One common error many new cat owners make when leaving for an extended absence is to assume the family cat will be just fine – so long as there is a second cat available for company. Not sure a cool, dark basement is a great choice. is a community of cat lovers dedicated to quality cat care and cat welfare. Most veterinary clinics offer some type of kenneling service for clients. ... We leave our cats alone in the house when we Winter in Florida for 2-3 months of the year. One vet told me that he once treated a cat that was left home alone for 2 weeks. Especially if they have other cats in the house to keep them company. I am very concerned that zi am not here for her all the time. Some of the toys are cat-activated interactive toys. Take care to ensure that your cat is happy and healthy, if you have to leave her behind for any length of time. 1 1. She said that she spent about a half hour with them each day, talking, playing, feeding, cleaning the litter box - just checking up on them and giving them some love and attention. One additional word of caution: there are some cat breeds of sufficiently high value that you also risk cat theft by not securing your cat indoors while you are away. He has been fine. Will my cat be ok all day home alone until my aunt gets over to my house? Me and my family are leaving for holidays in a couple of days, and our cats will be left alone :( Now, when I had just one that wasn't a problem, my 'old boy' (10ys, ) is used to either me or my parents not being home, and last year we also left him by himself for 2 weeks. Usually, my clients are gone for a few days or a week, at the most. Do you think he will be okay? Their birthday is the day after mine, we celebrate them together. We will cover that thoroughly in this article. The following are some things to consider. Do you have a sitter come check on them? I was feeling guilty as it’s been about a month that I’ve been away. Buying a gravity feeder is optimal as the cats eat at different times, but they don’t like the gravity water dish, the bubbling scares them. Hi! They are 11 years old and we have done our share of traveling… 4 day weekends etc.. We are going on vacation tomorrow and I’m really worried about my cat. In home cameras are nice to have. Thank you! It might seem impossible for cat owners that have never done this in the past and rightly so. I was going to get her a companion cat, but she really doesn’t like other cats. All you need to find a kitten and raise a happy, healthy cat, June 13, 2018 By Shannon Cutts 25 Comments. Catteries may also offer a similar service where you can board your cat with a selection of her favorite toys, her food and treats, her own bedding, and even playtime instructions. But when you start talking about leaving a cat home alone for a full day or a few, you will need to do a little more planning. My boyfriend will be coming over every 2 day or daily if he can, since there’s a possibility he might get busy too ): There are too many events happening at the same time. © 2000-2020 I do this maybe twice a year to go on trips. If you plan to leave Cat alone for 5 days or longer, it is time to do some serious pre-planning to ensure your cat’s wellbeing and safety while you are away. If we are gone more than 3 days, we have someone look in on them at least once a day, replenish food and water and clean the litter box. The sound of ppl talking will help. Leaving Your Dog Alone for Three Days. There’s a camera that keeps an eye on their food and I can see several rooms as well as our doors. This site uses cookies. However, it is not very advisable to do so because you can run some risks. Beyond that time frame, water may get too dirty to drink and the litter box full. There’s nothing but danger outside for them. Combined with the food, this will be enough food and drink for three days and after this time, someone should go fill them both. They seem to be content, and I think it would upset them to be periodically packed up and taken with us. I also have a VAVAPet you. Especially for a cat that doesn’t like to be alone. Lol. I am worried about leaving my cat alone for 2 weeks while we go on holiday and just having someone come in and feed him once a day. Should I consider getting her a new companion. No worries. Destructive behaviors, excessive crying, effusive return greetings and other similar behaviors can indicate that your cat gets anxious when you are gone. Some cat breeds are known to be so dog-like that even leaving for a few hours can provoke intense anxiety – Ragdolls, Birmans, Scottish Folds and Sphynx cats are just a few of the many cat breeds that really can’t tolerate much alone time. Some are regular security cams and some are by PetCube. If you have enjoyed your visit to The Happy Cat Site we think you'll love The Happy Cat Handbook. Im going on vacation for 2 weeks. Heck, I’d do that everyday, instead of be in an office. Kennel is not an option as he vomits from fear when at vet.. Tim Ritz, do you think it will be okay. At the very least have someone you trust check on them twice a day and clean their poop trays etc. I would strongly recommend against leaving your cat alone for that long. Unless someone can step in, you’ll merely be able to worriedly watch your cat be hungry and anxious from a distance, without being able to do anything for them. It is okay to leave a cat in boarding kennels for up to two weeks once or twice a year. She is a very cuddly kitten, and is always laying on/by one of us and seems like she needs a lot of … His place is a mess. Any advice on things to be aware of, household dangers I can minimize while I'm gone, ect. We also don’t have anyone to come check on him which is 50/50 good and bad. :^\. My plan is to babysit cats for people that have to travel. Of course there are risks, they come with being a living organism. But now we know cats crave companionship too. (Feliway doesn't work for every cat by the way. We have two 14 years old cats that grow up together. Cats can also get into a surprising amount of trouble when left home alone. I would have put him in a room he is familiar with and comfortable in. I'm going for two weeks and my roommate maybe 4-5 days. Cats need fresh water daily and are more inclined to drink fresh water than stale water. I would advise against the calming collar. ... Dad's plan is to go with him for a week, during which my mom would look after the kitties, then she would join me for 2 weeks while he came back and watched my kitties. It is also worth considering that an outdoor cat left home alone outdoors could very well decide to adopt another family in your absence – in which case you may come home to find that you are the one who has been abandoned! But unless you set up enrichment activities for your cat to enjoy while you are away, your kitty will literally have nothing productive to do while she waits for your return. For good measure, put food and water in EVERY ROOM of your house or apartment — just in case. Some allow 2 way communication so you can talk to your cat also. Every cat should have two Kitty litter trays which are cleaned twice a day. I almost put him in a cat hostel, but when I saw he'd be spending the 2 weeks alone in a tiny room with no window (just a wire net on a part of the ceiling to look up to the sky), I wasn't able to leave him there. We clean it daily and it has been in the same place for 4 years with no issues. But yes now I realize it's too cruel to leave her totally alone. Food an his liiter box close so he can access it’s plenty of room for him to play down there as well will he be ok i didn’tt want him to be left in my room while im at work. The confusion about leaving cats home alone arises from their rather solitary-seeming presentation. Hate to tell you this cat parents, but the cats usually seem happy to have the house to themselves! Do you do think, there is a clientele for this service? She doesnt get off work until 4. Cats like familiarity and a new place and new people could be upsetting. Naturally, younger cats or kittens will struggle alone at home, while it might not be as difficult or stressful for older cats. I don’t like saying that but, it is the truth. I was feeling guilty as it’s been about a month that I’ve been away. If you do want to get your kitty a feline companion, this should be done well in advance of any planned absence. He cannot have a sitter as he is afraid of all people. We are going on a 3day trip to visit family a few hours away, and leaving the cats at home. Otherwise, it’s a huge gamble. If, however, you do leave your cat alone, … We will be away for four days next week, and have a friend who will come in once a day to give her fresh water, feed her and empty her litter box. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Your cat will need the same basic things to survive and thrive while you are away for a longer period of time. A lot of cats will go missing, sometimes for a few weeks, when let out into a new house without a proper introduction! In winter set heat on at least 60F. Lv 7. Granted, this may not be sufficient for cats who will over-eat, have medical conditions that require close observation, or tend to get themselves into trouble. What about hiring a cat sitter to come on certain days so your bf can take care of his stuff on some days and your kitty can get continuous attention and care? Man I sure missed my fur babies. We are so excited to share our new book with you! In earlier decades, leaving Cat alone for 2 days or longer wasn’t regarded as anything to really worry about. In general, kittens require more care than adult cats. Her health, would she be lonely develop stress problems. BabyCat and Mouchie Boots! In summer you will need to make a “cool room”. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Cats who eat dry food that you can make readily available may be left on their own for 24-48 hours as long as fresh water is accessible as well. He has now destroyed an expensive mattress and couch and we don’t know what to do to stop the behavior. From days to weeks, where do we draw the line? Leaving cats alone for three weeks...? ZotsRule. Please note that this is for treats – not meals! If you are one of those on this site who are abandoning your trapped and dependent cats for days, you should be ashamed of yourself. Keep in mind that, even if you have cameras where you can check on, converse and play with your cats remotely, that cameras are no cure all of something goes wrong, like you returning later than expected, them running out of or losing access to food or water. We got him from the rescue centre 4 months ago where he was in a cage for 6 months. It’s been going on for 9 months now and when we go Visit them they seem to be happy to see us, they follow us around and sit in or laps demanding attention like we never left. I have used calming treats but didn't notice a huge difference. To leave our cat alone for a week, we should also fill two bowls with water. We found with a little thought and planning we could leave them for up to 14 days with no problem. If you have to go away for the entire week, you must find someone to at least check in on your feline. Lots of anecdotes of cats getting it stuck in their jaw when they try to escape the collar. I have left her alone for a weekend a couple of times before and she behaved well. The behavior continued and we restricted access to the bedroom – he then started going on the couch. If you leave your cat alone every day, consider whether you have the time and energy to give to your cat. If u leave … How to choose the right food for your cat, A Meow Meow Gif A Day Keeps The Woof Woof Away, Resident kitten keeps playing rough with new kitten despite the new one not wanting to play, Which Smiley Describes How You Are Feeling Today? They are brother and sister, tuxedo cats. I think they will both be fine. If this describes you, you are likely gone at least four to five days per week for anywhere from eight to ten hours at a stretch, depending on your average daily commute time. Sometimes they can make the problem bigger! This way, you know your cat is safe from passing cars, stray animals, other people’s escaped pets, and the many unknown pitfalls and perils that wait outside your doors. I told them that I had fur babies that I needed to schedule care for them, then I would be there. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. My cat is only 2 years old. If not, you could have him take her home with him for 2-3 days trial to see how it works for both her and the roommates. Less time is ALWAYS better, but we’d estimate that 48 hours, or roughly two days, is the maximum amount of time cats should be left unattended. Every day is ideal but every other day should work too. Either way, a human checking in is a good way to minimize stress to your cat during your absence. I agree totally and, the cat is only a baby, 6-7 months. We have no other options and leaving him outside is definitely a big no. Unfortunately, this plan backfires as often as it succeeds. I'm still trying to find someone who'd come and feed her. It’s best to have a little bit of fear as that will allow you to make a wise, well-organized decision before leaving … If I should see a problem it wouldn’t take me long to get home, and I have neighbors I can call. There will always be an infinite number of “what ifs” but frankly, conscientious pet owners who put forth the right thought and consideration can leave their cats for up to two weeks if they properly control the environment and have someone check-in on the cat. then we found he had clawed ihis way into the back of the sofa! I have a neighbor visiting her twice a day and following her routine. She’s been left alone for 2-3 days many times. I have left her alone … I have an unavoidable upcoming work trip in a month, and it is for 2 weeks (13 days)!! We keep 3 large litter boxes in the basement. It is best if they are water dispensers or fountains, because the water in regular bowls will evaporate pretty quicky. We will be gone for 11 days and cannot afford to bring him to a catterie. Unlike other answers so far, I’m going to assume that you plan to leave food, water, and clean litter for the cats. Good because he likes to slip out and play in the yard every now and then and he’s very hard to catch when he does this and bad because he will be completely alone for 11 days. Thank you this is awesome. Leaving a cat with no one to check on them for 11 days could end very badly indeed. !!! If I leave for more than a week I always have someone come and check/play with them every couple of days. This is an okay arrangement for up to two weeks. Set it to 75F. This is why I am thinking it … Cats can do a really great job of pretending to be self-sufficient! One pet cam automatically has a motion-activated laser that plays when it detects movement. PLEASE KEEP YOUR CATS IN THE HOME! Home & Forums | According to many people, cats can stay several days at home alone. Cleopatra. Never leave your pets (cat or dog) alone for more than 24hrs. I just can't bear the thought of Prince being alone for 2 full weeks. Total separation anxiety and, heck, I felt it, too. Written by the founders of this website including the author of the hugely successful Happy Puppy Handbook, it's packed with cat care information and fascinating cat facts. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. As long as it is being taken care of that is. Any pet sitter or kennel you select should be willing to provide updates daily and on demand, including pictures or videos or both. Changes in appetite, marking outside the litter box, weight loss, disinterest in grooming or favorite cat toys, odd behavior and other signs can let you know your cat needs more companionship. We adopted a young cat eight weeks ago; she is almost a year old. I would not recommend leaving your cat at your boyfriend's place. I thought cats were quite independent for that though. I am leaving my 7yo for 8 days. I have NEVER had a cat that over eats by the way. Cats should not be treated like indoor plants, they are vibrant sensitive sentient beings. As a cat sitter, I’ve cared for cats whose people were gone for as long as three months! It is far from perfect, but it knows day from night and creates a feeling of some activity going on for a minute every 4 hours. A friend, a family member or a pet sitter are all viable options.

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