Yahoo is part of Verizon Media. These qualities make Shetland sheepdogs excellent watchdogs. - 2019 registration rank: #90 highest of 193 breeds Some of the most popular dog breeds in 2020 are: 1. - Change in rank from previous year: No change. questions about dogs? The Chihuahuas is much more than Taco Bell’s former spokesdog. - Change in rank from previous year: -1 in popularity. A devoted dog lover named Matgo Law made it his mission to save these wrinkly pups from extinction. - Change in rank from previous year: +3 in popularity. These dogs were bred in South Carolina specifically to ride with hunters on small boats in order to hunt game. In the US, for 27 years, the Labrador Retriever has been dominating these rankings as America's favorite dog breed. - Change in rank from previous year: +1 in popularity. - Change in rank from previous year: -1 in popularity. What makes the Russell terrier a bit different is the breed's short stature; the dog was bred with short legs to make it easier to carry on hunts. - 2019 registration rank: #70 highest of 193 breeds Soft-coated Wheaten terriers stand as high as 19 inches and weigh up to 40 pounds. - 2019 registration rank: #9 highest of 193 breeds - 2019 registration rank: #19 highest of 193 breeds The largest of all the terrier breeds, the Airedales were instrumental in WWII when they served as messengers and ambulance dogs. Stacker compiled its list using data from the American Kennel Club's Best Family Dogs list, and considered and ranked breeds that were in the top 193 most popular breeds in … And with 360 different dog breeds worldwide—let alone the 190 in the United States—there's a pooch for everyone's tastes. While that part of their history is intense, their time in the palaces of China made them the lovable lap dogs they are today. Golden retrievers may very well be the all-American dog, especially if you consider their frequent appearances in movies like “Air Bud” and television series like “Full House.” But before coming to the U.S., golden retrievers were bred in Scotland for the purpose of retrieving game for hunters. - 2019 registration rank: #60 highest of 193 breeds This breed is one of the most frequently portrayed dogs in movies and on television, with appearances ranging from “Family Guy” and “Lost” to “Old Yeller” and “Marley and Me.” The breed was also the first to grace the cover of Life magazine and a U.S. postage stamp. - 2019 registration rank: #85 highest of 193 breeds One thing they all excel at, though, is pleasing their owners and becoming valuable members of a family—including those with children and other pets. Commonly called Westies, the dog was originally bred in Scotland to hunt foxes, badgers, otters, and rats. - 2019 registration rank: #78 highest of 193 breeds But when properly trained and socialized, Rottweilers can be quite loveable and even forget that they are entirely too big to be lap dogs, - 2019 registration rank: #7 highest of 193 breeds Keep scrolling to see if your furry friend is among Seattle's most popular dog breeds of 2020. - 2019 registration rank: #3 highest of 193 breeds As a result, even today they're considered nocturnal. So, are you wondering if your dog is popular? These little dogs are neither fully hairless nor of Chinese origin. You may also like: Fastest dogs in the world, - 2019 registration rank: #26 highest of 193 breeds Did your favorite small dog breed make the list of America's most popular? This, paired with the dog's uncanny athleticism, make this breed a favorite at show competitions. - 2019 registration rank: #5 highest of 193 breeds You may also like: History of dogs in space, - 2019 registration rank: #86 highest of 193 breeds Centuries later they have not forgotten their pampered roots. The exact origins of the "sleuthhound," as the breed is sometimes called, are unknown. Literally bred to be owned by royals Leonbergers are regal animals. Australian cattle dogs have a dash of dingo in them, as well as a bit of dalmatian. Here are some clues: One of them is the model for a … - 2019 registration rank: #45 highest of 193 breeds Labrador retrievers originally hail from Newfoundland where they were bred to be waterdogs that could help hunters retrieve ducks and fishermen pull in nets. - Change in rank from previous year: -2 in popularity. Though there are some dog breeds that you must be familiar with and without a doubt that they are on the lists, there are some dog breeds that have fallen in their ranking. But while they have proven themselves to be hard workers, these dogs are also extremely affectionate and outgoing, with regal personalities that lend themselves to pampering. - 2019 registration rank: #65 highest of 193 breeds As part of the Livestock Guarding Dog Program, some Anatolian shepherd dogs guard sheep in Namibia. Miniature schnauzers are possibly most recognizable for their bushy beards and eyebrows, features that protect their faces from the vermin they were originally bred to hunt. - 2019 registration rank: #92 highest of 193 breeds - Change in rank from previous year: +2 in popularity, Basset hounds’ most recognizable trait is a toss-up between their droopy puppy dog eyes and ear-piercing howls. These dogs tend to become very attached to their owners and are therefore affectionate and prone to separation anxiety if left alone for long periods of time. Sometimes referred to as "Berners," these dogs have been known to pull up to 10 times their body weight. - Change in rank from previous year: +7 in popularity. These reliable little animals are farm dogs at heart, and they’re right at home working with livestock or keeping mice out of the barn. - 2019 registration rank: #23 highest of 193 breeds Every year, the international network of pet sitters and dog walkers, Rover , releases a list of the most popular dog breeds . In fact, they're known as “nanny dogs” thanks to the breed’s ability to be patient and nurturing toward children. Russell terriers, Jack Russell terriers, and Parson terriers all originated from the same dedicated breeder, the Rev. However, these days, they're perhaps best known for their "monocle" markings that make them look as if they're wearing glasses. These little dogs are known for being a tad bit stubborn, but they’re perfect for people who love active pups. Goldens are exceptionally easy to train but are among the least effective guard dogs out there thanks to their highly affectionate instincts. German shorthaired pointers' high energy makes them good company for long hikes, while their strong work ethic and desire to please make them all-around excellent additions to any family. Although small in size and quite cuddly looking, West Highland white terriers have very high energy levels and are unlikely to settle for being someone’s lap dog. Samoyeds are true ancestors of the wolf. - Change in rank from previous year: No change. - 2019 registration rank: #27 highest of 193 breeds - Change in rank from previous year: +2 in popularity. Top 10 Dog Breeds of 2020 Introduction According to the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association), approximately 43 thousand households in the United States have dogs, and the total number of dogs as pets across America is almost 70 thousand. However, this also makes Havanese people pleasers that are easy to train and teach agility tricks. - Change in rank from previous year: No change. Bernese mountain dogs are originally working dogs from Swiss farmlands, where they were bred to herd cattle and pull carts. While it is true they remain great guard dogs, they never look for trouble on their own and typically only attack when defending their family from perceived threats. - Change in rank from previous year: No change. This could be due in part to the dogs' great strength and their adaptability—these animals love activities, and will happily go hiking or learn agility tricks. The sheer amount of breeds that are ranked is a reminder of the diverse taste of dog owners in America, and the many different types of pups that we love. Siberian huskies were originally developed by the Chukchi people in Siberia as a working dog to pull heavy sleds over long distances. Particular breeds have exactly the characteristics we want in pets, and because of those characteristics, these 15 breeds became the most popular dog breeds in the United States of America in 2020. Their incredible sense of smell, paired with their short legs and long bodies, made these hounds the perfect little exterminators of burrowing critters. Commonly called Shelties, Shetland sheepdogs originated in the Shetland Islands, which is also where Shetland ponies and Shetland sheep got their start. - Change in rank from previous year: -2 in popularity. - 2019 registration rank: #52 highest of 193 breeds Originally known simply as snow country dogs, Akitas hail from the mountainous region of Japan where they were used to track and hunt wild boar, deer, elk, and bears. Bichons frises love to be the center of attention. New Mexico’s top three most popular dog breeds are the Labrador, the golden, and the bulldog. While many poodles live relatively luxurious lives and develop superiority complexes as the alpha of a family, poodles are also extremely intelligent and capable of learning a variety of tasks and tricks. After the 2004 Chūetsu earthquake, a shiba inu helped rescue workers locate her elderly owner who had been trapped beneath the rubble. While they've never quite reached that level of popularity again, these sweet animals remain a favorite among pet owners. In US, the American Kennel Club ranks dog breeds. Updated 5:32 PM ET, Sun May 3, 2020 (CNN) For the 29th year in a row, the Labrador retriever has kept its title as America's top dog, but the Pembroke Welsh corgi, … - Change in rank from previous year: No change. Pomeranians are actually descendants of full-size sled dogs, which likely explains their excessive energy level. Thanks to its distinctive look, the bull terrier has a history of being the spokesdog for famous brands. Possibly the most famous bullmastiff in America is Butkus, Sylvester Stallone's pet, who appeared in the movie "Rocky" when they couldn't afford a trained movie dog. Papillon owners should be prepared to spend a great deal of time playing with and exercising their energetic pups. The spotted dalmatian has been long-associated with firefighters, and for good reason. Labrador Retriever. - Change in rank from previous year: -1 in popularity. Author and activist Helen Keller is said to have brought the breed into the U.S. in 1937, and Akitas have since become known for their remarkable loyalty. Maybe that is why the breed is popular among celebrities like Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Hilary Duff, Gwen Stefani, and Eva Longoria. Not only did an Old English sheepdog star in "The Shaggy Dog," animated versions of the breed appeared in "The Little Mermaid" and "101 Dalmations. Just like feline friends, chow chows tend not to care much about their owner's needs and prefer to do their own thing. They are primarily bird dogs, hunting anything and everything covered in feathers. The most famous Akita in history is Hachikō, a dog that waited for its owner for more than nine years after his death. Mastiffs are considered to be the largest breed in the world, standing about 30 inches tall and weighing 120 to 230 pounds. The Chinese crested actually originated in Africa, but the dogs came to be popular as ratters on Chinese ships which earned them their name. Every year the American Kennel Club ranks the most popular dog breeds in American based on new registrations of purebred dogs the previous year. - 2019 registration rank: #29 highest of 193 breeds Bloodhounds became popular during medieval times and the "blood" part of their name means "of aristocratic blood" due to princes and other noble church members owning packs of these dogs. However, if you’re looking for a competitive breed, then you can’t do better than these wiry dogs. - Change in rank from previous year: No change. - Change in rank from previous year: -6 in popularity. The AKC only analyzes data dealing with purebred, registered breeds, so sadly, your sweet mixed-breed pal isn't counted in the final tally. - 2019 registration rank: #18 highest of 193 breeds Dachshunds have many nicknames including “wiener dog,” but their name actually translates from German to English as “badger dog.” That's because this breed originated more than 300 years ago to hunt badgers (and even fight them to the death). When owning pets became a luxury in Communist China, Law made a plea for other countries to help him save the breed. - Change in rank from previous year: No change. Their “otter tails” assist them with these tasks by acting as powerful rutters. Their presence there has also had the added benefit of protecting cheetahs from being shot by farmers, since the big cats are afraid of the dogs. - Change in rank from previous year: -3 in popularity. In the 17th century, these Nova Scotia retrievers were often used to lure ducks for hunters. As a result Boykin Spaniels are loyal energetic and love to be around people. They are also exceptionally easy to train and very affectionate companions that are gentle with children, the elderly, and other pets. Easily identified by their big puppy dog eyes and their long, lush ears, cocker spaniels are the American Kennel Club’s smallest sporting spaniel and stand at just 14 or 15 inches tall at the shoulder. You may also like: 23 dogs that won't make you sneeze, - 2019 registration rank: #31 highest of 193 breeds These small dogs have very big personalities and perhaps even bigger hearts. Every year, the American Kennel Club publishes their ranking of America's most popular dog breeds. But when it came to choosing a state dog, New Mexico remembered that … John “Jack” Russell. These dogs are clowns at heart and love to be the center of attention, which is not hard to pull off thanks to their big eyes, wrinkly face, curly tails, and tongues that often stick out for all the world to see. However, these dogs have happily transitioned into loving companion dogs in the modern day. Notable members of the breed include Target's Bullseye and Bud Light’s Spuds Mackenzie—who, despite being a ladies’ man in the commercials, was actually a female named Honey. Standing between 6 and 9 inches tall and weighing between 3 and 6 pounds Chihuahuas are naive about their small stature and are considered to be one of the world's best watchdogs thanks to their alertness and proclivity to bark at suspicious activity. Don't be fooled, though—they may be the largest terriers, but they possess just as much energy as their smaller counterparts. Depictions of basenjis were found carved in the Great Pyramid of Khufu, proving these curly-tailed pups have a long history. You may also like: Most popular small dog breeds, - 2019 registration rank: #1 highest of 193 breeds They were introduced to the U.S. in the early 1900s when they began to compete in Alaskan sled races, and have since been featured in films like “Snow Dogs” and “Eight Below.” Siberian Huskies are pack dogs that are particularly independent and difficult to train, but still very affectionate. Chihuahuas develop exceptionally strong bonds with their owners, a quality that has contributed to the phenomenon of young women carrying the breed around in their purse wherever they go. Vizslas are very active dogs with a strong sense of smell: qualities that have made them great at competitions drug-detection and search-and-rescue. This breed has webbed toes for swimming, but they're also adept pointers. The AKC released its Most Popular Dog Breeds list on May 1, 2020. 2) Cockapoo. - 2019 registration rank: #34 highest of 193 breeds Today, the breed is considered the ultimate companion thanks to its cheerful demeanor and cloud-like white fur coat that makes the dog resemble a child’s toy. - 2019 registration rank: #8 highest of 193 breeds - Change in rank from previous year: +2 in popularity. - 2019 registration rank: #80 highest of 193 breeds Elcho is believed to have fathered 197 puppies. - 2019 registration rank: #36 highest of 193 breeds - 2019 registration rank: #33 highest of 193 breeds - 2019 registration rank: #61 highest of 193 breeds Choosing the first family dog for small children and ample backyard space could make retrievers or labradors the safe—and most obvious—option. This history of pampering has imprinted upon the breed a reputation for being spoiled rotten, as these house dogs stick to their owners like glue, crave lots of attention, and become anxious if left alone for too long or exiled to the backyard. - 2019 registration rank: #43 highest of 193 breeds - Change in rank from previous year: No change. - 2019 registration rank: #17 highest of 193 breeds - Change in rank from previous year: +5 in popularity. You may also like: Most popular dog breeds that keep it quiet, - 2019 registration rank: #6 highest of 193 breeds - Change in rank from previous year: No change. Giant schnauzers demand respect, but once they have it, they will make exceptional guard dogs. There are a … Norwegian Elkhounds are believed to have a history that dates back to the Viking era. - Change in rank from previous year: -2 in popularity. Also known as Italian mastiffs, the cane corso was originally bred as a guard dog that could also hunt wild boar. Much like the one featured in the 2002 comedy “Van Wilder,” bulldogs tend to be quite flatulent. That said, these dogs have proven themselves to be much more than the sinister attack dogs pop culture continues to portray them as. - 2019 registration rank: #37 highest of 193 breeds You may also like: Stories behind every dog breed that originated in America, - 2019 registration rank: #51 highest of 193 breeds Here are the 30 most popular large dog breeds in America, including the boxer, the Golden retriever and more furry favorites. These dogs are known for their tracking skills, and they can sometimes be found on search and rescue teams. Rhodesian ridgebacks are most easily recognized by the naturally occurring ridge found along their spines, for which they have been dubbed “the dog with a snake on its back.” This breed has also been commonly referred to as “African lion hound,” thanks to the dog's history of distracting lions for big-game hunters in Africa. Nicknamed "Aussies," these shepherds are among the smartest and most loyal of any dog breed. Several obvious factors create a breed's national popularity year in and year out: ideal size, lack of maintenance, hypoallergenic coats, disposition, temperament, and of course name recognition. - Change in rank from previous year: No change. Their noses have about 220 million scent receptors, which is exponentially more than the roughly 5 million scent receptors on the average human. - Change in rank from previous year: -3 in popularity. They have since earned their place in the home, enjoying a slower lifestyle with the occasional physical activity, especially swimming. Basset hounds have been frequently featured in pop culture, including several Walt Disney animated films and an array of television series such as “The People's Choice,” “Columbo,” and “The Dukes of Hazzard.”. These dogs are typically bred as either hunting dogs or show dogs, but never both. Brittanys tend to be hyperactive, and are therefore best paired with owners who can match their boundless energy with plenty of physical stimulation. Updated July 1, 2020, 1:06 PM The Mixed Breed is the most popular dog in the United States, according to a new report from Rover. - Change in rank from previous year: +1 in popularity. Share on Pinterest Like other bull terriers, this breed was originally bred to fight. - 2019 registration rank: #24 highest of 193 breeds - 2019 registration rank: #54 highest of 193 breeds The breed is also known for its keen sense of smell, second only to bloodhounds. Border terriers have been known to annihilate the competition in Earthdog trials. - Change in rank from previous year: -3 in popularity. A dog is loyal, obedient and friendly to familiar people including the owner. In fact, if you were caught stealing one, it was an offense punishable by death. - 2019 registration rank: #94 highest of 193 breeds - Change in rank from previous year: +2 in popularity. - Change in rank from previous year: No change. Imperial China took their love for Pekingeses seriously. Dobies are actually very loving companions who view themselves as their families' protectors. Contrary to popular belief, the miniature pinscher is not a miniature Doberman pinscher. German shorthaired pointers were originally bred in Germany during the late 1800s as a dog that would instinctively perform a variety of hunting-related duties. Their trademark “herding eye” made them excellent for controlling flocks of sheep, a task for which they are still commonly used today. - Change in rank from previous year: -1 in popularity. This breed is easy to train, protective of its family, and excellent with children. - Change in rank from previous year: +2 in popularity. 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