All pups are natural hunters, but this behavior is not typical of dogs that are fed. Both animals will usually make sounds, such as growling or snarling, when warning another animal or human to keep their distance. Just because they aren't pack animals, doesn't mean that they don't enjoy getting a nice back scratch from their human family. How much money per year you may need to keep a dog is conditioned by the breed. Cats learn to use a litter box quickly, often by instinct and require only a few reminders. A cuddly little kitten or a cute puppy, perhaps? It's important to thoroughly understand your pet's nutritional needs. Between five and seven million felines and dogs end up in shelters every year. The costs involved in keeping a feline are estimated to amount to 670$ per year. Microchips, tags, and tattoos are of great assistance in finding the owners of these misfortunate animals. In this section, we have compared some of the essential characteristics of both groups. Your use of this site is subject to the terms of our Legal Statement. Delicious roasted chicken and rice in a mouthwatering sauce. Then people answered questions designed to reveal their true personality. may indeed be a starting point of your search for an ideal pet. A wide variety of food, both wet and dry, is available for your canine pets (best rated dog food here). Dogs and cats can be excellent hunters. There are 78.2 milion pooches kept as pets in American homes. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to You may need to approach training differently with dogs and cats, but both species enjoy treats as a form of praise for their hard work. It was released by Warner Bros. Pictures on July 4, 2001. If you have taken a kitten or a puppy as your new family member, you have probably got them from a friend or a family member. To keep your pet dog’s coat healthy and shiny, do not forget to brush them regularly. They tend to feel lonely if left at home for too long. AD 200 Dogs are buried in Roman cemeteries with sentimental gravestones. Those in the cat camp, on the other hand, are significantly … Or is it a loyal canine that would make a perfect companion for you? You never know – your new best friend may be waiting for you to give them a second chance. This sum of money should be sufficient to provide your your purry friend  with food, litter, and pay for the medical treatment costs. There are various types of dry and wet food options to choose from. If you feed them good food regularly, they will not hunt. According to Psychology Today, cat parents and dog parents also differ … It's a misconception that cats aren't trainable. And MRSA, the "superbug," can move between humans and dogs. The longer a feline’s hair, the more frequent the brushing sessions should be. Remember, dogs are pack animals who closely and willingly follow their master's orders. Cats seem to respond better to women than to men. Funny brave cats and kitties vs dogs. Statistical data provided by the AVMA states the total number of 70 million pooches that are kept in the States. The domestic cats have the glowing eyes … It is not necessary to give your feline pet baths, except in some special situations. Cats are climbers and use their claws to scale trees and then without effort, leap from high places. The first house cats were not intentionally bred to become domestic pets. Pet food labels can be confusing so you must be educated about packaging claims and opt for trusted pet food brands to ensure pets get the right nutrition. 20 Interesting Differences Between Cats and Dogs 1. It's probably fair to say … A training process usually lasts around two months. posted: 01/23/13. On the other hand, dogs are active, enjoy running, and energetic play sessions, and require much more space. We believe other considerations must be recognized when deciding on which food to feed your pet. H1N1 "swine" flu has hit cats, dogs, and ferrets -- contracted from their sick owners. Cat owners seem to be less strict about allowing their buddies to sit or lie on the furniture (in 70% of homes) or even share their bed with a family member (65% of cats). Cats, on the contrary, can sleep daylong and walk at night. Though they can have lots of fun playing in the garden, felines generally do not need too much space. On average, the number of felines living with cat-loving American families is two. Next time someone asks you to defend why cats are better … Most often it's mild, but a few pets have died, so vets advise frequent hand washing and separate beds when the owner is sick. The story centers on the relationships between cats and dogs, depicting the relationship as an intense rivalry in which both sides use organizations and tactics that mirror those used in human espionage. They play during a day and sleep whole night as their owners do. There are various types of dry and wet food options to choose from. How many differences between dogs and cats can you spot? They can be equally happy and content if kept in your home. Canines are known from being highly affectionate, loyal and attached to their owners. Dog people, in other words, are slightly happier than those without any pets. Cats do not hide their affection, but there are many situations in which they tend to show their dominant, independent nature. Cats are independent. However, it's possible to house train your dog. Your dog will bark, howl or growl, whereas a cat meows or snarls. They may both be furry (most of the time) but both animals are very different from each other. As many as 60% of them will, however, not get a second chance and will face euthanasia. . Swipe to advance. Dogs, on the other hand, are usually great exercise pals. The three most popular types of felines [2] in the US include Siamese, Persian, and Maine Coon. About our Ads. Felines do not suffer from separation anxiety as much as pups do, so being left on their own at home is not a problem for them. Dogs adore the company of their owner. Read the following facts about cats and dogs: Cats get more sleep than almost any other animal. Cats are solitary hunters. While he may take an occasional nap, he prefers being at your side. Dogs call for a considerably greater deal of attention. It may be because women have higher voices. Between 2% to 10% are bought in a pet shop. No other animal is as popular in the US as a dog. A small dog cost approximately $580, while a medium sized dog costs $695 and a large dog costs $875. Certain breeds of dog such as poodles shed less than other dogs, while cats such as the almost-hairless Sphinx have very little to shed. So, let us have a look at some cats and dogs shelter statistics. Simply looking at the structure of the animals' brains only reveals so much about their intelligence. How much food you should give to a kitty is conditioned by their age and size. Is your family about to get a pet for the first time? Because of this, they see their pet parent as the pack leader, looking for direction and following it closely. Dogs have about 1700 taste-buds. They can also endure longer sessions to help them remember everything they've learned. So, where do most feline and canine pets come from? To connect with a cat, you often need to take the first step. Well we don’t need much science under this topic do we in the cats vs dogs debate. Here are some common questions and recommendations for optimal storage for all of Hill’s dry and canned cat and dog food. , and quite a few of them tend to feel anxious if you leave them alone for too long. Owners seem to spare no expense when treats for their beloved friends are in question. Most pups enjoy their baths, but you should not overdo it. 1. Pups enjoy having a lot of space since they are active and playful. Cookie Consent Tool, Dominican Republic - República Dominicana, Greater China - Hong Kong SAR – (English). Dogs are pack members, and throughout history, have worked in groups. One reads, “To Helena, foster child, soul without comparison, and deserving of praise.” 1233 Pope Gregory IX issues his Vox in Rama, which links felines to Satan and leads to the massacre of tens of millions of cats throughout Europe. Claws are evidence of the difference between dogs and cats. Depending on whether their lineage has a pedigree history or not, felines are usually referred to as either purebred or domestic. Dogs love to be petted and can sit near the breeder hours long. They are very independent creatures, and often don't rely on their humans for much past their basic needs of food and a clean litter box. When there's a rainstorm, a cat that uses the litter box may win you over quicker than a dog who needs to relieve himself outside and is very picky about the exact piece of grass on which to "go." Humans have approximately 9,000 and cats have around 473. Cats Walk on Their Toes It depends on each dog’s character how friendly they are towards small children. Many are! Make sure your dog gets enough exercise, walks, and time spent outside in the open space. Browse our gallery to see where you stand -- and how other Americans divide into cat people vs. dog people. However, the way they approach their prey is very different. Generally speaking, they require less food than pooches, and the average daily calorie intake ranges between 250 and 300 for a grown-up feline. Although kind of a strange argument for favoring a pet, as it wouldn't have these skills, Edmond_Dantes mentions that dogs do a … Are there any other curious facts you didn’t know but are relevant for a prospective owner? Yet, despite all of the efforts invested by shelters to rehome them, If a pup gets abandoned by their owner or the animal control picks them up, they will probably find a temporary home in one of the shelter facilities. Family: Cats belong to the feline family whereas dogs belong to the canine family. Precisely balanced nutrition with the delicious taste of savory minced ocean fish to help fuel the energy needs of cats during the prime of their life. Pet food labels provide basic and limited information on ingredients and nutrient levels. 34% of pooches will accompany their owners during family trips and vacations. Cats are playful and energetic, and they find it entertaining to do tricks. However, cats often express their opinion. Species and breed only determine behavior so much. Your kitty will learn to use their litter box in no time. Between 15 % and 20% of rescued canines will be reunited with their owners (. They are content being alone for hours at a time. Dogs win hands down. All they need is love and care from their pet parents to be happy, healthy animals. On the whole, more families, in general, opt for a dog as their pet. Just because cats aren't into exercise, doesn't mean they aren't nimble. There are around 5,000 tigers kept as pets in the United States. © 2020 Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc. If you have a busy lifestyle and spend most of the time out of your home, getting a pet pup may not be the best idea. These loving creatures bring plenty of joy and affection, but also call for a great deal of responsibility, attention, and dedication. The domestic cats have the glowing eyes and furry body. The online survey asked people to rate themselves as "cat people" or "dog people." Dogs and cats enjoy eating. In this article, we look at some facts and figures related to these two. They. It was used as a tracking dog in ancient Egypt. Between 15 % and 20% of rescued canines will be reunited with their owners (read more about benefits of adopting a dog). According to the ASPCA, a typical cat costs $670 per year, including food, litter and medical costs. The oldest known dog breed is thought to be the Saluki. I can go potty right here! Responsible approach and a well-informed decision are bound to bring you many years of mere joy with your loyal friend by your side. Dogs and people can also share the same strains of E. coli bacteria. Personality Trait: Conscientious. You see, cats and dogs have fundamentally opposite personalities that can naturally lead to very different relationships with their humans. Figures provided by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) [4] are somewhat different regarding the feline ownership statistics. Felines are rather well-off on their own and will not suffer too much if left alone at home while you are out working or running errands. their felines in 88% of the cases, while the percentage in the case of pups is somewhat lower and amounts to 78%. They require plenty of activity daily. Much of that sleeping is in the form of short catnaps. Her writing can be found all over the internet and in print. New microchip evaluation techniques will make it possible to identify an animal even 25 years after the chip is implanted. Read on to find the answer to these, along with many more questions. Erin Ollila is a pet enthusiast who believes in the power of words and how a message can inform, and even transform its intended audience. Lots of items in here I had not read before. Read more Read less. Who needs a litter box? Canines are more friendly and enjoy being around people. 15 Reasons Why Cats Are Way Better Than Dogs. If you are too short of time and have a busy daily timetable, it may reflect negatively on your furry pal. The percentage of animals that are returned to their owners is very small, i.e., it is less than 2% in the case of the former. However, feline lovers seem to keep more than one such pet at a time. Delectable chunks with tender chicken smothered in a rich gravy. Cats are usually more independent, cunning and don’t particularly need your love and affection. Cats have lean muscles and will pounce or leap when stalking prey, even if that prey happens to be a fun feather toy you're swaying back and forth on the carpet. 10. Every third American household is home to at least one of these animals. About six percent more US households own dogs than own cats. A wide variety of food, both wet and dry, is available for your canine pets (, Many dog breeds enjoy doing tricks and get a great deal of pleasure by being stimulated mentally (, A cat likes the company of people but is also. Pups enjoy car rides on many more occasions ( 75% of them get this chance in comparison with only 8 % of cats. There's no doubt that people love cats and dogs – but does one stand out over the other? There are more dog people than cat people. Your dog's claws are duller than a cat's, simply because they are always out, and the ground he walks on wears down the claws. Canines are more friendly and enjoy being around people. Researchers... 2. On the other hand dogs are more social creatures, playful, friendly and dare we say it, a little dumb at times. I found these 23 Curious Facts about Dogs and Cats to be very informative. While black puppies do not seem to be people’s favorites, as many as 61% of cats and kittens adopted from rescues are mostly or entirely black. 1. The truth about cats versus dogs is a hot-button debate that rages on, even if cat lovers know that their darlings swept to victory long ago. Owners spay or neuter their felines in 88% of the cases, while the percentage in the case of pups is somewhat lower and amounts to 78%. No matter whether your mouser is long or short-haired, it requires regular brushing to maintain its fur healthy. Cats . The rest is left to their individual personality and the environmental factors that they are raised in every day. © Copyright 2020 Felines tend to be impatient with small children, so keep an eye on them to avoid incidents such as scratching, biting or hissing. Yet, a properly trained dog copes well with living in an apartment, too. It is still possible to teach your furry friend a few tricks or games, though. They seek the company of people or other pets and can get rather unhappy if left on their own for too long. In fact, the difference between dogs and cats may not be as easy to spot as you think. No Litter Boxes! Dog and cat lovers, in particular, seem to relish unending debates over which animal is "smarter." Dogs Engage in Altruistic Professions, Cats Are Dangerous. Catnaps are short shallow periods of sleep that are relaxing to the cat. Many dog breeds enjoy doing tricks and get a great deal of pleasure by being stimulated mentally (check best interactive toys for dogs). There is a large number of breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club, but several breeds seem to be picked by the largest number of people. Owning a cat might make you more intelligent. Playtime with dogs and cats is also very different. Cats Domesticated Themselves While dogs and cats are very different, of course, they both are great companions. 2. How much food you should give to a kitty is conditioned by their age and size. If you have a busy lifestyle and spend most of the time out of your home, getting a pet pup may not be the best idea. Dogs are even able to resourcefully utilize their fat stores as energy in a pinch! You probably know that cats and dogs are by far the most popular types of pets people across the USA parent. While the gender seems to be of less importance to dog owners judging by the approximately the same numbers of male and female canines owned, female kitties seem to outnumber the males in American homes (with between 65 and 80% of female felines kept as pets). Monitoring your pet’s body condition score (BCS) can help you help your pet maintain proper growth and weight for a long, healthy life. If we look at adopted pets, it is interesting to notice that not all of them stand the same chance of finding a new owner. A cat, on the other hand, sleeps away much of the daylight hours, preferring to jump into turbo time right before you jump into bed. All rights reserved. Some scholars say the absence of cats led to an … Differences between Cats and Dogs Ties with the Owner. DCL. With some breeds, it may take a bit more time and skill than with others, but overall they respond well to being trained. Many breeds enjoy running and hiking, and will happily trek along on any trip. 10 Reasons Dogs Are Better Than Cats. Other Statistical Facts About Cats and Dogs If you have taken a kitten or a puppy as your new family member, you have probably got them from a friend or a family member. Canines are more sociable and enjoy the company of other pups and people. Still, only 1% of all animals have their insurance policy. Differences in their built: The … A cat likes the company of people but is also very independent. Reach out to her on Twitter @ReinventingErin or learn more about her at While many dogs enjoy a game of fetch, cats will often watch you toss a ball, and then walk away, unwilling to join in on your game. About a quarter of these animals are purchased from a breeder, whereas a fifth of them is adopted from a … Some breeds have been around for a long time, though leading associations recognize different numbers of official breeds. Are you more of a cat person, eager to have a lovable, but a more independent pet by your side? Where you store your cat and dog food can make a big difference in the quality and freshness once it is opened. And while around $100 million is spent on feline treats per year, a jaw-dropping figure of $ 1 billion goes on treats for pups. Dogs are also able to eat more infrequently than cats, though in larger portions, and carry on happily, slowly digesting and using a large meal’s calories throughout the day. There’s a reason why you’ve never heard your cat walking across a floor. Do you find it hard to make up your mind about which one it should be? Whether you have a cat, dog, bird, guinea pig, bunny, or reptile, this article will provide you with the most relevant and fun statistics and facts you need to know. According to data obtained in the US census, approximately 86.4 million kitties are kept as pets. For a cat, fun playtime may consist of pouncing on your feet when you're lying under the covers and sleeping. As many as, will, however, not get a second chance and, . This number was recorded in the US census. (For what it’s worth, humans have 16 billion). If a pup gets abandoned by their owner or the animal control picks them up, they will probably find a temporary home in one of the shelter facilities. While some are known for jumping, dogs are more likely to use their nose to find prey or speed to catch it. It is, however, possible to train them and teach them some basic rules of behavior around your home. Dogs tend to work together to get things done, so your dog will involve himself in your routines as a way to connect with you. Utility. Trademarks owned by Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc. As used herein, denotes registered trademark status in the U.S. only; registration status in other geographies may be different. The average number of canines per family is one. They average about 16 hours of sleep per day. I know there are probably even more curious facts about animals in general, especially those in the wild; however, most of us don’t have those in our house or our back yards. If you're looking for a workout buddy, a cat may not be your best choice. A cat has very sharp, retractable claws that are used for protection and to latch on to things, such as something she were to climb. They need far more attention, and quite a few of them tend to feel anxious if you leave them alone for too long. Speak with your veterinarian to determine the perfect meal plan for your furry friend. Figures are significantly lower for canines and are estimated to 40% in the former, and 39% in the latter case. Although the percentage is virtually the same for cats and dogs, the likelihood that the grave will be marked in some way is twice as high for dogs than cats (41% versus … Cats don't share that same obedience. Dogs are earthbound creatures. It's important to keep all feline training sessions very short, but be consistent and keep trying, as their memory lasts much longer than a dog's. Besides, they like to play, thus requiring more attention. The usefulness of the trained dog is legendary, from detecting drugs to trapped people and catching criminals, for example 9.The cat is great company, reduces stress in people, is low maintenance and was domesticated to keep down … Cat Facts; Cats Feline Intelligence. Yet, it appears that only 10 % of dogs and cats that get into shelters have been neutered and spayed. 11. Interesting Differences Between Dogs and Cats | Hill's Pet, Pet Food Labels Provide Limited Nutritional Information, Understand Your Pet's Body Condition Score. Read full disclosure. Cats are known for their strong character and their independent nature, which can be a bit of an obstacle during the training process. Felines are less demanding and do not get so stressed out about being on their own for some time. You probably know that cats and dogs are by far the most popular types of pets people across the USA parent. In this article, we look at some facts and figures related to these two. The rest is left to their individual personality and the … Even the so-called hypoallergenic dog and cat breeds constantly shed dander, however, which helps to create dust … Some cats are extroverts; other dogs are introverts. Generally speaking, they require less food than pooches, and the average daily calorie intake ranges between. 23 Curious Facts about Dogs and Cats together. However, cats need to ingest smaller and more frequent meals than dogs. Pet owners love to boast about the cleverness of their furry companions. What do you think who will win? Shutterstock. In survey after survey, people who say they love dogs outnumber cat-lovers by as much as five to one. A routine helps get your cat more on your schedule. However, they usually do it for their own amusement, rather than to please their owners. And Maine Coon, it may reflect negatively on your schedule new lovable,! So stressed out about as many aspects of cat or dog ownership as.... 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