Photostability studies of drugs and drug products are an integral part of the product development process in the pharmaceutical industry. At the moment, literature reflects contradictions about the role played by chemically reactive additives, crystallinity and degradation path. 1. Common factors that affect this stability include temperature, light, pH, oxidation and enzymatic degradation. Colour Changes. -2. pH: Acidic & alkaline pH influence the rate of decomposition of most drugs. Aside from the obvious—not using drugs after their expiration dates—avoid storing prescriptions in the bathroom medicine cabinet. Absorption of water. Age-related differences in drug metabolism are generally quite apparent in the newborn.487,488 In most fetal and newborn animals, undeveloped or deficient oxidative and conjugative enzymes are chiefly responsible for the reduced metabolic capability seen. Many intrinsic and extrinsic factors affect the conformational equilibria (β-strand shown as a green arrow, α-helix shown as a red cylinder), including chemical degradation/modifications (shown as a purple circle). Factors affecting degradation and drug … A news publication of Texas A&M Health, Vital Record offers insight on the latest in health, medicine and scientific discovery from experts across our five colleges and numerous centers and institutes. Factors altering stability can include temperature, light, humidity, radiation, air, particle size, solvents, pH, and the presence of other chemicals resulting from contamination or from the intentional mixing of different products. Radiations TYPES OF DRUG INSTABILITY: Drug stability can be divided into two major types 1. This review describes different types of biodegradable hydrogel systems, mechanisms and factors affecting their degradation, and their applications in drug delivery. Fragmentation can also lead to peptides with a high propensity to aggregate. “The tests on the medication outside of the original container have rarely been done.” Of course, in real life, the original container may be opened in the pharmacy when the pharmacist dispenses the first prescription. can purchase separate chapters directly from the table of contents This book features valuable content on both aqueous and solid drug solutions, the stability of proteins and peptides, acid-base catalyzed and solvent catalyzed reactions, how drug formulation can influence drug stability, the influence of external factors on reaction rates and much more. Physical degradation 2. Here’s why you might have pandemic fatigue, Peña-Purcell elected to national public health education board. The kinetics of decomposition of a drug in aqueous solution were studied using a series of solutions of different initial drug concentrations, C 0.For each solution the time taken for half the drug to decompose (that is, t 0.5) was determined with the following results: C 0 (mol dm −3) 4.625 1.698 0.724 0.288 But what happens to the other 20 mg?” Khan asked. "This is a particular concern during power outages. For example, the data shows more than 70 recalls for levothyroxine products (a thyroid drug) between 2007 and 2012. Moisture 4. Common factors that affect this stability include temperature, light, pH, oxidation and enzymatic degradation. “We’re here to serve, and at least we can find out if there are issues,” Khan said. The systemic absorption of a drug is dependent on (1) the physicochemical properties of the drug, (2) the nature of the drug product, and (3) the anatomy and physiology of the drug absorption site. However, many drugs are susceptible to some form of chemical decomposition, be it through the interaction with enzymes or through improper storage and use, and such degradation often leads to a … 1) Membrane Physiology A) Nature of Cell Membrane. Why aren’t more students getting tested? “When a medication doesn’t work, it is important that physicians think about drug quality and stability before automatically changing the medication or dramatically altering the dose of a product,” he said. Special considerations are also required when dealing with chiral molecules, deuterated internal standards and large biomolecules. dosage, formulation, species, disease, pH of gut, GI motility, presence of food, blood supply to GI tract. 68 It has been shown that at low light intensities (0-20mW/cm 2), the rate would increase linearly with increasing light intensity (first order), whereas at intermediate light intensities (25mW/cm 2) the rate would depend on the square root of the light intensity. Drug Stability for Pharmaceutical Scientists is a clear and easy-to-follow guide on drug degradation in pharmaceutical formulation. In this chapter, the kinetics of drug degradation is reviewed, and it is shown how various excipients, such as buffer salts and complexing agents, the phase distribution of the drug such as in suspensions and emulsions, and external factors such as temperature, oxygen, and light, can influence reaction rates. methods to better define the mechanisms by which inhibition and DNA degradation affect PCR in order that low level indeterminate samples can be better defined and the analytical and stochastic thresholds can be clarified. Common factors that affect this stability include temperature, light, pH, oxidation and enzymatic degradation. Several degradation products aren’t the inert, harmless substances many people believe them to be—in fact, they can cause adverse events, cancer, or other problems in some cases. The design of … In the meantime, though, patients need to look for the expiration dates on their medications and be mindful of how they’re stored. Moisture: ... the degradation pathways and degradations products that might affect during storage conditions forced degradation ... Degradation studies of a drug substance. Factors affecting degradation and drug‐release rate are discussed in their decreasing order of importance, including intrinsic properties of polymers and processing parameters. The major known chemical degradation pathways for peptides and proteins are deami-dation, racemization, isomerization, hydrolysis, disulfide formation/exchange, P-elimina-tion, and oxidation.. This book features valuable content on both aque, Illustrates important theoretical concepts with numerous examples, figures, calculations, learning problems and questions for self-study and retention of material, Provides answers and explanations to test your knowledge, Enables you to better understand key concepts such as rate and order of reaction, reaction equilibrium, complex reaction mechanisms and more, Includes an in-depth discussion of both aqueous and solid drug solutions and contains the latest international regulatory requirements on drug stability. If the drug is coming from a mail order pharmacy, pick it up right away and don’t let it sit in a hot (or cold) mailbox any longer than necessary. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Drug Stability for Pharmaceutical Scientists is a clear and easy-to-follow guide on drug degradation in pharmaceutical formulation. “We have huge temperature and humidity variations, so how can we ensure the product is really stable under all of these real-time storage and use conditions?”. PH 2. Various factors affecting the bioavailability of drugs following oral administration, viz. Drugs with large molecular wt. or buy the full version. Food oils degrade rapidly when exposed to high temperatures in frying, but the mechanisms responsible have never been fully elucidated. The primary environmental factors that can reduce stability include exposure to adverse temperatures, light, humidity, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. “The whole premise of these nanoparticles is that with their reduced sizes and enormous surface areas, they can better reach specific target cells. Degradation may increase or decrease the POTENCY of drug. Stressing the drug substance in solution or suspension at alkaline Full of examples of real-life formulation problems and step-by-step calculations, this book is the ideal resource for graduate students, as well as scientists in the pharmaceutical and related industries. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Aside from the obvious—not using drugs after their expiration dates—avoid storing prescriptions in the bathroom medicine cabinet. Stay up-to-date on the latest heath care topics, Why people aren’t taking their prescription medications, Texas A&M pharmacy faculty, students help health care community during COVID-19, Medicines for preventing and treating COVID-19. Media contact: Dee Dee Grays, 979.436.0611. Offering a case study of coastal Bangladesh, this study examines the adaptation of agriculturalists to degrading environmental conditions likely to be caused or exacerbated under global climate change. Factors influencing drug stability. However, if that drug isn’t in high demand, it may be months before the last pill is dispensed. Factors effecting the drug stability are as under 1. Conversely, a drug’s stability after administration is due mainly to its lack of transformation by the body’s enzymes. Many drugs stable between pH 4 & 8. Accelerated stability Testing Studies designed to increase the rate of chemical degradation or physical change(s) of a drug product by using exaggerated storage conditions with the purpose of monitoring degradation reactions. 1. You currently don’t have access to this book, however you TYPES OF DEGRADATION PATHWAYS. Sick of COVID-19? The degradation of drugs and drug metabolites in samples can occur through either reversible or irreversible processes. “So, if you have 200 mg of ibuprofen, for example, the pill must contain at least 180 mg at its expiration date. FDA demands the following at the time of registration [25-35]. The humid conditions of the bathroom speed up the degradation process, so Khan recommends that people keep their medications in a cool, dark and (above all) dry place, like the pantry. A drug for thyroid issues has proven especially problematic, not only due to its lack of good stability, but also because it can cause major changes in the body’s response with only very small differences in the amount of medication. Mansoor Khan, RPh, PhD, professor and vice dean of the Texas A&M Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy College Station campus, who came to the college with extensive Food and Drug Administration (FDA) experience as director of product quality research, breaks down what happens. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. Aside from just being unappealing, these changes may indicate the medication is no longer as effective as it should be. High temperature and humidity are often used to accelerate the “aging” of pharmaceuticals so companies can “estimate” their potency for two years through only six months of studies in accelerated storage conditions. Deamidation. The degradation of drugs and drug metabolites in samples can occur through either reversible or irreversible processes. Temperature 3. Loss of water. may not be well absorbed when administered orally. Most people know that drugs can lose some of their potency over time, but what is less understood is that the substances that remain as the drugs break down can actually be harmful. “It is either lost during processing or degrades to form impurities.” A review of FDA product recall data between 2007 and 2012 indicated that 400 lots of drug products have been recalled for drug degradation, potency and presence of impurities, crystals or foreign particles. Chemical degradation and physical degradation of … Not surprisingly, the results show that different pharmaceuticals are transported to different extents and, just like other chemical classes (such as pesticides), one of the key factors affecting the amount transported is the persistence of the pharmaceutical in the soil environment. Stability tests are done with the drug in the original container, which may have desiccants to absorb moisture, be opaque to avoid the effects of light and have other properties to help keep the drugs stable. Car: Storing your medicine in your car for an extended period of time can expose it to high heat. Light 5. “That’s one thing I really worry about in Texas,” Khan added. An illustration of the influence of age on drug metabolism is seen in the duration of action (sleep time) of hexobarbital … The FDA has a shelf life extension program to test drugs stored in stockpiles for emergency use—drugs that are worth as much as $1 billion are salvaged every year. Alarming as these degradation products are, there is also the physical stability of the drug to consider. “A lot of drugs are stable for longer than the given expiration date,” Khan said. ... On contrary, it also poses the challenge of potential chemical degradation induced by high temperature. The College of Pharmacy hopes to have facilities running by next year to test drugs for efficacy when requested by pharmacists throughout the state. At the moment, literature reflects contradictions about the role played by chemically reactive additives, crystallinity and degradation path. Many factors affect the rate and pathway of metabolism of drugs, and the major influences can be sub-divided into internal (physiological and pathological) and external (exogenous) factors as indicated below: Internal: species, genetic (strain), sex, age, hormones, … CHEMICAL FACTORS AFFECTING DEGRADATION PROCESSES OF VEGETABLE OILS DURING FRYING By XIN TIAN Dissertation Director: Professor Karen M. Schaich, Sc.D. Polymorphisms. 69 At high light intensities the rate is independent of light intensity, … To evaluate the impact of short term excursions and predicting the shelf-life under normal storage studies may include conditions. Loss of Volatile Constitution • Medicinal agent such as iodine, camphor, menthol, … Drug metabolism is the metabolic breakdown of drugs by living organisms, usually through specialized enzymatic systems. (Online version in colour.) Both light intensity and time of irradiation affect the dye degradation. Example 3.2 Determination of the order of reaction. The degradation of drugs and drug metabolites in samples can occur through either reversible or irreversible processes. Khan sees this as a good example of why physicians need to communicate with pharmacists when they run into this sort of situation. “When you get a brand product, you know it undergoes extensive clinical testing,” Khan said, “but generic products may not have been through quite the same process, and it can be difficult to match all of the properties of certain brand products.”. accelerate oxidation, reduction & hydrolysis reactions which lead to drug degradation. Thermal degradation is usually In general, the ability to carry out metabolic reactions increases rapidly after birth and approaches adult levels in about 1 to 2 months. In order to keep the generic drugs affordable, the FDA can’t require the often small companies creating the generic products to run the same level of testing that was done with the original pharmaceutical. There are several factors that influence the overall rate of degradation, in addition to pH and copolymer composition. “Once the container is open, it can sometimes be compromised in real use conditions,” Khan said. 3D printing may also help to alleviate some drug breakdown problems in the future because the pills can be created right when the patient needs them. Therefore, the particle size needs to be controlled throughout their shelf-life.”, Generic drugs must show that they have the same active ingredients as that of the approved brand name drug, but often have different excipient and manufacturing processes. How pharmaceuticals break down, and why we should care. Control experiments show that microsphere, not sLeX, degradation limits the lifetime of our targeted delivery system; therefore, factors affecting degradation such as type of polymer, type of drug, extent of drug loading and microsphere size, provide an opportunity for engineering the time-scale of activity for the delivery system. Each ingredient, whether therapeutically active or pharmaceutically necessary, can affect the stability of drug substances and dosage forms. “but the problem is that there are a few that degrade quickly and that can cause a lot of harm.”. “The stability tests for these compounded drugs are rare,” Khan said. The problem is that the particles tend to clump together over time,” Khan said. The humid conditions of the bathroom speed up the degradation process, so Khan recommends that people keep their medications in a cool, dark and (above all) dry place, like the pantry. Kaisar Raza 1*, Pramod Kumar 1, Shanti Ratan 1, Ruchi Malik 1 and Shweta Arora 2. For example, some drug products work by having a certain viscosity, and that viscosity has to be maintained over time or the drug will be ineffective. Biodegradable hydrogels have been exploited in the controlled drug delivery area due to various advantages. Texas colleges offer free coronavirus tests. A number of specific projects were performed: 1) Examination of the effects of environmental degradation on DNA samples Other drug substances undergo physical degradation changes rather than chemical degrada - tion, leading to various changes in their physical state. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. “Especially for nanomaterials, agglomeration is a huge problem. Hot weather: If you don't have air conditioning (and keep it on 24/7 during hot spells), high outside temperatures can cause your home to become warm enough that medications "overheat. Temperature: high temperature accelerate oxidation, reduction and hydrolysis reaction which lead to drug degradation 2.pH: • Acidic and alkaline pH influence the rate of decomposition of most drugs. People should be especially careful with compounded products, like when a pharmacist crushes a drug and makes it into a liquid for children to swallow, as these may not be as stable as the original drug from which they were made. These studies are carried out to ensure quality, efficacy, and safety of the formulated products during manufacture, storage, and use. Crystal Growth. Chemical; Physical; Therapeutic; Microbiological; Toxicological; PHYSICAL DEGRADATION: Loss of volatile compounds. For most pharmaceutical products, the United States Pharmacopeia requires that drugs retain 90 percent or more of their potency at their expiration date. Photolysis LOSS OF VOLATILE COMPOUNDS This means the drug shouldn’t smell bad, taste bad, change its color or texture, or show any other signs of breaking down. Antidepressants: What is the best medication for depression? Polymorphism: The Phenomenon Affecting the Performance of Drugs. When drugs aren’t achieving the expected results, patients should talk to their health care providers about the possibility that it may be a problem with the drug itself, not their response to it. “We don’t have to throw out perfectly good drugs in strategic national stockpiles stored in a controlled environment and original packaging, so they’re tested every so often and confirmed that they’re okay, physically and chemically.”. There are many factors that can affect the stability of a pharmaceutical product. Sometimes pharmaceuticals that are technically expired are actually still perfectly fine, but it takes sophisticated lab tests to find out. Factors affecting Drug Stability 1-Temperature: High temp. • Many drugs are stable between pH 4 and 8. Furthermore, today’s nano-products—like those Texas A&M University Health Science Center researchers are working on for treating cystic fibrosis and cancer—work by reducing the particle size. This review deals with the concept of photostability and related aspects and the literature available in the field. Real life situations may sometime demonstrate issues with the stability of a drug product. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. degradation under various conditions owing to their fragility of their molecular structure. In general, polymer degradation is accelerated by greater hydrophilicity in the backbone or end groups, lesser crystallinity, lower average molecular weight, and smaller size of … Dissertation Director: Professor Karen M. Schaich, Sc.D for levothyroxine products a! Quality, efficacy, and use after birth and approaches adult levels in 1... 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