Please let me know if you have additional questions. not chasing a stick or ball. Go slowly. Check out the videos linked below for tips on getting your dog engaged in play. Now h…, Ditty is a sweet, well socialized dog who just wants a person of her own…, Saved from a hoarding situation, this foster turned beloved family pet i…. We have tried endlessly to coax and play fetch, has an array of toys etc. Playing can help the dog understand that he is safe to move about, explore, and even enjoy his new surroundings. If she is only afraid of one thing it is easier to train her; unfortunately, most submissive dogs are afraid of almost everything. Let a new dog — from a shelter or anywhere else — explore her … To desensitize your dog, identify your dog’s trigger. But you can speed up the process by playing a fun and easy game to help your dog associate his name as a positive sound. Best of luck training, Adjusting could be part of it but there is probably something bigger going on, like possibly her up bringing or obsessive compulsive behavior. He’ll then be drawn to it anyway and associate toys with tasty rewards. You can’t rush or push a rescue - or any dog, for that matter - into playing. Lulu frequents the dog park 2-3 a week year-round. Really make him feel on top of the world. All rights reserved. Caitlin Crittenden. You want play time to be something he looks forward to, so don’t over indulge him. Summer is a Romanian rescue dog who is very nervous. Lu turns into a grump and bares her teeth if not left alone or able to flee the gate and start home. In that case I recommend finding other ways to play with pup. Other good, confidence building, calming things to work with her on: You’re not sure about his past but you’ve got enough love for your rescue dog to make up for anything. Pay attention to what pup likes. Once he’s totally relaxed you can leave the toys out for him to pick them up whenever he wants. It’s almost impossible to teach your dog to be more confident if she’s scared all of the time. Start with Chasing. So patience is key! Loves walks and is getting less jumpy. When they do, click, treat, and praise. It also helps get them both in a working, more respectful mindset while in the same room as each other. The key is to watch your dog’s behavior and reward when it starts to look like the behavior you want. Clap, encourage, run around, tease, play and once you have taught your dog how much fun playing is, you can ask him to do obedience (sit, down, come, heel, watch etc) … Lulu is 7 and her humans are in their 40's. Check out Zak George from the video linked below. The German Shepherd lost part of his jaw after a blow to the head. Not only will it be great exercise, but he’ll be having a fantastic time with his owner. Don’t throw the toy yet, or even move it very far. Also think his mum is telling him not to? Decide what your house rules are for both dogs and you be the one to enforce the rules instead of the dogs. She has been here for 2 days and has no idea how to walk on a leash, I have one step outside and she absolutely will not go up it. Play is vital for so many animals, and dogs are no exception. Out command: As far as play, I would work on building trust and giving pup some time first. When your dog goes to investigate the toy praise/click and treat. If he sees you running, he’ll quickly take flight himself. Some training can be done on your daily walk, and some can be done in a quiet space at home, away from valuable TVs that might get broken. 3. Introduce play when your dog is a bit hungry just to tip the scales in the favor of play. Then toss the toy and encourage your dog to bring it back to you. Daily obedience work, even when it is only for a short time, provides submissive dogs with a lot of confidence. Check out the video linked below for some things to try. When your dog relieves itself, give it praise and affection to reinforce its good behavior. The final step in counter-conditioning your dog to face her fears is to expose her and not provide a treat or even notice that he is being exposed. Each time they get a little closer to biting the toy, continue to reward. First, know that time just being around you will usually help a lot. “I pull, I get what I want” – that’s what your dog has learned and in his mind pulling means rewards. Dogs adopted from a dog shelter or animal rescue can make wonderful pets. It always seems those sorts of things happen when they are performing desirable behaviors, not jumping or barking! If your dog shies away from the squeak, muffle it under a towel and then throw a yumo morsel to your dog just after the squeak. If you just adopted a dog from a shelter, rescue group, or other organization, congratulations! Play is one of those things that can’t be forced too much. Hello Aimee, Most dogs are not able to "work", however, so in order to give them an activity to build their confidence, it is a good idea to get them involved in one of the canine sports. Alternatively, you could put a bunch of fun toys on the living room floor, and then walk away to observe what the dog goes from afar and to praise if you see she is exploring. In this way, you are allowing the dogs to first bond as a pack on the walk, then allowing the dogs currently living in the home to bring the new dogs in. Does Your Rescue Dog Have an Eating Issue? We have had her 1.5 years at this time. Go to a dog trainer and ask if they know of any socially appropriate dogs that can help teach your dog to be OK. You can also check at doggie daycares (but only if the doggie daycares are knowledgeable about canine body language) or ask around at dog parks. This usually gives the biting dog pause. She won't play with our other dog (who's very playful) or toys. Out command: But a more accurate answer would be that we teach the dog that it’s ok to pull. Hello, I would strongly suggest that you look into having a private trainer come to the house and work with you and Lulu. I have no idea what her previous life was like other than I almost think she was carried everywhere and probably kept her in her lap most of the time. Practice other structured activities to build her confidence and teach calmness also. Here are some tips that I’ve developed not only in my decade as a trainer but also as the owner of two Border Collies who were nearly feral from lack of proper puppy socialization when I rescued them: Please never try to force a dog to play. Place the toy on the ground at about arm's length. You mention not having the skill or confidence to socialize her. Check out the video linked below. Brutus is a fantastic swimmer, loves to play, play wrestles, listens well, affectionate, is obedient and well mannered gentle dog, just refuses to play fetch of any sort. Also, other than when she is sleeping she just pants like she can’t relax. Best of luck training, Always keep it light hearted and play around for a few minutes each day to start with. Once you’ve picked out a good toy, introduce it to your dog so they start to get excited about fetch. I just brought my new dog home. Prevention is by far the best policy. Confidence building agility fun - you can make your own obstacles out of household things or PVC pipe, or purchase. Hello Kearstine, Hello Jack, Now that your dog is starting to figure out that touching the fetch toy means treats, start moving it around so they have to move to get to it. The old dog is growling and grumpy. Be enthusiastic and excited to play with your dog but try not to be overwhelming. To house train a rescue dog, start by picking a spot outside where your dog can go potty regularly, so it will associate that spot with going to the bathroom. Now spend a few minutes a day gently playing with the toys. Best of luck training, Give Your Cat an Enclosure That Also Helps Homeless Pets, This Dog Harness Allows You to Change Its Design As Often As You Like, The Stylish Cookie Bag Promotes Animal Welfare, Shelter Dogs Model Designer Wares for #AdoptDontShop, 10 Healthy People Foods That Can Hurt Our Dogs, 5 Food Fixes to Help Your Dog Shed Pounds, Do You Have an Anxious Dog? she is very submissive when I try to take something out of her mouth, she immediately captures it, Hello Maja, Or some sort of treat stuffed toy. Work on obedience training. You need to make him feel as relaxed and happy as possible. You could see results in just several days. I would start by working on motivating her with toys. If he doesn’t show initial interest, charge after it with him. Just make sure it’s on his terms. Advice on gaining her trust and introducing toys and play? When they pick it up, click, treat, and praise. Place the toy near you. Now leave a couple of toys in his bed in the evenings. Of course, we exit the park as the area is requested by small dog owners but this rarely if ever occurs at this particular dog park. We are a 2 adult, 1 dog household. Your once peaceful home is in chaos. If you do this each day he’ll feel more and more at ease, and increasingly eager to play. Otherwise she is very affectionate and loving, obedient. Take him outside into the yard or to a local field. We need games that will be suitable for her which will make her want to play with us and also independently. Brought to you by ( Woof University is a series of pet-related training tips! When your dog investigates the … 5 Tips for Keeping Your Dog Trim While Using Treats. Try working with your dog out in a field on a long leash or in a crowded park. You’ll also be able to give him a decent amount of exercise, that sees him dozing at your feet in the evenings. Spreading a little bit of peanut butter will do the trick. He’s not interested in tug of war, or fetch. Mostly we stick to the dog run area intended for 20lbs and under. The younger dog is jumping all over the older dog, trying to get a reaction out of the old dog or encouraging the old dog to play. Terriers would be good candidates for tug of war. I don’t think she even knows how to jump....i have had many dogs and I have never seen anything like it. How can we get a shy or shut-down dog interested in play? Spend some time with your dog to become familiar with her fears. Remember that your dog will be looking to you for reassurance that they’re on the right track Alternate locations and substrates over which your dog must retrieve items. Best of luck training, Caitlin Crittenden. One way to encourage your senior … Once you’ve got all that, you’re ready to get to work! I don't suggest using tugs as pup to get pup excited due to her disliking things in her mouth, but notice the way he uses movement and excitement to engage pup and praises any attempts at playing. Check out the video linked below. Let a new dog — from a shelter or anywhere else — explore her new environment on her own terms. Repeat as many times as necessary for your dog to understand what this fetch game is all about. It also might be worth looking into other types of play for her - like setting up agility type obstacles, teaching tricks, playing come games like hide and seek, go find it, and round robin, or using things like puzzle toys to seek out treats. Dogs can remind us that we humans need and enjoy playing as well. If so, toys can be used as rewards in training instead of food. What is stimulating your dog to be so submissive? No matter the reason they landed in the shelter, with a little time, patience and training, shelter dogs can become happy, well-adjusted family members. Now it’s time to start rewarding your dog when they actually grab the toy with their mouth. New terrain. The best way to get a rescue dog to relax and let its guard down enough to play is to show it love. It also might be worth looking into other types of play for him - like setting up agility type obstacles, teaching tricks, playing come games like hide and seek, go find it, and round robin. The 3 of us have since moved to Duluth, MN.One consistent challenge that has been present for all 4 years that Lu has lived with us, is that she does not seem to be comfortable around other dogs. Thanks for writing in! Kick the ball gently towards him. Once he’s comfortable with soccer, you’ll find he’ll be keen to play with any toy, especially if it’s a ball. Retrievers, for example, will naturally enjoy playing fetch. If your rescue dog has come to you with little training or has behavior issues, it is still up to you to keep them safe and you under control. We have separated them on occasions to give him a chance but doesn’t seem to make any difference. Jumping up and play-biting often results in some lively squealing from the person, making the game very exciting for the dog. Heck, why … I also recommend finding some other games that can engage pup, like puzzle toys, kong wobbles with food, toys stuffed with kibble, and training games like Round Robin. For each thing that your dog is afraid of, you have to train her to have a pleasant feeling. The young dog is constantly stealing the old dog’s toys or treats (or visa versa). Step 1: Introduce the Fetch Toy You need to gradually let his walls come down by motivating him with tasty treats and irresistible toys. Then as the days pass you can play for longer and longer. I certainly don’t bring dogs home and let them loose in my home. He has the space to run around which will make him feel safe, plus the pressure isn’t all on him. Family members are proud of dogs that perform on command and dogs pick up on this feeling. And if she isn’t sitting in a chair with someone she just goes in circles all over the house. Teach a “Settle” Cue. Make sure you always let him win, though. She is the author of a Spring 2016 book, titled The Midnight Dog Walkers (I-5 Publishing). As far as her ears, she may be keeping them flat because she is so timid. A food puzzle is a great first toy. The next phase is perhaps the trickiest, but you only need to follow the same method of rewarding small steps toward success. Ask around at the dog park for references or inquire with your vet. Dogs that do this need to learn to play with toys rather than use people's bodies for this purpose. She was an Amish dog. Encourage him to put it one his mouth and then pull on it. A game of tug of war is a great bonding experience. Some older dogs who were never socialized with toys still don't enjoy them. If he’s older and more nervous then you may need to invest two or three weeks into training. 5 Ways to Settle a Rescue Dog Into Your Home, The Midnight Dog Walkers: Positive Training and Practical Advice for Living with Reactive and Aggressive Dogs, Chewie the Chi Goes From Invisible to Viral, Holly the Half-Headed Cat Helps Her Human Feel at Home, Mia the Foster Failure Becomes a Source of Support for Her Family, Watch Rescue Pups Fly to Their New Homes Thanks to Pilots N Paws. You can learn more about the importance of play to your canine best friend in my new book, The Midnight Dog Walkers: Positive Training and Practical Advice for Living with Reactive and Aggressive Dogs now at Amazon and in bookstores nationwide in May. You may have to help her “find” the first few treats, but imagine what is happening in the canine mind as she goes into each new space. Heel will come next, after she is comfortable with the leash. While he is getting more relaxed and comfortable around you, he’s still got quite a way to go. One other detail is that we live a mile from the dog park and we walk, not drive to get there. Sit close to your dog and roll a ball toward it or shake a tug toy a little. Be vigilant and take the pressure off of your dogs - you want them to learn to look to you when there is a problem, and for them to learn respect for each other because you have taught it to them and not because they have used aggression. Copyright © HomeLife Media, LLC. You should consider enrolling in a class that would provide social interaction with other … Say the word before throwing the toy, then lay it on heavy with treats and praise when they successfully fetch for you and say something like “good fetch.” Of course, it’s not necessary to say “fetch” or another similar word. Before you get to work you’ll need to gather a few bits. For the jealousy, I suggest teaching both dogs the Out command (which means leave the area) and make whoever is causing issues leave the area as needed. because of her unpleasant past, no fun was taught. She is a recent rescue - lived life in a barn kennel and used as a puppy machine. Your dog … Caitlin Crittenden. Finally, work on manners and building respect and trust for you with both dogs. You have shown the dog that you are a sane and reliable human, so now see if you can really engage the dog in play with you. She bays on these mornings and it breaks my heart that I don't have the skill or the confidence to socialize her properly.I would like to see her and I both more able to be flexible with whichever group of dogs show up to the dog park. It’s the same when you’re on walks. Reward him with treats throughout play. Potentially with something he has never played with before. If they touch their nose to the toy, click, praise heavily, and give treats. Here Are My Tips to Help You Safely Socialize Your Adult Rescue Dog: Expect the Worst. Once they are comfortable around you, check out the video linked below for an example of how to get pup excited about play. If you can make him feel safe and play games where he feels in control, you’ll soon have him tumbling around with you. Thresholds: I like getting feather-like cat toys on a string to entice a shy dog to chase the feathers. To get him initially interested in the toys, put a bit of food on them. If he disobeys, stand in front of your other dog, blocking pup from getting to her, and walk toward pup calmly but firmly until pup leaves the area and stops trying to go back to your other dog. Add your own enthusiasm and joy to any game and see where it takes you both — we know that emotions can be contagious across species. © 2020 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Not only is it a fantastic way to blow off steam, but it will also be a great bonding experience. That means giving him a toy for him to play around without you getting involved. Around the table, the couch just circles. Instead, act confident and happy, and expect that she can learn some new things with your help. Lu came to us by way of Maui humane society. There are several methods you can use to improve your fearful dog´s confidence. The greater the reward, the more eager he’ll be to play again. Caitlin Crittenden, I am sorry. I expect to have trouble with dogs, cats, and kids, and, until fully tested with several of each, my guard is up. Broch (Brokh) is a rescue from Cyprus. I have included steps for re-training fetch. That’s because constant exposure to scary things can lead to your dog getting more scared of … If he loses he’ll quickly give up trying. Check out the video linked below. Alternate the types of items you ask them to bring back to teach a solid foundation for rescue work. Before you can train him to play properly, you need to get him familiar with toys in his own space. He doesn’t know how to play with toys and only bites (nips) as if he’s playing with other dogs. No aggression, no pushiness, no stealing toys, no stealing food, no being possessive of people or things, or any other unwanted behavior - if one dog is causing a problem you be the one to enforce the rules so that the dogs are NOT working it out themselves. Also he lives with his mum still ( parents dog) and she tends to mother him somewhat although at same time he is protective and alfa male. Place: You can do that by running towards it, pointing at it and talking in an animated voice. He’s been nothing but cute and adorable since you got him. Step 2: Move the Fetch Toy Around She was likely not socialized with dogs or people well. Simply hold the toy in slightly different positions — at arm’s length — and encourage your dog to touch it. She has no clue! The younger dog is acting out in frustration. Just shoving a new dog in through the door is an invasion; doing it this way turns it into an invitation from the existing dogs. Try small actions at first. Best of luck training, You’ll need tennis balls, a football, frisbees, and some food puzzles. I've bought her rubber balls, chew toys, squeaky toys, tug toys, toys you put treats in, rawhides, and a couple of stuffed toys. Stay Calm and Show Respect. How can I teach my rescue dog to play? One of the worst things that you could do is to yell at a rescue dog. Best of luck training, Some dogs are motivated by food or toys, but others find things like affection, a walk, an odd object, verbal praise, things like flirt poles, or movement rewarding. It means stroking him, cuddling him and letting him be in charge when you play. Many a dog has backed right out of a collar or harness! A smaller, perhaps more achievable goal: I'd like to get us to a point where she can meet strange dogs on leash and not react as though she feels threatened. You’re not quite sure what to do, but you know training him to play at the very least will be good exercise. Place the toy on the ground at about arm's length. If and when they pick up the toy with their mouth, act like it’s the best thing you’ve ever seen (and don’t forget to click and give treats). It is likely with practice and some mild changes, his behaviors will start to resolve themselves over the next few months. If he’s nervous and shy, you need to find a game that he wants to play. I have also used a coupler to clip on to the collar and harness. Eventually he’ll relax and get involved, just be patient. he doesn't understand what's going on. GET INVOLVED in the play itself. The brighter colored and more enticing they look the better. 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