Note that this bacterium generally grows with warm water to develop such rare bacterial diseases. Diseases caused due to the inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the digestive system is known as _____. Based on the above list, it appears that bacteria are extremely harmful to us. Generally, meningococcal vaccine is capable enough to prevent from development of this disease. Bacteria that cause diseases are known as Pathogenic Bacteria. Discussion. The major symptoms associated with this disease are spleen, … Gravity. Flashcards. Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life 14th. The relationship between humans and bacteria is complex. NEET 2016: Which of the following sets of diseases is caused by bacteria ? Gastric ulcers are caused by many factors like excess acid secretion, stress etc. Bacteria and Archaea. It is caused by bacteria like Shigella and Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli. These one-cell organisms are responsible for illnesses such as strep throat, urinary tract infections and tuberculosis. asked Sep 16, 2016 in Health & Biomechanics by ogleo22. In United State, Measles is commonly recognised as a childhood disease but the fact is that it can also lead to drastic impact at other stages of life. This disease often occurs due to attack of viruses and bacteria. Answer:(b) 2. Humans infected by the bacteria aid in spreading of the disease as well. Diseases Caused By Bacteria: Acne vulgaris (or simply acne or pimples) Propionibacterium acnes: Direct contact/close contact: Humans/ Adolescents: Skin disease that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells and oil from the skin. One needs to consume special antibiotics to treat MRSA. (a) Hepatitis B (b) Poliomyelitis (c) Tetanus (d) Malaria Ans : (c) Tetanus Tetanus is a lock jaw disease caused by bacteria, Clostridium tetani. Which of the following statements describes bacteriophage correctly? Which of the following disease is not caused by bacteria? While others attack due to contamination from one person to another. If you are searching about how are bacterial diseases treated then the best idea is to update your knowledge about them so that you can always take preventive actions. Macro of mosquito (Aedes aegypti) sucking blood close up on the human skin. Tuberculosis is also recognised as one of the most deadly disease in world. 1Chicken pox 2Tuberculosis 3Dengue 4Polio . (a) Cholera and tetanus (b) Typhoid and smallpox (c) Tetanus and mumps (d) Herpes and influenza This bacterial diseases list bacterium can also get transferred from infected animals to other animal products. Diphtheria 5. Although, some of these infections use to be minor but rest cause deep impact on bones, bloodstream or joints while becoming life threatening with time. 258 1. D) herpes. Symptoms associated with this disease include headaches, fever, sore throat, coughing and body aches. Try a smart search to find answers to similar questions. c) Botulism. Tetanus 2. PLAY. Viruses. Face– Acne or pimples are caused by Propionibacterium acnes. Measles has caused several deaths till now and its major impact is observed in third world countries. However, major impact of this disease is observed in poor countries with too hot climates. Identify a bacterial disease. D. Topics. This disease is often treated using antibiotics but it is essential to start the treatment as soon as possible to stay safe from risk of death. Urinary tract: Nephritis, prostatitis is an inflammation of nephrons and prostate gland respectively. Background information Staphylococcus aureus is part of normal skin flora (possibly including nasal passages) in a large proportion of the human population, without causing problems to the carrier. Gram-negative cocci bacteria include Neisseria gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis. Viruses. It is generally found in third world countries but there are several cases when tourists get affected with this disease. GK, General Studies, Optional notes for UPSC, IAS, Banking, Civil Services. (a) Hepatitis B (b) Poliomyelitis (c) Tetanus (d) Malaria Ans : (c) Tetanus Tetanus is a lock jaw disease caused by bacteria, Clostridium tetani. 5f182c35582605560c6d4a91. But this bacteria is so specialized that, it secretes ammonia which is basic in nature and thus neutralizes the pH in the stomach around it. 1. Tuberculosis. It is the most likely to cause disease and is considered a pathogen. The most common diseases caused by viruses include ebola, influenza, yellow fever, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV / AIDS), human papillomavirus (HPV), viral gastroenteritis, varicella, and viral hepatitis, among others.. To diseases caused by viruses, they are known as diseases or viral infections. Psittacosis is caught from birds (parrots, pigeons, parakeets). Best answer. D … Suggest other answer Hence it can stay in the stomach for many years until killed by antibiotics. These bacterial diseases examples are commonly spread only when person comes in contact with this bacterium that stays in human body. Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus viridians. Which of the following bacterial diseases is not caused by an anaerobe? It is generally found in third world countries but there are several cases when tourists get affected with this disease. It mostly infects the lungs, bones, abdomen and also the brain. Infectious diseases can be caused by: Bacteria. Salmonella Typhi Bacterium is major cause behind Typhoid fever. They are known to cause some deadly diseases. This disease usually spreads when person keeps on drinking contaminated water or can also occur due to unsanitary situations. Symptoms:  Fever, weakness, vomiting etc. The relationship between humans and bacteria is complex. Though one takes treatment for ulcer, the problem is not solved unless the bacteria are killed by antibiotics. Chapter 20. Salmonella Typhi Bacterium is major cause behind Typhoid fever. 2. Studies reveal that bacteria often take their diet from animals, plants and people. Pneumonia. 22. Even smaller than bacteria, viruses cause a multitude of diseases ranging from the common cold to AIDS. b) Chickenpox. Studies reveal that it can easily spread to living human from dead bodies. Around 5,700 people get affected with Typhoid every year in U.S. whereas this strength grows up to 21.5 million in rest of the world. Whooping Cough. MRSA is a commonly observed examples of bacterial diseases and it generally appears in form of a tiny red bump or pimple on your skin and the area surrounded by it use to be warm, swollen, red and too sensitive to touch. Let's Discuss The Causes, Classification And Stages Of Diseases & The List Of Diseases Caused By Virus And Bacteria. true. Before beginning of vaccination program, almost 2.6 million people died because of this disease in 1980s. C) chlamydia. 300+ 000+ Text Solution. 32. 32. Diphtheria. Tuberculosis is caused by bacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Other bacterial diseases in humans include. But there is also a bacteria namely Helicobacter pyroli at the site of the ulcer. false. Here is a list of fourteen major diseases that are caused by bacteria: 1. Though one takes treatment for ulcer, the problem is not solved unless the bacteria are killed by antibiotics. They produce poisonous substances called Exotoxins and Endotoxins that present various mild to serious symptoms. Stats show that around 1.1 million people in US are hospitalized every year due to Pneumonia and almost 54000 out of it die so often. Top Biology Educators. Malaria is caused by parasitic protozoa named as Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax. 4. Be it any exam, we have allthat you need to know to crack them. Typhoid Fever. 12 common diseases that are caused by Bacteria. And in plants they cause huge loses to farmers. Symptoms: Difficult breathing, cough, and fever. Stats of year 2014 reveal 115,000 deaths due to measles only within third world countries. It is very hard to cure this disease. Diseases caused due to the inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the digestive system is known as _____. Anthrax is caused by bacteria, Bacillus anthracis. B) gonorrhea. A. Malaria B. Typhoid C. Smallpox D. AIDS 10. Which of the following diseases is caused by bacteria ? All these diseases are known as bacterial diseases. (b) short-term effect on health. There are several cases where irrigation is also carried with contaminated water or fishes that you bring home to make delicious dishes may also have lived in contaminated water. Cholera was a severe epidemic which caused devastating loss to human life in many parts of the world. Infectious diseases can be caused by: Bacteria. Disease # 1. This disease mostly affects adults where the common symptoms include difficulty in breathing, cough and fever etc. It affects the lungs, brain and skin. can be spread person to … Gonorrhea 9. Person affected with Legionnaire’s disease needs immediate hospitalization and the most effective treatment is carried with antibiotics. Which of these diseases is caused by bacteria? d) Pelvic inflammatory disease. e) Common cold. false. The specific bacteria that cause bacterial meningitis vary based on the age of the infected person. Your email address will not be published. History rates influenza as world’s worst disease. Which of the following bacterial diseases is transmitted by a louse? (b) It is a type of virus which attacks bacteria. Pneumonia is caused by bacteria called Streptococcus Pneumonia. Test. Learn. (d) occasional bad effects on health. 1. Unlike those diseases caused by microorganisms like fungi and protozoa these bacterial infections are deadly. Pneumonia. Typhoid: An infection caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi. The Anthrax Bacterium lead to direct attack on immune system of human body and it also emits toxins into bloodstream. Botulism 13. But the microbe can be latent in humans and can produce disease when the immune system is compromised. View All. 1. | EduRev UPSC Question is disucussed on EduRev Study Group by 139 UPSC Students. Bacterial Meningitis is often known as the inflammation that occurs over protective covering of spinal cord or brain. Entamoeba histolytica protozoan. If not treated in time, the infection can be fatal. A. smallpox B. leukemia C. HIV D. diphtheria If infected, the person has to be treated rigorously. Here you find the list of diseases in a tabular form and also details of some important ones. Which of the following diseases is caused by bacteria? Streptococcal Pneumonia 8. Eyes: Conjunctivitis is an eye infection leading to soreness of eyes. a) Cholera. 5. Diseases Spoil The Health And Life Of All Living Beings. Almost 89% of malaria cases use to occur in Sub-Saharan Africa and people that are most affected by this disease include travellers, pregnant women and infants. The article below contains details about some of the most widely occurring diseases causes by bacteria so that you can stay aware of them. Almost 1% of world’s population is currently affected by Pneumonia and it is one of the most common problems in the list of bacterial diseases. Dysentery: An intestinal infection affecting both children and adults. Although, few of these cases use to be mild in nature but there are several harmful ones too. MRSA is one of the most harmful bacteria that usually stay present at medical centers, hospitals and nursing homes. Fungi. About 214 million people throughout world are affected with infection of this mosquito borne disease. (a) Appendectomy (b) Appendicitis (c) Intestinal cancer (d) Amoebic dysentery. Pulmonary Tuberculosis . 3. Identify a bacterial disease. 4. Bacteria are well known single cell, microscopic organisms and they can live at any location or every climate of earth. Almost 8000 to 18000 infected patients are reported every year. Bacterial meningitis can be caused by a number of bacteria. The bacteria infection deranges the host physiology and is life-threatening. Here is one of the most common health issue that is caused by bacterium known as Vibrio Cholerae. The bacterium that is responsible to cause this disease can live in soil and its average life time is around 70 years. Mosquito is carrier of Malaria, Encephalitis, Dengue and Zika virus. Syphilis: around 1,000 reported cases per year. In the bubonic form there is also swelling of lymph nodes, while in the septicemic form tissues may turn black and die, and in the pneumonic form shortness of breath, cough and chest pain may occur. It is caused by the bacteria namely Mycobacterium tuberculosis. (c) no effect on health. When people breathe in contaminated environment they often get affected by this disease. Today I will be covering a very important topic “Various Diseases caused by Bacteria, Virus, Protozoa, fungus and Worm”.Form this topic 1 or 2 questions asked every competitive exam. Spell. It is caused by Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenza etc. Causes infection in the genitals, rectum, throat etc. Symptoms: Inflammation, itching Scars, loss of appendages of hands, etc. Usually this begins one to seven days after exposure. Answer. Bacillary Dysentery is a commonly occurring intestinal inflammation that is caused by a bacterium that stays in genus Shigella. Bacteria cause many diseases like the Tuberculosis,Typhoid, Cholera, Dysentery, Gastric Ulcer, Pneumonia, Diphtheria, Leprosy, plague,Gonorrhea etc. List of Various Diseases caused by Bacteria,Virus,Protozoa,fungus and Worm. Brain: Meningitis is an infection of brain meninges (covering layers). Diseases caused by bacteria. Sex organs: Syphilis is caused by Treponema palladium bacteria another sexually transmitted diseases. Strep throat is caused when the bacteria streptococcus infects the throat. Bacteria are small forms of life that can only be seen with the help of a microscope . The very first case of this disease was found in Philadelphia in 1976 and its symptoms are observed to be somewhat same as that of flu of pneumonia. All these factors cause direct attack on intestine and may also lead to vomiting and diarrhea. The most common diseases caused by bacteria include meningitis, gastritis, sexually transmitted diseases, skin infections, boils, among others. Bacterial agents transmitted by animals. is your ultimate one stop haven of knowledge. (a) Appendectomy (b) Appendicitis (c) Intestinal cancer (d) Amoebic dysentery. The human population drastically declined due to the plague epidemic for centuries in the past. This disease often gets spread via air or may also get transferred from milk that comes from infected cows. Find an answer to your question “Which of the following diseases is most likely caused by bacteria? The most common treatment method for dysentery is hydration and the other option is antibiotics. Shigellosis 14. Also, prefer to drink contamination free water to stay safe. Probably, it is right time to collect knowledge about diseases that are commonly spread by bacteria. Rather, some of these are found helpful for human body but yes, no doubt to say that few of these can lead to horrible diseases. Gastric Ulcer: Gastric ulcers are caused by many factors like excess acid secretion, stress etc. The range of symptoms associated with Dysentery usually varies from mild to severe and the most common of these are pain, high fever, bloody diarrhea etc. Symptoms: Fever, headache, weakness, swelling of lymph nodes, etc. Persons tend to die in a day or two if untreated. Cholera. Necrotizing fasciitis is a rare disease that affects human skin and tissues. Meningitis 6. Pneumonia illustration, human silhouette with lungs, close up of alveoli and inflamed alveoli with fluid inside. Which of the following diseases is caused by bacteria? Which of the following diseases is caused by bacteria? Gonorrhea: A sexually transmitted disease caused by Neisseria gonorrhea. Diseases caused by bacteria. Pneumonia is caused by bacteria called Streptococcus Pneumonia. Caused by Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria like bacteria. Leprosy: It is a granulomatous infection caused by mycobacteria leprae. Which of the following diseases is always caused by a bacterial infection? Tetanus: This disease is caused due to attack of Legionella bacteria that is often found in moist conditions. (a) It is a bacterium which causes diseases in plants. Elephantiasis is a disease that results in (a) long-term effect on health. This preview shows page 2 - 4 out of 4 pages.. 9. It may be passed from person to person by direct contact or via surfaces, including door handles. You must be signed in to discuss. 2. Today I will be covering a very important topic “Various Diseases caused by Bacteria, Virus, Protozoa, fungus and Worm”.Form this topic 1 or 2 questions asked every competitive exam. Click hereto get an answer to your question ️ Which of the following sets of diseases are caused by bacteria Diphtheria is an infection caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae.. Leprosy also known as Hansen's disease is a chronic infection caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae.. Plague is a bacterial disease, caused by Yersinia pestis, which primarily affects wild rodents.It is spread from one rodent to another by fleas. Ear: Otitis is an ear infection which caused by pneumococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis. (c) no effect on health. The child sick with measles. It mainly affects people who have weak immune systems. 258 1. spotted fever) epidemic typhus fever. Which of the following diseases is caused by bacteria ? It is well known by the name TB and occurs due to attack of Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium attack. which-of-the-following-disease-is-not-caused-by-bacteria SingleChoice 5f182c35582605560c6d4a91 4. false. Studies reveal that Pneumonia is one of the major reasons behind occurring deaths in US. Online Biology tutorial, Diseases caused by bacteria. 0 votes. Few of them like plague and cholera spread as epidemics and can wipe out human population if uncontrolled. The Term Disease In Humans Means The Deviation Of The Body System From Its Normal Functional State And The Changes Are Indicated By Some Symptoms. Red spots all over my body. Terms in this set (58) staphylocci-are spherical cells that may appear alone in pairs or in clusters - are indigenous to the normal microbiota found on the skin and mucous membranes of both human and non human animals. Plague: A contagious bacterial infection caused due to bacteria Yersinia pestis. Your email address will not be published. While causing complete destruction to tissues inside it may also lead to massive bleeding. Which of the following sets of diseases is caused by bacteria? Its symptoms include sore throat, fever, and swollen lymph nodes. If left untreated most of them lead to death or severe disability. Some of the most common symptoms associated with Malaria are vomiting, nausea, sweats, fatigue, headache, chills along with severe fever. (A) Cholera and tetanus (B) Typhoid and smallpox (C) Tetanus and mumps (D) Some of these are airborne whereas few may live in water or even in soil. Symptoms: Acidity, bloating of stomach, gas formation. Option D is the answer. Anthrax 3. AIDS c. measles d. syphilis. All of the following diseases are caused by bacteria except. List of Various Diseases caused by Bacteria,Virus,Protozoa,fungus and Worm. It is highly infectious and every year several strains are reported worldwide. Live in a clean environment, prefer to wash hands time to time and avoid using contaminated water and food items. Clean environmental, sanitation and potable water are essential to prevent the spread of these diseases. They produce poisonous substances called Exotoxins and Endotoxins that present various mild to serious symptoms. answered Sep 16, 2016 by tbdbt . Same as Cholera, this disease is commonly spread by contaminated water or food. Find an answer to your question “Which of the following diseases is most likely caused by bacteria? b) Typhoid fever. Chest X-ray : interstitial infiltration at left upper lung due to Mycobacterium Tuberculosis infection. Which of the following diseases is transmitted by a vector? If we talk about studies of year 2014 then almost 9.6 million people were found affected with TB bacterium and around 5.4 million out of them died. Required fields are marked *. Which of the following diseases is caused by a bacteria? Currently this disease is almost non-existent but still, cases are reported in the areas with unsafe drinking water. The major symptoms associated with this disease are spleen, enlarged liver, rose coloured chest spots, constipation, diarrhea, headache and high fever. produces urease that digests urea and produces ammonia, which neutralized stomach acid and thus protects bacteria from being killed by the stomach acids. Measles is caused … Legs, arms, back, stomach. For bacterial sexually transmitted diseases you need to stay safe while making sexual contact with your partner. The blight of paddy, citrus canker, angular leaf spot in cotton, Tumors in plants, rot in vegetables etc. Clean environmental, sanitation and potable water are essential to prevent the spread of these diseases. ...” in Law if the answers seem to be not correct or there’s no answer. false. Also, see the diseases caused by fungi and virus. But there are many beneficial bacteria which are helpful to our life. Symptoms: Burning sensation during urination, Yellow or white discharge, bleeding, swelling of testicles, etc. Write. It is spread from person to person by touch in most cases. 1. The bacteria enters our body through contaminated water or food. As we already discussed that not all of them are harmful for human beings; science says that good bacteria can also improve the immunity level inside human body but what about the bad ones? In newborns, the most common causes of bacterial meningitis are Group B Streptococcus, Escherichia … Elephantiasis is a disease that results in (a) long-term effect on health. Syphilis 10. The pH can be up to 1.5 and any microbe that enters gut through food is mostly killed by acidic action. The interesting concept is, the stomach region is highly acidic due to secretion of hydrochloric acid. Bacterial agents transmitted by the sexual or contaminated blood route. (d) occasional bad effects on health. Below is the list of some human diseases caused by Bacteria. One of the most common symptoms of this bacterial disease in humans is severe headache and other symptoms in list may include high fever and neck stiffness etc. (b) short-term effect on health. Some of the most commonly observed symptoms of Cholera include low blood pressure, muscle cramps, thirst and rapid heart rate. 1. Gonorrhoea: around 3,500 reported cases per year. In most cases, a combination of anti-tubercular drugs is given for over a period of 6 months to 1 year. These one-cell organisms are responsible for illnesses such as strep throat, urinary tract infections and tuberculosis. c) Genital warts. Whooping Cough. Arthritis Amoebic dysentery Beri-beri Diphtheria Answer : D Related Video. Water is generally contaminated due to human faeces and the same supply goes to cities where vendors also keep on using it. false. Created by. Causes: It is caused by unprotective sex with those who have this infection. People who are already suffering with heart disease, diabetes, are addicted to smoking, have grown above 65 years as well as kids younger than 5 years are commonly targeted by Pneumonia causing bacteria. 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