sleep. The racing around could be a way of burning off that pent-up energy. Last update: Nov 14, 2020 1 answer. Mine does that occasionally, he’s got constipation problems and when he’s constipated is usually when he does the running. Sometimes, it comes and goes quickly. At the very least, it seems like this behavior would end up in a lot of cats braining themselves on a tree trunk. Why Does My Cat Go Crazy and Run Around? Every cat is different, so the best thing you can do to start is to simply observe your cat. Cats are natural predators, and domestic cats retain this instinct to a certain extent. So just to clarify, while advice is certainly interesting, I’m not so much hoping to solve the problem – which isn’t so much a problem as an amusing quirk – as to understand it better. Once the fleas are gone, your cat should stop this behavior. Have you ever wondered why your cat turns into an Olympic sprinter after using the litter box? The posting says that “expert speculation” has finally revealed “a very scientific reason” why some cats might bolt out of their litter boxes after defecation (very exciting indeed). Many people understand basic dog vocalizations and behaviors but don't recognize basic cat behaviors. 1. Dogs like to turn in circles before pooping, just like they do before laying down for a nap. For instance, learning to read your cat's body language can strengthen your bond with it and allow you to become more effective at responding appropriately to its needs. Turns out that felines in the wild can go on 40 hunting trips a day, while domestic cats live such a relatively sedate lifestyle that they need to burn off the excess energy, the video explains. One other thought I had is that if this goes on much longer and you take him to the vet (which would probably be a good idea if home remedies aren't cutting it), make sure they check his anal glands to see if they're impacted. and then runs to the litter box and poops (he does not do it when he pees). Does your cat suddenly run around the house or get a nightly burst of energy, complete with a chorus of meows? In my experience, the most common reason for meowing before taking poop is because the cat is in pain, or associates going to the toilet with pain. One of our cats, god bless his little soul, tends to wig out when he’s got to poop. Also, I should clarify that he doesn’t do it every time he poops – probably three or four times a week, at most. Unless your cat is already seriously overweight, I’d still suggest a bit more oil. Feline hyperesthesia syndrome (FHS) is a rare reason why a cat may act crazy, although it affects mature cats most often and the cause is unknown. If you have an older cat, it's possible it's acting crazy because of some cognitive dysfunction or senility. In both species, this nerve can be stimulated by defecation, leading to what some have called "poo-phoria", a pleasurable sensation which can range from feelings of exhilaration to elation. I did change his litter, so yesterday I dumped the litter, cleaned the box thouroughly and went back to his old litter. Change. What could be the cause of this new behavior? Pent-up Energy. I am not excaterating (sp) when I say it was like a "evil pooping spirit" got a hold of him - I was waiting for his head to start spinning around. Why Does My Cat Get the Zoomies After Pooping? If you suspect your cat has fleas, treat all the furry animals in the household with a prescription product specifically for cats, designed to kill and prevent fleas. A Kitten will meow when; They are hungry, Seeking attention, Feeling cold and need warmth; Looking for comfort . The skin on your cat's back appears to be rippling while it's running about. Your cat might not like recent change in the house. She is also the founder of The Vetitud, a site for veterinary professionals. The zoomies can also be helpful for toilet training as they work as an indication that your dog needs to go outside. My cat started pooping outside her litter box recently and I can't figure out why. I have had her to the vet and they did battery of tests. Monica January 17, 2018. My cat is 3 years old. My cat, Spooky, is a little over a year old now (and yes, he is neutered). There's something about the fabric that attracts cats. When it comes to cats, meows and tail waves can mean a number of different things, depending on the situation. This appears to occur because cats grow weary of going back and forth to the litter box without success, and begin trying to eliminate the contents of their bowels wherever they may be. I have to sht!”. Your cat frequently bites at its back above its tail, even after you've properly treated it for fleas. When the cat's person comes home in the evening, the cat may be very active and want to play. Nothing at home has changed. Answer Save. Recently, I lost my beloved dog of 14 years who was always close to my cat. Since November 2013 our 11 year old female cat has started going to the toilet in our house! Seriously, is it possible there’s something painful or unpleasant the fella associates with pooping? I figure it hurts and he’s trying to outrun the painful whatever that he thinks is poking him in the butt. Vet said that could be from nerves from being at vet. Dr. Smith is a small animal veterinarian with 11 years practicing veterinary medicine. My suggestion was oil, not fiber - a diet low in fats (and each body, whether human or feline, has a slightly different ideal balance) can lead to slower and more difficult passage of food through the intestines. Does Your Cat Hate the Litter Box? Why does my dog freak-out before pooping? Many cats get “the zoomies” after pooping, and while scientists have many theories, there is no hard science yet as to what makes cats feel the need to run after making a deposit in the litter box. But some cats have zoomies of a different type! So. Why does my cat run around like a maniac when he's got to poop? Why Does My Cat Scratch The Floor? Cats, on the other hand, are usually known more for their emotional vagueness and standoffish behavior. Both humans and cats have a vagus nerve running from their brain stem. We asked our vet about it early in the cat’s life, and the vet said it was not unusual cat behavior. I just didn’t know what to do. Marissa Laliberte Updated: May 21, 2020. With the help of a cat behaviorist, "Simon's Cat Logic" explains why cats suddenly dart around the house, on the furniture and even (grrrr) up and down the curtains. The racing around could be a way of burning off that pent-up energy. And parasites are always a possibility, unless your cat has been recently de-wormed with a multi-species product. Sometimes they poop to make themselves unappealing and hopefully persuade their adversary to leave. Does your cat suddenly run around the house or get a nightly burst of energy, complete with a chorus of meows? Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. At first she was pooping upstairs so I bought another litter box for the upstairs. At least you can associate your cat’s spasticity with something concrete and consistent. “Cats can see ghosts” is about as plausible as any other reason I can come up with for my cat’s behavior. But his instinct to run and chase prey doesn't diminish just because he doesn't have to do it to feed himself. Vet said that could be from nerves from being at vet. Was there a playful meow before your cat dashed into the other room? Hemera/Thinkstock. Take mental notes of the environment and conditions present when the "crazy" behavior occurs. In the wild, dominant cats do not bury their poop. Our cat doesn’t go nuts before she poops, but she goes completely psycho after she does, sometimes. But they do have energy to burn just like any other animal. Usually, cats prefer to poop and pee, cover it up to hide the evidence, and move on quickly. Often at work you will see me running up and down the halls screaming, “I have to sht! Princess has recently started pooping around the house (about 2 months). The zoomies can also be helpful for toilet training as they work as an indication that your dog needs to go outside. Most cats will poop at least once a day. If it isn’t, please clarify. Anyone have a clue? We always knew when a good poop was coming on cause he would run around like an idiot. Why Do Cats Meow before They Poop? His pupils get wide, he runs around and meows at the walls, jumps into the box and back out, runs around a bit more, jumps back in the box, has his stinky little bowel movement, runs away as fast as possible, caroms off a wall or two, returns to the box (or, occasionally, hides under a desk) to finish pooping, then scampers off as though the devil were trying to clip his back claws. Dogs have expressive faces and body language that's pretty easy to accurately interpret. sexual abuse (just kidding). Experts finally revealed why so many cats frantically run away from their litter box after going to the bathroom. Cats have many curious habits. Makes sense, right? There are many potential reasons for this behavior. They experience "poo-phoria": The simplest explanation is that cats, like so many of us in the animal kingdom, simply feel good after pooping. One of the things cat guardians seem perhaps overly curious about is why cats, after a bowel movement, sometimes leap from their litter box and dart away as if they are being chased. But perhaps one of the more perplexing litter box behaviors are the post-poop zoomies. Most dogs get the poop zoomies due to prepare for, relief from, and or possible pride from their bowel movements. He has always used his litter box just fine. Why does my cat, and apparently other cats, go a little psycho when it’s time for a bowel movement? This Is Why Dogs Spin Around Before They Poop. For my cat, who does not tolerate insoluble fiber well, it did its job as a laxative but it made her very uncomfortable and freaked out. If you've been wondering why, out of the blue, your cat acts little wacky, weird, or zany, there are a few possible explanations. This ensures that the smell is buried along with it as well. Why do cats meow before pooping? The zoomies are very common among dogs and it is not considered a health issue. The Spruce Pets uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. The zoomies are very common among dogs and it is not considered a health issue. Many cats get “the zoomies” after pooping, and while scientists have many theories, there is no hard science yet as to what makes cats feel the need to run after making a deposit in the litter box. He’s got the runs… Anal gland problems aren’t the least bit unusual for pet cats (or dogs). You might be familiar with the concept of "zoomies" from your cat running up and down your hallways at 4 am. My cat goes crazy right before he "poops" in his litter box. Good luck and hugs to you kitty! Kittens are especially energetic. Why Does My Cat Go Crazy and Run Around? However, they are some reasons why they will scratch at the floor nearby: my cat lily has always bothered me with her problems, she is always quarrelsome and I never run out of orders. The most logical explanation is that this behavior could simply be pent-up energy in your cat. Diarrhea is not uncommon for cats, and there are many reasons why your cat might have it. Ideally, your cat will bury its poop in the litter by scratching inside the box, effectively burying it. My problem is one our cat (female adult) was pooping everywhere in the house because she had diarrhea so I took her to the vet and they give her some medicine and help her to stop pooping around house but I was wrong she still popping everywhere in the house. Perhaps it's the fact that rugs are easy to knead and paw at like litter, or maybe it's the scent. Proctitis Changing habits or behavior around the box could be a sign of serious problem but this just sounds like a personal quirk. My first thought would be that he has constipation problems. Even humans will sometimes soil their pants out of excitement. Your cat may entertain itself with wild activity or jump on your bed to paw at your feet, elbows, hair, or face to get you to join in the fun. Many domestic cats spend their days alone indoors while their people are at work. Cat Poop: What’s Normal? By turning in a circle, it allows your dog to get a quick idea of what's around him, and to … Why Do Cats Poop on Rugs? There are quite a few potential issues, but a few examples are a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) or cystitis. Published on 5/5/2015 at 11:37 AM. The absorbancy is likely a factor as well. Most dogs get the poop zoomies due to prepare for, relief from, and or possible pride from their bowel movements. Ever since I can remember he's always ran around like crazy all over the house after he goes poop. The most logical explanation is that this behavior could simply be pent-up energy in your cat. If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. 1:16. Find a Trainer Find a Trainer. She is an indoor cat. A cat that meows loudly after using its litter tray may be informing you that it has been to the toilet. If you've been wondering why, out of the blue, your cat acts little wacky, weird, or zany, there are a few possible explanations. I have had her to the vet and they did battery of tests. From medical reasons to something as basic as not liking the type of litter you are using, find out why your cat keeps leaving poop around the house and how you can get your kitty to stop going to the bathroom everywhere it shouldn't. Another reason for your cat’s crazy behavior could be because some cats are nocturnal and become more active at night. Apr 8, 2019 - Many cat owners report that their cat sprints out of the litter box after defecating. You should also see your vet to determine if there are any secondary skin infections of allergies from the fleas that need to be treated. I’ve had cats all my life and I now have a 13 year old Maine Coon cat I adopted from the humane society 12 years ago (she had been given up by 3 previous owners for pooping out of the box). Why Do Cats Meow before They Poop? She is healthy as a horse. Cats spend lots of time lying around just watching the world go by. Why does my cat run around after pooping? She has always run out of her box after defecating, but recently has begun running out before the job is done and finishing in transit. In i Humans and cats both have a vagus nerve, which … Why does my dog follow me around? Out of all the places in a home, it seems that rugs are popular targets for inappropriate elimination. There is, however, a growing belief that cats are just as expressive as dogs. The exception would be a higher heart rate and a slightly elevated thyroid level. Discuss the possibility of FHS with your veterinarian if you notice that: Sometimes it's difficult to know exactly what caused your cat to go a little wild all of a sudden. Why does my CAT run frantically around the house? Here are some of the leading theories behind this crazy behavior. In my experience, the most common reason for meowing before taking poop is because the cat is in pain, or associates going to the toilet with pain. This does not mean that the cat owner is not providing its pet with an adequate diet. I know this sounds crazy - does anyone else have this happen? 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