Canadian Laws. Kinkajous are somewhat popular in the exotic pet trade and they received some exposure after an unfortunate incident where celebrity Paris Hilton was injured by one she illegally possessed as a pet (in California, where few exotic pets aside from reptiles are legal). Capybara: The world’s largest gnawer species may be a heap like owning a dog-sized gnawing animal. These powerful films are a must-watch at this year’s festival. What about small seemingly non-dangerous mammals and lizards, and what about birds? Does this list vary in each province? The Serval is a Savannah cat, and is generally permitted for ownership in Canada, but there are some restrictions on the pedigree of the cat. Native to South Asia, these tiny deer are affectionate, playful and easy to train — they … Potential owners of a pot-bellied pig need to be aware that these animals can be quite destructive if left unattended and will eat a lot. There is one massive catch, unfortunately. My wife and I are just sick to our stomachs with the thought of never seeing our monkey/child again! In a very urban location it may be easy to spot the tiger in your neighbour’s yard, but when the nearest property is a few kilometres away, it becomes a bit tougher. Thanks Sam. Exotic animals such as tigers, lions, monkeys, marmosets, fennec foxes, caimans, cobras, poison arrow dart frogs and many others are illegal to own as pets in B.C. is there a possible way to do this? Welcome to the Exotic Animals for Sale Website. Owning exotics animals is a growing trend in Canada, according to animal welfare activists, who blame a patchwork of outdated and inconsistent laws and bylaws. It’s time for bed, the lights are out — but you’re wide awake, tossing and turning. With the look of a leopard and the temperament of a house cat, Servals are becoming increasingly popular as pets. I rescue all kinds of wild animals ever year & would like to continue to do so, however done of my neighbors are making it difficult to do so without getting myself into trouble! In some states, you can have a pet squirrel or kangaroo, while other states have even banned pet rabbits. Shortly after arriving in Panama we obtained a baby Capuchin monkey and she was like a part of our family and a child to us for the 6 years we lived there. Municipalities often take things into their own hands to provide slightly stricter laws regarding exotic pets. Mike Hopcraft, with his pet caiman, says B.C.’s new exotic pet law goes too far. Frightened by another patron, Jasper sprinted out the back door and into the streets of the city. Corus Television. Fennec Fox. The majority of tigers live as pets, not in the wild. While highly intelligent and friendly, they're also expensive (look to shell out a solid $10,000) and will require enough space in which to fly around — probably not a good choice if you live in a condo. Remember me for 30 days. (1) No person shall import into Canada any animal or plant that was taken, or any animal or plant, or any part or derivative of an animal or plant, that was possessed, distributed or transported in contravention of any law of any foreign state.” There are no laws to do with the ownership of exotic animals directly. Across Canada, regulations governing exotic pets vary widely, and animal welfare groups, which have long argued for stronger regulations, are again lamenting the current legal state of affairs. In April 2003, Rock City Pub in Green Bay, Wisconsin was visited by Jasper, a black-capped Capuchin monkey, whose owner, Tracie Cornelius, liked to bring him along on her trips to the bar. These ten exotic pets are legal to own in many places in America, some of them just require a license for private ownership. Animals in the Canadian legal system are considered property. This makes it very confusing for Canadians, and causes difficulties when moving from one province to another. Quebec and Saskatchewan have lists of species that do and don’t require permits, but none are flat out banned. Section 6 of the Wildlife Act allows the Director of Wildlife to determine which wildlife species may be imported into Nova Scotia and the rules for keeping wildlife species, both native and exotic, as pets or in captivity. Your browser is not supported. Native to South Asia, these tiny deer are affectionate, playful and easy to train — they can even be taught to use a litter box just like a cat! Therefore, it is often erroneously assumed that all exotic (or non-domesticated) cats in captivity pose the same threat to the populace as would a lion or leopard. Jurisdiction over animals is divided between the federal government and the provinces under the Constitution of Canada. Pot-bellied piglets are as cute as can be, which explains their faddish popularity as pets in the 1990s (remember when George Clooney used to have one?). Imagine a hamster that grows to be the size of a mid-sized dog and you have an idea of what it's like to own a capybara, the world's largest rodent. Finally, to conclude according to the Canadian Constitution Act, animals are considered property, and control of exotic pets is left to provincial legislation. The Canadian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) is an animal welfare organization in Canada that seeks to prevent cruelty to animals. Property rights include the rights of possession, the rights of use, and the enjoyment of property to the exclusion of humans. In some provinces they are legal in cities on a case-per-case basis. Under provincial law, it is illegal to keep certain dangerous exotic animals like tigers, primates or crocodiles as pets. (CBC). Ontario: Bill 125, Exotic Wildlife in Captivity Act, 2010 states: “47.2  (1)  No person shall keep live exotic wildlife in captivity except under the authority of a licence and in accordance with the regulations.” Unfortunately it is left up to municipalities to decide which animals qualify as “exotic wildlife” and require permits or are outright banned. are scrambling to meet an April 1 change in provincial law that puts strict limits on owning, exhibiting and breeding the pets they already own. This makes it very confusing for Canadians, and causes difficulties when moving from one province to another. Each province has slightly different laws regarding exotic pets. Also looking for a breeder but only found them in the states so far…, Your email address will not be published. Ontario gives municipalities the responsibility of dealing with exotic animals, and the by-laws are not standardized. For most Canadians, when it comes to owning pets, dogs and cats are just fine, while some prefer the company of goldfish, budgies, lizards and the like. Here is a list of five adorable exotic pets, that you had no idea were legal to own in Canada: 1 . At each level of government there are some rules regarding exotic pets, but the country should work towards harmonizing these regulations to create less confusion, and better safety, welfare and understanding. Hailing from North Africa, the Fennec Fox has adapted to living in a dry, desert-like climate, and don't require a lot of water, while their omnivorous diet allows them to eat plants, rodents, insects, birds and other prey, and their highly sensitive ears make them formidable hunters. Where can i get a list of illegal pets in Canada? British Columbia: The provincial BC Wildlife Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 488 deals with the control of alien species. Have any ideas or suggestions to help us improve the site, go to our contact section and send us an email. Required fields are marked *. We do our best to optimize our websites to the most current web browsers. Each province has slightly different laws regarding exotic pets. Exotic Pets and Where They Can Be Owned 1. She has all of her shots and is clear of all diseases but again the Canadian government still would not allow us to import her back to Canada with us. It's important to socialize and handle a hedgehog, which will make it acclimatized to people and become friendly; an unsocialized hedgehog, on the other hand, will tend to be nervous and apprehensive, and will demonstrate its fear by rolling up into a spiky little ball, the hedgehog's primary defensive position. Exotic pet laws change constantly, and just because something is legal in your state doesn’t mean it is legal in your city, town, or even neighborhood association. Under provincial law, it is illegal to keep certain dangerous exotic animals like tigers, primates or crocodiles as pets. This highlights the need for some kind of fluidity between different municipalities, and provinces. About 5,000 tigers live in legal captivity in more … These animals are only discovered if someone reports them. whereas they will create tight pets, they are doing eat a great deal of grass and need an area to travel swimming. Provincial Law. It varies per province, and then some cities have their own even stricter regulations, Hi I was wondering of you knew how one can go about abtaining a wildlife ownership licence or permit? Note, however, that Canada’s laws governing exotic animals vary from province to province, and even from one municipality to another, so be sure to do your homework before bringing one of these animals home as a pet. The logistics of having an elephant for a pet are daunting — a full-grown African elephant, … Owners of exotic animals in B.C. The current situation for exotic animals in Canada is far from perfect. Some of this trade is legal, but many times animals are captured from the wild illegally to supply demand for exotic pets. There is a great need for clear and uniformed legislation regarding exotic pets for the entire country. I was wondering if a list of regulated animals is available for New Brunswick I am interested in getting a snow fox but need more info on the laws and regulations for my providence first. It’s going to go underground” Another issue is the definition of an exotic pet. Long story short: if you also own gerbils, you'll want to keep them confined to the cage unless you want to see them become a Fennec's between-meals snack. The Act under the section Controlled Alien Species 6.4 states that “If the minister considers that a non-native species described in paragraph (a) or (b) of the definition of “species” poses a risk to the health or safety of any person or poses a risk to property, wildlife or wildlife habitat, the minister may make regulations designating the species as a controlled alien species.” 6.5 adds that “The minister may, by regulation, regulate, prohibit and impose requirements in relation to the following: (a) the possession of a species individual of a controlled alien species;” 33 states: “A person commits an offence if the person has live wildlife in his or her personal possession except as authorized under a licence or permit or as provided by regulation.” 21 says: “Except as authorized by a permit issued under this Act or under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, a person commits an offence if the person imports into British Columbia live wildlife, or the egg of a wildlife species.” Finally the provincial government has a list of exotic species which are flat out banned. Muntjac Deer. Hybrid cats consist of the breeds Savannah cat (serval hybrid), Bengal cat (Asian Leopard Cat hybrid) and the jungle cat hybrid. Nina Huynh is showing the '80s some love with her vibrant makeup looks reminiscent of the era of shoulder pads and pastels. Finally, to conclude according to the Canadian Constitution Act, animals are considered property, and control of exotic pets is left to provincial legislation. The booming business in exotic pets is known as the exotic pet trade. These tiny foxes — their body length averages about nine inches, with a weight between 1.5 and 3.5 pounds — are becoming increasingly popular as pets, known for being as independent as cats while being as affectionate as dogs. This makes enforcing exotic pet laws very difficult. In order to answer that question, you'd need to look at your city's by-laws specifically. Small Wild Cats as Pets. Check with your local municipality for a list of banned exotic animals. In some provinces they are legal in cities on a case-per-case basis. Exotic pets you didn't know were illegal to own in Canada, 25 funny animals caught on camera at the right time, 26 caring celebrities who adopted their adorable animals, 20 bizarre emotional support animals you can (and can't) bring on airplanes, 20 celebrities who are completely obsessed with their dogs, 12 celebrities who look just like their pets, 20 hidden gems you have to visit in Australia, The Best Products for Your Face — According to a Face Yoga Expert, Learn Face Yoga With Koko Hayashi at Olay’s Collagen Masterclass, 8 Signs Your Partner Doesn’t Respect You (and What to Do About It), Meghan Markle Breaks Silence on Archie’s Birth Certificate Controversy, Here’s What’s Happening With GameStop Stock and Why it Matters, Couples are Shacking up Faster Than Ever due to COVID Lockdowns. Many cities also have exotic animal bylaws that make it illegal to keep some or all exotic pets. Arkansas. I would love to enquire on a permit to keep Phyllobates Terrebilis and relatives. Like its cousin the beaver, a capybara's teeth are constantly growing, with constant gnawing keeping those choppers from getting too big — so leaving a capybara home alone while you go to work could result in some serious damage to furniture. “(1) Every one commits an offence who, wilfully and without lawful excuse, (a) kills, maims, wounds, poisons or injures dogs, birds or animals that are not cattle and are kept for a lawful purpose; or (b) places poison in such a position that it may easily be consumed by dogs, birds or animals that are not cattle and are kept for a lawful purpose.” This could be applied to an exotic pet if it could be proven that an owner was causing it “unnecessary suffering”. British Columbia is the only province with a full out ban on certain species. Across Canada, regulations governing exotic pets vary widely, and animal welfare groups have long argued for stronger regulations. Anything you could do to help out would be greatly appreciated! Please try another browser. this also makes it difficult for owners to relocate. These are separated into Class I for squirrels and rabbits, Class II for a range of mammals, and Class III for unsafe exotic animals including large cats, bears, wolves, hyenas, venomous reptiles, gorillas, Burmese pythons, anacondas, and more. This makes it very confusing for Canadians, and causes difficulties when moving from one province to another. Native to South America, capybaras feed on grass and tree bark, and have enormous teeth. Exotic pets are a hugely diverse group of animals that range from betta fish to Bengal tigers. Small Wild Cats as Pets. My wife and I are heart broken…our monkey named “Mona” was like a child to us…she wears diapers and clothes and even slept in our bed with us every night. Before buying a fox, finding out your local laws is the first step before doing essential research to determine if a fox would make a good pet for you. Yet for those looking for something a little more off the beaten path, these 11 exotic animals are all totally legal to have as pets in Canada. Sugar Gliders are prone to live on treetops, with a membrane linking their arms and legs that allows them to ride air currents and glide through the air. Provincial Law. Coyotes, wolves, foxes, hybrid wolf dogs – and other Canidae except dogs. Canada is also a geographically huge country. For example the Wild Animal and Plant Trade Regulations (SOR/96-263) provides clarification as to which animals need a permit in order to be imported. Pot-bellied pigs, however, gradually fell out of favour once their owners discovered how big they became when fully grown, with those adorable little piglets ballooning up to 300 pounds as adults. Across Canada, regulations governing exotic pets vary widely, and animal welfare groups have long argued for stronger regulations. We did get permission and documentation from the government of Panama to own our Capuchin monkey. According to regulations outlined by the Law Library of Congress, Canada, for example, prohibits the private ownership of exotic wildlife as pets in all provinces except Ontario. Exotic pets are a hugely diverse group of animals that range from betta fish to Bengal tigers. Apparently, these little guys are as independent as cats … They may be smaller than the norm, but Pygmy Goats are still goats, and require a good-sized, fenced-in yard in which to roam and prance — and may not be allowed in areas that aren't zoned for agricultural use. There are two main types of big cats that are native to Canada: the cougar (Puma concolor) and the lynx (Lynx canadensis, Lynx rufus). Animals in the Canadian legal system are considered property. Like many other exotic pets in Canada, owning them legally depends on where you live, so check with your municipality. Is there a way to own a snake that bylaw bands? We returned to Canada about 7 months ago after living and owning a business in the country of Panama for almost 6 years. Unfortunately this provides even more confusion as to what is legal and what is not. A huge issue with regulation of exotic pet owner ship is enforcing the rules. Provinces do not provide out right bans of species that do and don ’ t require permits, many... Patron, Jasper ’ s new exotic pet difficult for owners to relocate native wildlife as! On which exotic animals, and provinces municipalities the responsibility of dealing with exotic pet at lest some species exotic... On grass and need an area to travel swimming illegal pets in Canada it very confusing Canadians. And stories matter and helped shape the Canada we know today some other type of legal age small number counties! 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