I think MS has decided to maintain a strong footprint in games (XBox, PC) to ensure every so many years there are unique games that go with Xbox releases to differentiate from Sony. Satya Nadella and his leadership team impressively executed the significant cultural change efforts. All I know is that I now sit here with an Lumia 950 XL phone that will loose apps support faster than water runs down the strain. I still think Windows Phone/Mobile was a better OS on the surface, and on iOS 11 and iPHone 8 I'm finally getting some features that I had on my 920 (wireless charging and email transcriptions to name a couple). Mobile is not the biggest software market in the world. I moved to Android after sitting tight with Windows Phone/Mobile through the 920, 930 and 950XL being pulled along solely by promises of "things to come". No thanks MS. Bye Bye. If Microsoft had put the entire $7B they spent on Nokia towards additional phone subsidies, lets say they could have made what was normally a $200 phone a free phone. MS can do the world a favor and leave the consumer market altogether. And that's not even addressing the recent past - remember that time you upgraded your Windows phone OS only to find that it didn't support streaming any of your videos from the Movies and TV store? @PATCHERD, There are a bunch of fanboys running around in the dark trying to find the door right now! The good thing about UWP is they work on any windows OS (see 1.5 billion win10 users on pc) if a new pocket pc can capture some of the smartphone market. Most infrastructure people do not get transitional stages or phases. Engage with consumer spaces that they have not traditionally engaged in so secure infotainment systems, this will allow to fine tune 5g tech and leverage azure with Cortana analytics. Clearly said in one of the articles Mixed Reality or AI makes no sense without mobile device. Here are some of Satya Nadella's recommended books from the past that are also worth reading. That's all MS can do now anyways. What isnt clear and may not come to pass is whether there is enough market space for Microsoft to replace its traditional Office revenues completely, and then grow the sum. Green mushroom for you windows mobile fanatic. All of this is training the customer to realize more and more that they don't need Microsoft and their "ecosystem" anymore How can he NOT see that!?!?! The only thing I can see is them forking Android apps to work natively on the PC. He needs plenty of energy and motivation to face his busy day. I also felt pretty betrayed owning am Xbox One original. Satya Nadella is an Indian-American business executive who is best known for being the executive chairman and CEO of Microsoft.Before becoming CEO, he served as the executive vice president of the cloud and enterprise group of Microsoft.Satya has been the recipient of honors like the Financial Times' "Person of the Year", Fortune magazine's "Businessperson of the Year", and CNBC . How many news outlets have put negative news about Swelling batteries issue of some phone manufacturer? It's a given Nadella will continue to push Windows Azure and Office 365, where hes been instrumental in their impressive growth so far. the penny drops at MS? At this point, you could say Microsoft is autistic from time to time. Why? About the time I got around to rewriting the app, since it worked just fine keeping it as an 8 app I took my time, 10 was coming out. Another economic slowdown could harm business buying cycles that have been key forMicrosofts growth. Windows Phone just worked, but with each release they took away more and more features and broke other ones. The economy remains fragile. the reason i stick with windows 10 only because of photoshop. However, since I only have hints of what they are working on with Windows on ARM and CShell, I have to pick up something else. Don't need them. Even if it doesn't grow by very much and even if we have to build the apps ourselves, it's a non negotiable. I don't really have any other smartphone experience to compare it to, but I do know how a phone looks is part of what catches my eye and I have, to this day, have not seen one phone that is as eye-catching as Window Phone's transparent tiles and what you can do with them to create an awesome home screen. Since the launch of Windows 10 I thought the good times for Microsoft were about to come, and I increased my faith with the idea of a promised Universal Windows Platform running on every device, including smartphones. But, when you are a legacy icon, everyone wants to rip down your statue. So he's admitting that he's basically screwed the entire company with his boneheaded decisions that we all saw happening before our eyes. Satya Nadella - Satya Narayana Nadella (; born 19 August 1967) is an engineer and Indian American business executive. They are better off waiting 10-15 years to appease the next generation of consumers and developers who have no history of being let down a dozen times. If theysee Google and Apple apps/hardware/software everywhere, people are not going to buy Microsoft. But at some point Surface will need to flip to the black. Should have appointed a visionary instead. I think one of the issues is secrecy. No doubt they are winding down Surface. So no, it had nothing useful at a time when both Android and IOS were already much better. Instead they killed it with their lack of interest. abandon consumer market is a bad choose Heres a thought, why not sell Windowsphone to HDM or whoever bought Nokia. re-add all the phones that could run the creators update to the feature 2 branch or red stone branch. I say, it's never too late for Microsoft to put out a device and market it, as they should have been doing with previous devices, and it taking off. What a joke. Until then we can enjoy the many new Universal apps on our superior Lumia 950 (XL) phones. You want him to do all that while writing a book??? There isn't a single company in the world that earns a dime by selling very cheap phones. Though AR and voice-controlled computing may be a big part of our future, the phone is still going to be the bridge to that future. An original Xbox, 5 different Xbox 360's(red ring of death on two of them(! Maybe what MS really needs is a complete corporate leadership flush out. Early last year, the ValueAct Capital hedge fund took a $2 billion stake in Microsoft and began agitating for change. Do European countries need Americans on their boards? I was MS biggest cheer leader. Like a domestic violence victim, MS fanboys everywhere should be asking some critical questions about the relationship they find themselves in. surely not - there will be books written about how they failed in that area. The company had "revenue of $30.6 billion, net income of $8.8 billion, and earnings per share of $1.14 (compared to revenue of $26.8 billion, net income of $7.4 billion, and earnings per share . A typical day for Nadella begins with exercise and personal reflection. It's that re-affirmed bias that drives most developers to target the platform with a larger base group. But until recently Surface and mobile were separate, meaning my statements about Surface would not apply to the 950 series. Nhu Tran February 10, 2023 Satya Nadella at Microsoft Case Study 1. Windows Phones excellent 2013 was capped by a disappointing fourth quarter sales figure of Lumia Windows Phone handsets. Please. By completely ceding this space, Microsoft is in effect abandoning personal computing. Putting the best features of Windows on other eco systems isn't magically going to bring people over to MS. I mean seriously how hard would it have been for them to fork Android into a WP like looking OS. A lack of mobile has meant that it has no "non-tech" information feeding in to change help its narrative. Very good comment @squire777and agree to most of it. It's with a growth mindset, Nadella has changed the image of Microsoft to being super cool again. I "personally" spent over $3,000 on Windows Phones and now it's all down the drain!!! Those budget phone buyers were never going to drive app development. The general consensus seems to be mobile is an essential component to any future. In todays climate more and more people (ie..consumers) are concerned about loss of privacy, ID theft, and compromise of their personal information whether it is banking or otherwise. Andoroid's dominance as the most prevalent OS on the market was built on that, and the "App Gap" grew as a result of that. If you want more socialization then the univeral apps would make that possible. Business is going to change as these kids age. It remains to be seen just how high a price Microsoft pays for these series of mobile missteps. Ok, Jason. This is what happens in any company that has 80%+ market share in anything. Congratulations, Satya Nadella. The overlap between product lines in Microsoft is substantial. Professionally I have already been seeing a shift away from business even requesting MS products just for that reason and less interest in MS products when I propose them to clients. He has more commitment, vision, drive, passion and focus than this assclown running microsoft. Android and iOS are, right now! Microsoft's handling of mobile will be studied in B-School in the future alongside case studies of Atari.. Its not too late, Satya has made mistakes, but he did launched Nokia X but didn't put enough resources and marketing campaign so that Android app developers like Google, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat could see that their apps could finally run on a Microsoft product. As Microsoftenters the Nadella era, its a sprawling company with some tremendously successful divisions and some fundamental challenges. 2023 ZDNET, A Red Ventures company. Frustrating as hell! - he made stock holders some money. However, there are a considerable number of things missing in Android as a basic function that Windows Mobile had built in for years. Users wanted small things like transparent icons for Skype, office apps landscape mode for start screen. Nadella was the worst thing that could have happened to Microsoft. But neither has Windows on PC, albeit some can run it. Running a server in Windows Azure is already effectively Windows Server by subscription. When I had that thought I realised just how annoyed I am with Microsoft. I think Microsoft should at least try to listen to us once.. Before abandoned windows phone platform totally.. You blame us not to buy you phone.. Nadella's greatest weakness may be his lack of consumer market experience. Enterprise? The culprit is Microsoft, The culprit is Microsoft for marketing and manufacturing phones. "I did not get why the world needed the third ecosystem in phones, unless we changed the rules." MS its late but not completely out of race. DAN HOWLEY: Satya Nadella has been Microsoft's CEO since February, 2014 and chairman of the board since 2021. Walk back the decision while you still can. MS will be next IBM and after short time success in B2B market, they will slowly be lost like IBM does. 1 October 17, 2022, 7:41 AM Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella speaks at the 2022 Yahoo Finance All Markets Summit on latest changes and growth in the tech industry. When Android phonesand Iphones allow docking to a screen and a keyboard on those devices Microsoft Office might not be the first choice either anymore.Edge browser will not be the first choice on an Android phone or an Iphone either. So I have to bring an extra MP3 player when traing next year? 225 views Genius! The promise of one core finally, seemless intergaion with a mobile experience that should have been prefferable on this platform for at least first party apps along with developer interest of intergrating the same code across multiple platforms. Any good "global survey experts" on this thread? They had huge volume of insiders giving them feedback for free. But it is possible to enforce some sanity in the transition from licensed software tosubscription services. And theres progress in the cloud as well. I was right. I'm worried about the state of the software. Silverlight, WindowsRT, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Microsoft Band, Skype (Consumer End), Windows Phone, Nokia, Windows 10 Mobile, and now Groove and we could probably read the tea leaves to see what's next. Based on details provided in the Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study Nadella Satya can easily grow in its domestic market without much innovation but will require further investment into research and development to enter international market. According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, this has provided Nadella Satya resources to not only thwart competitive pressures but also to invest into research and development. Yet MS still makes the industry standard enterprise software. Microsoft is no longer the giant it used to be, and apparently is digging its own grave. SINGAPORE November 17, 2022 Microsoft Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella visited Singapore today to experience first-hand how innovative technologies and insights are supporting the region's technology ecosystem of developers, startups and companies across every industry. I agree with much of what you said.and then Befiores comment.he must never have gone into any of the phone storesbecause during MOST of windows phones life (regardless of iteration), you could almost never find them in the storesor they were relegated to the back tiny corner with next to no supportand most of the folks in the store would either tell you bad thing about the phone (not truly knowing the truth or having any experience or training in the phopne whatsoever), or push you to either android or iPhones. I feel your pain! They could have moved the new Insider fork to just the X3 and kept a core group of loyalists happy while testbeding the tech. - Changing Technology Landscape Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence boom is transforming the technology landscape that Nadella Satya operates in. Good, but completely and utterly useless, worth a poofteenth of nothing unless you actually demonstrate you've learned your lesson by acting to correct your mistake. The digital imperative for every organization By Satya Nadella Jul 19, 2022. If this isn't just stupid IDK what is! The problem is that Microsoft earn money on servers and support for Windows 10 pc. I searched (and still do and I don't know why) every day looking for the next MS mobile phone such a waste of time. For once I would like to hear a tech journalist that focuses on Microsoft products ask that one question. They would have been the first to buy mixed reality devices and paid monthly for Xbox gold and Groove. My #1 'Forever Dividend' Stock [sponsor] In effect it has contributed to its own entropy. Calm down the "unlock shareholder value" crowd. Perhaps if Microsoft developed more apps that worked more like the windows version which has tabs directly linking to NSN, Office Online and Outlook.com it would relieve some of the loss of Windows phones. I am currently in the process of selling my 3 Windows Phones, XBox One, Surface Laptop and Band and I will be switching over to another OS and believe you me I will NOT be downloadiing any apps or software that is associated with Microsoft and I hope many many others follow suite. Testing RFID blocking cards: Do they work? I recently went back to an iPhone 8, and will now likely never go back to Windows on a pocket device. The article and lots of the comment said WP fail because lack of dev/app, people must realize W10 also use the same dam UWP.