During your visit, be sure to ask your veterinarian if you have any questions about your pet’s care. Why is My Dog’s Head Hot to The Touch? There are a number of reasons why your dog’s head gets hot, and not all of them are cause for concern. Seizures, as well as brain swelling and bleeding, can also occur as the result of a puppy's fall on his head. In some cases, recovery may only take a few days. Dogs can also have brain bleeding and swelling. Concussions are the most common form of head trauma in dogs. Still have questions? It is best to keep your dog in the same area you spend most of your time in as it provides comfort and you are better able to keep an eye on him or her. Hope everything works out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am just worried, is this slight accident enough to cause her any damage? So if you wake up to doggie breath in your face, just be flattered your dog thinks of you as family! “Dogs can get concussions because they can get traumatic injury to the brain,” explains Dr. Jerry Klein, chief veterinary officer with the American Kennel Club and emergency department head emeritus at MedVet Chicago. When I looked down she was curled in a ball barley whimpering with her eyes closed. f: (602) 992-3755. I don't think you should be worried though. Only after I said that did she jump in and yell back that "she was trying" - but it was obvious that she was scared of her own dog, she wouldn't grab him. She sleeps in my room, but, IDK if I'll wake to her vomiting. She was x-rayed they found no bone injury she had swelling of the brain. My dog got out on to the highway and was hit by a car, the person who hit her took her the vet. I've bumped heads with my dogs many times (i dont know how though) but nothing ever happened. If your dog has sustained a serious blow to the head and is showing any symptoms of head trauma, take your pet to the nearest veterinary clinic for emergency treatment. My dog was playing around and hit her head really hard and was knocked out unconcious for a little while but now she is walking at a slow pace, she won't eat anything she is always shaking and always want to laydown all the time. It took me risking my hand to grab at him and hold him enough for her to leash him. Unfortunately, you can’t call an ambulance for your dog, so what are you supposed to do in this situation? The woman had hit her dog so hard it could be heard throughout the … THE FIRST DAY I took my pups home, we let some of the neighbors kids come over and see them, and handle them, under our close supervision. 3 Follow any instructions given by your veterinarian. Dont let her sleep! Walter Ask Your Own Dog Question I would take her in for a good physical exam. Ear infections tend to be itchy and produce a lot of discharge and inflammation, all of which make dogs want to shake their heads. I took her to my veterinarian and the veterinarian wants to wait to put her on seizure medication. So, my dog and I managed to bonk heads. I bump my head all the time! Favorite Answer. Signs of respiratory suppression include blue or pale colored gums, labored breathing, a staring expression and unconsciousness with dilated pupils. Your veterinarian will be able to provide guidance to your pet’s specific case. She was on IV fluids, she was there for 5 days, she was given a fluid that empty’s her brain. was heard. If your dog is walking oddly or seemingly unaware, this test can help determine if your dog's nervous system was damaged. Swelling in the brain from head trauma that is left untreated can lead to seizures, coma, and even death. Usually a bump on the head isn't enough to hurt a dog, especially not a large dog. I'm sure she's fine. If you see your dog get hurt, particularly to the point of being knocked unconscious, or if you observe signs indicating potential head injury, take him to a vet immediately. However, in my 16 yrs of practice, I have never met even one dog or cat who did serious damage to themselves by hitting a table of chair or other object. Head trauma. My dog hit her head hard against the glass patio door. Similar to humans, dogs can get concussions from a variety of causes. She was holding her dog in her lap, and the dog was constantly barking. If the dog cannot walk, use a blanket as a sling to carry her. Can I buy a collar that says Service Dog and put on my Dog to take him wherever I want? My dog is not energetic like normal when I get home and she is walking with her head down and hunched she is clingy . 20610 N. Cave Creek Road Lay the dog down with the injured leg up. she'll probably be ok. check her pupils and see if they are reacting normally to light. He got lethargic, sleepy. And he's pretty small for his mixed breed. If there were any secondary injuries, you will need to also keep an eye on those to make sure they are healing properly. I'm nearly positive her pupils are ALWAYS dilated. Pam Hair is a pet industry copywriter with Fuzzy Friends Writer, where she combines her three passions: a love of animals, a strong desire to help other people, and the joy of writing. Spare for outside. It could be due to your pet’s natural cooling process in which warm blood is circulated to the head, where it is distributed to the ears to increase heat loss. It was borderline "do we have to rush him to the vet?" If you live in Phoenix, Arizona and you notice your dog exhibiting the symptoms of head trauma, please contact VETMED at 602-697-4694 or bring your pet in and we will examine him or her right away, no appointment necessary. Symptoms of contusions and concussions include dizziness and disorientation. The most important thing to observe is your dog’s level of consciousness and behaviour. We would recommend you take your dog for a checkup after any blow to the head. but he showed no other symptoms and turned out just fine. I have an 8week old Chihuahua and she fell off the couch hitting her head. Dogs are pretty tough. Then i lost it big style. A concussion can occur when your dog falls on his head and is knocked unconscious, and such a condition can be diagnosed as mild, moderate or severe. If you notice your dog displaying any of the above symptoms, you should take him or her to a veterinary hospital immediately. Answer Save. She slunk home with me and would not make eye contact and as soon as we got in she went straight to her bed. To limit activity, you can confine your pet to a small room, crate, or pen. But, i cannot tell if she's lethargic (it's her bedtime anyways) or anything else. If she is acting normal agian, she should be fine. This can be a really frightening and scary thing to watch. Needless to say, her poor little paws get stepped on quite frequently. Carry small dogs to the car while supporting the head and hips. VETMED offers emergency services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 1 decade ago. The pain from my bump only lasted about a minute and isn't coming back thus far. well if it doesnt seem to bother her then it most be okay but if you notice her not moving her head in certain ways or sleeping or barking alot more id bring her to the … This question comes from Janet, who writes, “My dog had a seizure. Some dogs with head injuries have external wounds. Hard (by my standards). She didn't move and her tongue stuck out. First of all, if your child hits his head as a result of a major collision or a fall from any serious distance — he falls down the stairs or gets whacked with a bat or ball, for example — you should talk with his doctor. Check to see if she's breathing and has a heartbeat, in case she's just unconscious. Pet therapy is a growing area of psychology whereby we can use the natural sedative qualities of petting animals to reduce our stress and anxiety. Lv 7. If she is acting normal agian, she should be fine. “phewww.” If she begins acting wierd you should take her to the vet. Refill your VETMED prescription online, 20610 N. Cave Creek Road Coordination problems or difficulty walking. I'm really scared, but she is fine now, but I'm still worried. Tho I don't think it'd be anything severe, you should always be more safe then risk being sorry! I am very, very upset about this. My parents don't want to take her to the vet, but I do just to make sure she is okay. 9 Answers. Phoenix, AZ 85024, 24 hours a day Is this okay?” I’m sorry your dog had a seizure. She was on IV fluids, she was there for 5 days, she was given a fluid that empty’s her brain. Holly gives good advice here. The most common causes of head injuries in dogs are car accidents, falls, and roughhousing. It is a good idea to call the hospital while en route to let them know you are coming. If not take her to the vets as soon as possible. I believed that she had broken her neck and was dying. A dog may sometimes bump his head on a coffee table producing quite an alarming sound that may concern the dog owner, but then the dog shakes his head once or twice and is back to normal romping around as if nothing ever happened. She's a large dog btw, chessie/lab mix, and a pure... She is probably fine. Signs of head trauma can appear at any time during the first 24 hours after a blow to the head. But effects do often come later, so just check on her for the next few hours, and if she acts like normal I'd say she is fine. I am going to take her to the vet but just curious to know what could be the. My dog is rather small and she likes to hang around us when where in the kitchen (I wonder why). i think she will be ok i would watch her if she stops eating and drinking call your vet. Other causes for dog falling over. If the problem is caused by something other than an obstruction in the air passages and the dog is not breathing or has very shallow breathing, perform artificial respiration. I yelled at her really loudly and hit her about 4 times over her nose with the end of the lead. One of the kids picks up Jakie - he squirms, as puppies do, and she drops him right on his head. Symptoms of shock include lethargy, weakness, pale gums, and a racing heart. She is now playing and eating normally,but the veins in her … This morning my dog was in the bed when she tried to jump across to another bed. Generally, dogs make a full recovery from a concussion, but delayed treatment or extreme head trauma can lead to a concussion-causing permanent brain damage. It'll take more than a blow to the head to do any damage. While on your way, you will need to be able to keep your dog calm and warm to prevent shock. A concussion can occur when your dog falls on his head and is knocked unconscious, and such a condition can be diagnosed as mild, moderate or severe. Both conditions are very serious and require immediate medical attention. 2. Neurological examinations will be ordered if your dog has hit its head during the fall. Available Monday - Friday, Prescription Refills: I have 2 schnauzers and one of them started bumping into walls one day. 7 days a week, p: (602) 697-4694 It could be due to your pet’s natural cooling process in which warm blood is circulated to the head, where it is distributed to the ears to increase heat loss. Car accidents, falls from high elevations, head butts, or kicks from rough play, running into hard objects, or getting hit by falling debris are the kinds of things that can lead to a concussion. (fabric type lead). Other dogs may require months of recovery time. GllntKnight. It is a good idea to bring a second person with you on the trip to the hospital just in case your dog’s condition worsens. She isn't showing any effects from it but I'm just wondering is she okay or should she be checked by a vet? Your dog may be taken back to the treatment area immediately to assess their stability. “In my 16 yrs of practice, I have never met even one dog or cat who did serious damage to themselves by hitting a table of chair or other object. Dogs are very strong. A contusion, or bruise to your puppy's head, is the most basic type of injury and gradually clears up on its own. Pet owners are likely to think any little bump is a big deal because they love their pets. If she hit it really hard, like she was running full sprint and ran straight into the corner of a table and she is still stumbling around 10 or 15 minutes later - take her to the emergency vet. Will she be ok overnight? The most frequently diagnosed health problem that causes excessive head shaking dogs is an ear infection. And with your situation i wouldn't worry so much. The woman had hit her dog so hard it could be heard throughout the lobby from around the corner hallway. Depending on how hard your puppy falls and the height of his fall, your dog can suffer different types of head injuries. I hit her once (beyond a very gentle hey, listen to my … If she starts vomiting it may be a sign of a concussion and you would want to call your vet. Dogs can be very good at hiding things, but it sounds to be like she may be in pain or not feeling well. Dogs are pack animals, used to cuddling up in dens with their families. While small bumps to the noggin aren’t likely to lead to any real injury, other cases will require serious care, so it is important to know what to do in these situations. No vet is open and I don't want to burry her if she isn't dead. My sister was holding her, when she jumped out of her arms and she landed on her head. My dog got out on to the highway and was hit by a car, the person who hit her took her the vet. Good luck and have fun with her! What Should You Do If Your Dog Suffers a Head Injury? If your dog is lucky enough to not sustain life-ending injuries, his or her survival is enhanced by a calm and prepared parent. My elderly Lab occasionally howls in her sleep, and when she does, all the other dogs join in in exactly the same way. … A veterinarian will also be able to do a neurological examination to look for signs of brain damage. In a vet’s office, barking is expected, so no one really pays it any mind — until the first WHACK! You will be provided with typed up notes, so you can be sure that you are following your vet’s guidelines. While your dog is recovering from head trauma, you should limit the activity level to only the necessities like eating and short trips outside for bathroom breaks. Up there on the list of "but seriously why" behaviors dogs engage in is the deep eye contact they seem intent on making… Cause Do you have many stray dogs in your area and do they bother you when you take a stroll? Even if these signs are very severe, many dogs have improvement given appropriate treatment and time for recovery. You can sign in to vote the answer. Swelling can cause the brain to become too large for the skull, which leads to the loss of brain function. While we like to think that nothing bad will ever happen to our beloved dog, accidents happen, and dogs may wind up with a head injury. I am just worried, is this slight accident enough to cause her any damage? My dog has a possible concussion. How do you think about the answers? Falling from high elevation and car accidents can lead to some very severe injuries. While dogs have thicker skulls than humans, they can still damage their skulls or brains. Otitis media. Hard (by my standards). If she has a concussion how long will it take for her to become ill from it? But any one of us is at risk for a concussion, including our canine friends. A good sign is that she is engaging in play, which is clear she isn't in any pain. She is a loving dog and tries very hard to make me happy, even if she is a bit difficult. If there is an ongoing neurological issue, a veterinarian will be able to help you better understand the problem and what special care your dog might need in the future. Electric shock, choking, smoke inhalation or drowning can all cause a dog to stop breathing. Currently she and her husband share their home with two guinea pigs. Apply direct pressure with a clean cloth to any freely bleeding wounds to try to slow the bleeding. Brain damage can lead to motor and mental problems. She's fine though. Head trauma can manifest in a variety of ways, including: If you notice any of these symptoms, bring your dog in to see a veterinarian right away—even if you aren’t aware of any head trauma. Bleeding in the brain causes increased pressure inside the skull, causing worsening damage to nerves and message centers in the brain. She was holding her dog in her lap, and the dog was constantly barking. When you reach the emergency clinic, ask for assistance in getting your dog out of the vehicle. I have a lab/husky mix and he sometimes bumps his head on furniture when he's being playful and trying to whip his toys around the room. I have met many dogs with head trauma - from a road traffic accident, or from being hit by a baseball, or by a bat, or even a bean-bag gun. Your vet may recommend frequent revisits to monitor the healing process. Favourite answer. 1 decade ago. If your dog likes sleeping with you, whether it's on the couch or under the covers, it's a sign that she sees you as part of her pack. If a dog famale find some baby catch can the baby catch feed off the dog milk? Once you arrive at the pet hospital, the veterinarian will assess your dog’s condition. Sometimes dogs act lethargic after a stressful episode. Usually a bump on the head … Phoenix, AZ 85024 VETMED in Phoenix, Arizona, understands that the situation is stressful and scary and is here to help you. Trauma to the head can cause different medical and surgical problems Sadly, the majority of dogs do not survive the trauma of being hit by a car. My dog and I were in absolute shock, and I pulled her away to sit down and check for any injuries. Common causes of serious head traumas in dogs are being kicked by horses, falling, being hit by a car or a blow to the head such as from a baseball bat. Both brain bleeds and swelling can lead to permanent brain damage and death. TM1070. My mom got a cold towel to put on her head but she still isn't moving. In a vet’s office, barking is expected, so no one really pays it any mind — until the first WHACK! If she starts doing that, i would let her sleep. Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Specialist Appointments: These symptoms can be signs of different injuries or illnesses that need to be dealt with immediately. As long as she is not experiencing any of these symptoms she should be OK, though it is always advisable to call her vet and let them know what happened in case he wishes to exam her. In some instances, you won’t even see an accident happen, so you also need to know what head trauma looks like in dogs. I make sure to check them every once in while just in case. Sigh of relief for the dog owner…. For larger dogs that can walk on 3 legs, gently help them into the vehicle. Both conditions are very serious and require immediate medical attention. Seizures that are caused by epilepsy happen in less than 1% of dogs. Similar to humans, dogs can get concussions from a variety of causes. Your vet will work to stabilize your dog and may provide fluids and supportive care. She was x-rayed they found no bone injury she had swelling of the brain. Concussions are the most common form of head trauma in dogs. She wiggles her eyebrows at you. She's a large dog btw, chessie/lab mix, and a pure monster:P. She's already engaging me in play, again. It's been about 5 minutes. The pups were 8 weeks old and still stumbly. Get your answers by asking now. There are a number of reasons why your dog’s head gets hot, and not all of them are cause for concern. Relevance. She failed to do so and fell to the floor. Generally, dogs make a full recovery from a concussion, but delayed treatment or extreme head trauma can lead to a concussion-causing permanent brain damage. She has been a pet parent over the years to dogs, cats, and a variety of rodents. Take a flash light and move it into one eye to see if it dilates, check the other eye. Think about it like when you've hit your head. Lv 4. If her pupils get small she's fine to go to sleep, if they don't get small, then she should not be going to sleep yet, she has a concussion. After this incident, she began walking strange. A bad head injury can certainly lead to death. She herd my daughter walk out of the room (her favorite person) and she picked up her head responding to her voice. What can I do for my adult dog so she doesn’t puke in the car so I can take her and her sister on walks? 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Head injuries in dogs … Ideally, a veterinary neurologist should examine your dog to assess the extent of her injuries. Usually at about 3 o’clock in the morning. Well if your fine she is likely also, since she is a large dogs, and dogs do have hard heads. I don't claim to be a neuro scientist or a veterinarian, but I have had more than my fair share of concussions and I am a dog owner so I fell the need to answer this. If left untreated, head trauma can become fatal. Appl… Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. If she begins acting wierd you should take her to the vet. She landed on her head down and check for any injuries you do if your dog 's system! Kids picks up Jakie - he squirms, as well as brain swelling and bleeding, can also as. Do in this situation coffee table being sorry, this test can help mental! Mental health my bump only lasted about a minute and is n't coming back thus far sling... 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