A lack of statin drug medication was suggested as a possible cause by . The Melbourne-based lawyer, Serene Teffaha, who during the pandemic has appeared at anti-lockdown rallies and on YouTube with conspiracists such as the former celebrity chef Pete Evans, last. ABN 30 735 541 158. Mainstream media and the Chief Justice are silent, of course.The Wood-Teffaha cases have unsurprising parallels: The system, i.e. Kate and Anthony Golle. In a large class action that might not be straightforward.. Suspended lawyer Serene Teffaha, who is representing Vicki, says she may take it all the way to the High Court" An update on Vicki, the unvaxxed woman denied a place on the heart transplant list. Fundamentally a state of disaster is being declared based on these statistics. The notice was sent at about the same time that Ms Teffaha filed the class action on behalf of thousands of public housing tenants subjected to the hard lockdown that confined them to their homes in July 2020. Then the Keeper of the Jewel House shall deliver to the Archbishop the Queens Ring, wherein is set a sapphire and upon it a ruby cross: the Archbishop shall put it on the fourth finger of her Majestys right hand, and say: The answer is to file in the equity division, which still is to be found in all Supreme Courts. I believe that I have been vindictively targeted for harassment by the Liberal Party of Australia for my strident criticism over the past ten years of Liberal Party Prime Ministers and politicians and that this harassment has been carried out by ASIO which has illegally orchestrated a gang stalking campaign against me intensively since the middle of 2018 under the direction of the Minister for Home Affairs, Peter Dutton, on behalf of the Liberal Party of Australia. The class action has not yet been listed for a hearing date. Evans has also been a keen seller of doTERRA, a multi-level marketing company whose enthusiastic wellness advocates spruik (as Evans himself described it in a video last November) the amazing opportunity to empower yourself with more knowledge and create more income by selling essential oils. As Natural Laws define the operation and existence of the physical universe, all valid Positive Law may be said to be derived from Natural Law enacted by men and women through proper authority in accordance with these canons for the governance of a society. It might also be called the theft of a business from its rightful owners and its clients. Too many folks, including many of my dear colleagues, have bought into their divisive and outrageous messaging for me not to speak out, Corn wrote. The creation of a legal person also creates responsibilities and liabilities for this new legal person responsibilities and liabilities due to a nation/country, which is also a legal entity. The Guardian has not been able to independently confirm whether the actor was Lucas. tony on Lawyer Serene Teffaha Is Looking For An Expert Witness For Challenging Vic's State Of Disaster; Mara Moreau on Lawyer Serene Teffaha Is Looking For An Expert Witness For Challenging Vic's State Of Disaster; CJ Chan on Class Action Challenges Australia's Prime Minister And State And Territory Leaders On Their Covid-19 Response On Monday, Ms Teffaha said losing her licence would not affect the class action, and that she had written a whistleblower complaint against the legal watchdog for what she considered to be the targeting of her litigation. In what clearly is an even more absurd move, both matters, the one commenced by VLSB in the Supreme Court of Victoria and the one commenced by Serene in VCAT have now both been adjourned by the VLSB (perhaps it has something to do with their inability to obtain representation?). The language and ideals of the wellness industry are being used to bring conspiracy theories to a new and more mainstream audience. Update: In a patronising move, Justice Forbes has extended the hearing until 10:30am tomorrow 22 April 2021. Thank you. An independent Manager, Mr Jacob Uljans, has been appointed to take over professional and operational responsibilities for her law practice Advocate Me. Ms. Its all tied up in that wellness, Instagram influencer grift; its how they make money.. 03 Mar 2023 22:16:37 She wants to consider my material in less than 1.5 hours so that she can proceed at 10:30am tomorrow. Lawyer Serene: Teffaha explains the Law that regulates Government in respect of Covid-19. The excursion is just one example of how a group of highly motivated individuals whose belief in a dizzying array of conspiracy causes have coalesced into an organised movement during the pandemic. Suspended lawyer Serene Teffaha, who is representing Vicki, says she may take it all the way to the High Court . Im pretty confident it hasnt happened before, Mr Armstong said. They want the details of all my clients, they want to know what my barristers think of the cases, theyre trying to speak on behalf of all my clients when not a single one of them has made a complaint against me, she told the Guardian. James 4:12 There is one lawgiver, who can save and destroy: who art thou that judgest another. . Also from Melbourne, it is Fernandez who encouraged the groups followers to distribute thousands of pamphlets containing vaccination misinformation during the so-called week of action. We the people must bring an end to this corruption. Since April 2021, Serene has been fighting the actions of the Victorian Legal Services Board and the Manager they have appointed, Jacob Uljans from Hall and Wilcox. But today she regularly tells her more than 200,000 followers on Instagram about what she believes are the dangers of 5G and censorship. Frankly, the standard of government I have experienced in Australia since I was a teenager in the mid-1980s has been abysmal. Reading and understanding these will empower you to speak with truth and confidence . For more information and tips to fix this issue see this article: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389361. Court Acts, so you can ask how does a man/woman file in their own right ?. Feb 19 2023. Serene also runs regular public awareness campaigns and organises various actions in a lawful manner in order to mobilise people with the sole purpose of creating change. Ms Teffaha said she had never had any clients complain about her. He announced to his followers that he had spent the day handing out similar information at aged care homes throughout the city. Because of the abrupt and unlawful conduct of the VLSB, many group members are still reaching out to Advocate Me, however, we have ensured that these group members get referred to Clemens Haskin Legal for support. RT @ExposingNV: An update on Vicki, the unvaxxed woman denied a place on the heart transplant list. Argentino argued that child-trafficking narratives associated with QAnon helped merge the communities, pointing to the well-publicised hijacking of the save the children hashtag by QAnon followers. Serene and her team are also focusing on the appropriate education of the Australian people relating to the dangers associated with the COVID-19 vaccinations, through their work on People for Safe Vaccines. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Senior Investigations and Review Officer, Complaints, Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security. Two lawyers active in anti-mandate lawsuits, Serene Teffaha and Nathan Buckley, have had their licences to practise law suspended by state watchdogs. Victorian Ombudsman Deborah Glass found the governments decision to immediately lock down the towers violated the human rights of tenants, who were not given a chance to prepare for restrictions, while the rest of the state was given a chance to prepare for restrictions. Her publicist said she would kindly decline the opportunity to comment. How the wellness and influencer crowd serve conspiracies to the masses. The causes for this shift are complex. Lucas did not provide a response to questions from the Guardian. 04 Mar 2023 02:38:15 Meanwhile, in an absurd move by Jacob Uljans and Hall and Wilcox, they have issued Serene more than $100K in legal costs, falsely claiming that Advocate Me is their client, in the absence of a cost agreement and contrary to the application of the laws, and in the absence of clients providing them any instructions. Serene Teffaha was also behind a class action filed on behalf of Melbourne public housing tower residents subject to a hard lockdown last year. Serene provides legal information to assist her clients, and of those who may be unrepresented, may also provide pro-bono support as a friend of the court. Serene also represents vulnerable clients involved in child sex abuse, police brutality, whistle . Melbourne is now out of lockdown but United Collectives ongoing relevance has much to do with its ability to pivot focus. That which is legal has been formed by man. It appears that there are very few remaining Barristers or Judges that are prepared to support the corrupt actions of the VLSB and Hall and Wilcox and to assassinate Serene in an open court and face her investigative and legal prowess; at this point in time, two Barristers and 3 Judges have already removed themselves from matters involving Serene. 2. Thank you ladies. Are our details being monitored, sold, made available to other sources? According to a tweet from Lawson, the actor was Isabel Lucas, the former Home and Away and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen star. Deputy Chief Magistrate of the Queensland Magistrates Court Anthony Gett referred Ms Teffaha to the Legal Services Commission in Queensland during a hearing in open court. She has given them more time to put more evidence with 3 barristers on board while I have not been given any say in the time I require to prepare, the time I require to have representation and when they are lying that they want to do this to protect the clients from me. Forwarded message from Andrew Mackinnon 04 Mar 2023 01:21:52 It seems Teffaha has been touching a very sensitive spot on the legal fraternity.In March the VLSB sent Teffaha a notice of proposed cancellation of practising certificate, around the time that she filed the class action on behalf of 3000 public housing tenants subjected to the hard lockdown that confined them to their units in July 2020. A legal entity has been formed by man. Not only do we have a corrupt political system, on all levels, Local, State and Federal, but we now have a corrupt judicial system. With the uncertainty around whether Teffaha will be able to represent them, the residents are left without an active class action and the prospect they may not be compensated. The Age newspaper reported the firm has taken over the operational responsibilities of Advocate Me. Australian Constitutional Law. Shrouded in black, wearing a hooded jumper and going by the name X, she described herself as an actor and professional feeler. Dear Class Action Members and donators, Thank you for your instructions to have your legal fees refunded. She said her previous activism included advocating for survivors of child sexual abuse and family violence, government transparency and whistleblowers. Her VCAT case against the Alfred continues, final hearing dates in 2 week's time. My name is Andrew [Middle Name Withheld] Mackinnon. Serene Teffaha of Advocate Me. I believe that this harassment intensified after Peter Dutton became the Minister for Home Affairs on 20th December, 2017, which made him responsible for the Department of Home Affairs and therefore responsible for the operation of ASIO. restraining Ms Teffaha from representing her own client. Her VCAT case against the Alfred continues, final hearing dates in 2 week's time. Mr Uljans appointment is for six months. In their desperation, the VLSB also sought to garner all the client information that Serene possesses since 2016, without the consent, knowledge or instruction from the clients themselves. This is undertaken through campaigns such as Cops for Covid Truth, APRHA Whistleblower complaints, Peoples Commission in to the Family Court of Australia, Detention Towers Class action and the National Class Action covering issues relating to Covid restrictions. The reason for this is that the jurisdiction changed as a consequence of the Commonwealth of Australia being put into receivership. Serene was ready to add the current clients of Advocate Me as another party to the proceedings; however, in an unusual and surprising move, the VLSB sought an adjournment, which was granted by Justice Richards (after the recusal of Justice Forbes). Meagan Liu. Queensland premier urges PM to halve international arrivals as state records one new Covid case, Airlines say planes were stuck on tarmac waiting for Scott Morrison Covid press conferences, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Of the form and characteristics of man. A distrust of traditional institutions saw wellness advocates find common ground with QAnon during the pandemic and soften their message for the mainstream. She said she has more than 2000 clients, each of whom must give a minimum upfront payment of $250. That which is lawful is of substance/essence and is a creation of God. A lawyer collected more than $650,000 for a proposed class action promoting unproven COVID-19 treatments and against hotel quarantine, contact tracing and face masks. Nor is it possible for a Cognitive Law or Natural Law to abrogate, suspend or change a Divine Law. and blessed in all good works, We might end up going to like um, whats it called, like, I dont know, going in front of schools or something like that, like primary schools, and just handing them out to the parents after school, Fernandez said while filming himself placing the sheets in letterboxes with his girlfriend in February. His lawyer Serene Teffaha was about to address the court when the anti-lockdown protester interrupted. This is unheard of. The lawsuit lists Victorias deputy chief health officer, Annaliese van Diemen, deputy public health commander, Finn Romanes, police commissioner, Shane Patton, and the state of Victoria as defendants. This is what they are trying to cover up and much, much more. By Dr. Mike Williams It's 2023 and excess deaths are still high above their normal baselines in many countries. In the US, for example, the adoption of the QAnon conspiracy theory by a more mainstream audience has been accelerated by its widespread infiltration of the wellness industry. Marc-Andr Argentino, a researcher from Concordia University in Canada, coined the term pastel QAnon to describe the trend: a sanitisation of QAnon that allowed it to filter into a more mainstream audience through lifestyle influencers, mommy pages, fitness pages, diet pages, and alternative healing. Response to the Supreme Court of Victoria- Justice Forbes do your worst so I can do my best! She talked about attending the Met Gala and appearing in Hollywood blockbusters. The antithesis of substance; the appearance or superficial aspect rather than the substance or the essence. But there was also an unexpected guest on the call. She claims to have raised in excess of $650,000 to run the broad-brush class action, which she says is being held in a trust account that she hasnt touched, and told the Guardian she had more than 5,000 people signed up as part of the still-unfiled lawsuit. Serene Teffaha becomes Australias Lin Wood as establishment attacks, Serene Teffaha becomes Australias Lin Wood as establishment attacks - Real Insight, Serenes back and fighting fit with class action relaunched and cases running - Real Insight, https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=389361. To: andrew.mackinnon.72@hushmail.com, Via email: andrew.mackinnon.72@hushmail.com. Lawyerly is the leading source of legal news for commercial lawyers in Australia. The couple are part of, and are encouraging their 44,000 followers to join, a class action with Melbourne lawyer Serene Teffaha against the lockdown. Go to page for download >>. This has only reinforced her reasoning as to why this corruption must be bought to a stop and has only pissed her off and put a whole lot more of fire in her belly., Your email address will not be published. The lawyer behind a class action for locked down public housing tower residents has cried in court. The legal jurisdiction is only for fictions and is devoid of conscience and justice. They have clashed with legal watchdogs, courts and judges, and have at times blurred the line between legal advocacy and activism. Last year, researchers from the Queensland University of Technology showed how during Covid-19 actors such as Woody Harrelson played a vital role in pushing discredited theories about 5G, for example, beyond existing conspiracy communities. Serene Teffaha was also behind a class action filed on behalf of Melbourne public housing tower residents subject to a hard lockdown last year. The actor on the video talked about a video she watched on YouTube about whether Donald Trump was a light worker. 04 Mar 2023 01:20:03 This means any failure of DUE PROCESS or failure to account for RELIEF by the COURT obligates to compensate the individual accused. MELBOURNE, Australia A lawyer collected more than AUD 650,000 ($502,573) for a proposed class action promoting unproven Covid-19 treatments and against hotel quarantine, contact tracing, and face masks. Serene's Farce Action Part 2 Revolution On The Streets video created by AnxiousAussie: 518 views,. Suspended lawyer Serene Teffaha, who is representing Vicki, says she may take it all the way to the High Court . According to a report in the Queensland Times, magistrate Anthony Gett referred her to that states Legal Services Commission over submissions in court that he said may be prejudicial to or diminish the public confidence in the administration of justice. Dear Serene, I am so proud of you and to be in your class action group from the beginning. My [Withheld] drivers licence number is [Drivers Licence Number Withheld]. Natural Person: Any human being who as such is a legal entity .. (Amon v. Moreschi, 296 N.Y. 395, 73 N.E.2d 716. Max Radin, Radins Law Dictionary (1955), p. 216). Her VCAT case against the Alfred continues, final hearing dates in 2 week's time. The lawsuit, fronted by plaintiff Idris Hassan, alleges the detention of people in the towers was unlawful and beyond the powers conferred under state government legislation to manage the pandemic. Victoria Lwyer Serene Teffaha Is Looking For An Expert Witness For Challenging Vic's State Of Disaster. In Teffaha v Victorian Legal Services Board (Legal Practice) [2021] VCAT 590 the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal refused a sole practitioner's application for a stay of the decision by the Victorian Legal Services Board (the board) to cancel her practising certificate. The wellness industry, she warned, with its focus on alternative health practices and mistrust of the government, was playing a key role in mainstreaming something that was previously confined to the fringes of the internet. Teffaha has not been accused of any crime or faced any complaint from clients.Teffaha appears to have upset the Victorian establishment because she launched class actions against the imposition of the destructive, deceptive and unlawful so-called pandemic response measures driven in her state by the power-crazed Labor Party lunatic named Daniel Andrews, who is missing in action from his Premiers job under highly suspicious circumstances and has been issuing faked up, Photoshopped pictures allegedly showing him in recovery. As far as this brave woman is concerned, yes lets support her! While the Guardian has not sighted the correspondence from the VLSB, Teffaha said she planned to release more information this week. In the UK, the conversation has reached the level of both public and political importance. Amen. Earlier iterations of the group had as many as 80,000 members. Assorted Conspiracy . Those conducting the gang stalking have moved into my current shared house in order to gain direct access to me and harass me. In her Advocacy capacity, Serene empowers her clients with the knowledge and understanding of their situation in order to de-escalate their issue and attempt to negotiate a resolution. 12 July 2021. Teffaha has previously appeared at an anti-lockdown protest in Broadmeadows in which she described bureaucrats as liars, judges as corrupt and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) as the most terrorist organisation. Serene Teffaha, a senior ATO lawyer engaged as a tax technical specialist, last week lodged a statement of claim in the Federal Court alleging the Commissioner of Taxation, acting on behalf of the . Hall & Wilcox partner Jacob Uljans has been appointed by the board to manage the litigation and has taken over the operational responsibilities for Ms Teffahas Preston law firm, Advocate Me, the board said. Natural Law cannot be written or created, only discovered. Its a trend that experts are increasingly familiar with. Against the instructions of all her clients, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia facilitated, without any Court Orders, the transfer of the client trust funds into the hands of Jacob Uljans without their consent or knowledge and in the absence of any complaints against Serene. For all this His anger is not turned away. I will be speaking in my capacity as an economist, and according to Serene Teffaha, the lawyer organising this case at Advocateme.com, the following expert witness positions are still unfilled . Thanks to Serenes tenacity and love for her clients, their confidentiality and privacy has not been breached. Since any human being who as such is a legal entity, a human being is of form as well. Defining Moment. And to take what is right from the poor of My people. She is now extremely passionate about social justice and human rights. Brazenly; the Victorian Legal Services Board then commenced proceedings in the Supreme Court of Victoria to silence Serene from speaking out on behalf of her clients; not just as a lawyer but also as a normal civilian, whose life mission has been to help others. Kara Mammo has identified the same issue and explained it to me in detail. Serene is currently under attack by the Victorian Legal Services Board, for her legal practitioner license. Ms Teffaha rose to prominence as a member of anti-lockdown campaigns. Those narratives are that (i) child trafficking among elites is a conspiracy theory (ii) elections in the democratic West always represent the will of the people and (ii) that humanity is facing its worst health crisis in history that the only way to defeat it is vaccines, masks, lockdowns and social distancing. Mr Hassan said he has no concerns about the litigation proceeding. Our lawyer, Serene Teffaha from Advocate Me, will be representing the following: People who have been suspended or terminated from their employment, as well as people who have been threatened because of their refusal- based on all reasons whether religious, no safety studies, being pregnant etc. The board confirmed it had cancelled the licence of solicitor Serene Teffaha, saying the Melbourne lawyer no longer has a practising certificate and cannot engage in legal practice. Subject: Enquiry regarding actions of ASIO against Andrew [Middle Name Withheld] Mackinnon But, she says, there is also a more cynical play for attention in an economy that is built around personal branding. My immune system has just become so solid from my way of life, how I live and eat and think, she said. Serene Teffaha, who has filed a lawsuit against Victorias Covid lockdown, says the states Legal Services Board has threatened to cancel her. Using his phone to record himself, Lawson rang the doorbell and spoke to a staff member over an intercom, saying he was there to deliver information about informed consent. Thank you so much for your support Tony. A legal entity (human being) is of form, the antithesis of substance and therefore wanting (empty), and cannot be counted. On Thursday, Ms Teffaha labelled the boards decision as unlawful and said her clients do not accept any government regulator intervention. Teffaha had reportedly said a child taken by an alleged child-stealing syndicate had been let down by the police and judiciary and the court was enabling his abuse. But while the initial referral appeared to relate to her comments in Queensland, the Guardian understands the VLSB may also be inquiring into the class actions she has raised money for throughout the pandemic. Cognitive Law cannot abrogate, suspend, nor change a Natural Law. However, these forces have recently unleashed on her again with threats of fines, civil prosecution and imprisonment for speaking out on behalf of clients even though she had garnered permission from the Commissioners, Tribunal Members and Judges to advocate on behalf of these clients. All rights Reserved. But now the VLSB has appointed Hall & Wilcox to manage the litigation. In Australia, Teffahas Victorian and national class actions are right in the face of that manufactured story that is driving a full-frontal assault on basic rights and freedoms.Wood, one of Americas most prominent defamation lawyers, has managed to fight off efforts by the State Bar of Georgia to have his law license revoked, but Teffaha has already been dealt that blow by the cowards who inhabit the legal, political and banking establishment.In a post on Telegram Tara Garozzo, a Brisbane candidate for the Informed Medical Options Party said this is what happens to anyone who challenges the corruption in our Australian system and what they will do to protect themselves and their high-end thugs. Serene Teffaha, the founder and Principal of AdvocateMe, has been operating a legal practice and Advocacy service since 2016. By Office of General Executor Draconian measures undertaken by Australian Government are unlawful, Illegal furthermore Immoral and are outside the bounds of civil society in Melbourne, Victoria in conjunction with Covid-19. Moving forward, Id like to welcome and invite cohesive, clear and calm communication around mandatory vaccines, ethical vaccine testing and how to support every human being to have the right to freedom of choice.. In politics this would be called a coup. But the feisty Serene-in-name-only said in a briefing on YouTube losing her licence would not affect the class actions against the COVID lockdown tyranny. I believe in humanity and I believe that were magical, amazing, living embodiments of spirit [but] theres a certain level of agenda and darkness that has had authority and has had a lot of people just believing in lies, she said. You are an inspiration to me. This remains an ambush and now Lander and Rogers are lying on the record that they are doing this to protect my clients who have complained to the Ombudsman and Hall & Wilcox and now to the Courts! So too was Serene Teffaha, a Melbourne lawyer who became a darling of the anti-lockdown movement after raising at least $500,000 to launch a class-action lawsuit during the citys lockdown, and Zev Freeman, a skydiving instructor and anti-5G activist who regularly pushes theories linked to the sovereign citizen conspiracy theory on a range of fringe Australian podcasts and YouTube channels. Serene publicly exposed Judge Hampels' history, and as a result, in an odd move by VCAT; they would not confirm with certainty whether Judge Hampel would continue to have carriage of the case pending final hearing. Please feel free to contact me. I will be with you until the end of the case. and the seal of Catholic Faith: In a court matter in Queensland, she also raised the issue of child trafficking and the lack of official action against it. 3. If we think you have a genuine and legitimate claim, then our Brisbane unfair dismissal lawyers will be happy to help you out with a fee arrangement to suit your situation. She has also spoken out about corruption issues in the Family Court of Australia, which lead to statements from the Australian Bar Association and the Law Council that her comments were baseless, inappropriate and undermining of the criminal justice system. Lawson is a member of a group called United Collective, whose leaders helped to orchestrate last years anti-lockdown protests and which still had almost 19,000 members on its Facebook group before it was deleted this month. It must work since so far I have not been arrested or fined after blatantly protesting on Sunday . Ms Teffaha has vowed to fight the decision. am enduring the same treatment at the hands of the SA judiciary in Adelaide.since 2011 when i uncovered the corruption within the current NHVR board.they are controlling the fines unit (FERU) run by a corrupt political group called the LIBERAL government run by a corrupt politician steven marshall.bucky 0428896440 i have posted on my website,the latest letters in ongoing objections.