Is halogen lamp a suitable substitute for the Newport Lamp? Why test candidates for emotional intelligence. I applied OLS regression analysis and usually, I report CUSUM and CUSUMSQ stability tests. Stability studies is to provide evidence whether drug product or drug substance remain stable with respect to their original characteristics or changed with different environmental conditions like temperature light humidity etc. I wonder if the results of the stability test refer to reaching the global min. 4. Before considering such possibilities, make sure the effect is reproducible. I would appreciate if you could answer my question. How to determine chemical stability of a pharmaceutical formulation/product ? Can anyone assist with Stata codes on conducting stability test on ARDL? I know that i need to use two step method, however in stability test, do i need to prepare the samples in mg per litre. Instead of the ordinary DIIS (commutator-based DIIS) convergence accelerator, which suffers from the bad guesses, but converge fast, there is EDIIS (energy-based DIIS) which has guaranteed convergence, but slow. The ICH guidance in practice: Stress degradation studies on ... Any advice on the stability region in Z-domain by Backward Euler Method? This section will guide you some common scientific interview questions and answers. What should be the temperature and humidity for the tablet compression? Even if you did prepare, some interview questions that initially seemed simple have proven more difficult than expected. It follows with BEM transformation that what is unstable in s domain could be still stable in Z domain as long as mod( zpole ) is within unit. 584 stability interview questions from interview candidates. In Z plane stability requires poles within unit circle using definition  z=e^sT (from Laplace of delayed functions , as then s= si+jw ) gives with si=0 the unit circle in the z plane. ... Answer- Stability study is study of the drug substance or drug product that provides an evidence that the drug product or drug substance is stable over a time period (Shelf life) under the influence of … Is this possible to record such increase in activity after stability test without additives? For stability testing of the system that is discrete by BEM, Do. 10. I have a variable with daily observations that is stationary according to dickey fuller tests. Yes you have contact head of Center for Advanced studies and research in Automotive engineering (CASRAE). The degradation products and impurities assay(s) aren't typically used to estimate the pharmaceutical product shelflife...just the API. Does anyone know the reasons? I have been performing antibody stability test at different solvents and temperature. if there is an equations of mixing what is it? If your powder does not wet (e.g. Formal stability study should consist of accelerated and long term stability testing on at least two primary production batches for stable drug products and in case of the susceptible drug products at least three primary production batches should be considered. Is there any place where i can get the Rancinat equipment for oxidative stability testing and cetane number determination .? Now in some instances, some enzymes exhibit improvement in activity, with residual activity been  over 100%. Now the dickey fuller test states that the data is non-stationary, thus has a unit root. The shelf-life of a pharmaceutical product is estimated based on the rate of degradation of the API. Canonical example is RB3LYP calculation of O2. I need a state & federal registration since I am conducting research and need to dispose of amounts not used by the HPLC (albeit small) with an external company. Here is my paper: I have a problem about stability region of the system that is discrete. This is Bramhendra working on Bioassay development and having one question. In other words - didnt program accidentially calculate some kind of excited states instead of ground one. The product is undergone accelerated stability testing for six months at 40 degree temperature and 75 relative humidity. In the difficult cases I prefer the following combination: Guess=Core or Guess=mix together with iop(5/22=6032) scf=(MaxCycles=500). They may seldom show it through their actions, but most … Whether thermogravimetric analysis will be sufficient to confirm the chemical stability or is there any other technique to confirm chemical stability of the product. The degree of … To achieve that, your initial guess should be BAD, that mean guess=core or something. I have already tested for autocorrelation of the residuals through a LM test and normality. My emulsions, one mix of emulsifiers to get a HLB of 7 and one with an HLB of 16 both at 1% of emulsion, did not stay together for an hour. Then your potentiostate automatically adjusts the applied potential to maintain the current flow. You may also observe an accelerated change when applying higher current densities. point, or I should perform the PES scan for each structure? 1. Explore the latest questions and answers in Stability testing, and find Stability testing experts. Specifically, I am using panel vector autoregressions (pvar) and the stability tests imply that the results are not stable (Eigenvalues > 1). Any Specific guide line for In-use stability testing of solid orals ? Can I use Phillips Halogen Lamp (70W) to access the light stability of perovskite solar cell under ambient air condition? In both FDA and EMA guidences stability at LQC and HQC levels is sufficient. When talking about freeze-thaw cycles it is typically cycling between -20 and 4 degrees Celsius that is discussed in the literature. Is their specific phenomenon happening during cycling test. Please have a look of ICH Q1C guidelines. Can the stability test in Gaussian-DFT give indication to the global minimum point? But the degradation and impurities are important in the risk assessment of, Has anyone replicated econometric process in Calaza et al.(2003). By asking great questions during the job interview, you will accomplish a couple of things. Answer: Stress testing helps in identifying the degradation of a particular product or a group of products, which can in turn help determine the path of the degradation and the intrinsic stability of the molecule. There is work in this area, e.g. OptiMEM is the best media to use for transfection, but this is just used for complex formation and contain may substances like glutamax etc. In Gao, et al (NAD-Independent L-Lactate Dehydrogenase Required for L-Lactate Utilization in Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501, doi:10.1128/JB.00017-15) CKBB buffer is employed for the optimum pH and stability test. You can evaluate ICH Q3b guideline again using the information in this article. 2)Outside the unit circle centered at one? floats) in the diesel then you will need a surfactant... We only have 1 Newport Xenon Lamp for PCE measurement. Has anyone done similar test and got the same result? On the other side, the bad guess results in bad SCF convergence. desire time a s per specification , which give the expiry. However, I work for CBER and do not deal with biosimilar products. Please I need help with Stata codes for conducting stability tests such as "unit circle" and "CUSUM" on. If your answer is 1, please see this PDF file(Fig 7.1 b), It seems this is a q of mapping s plane to z plane by some modeling. No mass balance is 100% since we don't count the water produced as an example. Search for more research, methods, and experts in other areas on ResearchGate. For reagents or enzymes that are stored in glycerol containing buffer, it may remain liquid when stored at -20°C but not at -80°C. In my labe we do not have two electrodes system. It is better to perform the stability test in the galvanostatic mode. However, this should not keep you from excelling and effectively selling your skills and qualifications. There are pharmacopeial requirements regarding related substances of API in the raw material and finished products. Assuming the reference as zero, negative eigenvalue indicates instability. EIS is definitely worth looking at. If you have other viable alternatives please suggest, thank you. How important is the stability test in Gaussian-DFT? Did you check, whether the pH of your electrolyte remained constant? ICH Q1A(R2) Guideline on "Stability Testing of New Drug Substances and Products", 2. Helpful Share this review. Interestingly, the results with the variable in levels are stable when i include enough lags of the variable. If the emulsifier concentration in the continuous phase is bellow CMC then Gibbs Marangoni effect is of importance, as well. Tell me about the last time you had to learn a new task. Topical dosage form does not have a set intake as oral medicines hence application of ICH guidelines for unknown impurities can sometimes be difficult. only day 0 had slightly higher absorbance. Work-Life Balance Interview Questions & Answers Are you a person with good creativity and innovative skills? Or Can you explain what do you mean by significant changes? Note that your reference is the highest activity obtained when performing temperature effect on enzyme activity, and that optimum temp is used in assaying post thermal stability study. Stability Interview Questions. Which post-estimation tests must one report after a VECM estimation? How the assay results of degradation products will be used for estimation of the shelf-life of a pharmaceutical product? What is the purpose of a stability test of a nanoparticle? All rights reserved. However, after 12hs later, the conduct density rised while the LSV curves get bad than that tested before 12hs (I show the images in attached files). Heavy metals like lead and arsenic are highly cumulative neurotoxic metals, heavy metals are not eliminated out of our body easily like other drugs and molecules but heavy metals bind with proteins and tend to get accumulated in fatty tissues, nerve tissue is most likely to get damaged by heavy metals, heavy metal causes nervous tissue … Answer : Are there any recommendations regarding the limits of related substances in stability testing of pharmaceutical products? As you heat this binding is diminished. What are your greatest weaknesses? The way I did it for potency assay, same can be use for characterization assays? This question will provide some insight into the candidate’s learning agility and sense … What are the most popular stability tests of the models? How did you go about learning it and what, if any, tools did you employ? I then performed the stability test and the final output was "The wavefunction is stable under the perturbations considered". (the best one is bi-linear transform) here using BEM see for example (Proakis DSP), 2. in discrete time BEM  it is (yn-yn-1)/T, 4 equating   s= (1-z^-1)/T  is the transformation. date and quality as per the manner. Stress interview questions are designed to put the interviewee into an awkward situation, to see how they perform under stress. In example a saturated NaBr solution will result in a humidity level of around 58%. I am performing the frequency calculation for some of my molecules, and gradually optimized the structures till the final optimization using the basis set 6-311+G(d,p) and [opt=tight], then checked for any imag. A great way to avoid it is to ask the right questions in the interview process. How to perform a storage stability test for perovskite solar cells under different relative humidity level (range 40-70%)? When it comes to characterization assays, what biosimilarity criteria can be use? Good guesses are good only if they overlap with true ground state, but you cannot be sure in advance that Gaussian offer you that kind of initial guess. November 21, 2020 May 11, 2020. interview questions on accelerated stability testing or studies from ICH (as per Q1A R2 and Q1B step 5) and FDA guidance. In my personal opinion, your approach is correct. How the results of related substance assay during accelerated stability testing be used for estimation of the pharmaceutical product shelf-life? Hello everyone! and how i know that each sample i mix is right? Please advise me about the stability test for Gaussian/DFT calculation. Thank you beforehand. Since you are a fresher and you have every one of the subjects in your B drug store like pharmaceutical investigation, pharmaceutics and restorative … We do not have room for a back-up -20 freezer thus we are thinking about using our -80 freezer for temporary storage during breakdown or defrosting of the -20 freezer. How can I document narcotic waste used in stability testing so that it is FDA approved? How can I find the IEEE 3-bus test system data (or other known test system) for transient stability analysis, which contains 2 generators and an induction motor? 1 stability testing interview questions from interview candidates. I work in a pharmacy that has admixtures of analgesics. stability studies are req. Has anyone replicated econometric process in Calaza et al.(2003)? But I don't have exact idea to detrmine chemical stability of the product during the course stability testing. Do doctors have to prescribe the additional mg of drug I use (the pharmacy compounds it) because so far we have it documented as narcotic waste and keep a record of it that way. What parameters should I test when performing method verification? To do the PASTRY assay we put 1 μg of virus and 4 μL of SYTO9 green 20X and we add PBS until 20 μL. I would like to conduct Rancimat test for oxidative stability and IQT test for CN determination, if any one knows any research centre where they are providing these services kindly let me know for submitting some fuel samples. High levels of Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Quotient (EQ) play an … Some jobs require employees to work under stress, and some interviewers just like to see how applicants handle stressful questions. The power spectral distribution of both lamps may be published and you can get it from the web otherwise you can measure it. Be ready for your interview. i am using nano powder blended with pure diesel .the absorbance value has been taken each day for almost 1 week , in terms of dispersion for stability test , few papers indicates to absorbance ratio term in order to obtain the stability as a function of time. we don't understand what could produce this hight fluorescence directly in the beginning. Pure organics (HCNO) without exotic functional groups rarely has Stability problem at least in Gaussian (one of few codes that allows this way of tests), for this reason people ignore this check very often even when they start to work with metallocomplexes (or are unaware of this issue). Thus, 85% is acceptable if it can be justified scientifically. Also, read recent press releases for insight on projected growth and stability. At times, employers may pass on the best talent available; often deferring to individuals who exhibits desire to stay, grow, and learn with them. 5. You run potentiostatic test, the reason could be indeed change in the cell resistance. How would you describe yourself? I attach link of the paper, Make it sepcific, i's like to know how they estimate and form figure 5,6 in their paper. After running ELISA in day 0, 7, and 14, the result shows no major differences. If not, need suggestions please……………………. When I searched for setting impurity limits in semi-solids I found that article. Conformer search normally can help a lot, but one should keep in mind quality of method with wich conformer search is performed. The experiment conducted in three electrode system at loading current of 5.5 (mA/cm, The surface of the 'h-WE' might contain, also, some. Tell me about yourself. I have been wondering how to apply stability test on VECM single equation, i.e. Where an expectation (based on development experience) exists that results from accelerated studies … ... Related: Find information about any company, its interview questions, and its ratings. How to make it in Eviews or Stata? One possible explanation is that your enzyme preparation contained an inhibitory substance which was destroyed by the heating, whereas the enzyme itself was stable. Scientific Interview Questions and Answers in a laboratory environment may sometimes be on the hoof - informal whilst being shown round the lab. Stability test of the binder less (Ni/Graphene) electrode was recorded via GCD technique. Please go through the ICH guidelines for the stability studies. Obviously, the oil droplet in your emulsions are two big. Jobs. May 28th, 2019 Dispersion and nanotechnology. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. Note: There are two variables, rank=1 and lag=4. qa interview questions. I test for most of my compounds (Ru(bpy)3 2+ singlet/first triplet optimized structures, stable keyword, same functional/basis set) and the test always results in "stable". During thermal or pH stability study, is it possible to record an increased in activity after incubation at respective temperatures or pH? 6. In general  poles in lhp in s plane assure stability. It is common that in reported papers, frequency check is mentioned but to much lesser extend is stability test. There is no method to prove that found minimum is global (except of building full PES that is impossible for all not too small molecules). 2. Which other post-estimation tests, such as stability tests, must one report in an academic paper after a VECM estimation? Homogeneity and Stability testing for reference material, Homogeneity and stability of reference materials. Some of the enzymes to be stored at -20°C would be shipped in wet ice instead of dry ice for that reason. I get the A (state space matrix) of the system and then. Most Frequently Asked Quality Assurance QA Interview Questions and Answers to help you Prepare for the Interview: Here are some of the questions I would ask if interviewing a Quality Assurance Engineer. we did the basic control like the dye with the buffer, optiprep with dye etc... to see the autofluorescence but all results were negative. How can one adapt this approach to test homogeneity and stability of microorganism reference material? discrete this matrix by Backward Euler method. You can rather easily make this yourself. Stability Interview Questions. Explore the latest questions and answers in Stability testing, and find Stability testing experts. Forced Degradation(stress Testing) And Accelerated Stability Testing Are Same? Here we have given the Interview Questions and answers as indicated by Quality Assurance office perspective. Of course, the hessian matrix calculation should be done in the same level of theory as geometry optimization. , for  recurive residual  graphic use :cusum6 ( need to be install from stata program). The physical property have been evaluated at different time points. I would try to somehow get some variance info in. Also, the calibration curve is quadratic and not linear. Why specific capacitance of RGO increases during long term stability test in 1M H2SO4 solution ? Think about these eigenvalues as squares of the vibrational frequencies and you will find pretty good analogy with geometry optimization check: to be sure that geometry is minimum you should not have imaginary frequencies. It also seems to have one great range, 3 to 12. I need a simplified explanation for CUSUM and CUSUMQ tests. Guess=mix makes guess worse, but allows one to converge into broken symmetry biradical solution. Pharmaceutical interview Questions related to Stability studies: Why we do Stress Testing In Stability Studies? There are no written SOPs and there are no relevant records since I am the first chemist hired. I have a small query and I would be glad if you could answer it. You could also look at this ICH guidelines: Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. During long term cycle stability test in 1M H2SO4 solution it is observed that specific capacitance of the electrode material increasing continuously. If you are an amateur researcher in this field, then try to understand at least the following two ICH guidelines: 1. Either way all narcotic amounts used have to be logged. Actually, stability check is just CIS procedure for the HF reference or TDDFT (RPA) for the KS wavefunction. Be ready for your interview. We purified the virus by Optiprep gradient. Accordingly, the results of my tests could be spurious. I am trying to create a simple o/w emulsion, ideally staying together ~8 hours, to study the oil in the emulsion. ... Case Study. You may be able to find out from the shipping condition of these items. We should basically obtain a pic for the RNA release, but what we have obtained is very weird and we can't find an explanation (cf figure attached). I checked with the DEA. I think no! Such problem often occurs when the dependent variable and the independent variable do not co-integrate (in which case a VECM regression is not proper for the data). My question is, are these two enough, or should I incorporate additional stability tests of coefficients or residuals? Please suggest any reference regarding that. To control the humidity in a closed system we use salt solutions to control the humidity. Send jobs to 100+ job boards with one submission Post Jobs for FREE. After identifying the beta by Johansen method, I use the 'vecstable' and 'vecnorm' command in stata for checking stability and white noise of residuals. First, you will help interviewers gain some insight into how you think . Thanks you very much for your futur answers ! What's the best procedure to use with emulsion stability testing, oil/water ? By default, Gaussian optimized for speed of the SCF procedure, that means initial guess generated requires only 10-20 steps to converge. Why do some analytes have a low recovery in Opti-MEM medium? Important is also shear viscosity and dilatation modulus. for the product stable at there. Emotional intelligence interview questions help hiring managers and recruiters assess EQ in job candidates as part of the interview process. What is Software Quality Control and explain its benefits? I assume its due to the now non-stationary variables. Stability studies ensuring product quality, safety, and efficacy throughout the time period are considered as pre-requisite for the acceptance and approval of … So I need your valuable suggestions on same and question is below…... when setting of potency Bioassay acceptance criteria for biosimilars, initially we have done 20-30 times of bioassay with reference standard and took the mean with +3SD established the criteria. It is also possible for an enzyme to be activated by mild heat denaturation that releases the enzyme from a partially inhibited state that is a natural regulatory function. Why do we choose hplc Or Gas chromatography for a sample analysis? Some Tough Interview questions may be packaged in hard, mind-blowing ways. This question will … – The Stability guidance is for Original ANDA submissions and the Q&A is for providing implementation support; Draft Q&A guidance addressing several questions (sent in to Docket) has Dear Mr. Rao, I know your question was very old but I realised that no one answers. If we are speaking about solubility issues at the highest level, than probably dilution integrity should cover it!? I am reviewing the ICH and FDA guidelines concerning sample possession. recursive residuals, and one-step chow test? My Regards, In term of mixing the nano powder with pure diesel without adding a surfactant . can a VAR model be used for estimation even when the stability test show that VAR is not stable? Same the assay we are using for product release and stability testing. If unstable is found, then run a job stable=opt, then continue working (lets say SP, TD-DFT, POP...) with the newly generated chk file (same geometry, new wavefunction), right? Afterwards we heat it by Qpcr from 25 until 95 celsius degree. Tell me about a time when you relied on your creativity to solve a problem. 8. Thank you in advance. So freeze-thaw issue may happen when transition between -20°C and -80°C. To determine if this is the case try running a control without the SYTO9 or adding the SYTO9 at intervals after the heating has started. In the most simple way you can use a plastic zip bag or a plastic box with a door. Hi, CKBB buffer (= Britton-Robinson buffer) was used for another LDH in this paper: Jiang et al. Job interviews can be compared to a school exam: if you fail, you have to go through it once again, yet always with different people. Or alternatively, look for possible co-integration among the variable, and if observed , use VECM. Does anyone have experience with freeze-thaw cycles between -20 and -80 degrees Celsius and the effect on reagents that are usually sensitive to freeze-thaw cycles between -20 and 4 degrees Celsius? If VAR is unstable; the impact of the shocks will never die-out (rather will explode). Does anyone have experience with Opti-MEM? Looking at this article, the approach is most suitable for reference material other than microorganisms. i am afraid it is kind of waste for the material if i do that. Since Gaussian 09 EDIIS+CDIIS combination is used. Question 15. Posted on 02 Jan 2021. Most of the time while taking some decisions in the office … Visit his/her profile on Naukri or LinkedIn and find out whether the person is an HR professional or a Technical Manager. Are reagents affected by freeze-thaw cycles between -20 and -80 degrees Celsius? This is known to occur with chloroplast H+-ATPase, for example. Keep in mind that it might take some time to reach the equilibrium, and that opening the campber affects the humidity. My interpretation is the SYTO9 is getting into the virus very quickly and binding the RNA. Also The eigenvalues of the matrix(A) have been calculated. 21 CFR 820 is administered by the FDA. So this reply may be helpful for whom seeks answer to questions like yours. I would like to know, is there any official document/guidelines, they may be by the FDA or any other regulatory authority, which states about the minimummass balance you have to achieve during forced degradation studies. Do you believe in gut feeling? Therefore, at your level of theory this particular triplet is lowest only if its pass stability check. This turns on EDIIS from the beginning and switches to CDIIS only if commutator is pretty small (10**-6) to be sure that we achieve ground state. For stability testing, I have put my protein in incubator at 37°C for 0,10min,0.5h,1h,4h,8h,24h. When to test the stability , for example, to conduct i-t test at a certain overpotential, should the iR also be corrected to account for any uncompensated resistance? But from the "logical point of view" to assure that your samples above the curve are stable is to prove OCC QC stability as well. For example, incubation of enzyme without substrate to 30 - 95 oC for 2 or more hours and later perform the assay at optimum temp (50 or 60). Why 3X samples collected in process validation? Answer : Change in the size or shape of the original container may not necessitate the initiation of new stability study. Completely free … Mass Balance in Forced Degradation Studies. Special Offer. Dear all, these two attached documents give basic background about dispersion stability. We thought the pharmacists needed a prescription to account for the controlled substances they were making for me.Thank you for your answers. Why the OCC QC sample is not required for stability testing during bioanalitical method validation!? The same is true for wavefunction stability check. If you find any ambiguity, then as a supplement, download one of my publications regarding this field. Air storage stability test for Perovskite Solar Cells? But when I measure cyclic stability test with three electrodes system, glass membrane in reference electrode corroded after 1000 or 1500. stability data package for a new drug substance or drug product that is sufficient for a registration application within the three regions of the EC, Japan, and the United ... initial and final time points (e.g., 0, 3, and 6 months), from a 6-month study is recommended. stability studies are req. Can anyone please share some data/Links regarding stability testing and packaging specifications of pre-filled syringes? Pharmacist Interview Questions ; Question 16. Just google these to download. I guest this help you . But too many factors may influence the results of ELISA. I have done stability tests in Opti-MEM and I have seen a major decrease in signal (LC-MS/MS) in time. Without checking the iR drop every hour or so you are not able to ensure, whether the applied potential is what you think. I don't know how to do that however. I wonder if you checked co-integration before running VECM regression. Guidance in practice: stress degradation studies on... any advice on the stability region of API... Or equipment for oxidative stability testing for six months at 40 degree temperature and 4 ' C research Automotive... & ie=UTF-8 this paper: i have seen a major decrease in (! Very quickly and binding the RNA hi, CKBB buffer ( = Britton-Robinson buffer ) was used estimation. Roughness and XRD for any uncompensated resistance since i am afraid it is to ask the stability study interview questions questions the! Questions and answers, such as `` unit circle centered at one dispersion stability equations of what! A simple o/w emulsion, ideally staying together ~8 hours, to be from. 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