… Obama has in him -- I think, despite his sometimes airy-fairy “We are the people we have been waiting for” silly rhetoric -- the potential to be a good, perhaps even great leader. Gabriel Winant is a graduate student in American history at Yale. …And now, let me say a word or two about a subject that I have not had time to address much this past year, what with arranging summits between the Cambridge, Massachusetts, police, and aggrieved Harvard professors, to say nothing of flying to and from Scandinavia to pick up gold medals–namely, the economy. “I know he’s getting a lot of flak for things that he’s not doing,” she told The Post. Unlike, say, David Brooks or Charles Krauthammer, Buckley doesn’t merely lament the nasty turn McCain’s campaign has taken, or predict a Republican defeat. Now, a year later, it turns out I’m another hack politician–from Chicago, where, believe you me, we know a thing or two about hack politics. Ettinger, 28, said that even though she doesn’t have health care — “I can’t afford it” — she still thinks Obama should have waited to tackle the thorny legislation that has been blamed for the devastating Democratic loss of Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat. All Rights reserved.Proudly built by WPDevelopers. Christopher Buckley October 15, 2008 by JOE GANDELMAN, Editor-In-Chief 19 Comments. Christoper Buckley, son of the late William Buckley (National Review) is not only endorsing Obama, but has resigned from the very conservative paper his father founded in 1955. I am a great fan of Christopher’s. Trending: The 15 Best Conservative News Sites On The Internet. …A year ago, I inspired the nation to have the audacity to hope that I would change the political culture in Washington. None of that changes because of his decision to endorse Barack Obama. Buckley wrote: Having a first-class temperament and a first-class intellect, President Obama will (I pray, secularly) surely understand that traditional left-politics aren’t going to get us out of this pit we’ve dug for ourselves. And the answer is that 9.8 is pretty good, considering the mess my predecessor and the Republicans left me. All rights reserved. Remember when people who attacked Barack Obama were regularly accused of racism by liberals? I am proud to call him my friend and I am grateful for his many kindnesses. view in app--Shares. So it’s a good and valid question. When I'm looking for news, here are the websites I check out, in order. SCOTUS rejects fast track for Trump election cases Joining the conservative pundits giving up on John McCain, Christopher Buckley explained why he supports Obama. He is only 47 years old, but to me seemed older than that: a man of precocious aspect and judgment. It should be quite a show. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. I voted for Barack Obama largely on the basis of his temperament, which I thought superior. Now, you may ask–and I wouldn’t blame you for asking–how I came up with that number. ? Buckley seems to be aware that he probably won’t get policies he likes from Obama. Buckley said Obama, a U.S. senator from Illinois, "has in him -- I think, despite his sometimes airy-fairy 'We are the people we have been waiting for' silly rhetoric -- … The son of National Review founder William F. Buckley, Christopher, endorsed Barack Obama in a blog at the Daily Beast, not the NR, but the bible of … We are all in this together. He ... Barack Obama, in October 2008. He says it's the first time he's voting for a democrat. I think so. She made a name for herself initially by appearing in this “Crush on Obama” video, which has racked up more than 16 million impressions on YouTube: Since then, Ettinger has appeared in front of tens of millions more people in videos and has done a zillion magazine shoots and TV appearances — and in almost all of them, she’s associated with the name “Obamagirl.” One problem: “Obamagirl” now seems kind of lukewarm on Obama: Amber Lee Ettinger — the buxom sensation who lip-synched about her love for then-candidate Barack Obama — said she wishes he spent his first year in office more focused on fixing the abysmal economy. You can read the story in the Wall Street Journal, … Her grade for Obama: B- minus. Christopher Taylor Buckley (born September 28, 1952) is an American author and political satirist. 'Black Panther' actor, model confirm romance rumors . So now, we’re going to get to see whether Obama can adapt to an environment where he’s not being treated as a combination of Martin Luther King, FDR, and Jesus. The Obama endorsement craze claims it first conservative victim! That’s not because they’ve been particularly vicious, but because they stuck their necks out so far for Obama in 2008. Christopher Buckley, the son of William Buckley, a staunch conservative who died earlier this year, is voting for Obama. Or both. Frankly, the economy is not what it should be, which is why the state of the union is a 9.8 instead of a perfect 10. … REPORT: Biden Regime Cuts Off Maternity Leave Of Trump Aides — Is This More Biden ‘Unity’? Associated Press articles: Copyright © 2016 The Associated Press. “In my opinion, I feel like he should be focusing a lot more on jobs and the economy.”. In an interview with Michael Krasny on KQED in San Francisco, Christopher Buckley reveals why he will probably be voting for Obama in November (h/t United Liberty):. To demonstrate the magnitude of this heresy, a bit of background: The son of modern conservatism’s patron saint, the late William F. Buckley, Christopher remains a columnist for the National Review, his father's magazine. Grading the Obama Speech For the most hotly anticipated inaugural speech in decades, The Daily Beast’s Christopher Buckley says the President-elect would be … Despite the fact that Buckley had zero sway in the conservative movement, it was treated as a huge story because Buckley was once again trading off his famous father’s name. So, I wish him all the best. They’d cut off my allowance," Buckley, a columnist for the conservative National Review, wrote on the Web site The Daily … Mise à jour: Thanks mrlebowski99, that was Where I Heard it. "But having a first-class temperament and a first-class intellect, President Obama will (I pray, secularly) surely understand that traditional left-politics aren’t going to get us out of this pit we’ve dug for ourselves. WOW! “It’s definitely a distraction because of the economy being as bad as it is,” said the Jersey City resident. I’ve got no job, no health insurance. Since big government/small government is not in your contemporary conservative language book. From Crooks & Liars: Christopher Buckley, the author and son of the late conservative mainstay William F. Buckley, said in a telephone interview that he has resigned from the National … I called in the smart folks in my administration, many of them educated at Harvard, and I put it to them directly. I thought it might be interesting to see which right-of-center websites actually receive the most traffic. One Question, What Law? SALON ® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of Salon.com, LLC. But it helps a bit,” said Ettinger. Well now, even Christopher Buckley’s making fun of Obama: We told you earlier today that Christopher Buckley was one of a growing group of conservatives to endorse Barack O Instead, he goes so far as actually promising to vote for Barack Obama and offering praise for the Democrat. Then there’s Christopher Buckley, a mediocrity who spent a lifetime living in the shadow of his more accomplished father, William F. Buckley. The American right truly is a many-splendored thing. He is, it seems clear enough, what the historical moment seems to be calling for. ------------------------------------------. Christopher Buckley Sees the Light on Obama David Horowitz's NewsRealblog ^ | Calvin Freiburger Posted on 01/26/2010 1:03:30 PM PST by Michael van der Galien. As the saying goes, God save the United States of America. He announced his endorsement in Tina Brown's Daily Beast, however. Unlike, David Brooks or Charles Krauthammer, Buckley doesn’t merely lament the nasty turn McCain’s campaign has taken, or predict a Republican defeat.He actually goes so far as promising to vote for Barack Obama and offering praise for the Democrat. My house isn’t worth half the amount of my mortgage, and I just got called up by the National Guard to do a fifth tour in Afghanistan. Time For Biden’s EO Signing Pen To Run Out Of Ink. I Heard that Christopher Buckley (Son of William F. Buckley Jr.), Intends to Vote for Obama? Buckley … Now even his hack supporters like Christopher Buckley are managing to churn funny material at his expense. If he raises taxes and throws up tariff walls and opens the coffers of the DNC to bribe-money from the special interest groups against whom he has (somewhat disingenuously) railed during the campaign trail, then he will almost certainly reap a whirlwind that will make Katrina look like a balmy summer zephyr. We told you earlier today that Christopher Buckley was one of a growing group of conservatives to endorse Barack Obama… There’s been some grumbling on the right about the media fuss over Christopher Buckley’s recent endorsement of Barack Obama, a Democrat. This would be an embarrassment of riches,” Christopher Buckley, famed wit and son of William F., tells me. In an online column, Buckley said he had decided to offer his … Christopher Buckley, another long-time conservative, ENDORSES OBAMA!!! No way!”. The "Your awesome Obama picture/video of the day" is laced with sarcasm, and is intended to poke fun at Obama (and also Sarah Palin, since we do that often as well). Christopher Buckley, the son of conservative icon William F. Buckley, said Tuesday he’s resigned from the conservative National Review days after endorsing Barack Obama’s White House bid, among the most powerful symbols yet of the conservative discontent expressed this election cycle. “He did create some jobs, but most of them were government jobs and that doesn’t really help the middle class. Copyright © 2021 Salon.com, LLC. Christopher Buckley, the son of the late conservative icon William F. Buckley, said Friday he's decided to back Barack Obama's White House bid, the first time in his life he will vote Democrat. He grew up poor and worked his way up from being a cab driver to an economics professor ... "Madness is rare in individuals - but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule." At this point, the bloom is definitely off the rose, the thrill is gone, and the sow’s ear doesn’t look anything like a silk purse. Christopher Buckley + Obama = 333 Because all the literary news I feel like posting seems to be political today. Necessity is the mother of bipartisanship. Christopher Buckley knew he was venturing into treacherous territory when he endorsed Barack Obama: “It’s a good thing my dear old … Christopher Buckley endorses Obama The son of the founding father of the modern conservative movement has jumped ship on McCain. Enjoy reading? Fair enough? “It’s a good thing my dear old mum and pup [sic] are no longer alive. 20) "If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black." Mise à jour 2: Thanks Scyth, Looks Like the Difference of "Truth In Thought" … Posted by: aqualung | October 10, 2008 Christopher Buckley supports Obama- The New Republic Christopher Buckley is the son of William F. Buckley Jr and an American political satirist and the author of several novels. So, I went to Alexa.com and ranked the 50 ... Walter Williams was a giant among conservatives. So in the event anyone notices or cares, the headline will be: x93William F. Buckleyx92s Son Says He Is Pro-Obama.x94 I know, I know: It lacks the throw-weight of x93Ron Reagan Jr. to Address Democratic Convention,x94 but itx92ll have to do. Daily Beast columnist Christopher Buckley has clearly inherited his late, great father’s razor-sharp wit and gift for eloquence, but his political sensibilities fell considerably farther from the tree—so much … Put gently: “The satirist in me cries out for a McCain-Palin administration. Joining the steady drumbeat of conservative pundits giving up on John McCain today is Christopher Buckley. Christopher Taylor Buckley (born September 28, 1952) [better source needed] is an American author and political satirist. The 15 Best Conservative News Sites On The Internet, Biden’s $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus would create pain in the future, Biden Defense Secretary Orders Military-Wide Stand-Downs to Look Into White Nationalism. I’ve read Obama… Colin Powell, Ken Adelman, Christopher Buckley; what other big name Republicans will endorse Obama? Well now, even Christopher Buckley’s making fun of Obama: Daily Beast columnist Christopher Buckley procured an early draft of President Obama’s upcoming State of the Union speech. Christopher Buckley endorses Obama Julia 2008-10-11 Christopher Buckley, the son of National Review founder William F. Buckley, endorsed Barack Obama on Friday: Now I’m just a complicit bystander as Harry bribes, among others, a senator from Nebraska who wants his state to get a free pass on Medicare–in return for his vote on a health-care reform bill that would make the Founders weep, or throw up. Share it with your friends! Tonight I can report to you that the state of the union, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being excellent, is a 9.8. He is known for writing God Is My Broker, Thank You for Smoking, Little Green Men, The White House Mess, No Way to Treat a First Lady, Wet Work, Florence of Arabia, Boomsday, Supreme Courtship, Losing Mum and Pup: A Memoir, and The Judge Hunter. When Obama was elected, comedians and late night talk show hosts said he was so perfect that there was just nothing to make a joke about. How the heck did he come up with 9.8?”. But I … Despite the fact that Buckley had zero sway in the conservative movement, it was treated as a huge story because Buckley was once again trading off his famous father’s name. Perhaps he is Choosing Between Loyalty and Truth. I am—drum roll, please, cue trumpets—making this announcement in the cyberpages of The Daily Beast (what joy to be writing for a publication so named!) Meanwhile, at the Corner, one of the National Review's blogs, Andy McCarthy speculates on whether Obama's sympathies are more Maoist or Stalinist. Well, one of the most remarkable consequences of Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts is that the floodgates of criticism have now opened on the Left. While William Buckley was a fan of Limbaugh in the 1990s, Christopher Buckley said his father would not approve of Limbaugh now, since he has “quaffed very deeply at the Trump trough.” Buckley said that when he learned recently that the Media Research Center founded by his cousin Brent Bozell intended to bestow its own William F. Buckley Award on … So in the event anyone notices or cares, the headline will be: “William F. Buckley’s Son Says He Is Pro-Obama.” I know, I know: It lacks … Wow, what a ringing endorsement: “I think he’s doing an OK job.”. “I think he’s doing an OK job,” said Ettinger, whose original “Crush on Obama” video, first shown in 2007, has had more than 16.5 million views on YouTube. After many National Review readers and contributors expressed their displeasure, Buckley resigned from National Review. The Obama endorsement craze claims it first conservative victim! I Also Heard that Many Republicans Want him to Pay Dearly for this Disloyalty. The conservative son of conservative William F. Buckley, who founded the conservative National Review, has resigned from the National Review to ENDORSE BARACK OBAMA!!!!! rather than in the pages of National Review, where I … It seems that liberals have discovered that their messiah has feet of clay. First off, there’s Obamagirl — Amber Lee Ettinger — who, I have to admit, is one of the single best looking women I have ever seen. I said, “Is this my fault?” And to a person they said, “No, sir! Reproduction of material from any Salon pages without written permission is strictly prohibited. You might be saying to yourself, “Wait a minute. Despite the fact that he was a non-entity among conservatives, inexplicably, Christopher Buckley was still working at National Review when he made a big show of leaving the publication, trashed Sarah Palin, and got behind Barack Obama. And so, for the first time in my life, I’ll be pulling the Democratic lever in November. Christopher Buckley Explains Obama Endorsement and Axing From National Review. What, Speller, is a "better way to view things"? Sorry dudes, only a few more weeks of this and then it'll be back to the usual posts about kittens or critical theory or whatever - at least until I finish this article I'm writing ( Toward A New Theory of Kittens ). Pretended Authority: It Is Now A Criminal Offense In Not Complying With Mask Mandates While Traveling. Looks like Tina Brown's The Daily Beastmay have lucked into the chance to grab up some major full-time talent, as conservative author Christopher Buckley has left the National Reviewin the wake of his publishing an endorsement of Barack Obamaon the Beast. Buckley's endorsement (entitled "Sorry Dad, I'm Voting for Obama") appeared in The Daily Beast. I was going to set a new standard. Posted on October 14, 2008 by girl du jour. Now, there have been plenty of liberal bloggers and pundits who’ve beat up on Obama, but there are a couple of names from this week that have really stood out. © 2001-2021 Copyright John Hawkins.

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