Look they’re all cool monsters and I could see justification for Dalamadur and Fatalis but Nerscylla? I'll start work on Deviant Lagi tomorrow (for me, for you it may be tonight), but my idea for it should come out within the next few days at least. I like to imagine they’ll add the black dragons soon. These terrible cyborgs rained death and destruction on all who stood in their wake, killing indiscriminately. Disufiroais an Elder Dragon introduced in Monster Hunter Frontier G2. Observing their leader, they knew that once a year he would take at least one scale from his hide, and by directing it however he saw fit, he would cause them to grow into whatever he desired. come to mind. Ebenso ist die Zunge ähnlich der einer Schlange oder Echse. They would then polish them, producing powerful weapons that thrummed with the lifeblood of their creators, a toxic compound to anything with intelligence, which included all Elder Dragons. Dalamadur is an Elder Dragon introduced in Monster Hunter 4. Any. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpkA3krO75s. I don't care what Capcom needs to do, but these baddies need to be in future updates/expansions. 1 billion lions would equate to a total of 500,000,000,000 (500 billion) pounds OR 250 million tons. While the verdant forest beneath it became mashed into green dust by the time the end of the bladed tail swept over it, not a single molecule of chlorophyll clung to its silvery hide. It is roughly the same size as its common counterpart. But I guess there've been a change of plans. Dalmadur can be injured by hunters and small arms, whereas Godzilla is entirely immune to whatever humans throw at him—nuclear bombs included. Comment. Godzilla vs. Dalamadur is an upcoming DB by thet. I'd be ok with Dalamadur being a siege boss, but the other two should be part of the main story. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate/Monster Hunter 4G©CAPCOM CO., LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Visit my livestream @ http://www.twitch.tv/drtangerine After Rajang? Close. Fatalis vs Alatreon Both at 5-A Speed Equalized. Alatreons are very territorial. Maybe even a new one. The end result leaves half of the town in ruin, what isn’t baking is certainly shaken by the impact, more destruction than an earthquake could have wrought. Hunters are estimated to be 175cm tall. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Gallery 4 Others Alatreon is a monster capable of destroying the world. Immane Blade/Shadow Nercleave is my favorite “I don’t care if it’s not optimal, look how cool it is!” weapon. Sadly I don't see Dalamadur or Nerscylla getting added to Iceborne. 3 months ago. Dropping its detachable lower jaw, and fully opening the airways into its blimp-sized lung, the Dalamadur lets loose the single loudest roar to ever be heard on earth. Tracing the path of buried veins, pure red flows into its skull, where extra blood is pumped to heighten the senses of the wise god, intelligence now lost to anger. Vocal: Weren't we gonna save this one for a finale or something? Both enemies wriggle on the ground, but the Dalamadur finds its “footing” first, dragging itself over to the detached fan-blade, whose stump is slowly spraying out more … It had even taught itself how to lob giant rocks, set them aflame, and make them explode upon hitting a target. Vocal: And these two are in a league all their … Prelude: White Fatalis vs Rayquaza. For Monster Hunter Generations on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Dalamadur VS Raviente?" While I did not expand on that, essentially when he dies, he is reborn, like a phoenix. At this point, the White Fatalis has already been ravaged by some of the fangs of the Dalamadur, one arm sheared off, and its side raked. Reply. Sometimes a monster, sometimes a plant, every year like clockwork something new would emerge from his scales, developing into the most insane concepts either had ever seen, yet at the same time finding a way to live, no matter how grotesque. Fatalis is, unequivocally, the pinnacle of the strength and ferocity wielded by this series' Elder Dragons. These are the next monsters that need to be in MHW. The air following the Dalamadur makes fierce winds, huge dust devils, everything just short of a tornado to dance around the town, continuing to attack its shellshocked citizens. A compound like adrenaline, but much more potent, floods the canals that transport blood throughout the goliath, and the chest begins to glow white and red, excess heat released by the massive muscles turns the air around the Dalamadur into insane updrafts that actually reduce its weight. 4/15/2019. The fatalis trio, then alatreon and then dire miralis. It seemed that each pound of flesh was immediately transmuted to muscle, bone, and spike, hundreds of them popping up through its impenetrable metallic hide. Along with Gore Megala and possibly Seregios. Wiz: Shagaru Magala was weak to all of the last elder dragon's moves, except for Dah'ren. Hundreds of tons of serpent turn concrete to dust, and even trying to slow its movement carries it half a mile beyond the city limits, and even then, the tip of its tail whips forward, plowing through houses and shops. Anything with ears within a mile feels the drums explode from the force of the blast, and white the Dalamadur is unaffected, the White Fatalis plummets from the sky, unable to balance itself without the aid of its highly tuned eardrums. ... Behemoth and Shara are about at the same 'tier', but Safi would be above them at the top with the likes of Alatreon/Fatalis. Who is scarier? 2 meters tall, 180 pounds, some clothes, fat, and muscle. 2 meters tall humans? Enjoying its inherited love for destruction, the Dalamadur continues its rampage, using its tail to level buildings, its claws to smash humans into their cobbled streets, and its jaws and prehensile forked tongue to flick the more delicious looking individuals down its throat, their clothes and hair vaporizing as it breathes on them. In addition, I mention early on (I think) that White Fatalis is really immortal. so fatalis always wins, by default... if your going with the lore... there seven a whole poem in mhf about the black fatalis alone and its all like: "doom is coming, everything is over, nothing can be done, WE. As much as I like them. Really? The Dalamadur has never felt joy as great as this, for the first time in its adult life, its heart is racing. Fortunately they did not survive long. Add to Favourites. Both enemies wriggle on the ground, but the Dalamadur finds its “footing” first, dragging itself over to the detached fan-blade, whose stump is slowly spraying out more and more blood, so hot that it evaporates into a red cloud as soon as it touches the atmosphere. SO F*****D!" An earth-shaking pulse reminiscent of tearing metal and a nuclear bomb propel air outwards so fast a sonic boom occurs, further dramatizing the effect. Dalamadur should be a siege boss fight..just imagine how epic that would be. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the MonsterHunter community. I feel like Fatalis can fit somewhere too. Monster Hunter loves their endgame monsters getting that treatment. By GimmyJibbsJr Watch. Boomstick: Dalamadur could beat Gog and Shagaru with its' huge fire blast, due to both of them being weak to it. Honestly, Nerscylla would fit amazingly within the ancient forest. Using one of its surprisingly human hands to grab onto the shard of armor, the Dalamadur hisses as it coils up once again, and leaps, immense body flying through the air at at least 200 miles per hour. Dalamadur is a massive snake-like Elder Dragon approximately which dwarfs most other monsters in the series in terms of size. This seems a little unfair. Fatalis or ADULT-SIZED Dalamadur? nerscylla has no chance for an update, it'll have to wait for MH6, or maybe even later. the others are much more possible, although I don't see dalamadur being added. Cerberus. Shit I just liked everything Nerscylla had to offer. In a YT livestream that happend in Weapons coming in December, Alatreon and Fatalis coming, etc. I thought it'd be Ugin and Nicol Bolas. I disagree greatly. So Black and Crimson Fatalis are born through the power of White Fatalis, while they themself create Dalamdur? At this, the Dalamadur snaps its weaponized head upwards, lips curling back over fangs of creamy white as another bolt zaps by its head, heating the air to several thousand degrees. 1 Seidmadr A Madr of Seid. Name: Dalamadur | Shah Dalamadur Origin: Monster Hunter. 1 Physiology 2 Abilities 3 Behavior 4 Habitat 5 Etymology 6 Game Appearances 6.1 Main Series 6.2 Spin-offs 7 In-Game Description 8 Music Themes 9 MH4U Breakable Parts 10 Notes 11 External Links Its appearance is similar to Najarala in terms of body type. Capcom: why should we introduce you to iceborne? From what I can gleam from a monster hunter wiki it has a snakelike body type, is 440 meters long, probably quite strong and can spit fire in a few different ways. Enjoy! Anyway... Dragons. You didn't reveal if Dalamdur won or not, but maybe that's intended, hinting at a continuation. He/Him. In response, the creator of all, the White Fatalis, created Elder Dragons, noble beasts dedicated to keeping humanity suppressed so that other animals could survive. I could see a Dala siege but they prolly just make an M-Rank version of Kulve. Fatalis is an Elder Dragon introduced in the original Monster Hunter resembling a traditional European dragon. For Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Dalamadur vs Lao Shan Lung". I just don't know how any of them could win against White Fatalis. it's a low tier monster, so adding it in an update wouldn't add much to the game, and powering it up would make no sense, so it won't make it into world at all. And I find it quite refreshing that you end the fight with Dalamdur overwhelming White Fatalis.May I ask if that was the end? I'm trying to think of what area he'd be good in. Slowly though, their creations became more and more lifelike, some even surviving for several days, when finally they bestowed upon the world their masterpiece, the Dalamadur. Das Aussehen ähnelt dem von Najarala im Bezug auf den Körperbau, da beide Körperformen mit dem einer Schlange fast identisch sind. Its sheer size alone captivates the White Fatalis’ mind, only for its concentration to be broken when an unknown cry shatters the night. XSOULOFCINDERX; Thread; Oct 28, 2019 ; alatreon fatalis monster hunter; Replies: 2; Forum: Versus Threads; Elements! At first, all they managed to do was create small, malformed pieces of metal, which hunters could sometimes find in volcanoes, as they were the perfect place for the failures to be stored (the White Fatalis couldn’t see through rock, and one of the few things it feared was fire). Or when it senses a true danger to its world. Elements! 40 Favourites. 12 Comments. While reveling in its own cruelty, the Dalamadur fails to see the gathering storm clouds above its spined body. I'm honored to have been mentioned in this masterpiece. 250m tons / 350k tons = … This may be the reason why no other monsters live in the Sacred Land. :(. From some hunters being criminals, or ex-criminals, some places disagree with the ways of the Hunter's Guild. Never before has there been a life form not created by him, and thus he feels threatened, for with all of his creations there is a way to defeat them that he knows of, yet with this foe he had no clue. (Discussion). The Empire State Building weighs 350,000 tons. It can feel the Dalamadur slowly drawing in air like a vacuum, then nothing. Unable to scream, it can only grimace as the paralyzing toxin spreads throughout its system, rendering it unable to move its muscles, except for the eyes. That spider has some tasty gear. 1 Introduction 2 Interlude 3 Godzilla 4 Dalamadur 5 DEATH BATTLE! Not slowing down, it crashes into the monument at full speed, completely obliterating the structure. Can he even die in the first place?If you wish to keep the answers I seek to yourself for either a next episode or to let it be an open ending, giving us room for own thoughts on how the fight could unfold, then I'll respect that of course. Nov 4, 2020 #13 Awh, damn it. It's time to talk about the dirty great big snake dragon king! Shah Dalamadur is a Subspecies of Dalamadur introduced in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. 5. As its tremendous weight is forced to be suspended by one of its fan-blades, the scale cracks at the root, staying where it is while the rest of the body continues to be propelled by its own momentum. I know a lot of people who are at least 6 foot, plus you never know, maybe humans are slightly bigger in their world? HD: Yeah, we were. But unbeknownst to him, his pets hated him, hated his war, even the Black Fatalis had gotten tired of cleaning blood from his claws. where did you grow them? Directing them together, the White Fatalis made them unleash their fury upon the humans, killing almost all of them before pulling back the reins. Some even become hunters to sneak out of crimes they've done. Was it really that low tier? fatalis is extremely likely. MH4U. It is known to inhabit the Speartip Crag and can be encountered at High Rank. Iceborne. Most people become hunters so they can gain wealth, fame, a better living, or other reasons. 245 votes. Press J to jump to the feed. MH4U. As it does, a small, normally unseen organ sticks out into its throat, and clacks two shiny, rock-like formations together, making a spark. Crawling up to it slowly, the Dalamadur raises its head above the creator of its creators. If we're talking pure just "I want dis" though, it'd probably be Shagaru Megala and Gogmazios for me. They're just way too much work to add for so little payoff. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The world’s least subtle assassin had its red, slitted eyes trained on the tallest tower of the castle, a massive structure of grey stone, a testament to the power of the humans, pales in comparison to the Dalamadur’s might. Enjoy! White Fatalis has taken on similar strength before, the Hunters of Monster Hunter are stupidly OP in terms of god damned everything. Inspired by their sire’s work, and seeing a way to finally rid themselves of their so-called immortal leader’s desires, they worked night and day to find a way to replicate his results. (Jan 22, 2021) Very Legit sounding Leak! Raising its regally horned head, and releasing a screech of its own, the White Fatalis summons as much lightning as it possibly can, the crackling pink energy naturally attracted to the metal-clad Dalamadur. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Like most Elder Dragons, Disufiroa are quite aggressive though more destructive than most others. Animals for many miles around turn towards the noise, some dropping to the ground in fits of epilepsy or heart attacks, but even the bravest of them will not be able to slow their heart rates for hours to come. A crack of bright pink lightning scorches across the sky, releasing a thunderous sonic boom. dalamadur is weaker but i would say still pretty close. Team elder fights is just far too much for benders even with their superhuman stats and the top tier bender's damage and defense capabilities. As powerful as gods in their own right, some controlled the weather, whilst others lay claim to that which posed the greatest threat to any that may one day seek to unbalance the biosphere, fire, ice, and poison, which when used together nothing could survive. Edit:Bahamut gets stomped upon further inspection so we're just doing an inverse matchup. I don’t know that much about Dalamadur, I must confess. I don't care what Capcom needs to do, but these baddies need to be in future updates/expansions. Would love to see them in MHW. Just barely missing its tiny foe, the Dalamadur turns mid jump, accidentally landing on its back. For the heat emitted from the snake charred all it came into contact with, turning even the sturdiest of trees to coal within seconds. 22.9%. Dalamadur slithered across the land, obsidian claws scouring the earth as it pulled itself towards its destination, the human city of Izladora. PS: Deviant Lagiacrus is awaiting it's birth through your words :D. Not sure I'd call it a masterpiece, but thanks for the compliment dude! The white on its old chest turns pink, crackling with the power of electricity. Bending down, several vertebrae in its neck popping from the unnatural position, it opens its jaws as wide as they can go. Nov 4, 2020 #14 There are several elders in this … Crashing down on its injured side, the Dalamadur roars once again, this time with pain and rage evident in its broadcast. Dalamadur has razor sharp blades covering its whole body, and two large arms with sharp claws. Irritated by the attack, the Dalamadur coils up, and launches its thousands of pounds of body at the White Fatalis, arms digging deep tracks in the ground at the rest of the body flies upwards. A subreddit dedicated to the Monster Hunter series of video games, including things like merchandise, fan art, organizing hunts, and helping players. Anything with ears within a mile feels the drums explode from the force of the blast, and white the Dalamadur is unaffected, the White Fatalis plummets from the sky, unable to balance itself without the aid of its highly tuned eardrums. At this point, the Dalamadur could stretch from one side of a fairly large town without straining itself, its massive arms could lift castles, and its armor had become like flexible diamond. 2 Robro 3000 Some random lurker. With a look between terror and acceptance, the White fatalis can only watch as the tongue of the Dalamadur flickers out to taste it, then slides into a sheath in the bottom of its mouth. Rather than a direct, obvious attack, the Dalamadur decides to go for a much more destructive attack that will ensure its mortally wounded foe will not survive much longer. I miss their fights and taking em down in HD with new movesets would just be the absolute best. #7. Stomp for White fatalis, i mean this dude Moved the moon to create an endless eclipse while remaining within Earth's atmosphere (link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpkA3krO75s) and Can travel between the earth and moon in approximately seven seconds. 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