Effective leaders have the courage to speak even when it is unpopular to speak because they speak the truth with love. {I have been} on frequent journeys, in dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from {my} countrymen, dangers from the Gentiles, dangers in the city, dangers in the wilderness, dangers on the sea, dangers among false brethren (2 Corinthians 11:25-26). 6 In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, 7 that the proof of your faith, {being} more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; 8 and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, 9 obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls (1 Peter 1:3-9). B. Eerdmans Publishing Company [photolithoprinted], 1966), p. 191, quoting Ramsay, St. Paul the Traveller and Roman Citizen, p. 319. It did not take long at this time of year for a storm to brew at sea. The sovereignty of God is no excuse for careless or reckless living. But what are some of these purposes and promises? Gods mission for Paul was to go to Rome and there to preach the gospel. in 1971. Pauls skillfulness and leadership gave the gospel a credibility it would not have otherwise have had in the eyes of these people. You can learn valuable and unique lessons on leading the church and furthering the gospel from these men of the Bible. If their safety was assured then let them do what they could to help themselveslet them eat. In every effective leader's life, there is a time for love, but also a time for courage. He must be faithful to his wife, and his children must be believers who dont have a reputation for being wild or rebellious. He wanted to spare him, and so he forbade them from killing any of the prisoners.564 All of the prisoners were spared, on account of one personPaul, just as all of the passengers were spared for Pauls sake. Another example of a servant leader in the Bible is Stephen, who was known for his selfless love and care for others. In doing so, he cites Romans 15:4 (NKJV), which states, "whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the . God has given each leader specific gifts. Not so with My servant Moses; He is faithful in all My house. Pauls execution was sought by the Sanhedrin, which first tried to execute him legally (like Stephen) and then by assassination, but God used Roman soldiers once again to spare His servant. But by the end of this chapter, it is Paul who is active, Paul who is leading, and the others are following him. These passengers were spared, I suspect, so that they could not only hear the gospel, but experience the hope which the gospel gives, and the power by which the gospel saves unworthy sinners. A theophany had taken place in Joshua 5:15: "The commander of the Lord's army said to Joshua, "Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place where you are standing is holy." You are the devil's advocate. They just happened to run aground at the place where two seas met.562 It seems that the action of the water created some kind of sandbar or shallows, on which the ship stuck fast. Brooks Faulkner previously served as the senior pastoral ministry specialist for LifeWay Christian Resources. For Pauls sake, all the passengers on board his ship were spared from the storm. The chapter may therefore be outlined in this way: One way or the other, Festus must have found some way to explain Pauls appearance before Caesar. Paul is one of a number of prisoners, on his way to Rome to stand trial before Caesar. Paul reminded his shipmates that they should have listened to him sooner. Except for Paul, they had all reached the conclusion that the situation was hopeless and that they were doomed. Paul and a number of other prisoners were put aboard an Adramyttian ship,542 which was setting sail for ports along the coast of Asia. He would later, on the island, work signs and wonders. To learn more about his ministry please visit clarencehaynes.com. Moses. When the ship is grounded and the passengers must swim for their lives, the soldiers plan to kill Paul, along with the other prisoners, to prevent any from escaping. Moses was seen as the patient leader of a people with little faith (Ex. Some are not as visible; all are useful. . A late date for the day of atonement is required also by the time notes of the subsequent journey to Italy. Others decided Paul and the other prisoners should set sail, and so Paul and they were turned over to Julius. It was drifting wherever the storm carried it. Focus on who you are and allow God to develop you into the leader he has called you to be. Pauls leadership was not viewed as spiritual leadership by those on board the ship. Looking back on these words would demonstrate that this was indeed prophecy. When Daniel was living in captivity in Babylon, he was obedient to the point of losing his life if necessary. There is no thus saith the Lord here, but Pauls words were worth heeding. The journey was delayed by unfavorable winds. Here are some examples of their leadership. 10 For if while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life (Romans 5:8-10). After all, the ships captain and the pilot had more experience, and they also had more to lose. The potential gains were minimal, while the potential loss was great. The centurion commanded that all should make it to land if they could. 541 Lukes narrative of the voyage and shipwreck of Paul on his way to Italy is a small classic in its own right, as graphic a piece of descriptive writing as anything in the Bible. It was time for another word of encouragement. Fourteen days have passed since they left Fair Havens and the storm first struck the ship.558 The sailors now have little idea as to where they were, or how far they might be from land. They hoped that daybreak would come so that they could visually navigate the ship, rather than to attempt to make port (or even to ground the ship) in the dark. Paul spoke up, cautioning them about sailing on any further, and warning them that if they pressed on this would result in the loss of lives and property. Lukes remark has point only if it fell rather late in the solar calendar that year. The most memorable aspect of effective leadership of a pastor is when he has survived the polarities of differing opinions and modeled having each side respect the other's. In 1925 Nellie Tayloe Ross became the first woman to serve as a governor in the United States when she was inaugurated in Wyoming. The Pursuit of Victory: How To Conquer Your Greatest Challenges and Win In Your Christian Life. This centurion was to develop a deep respect for Paul, so that he would extend considerable liberties to him, take seriously his advice, and make every effort to protect him. After all, a number of the passengers could not even swim (see verses 43-44). Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. The decision that faced these sailors is not an uncommon one, even in our day. But we can still have hope, even when we are afraid. They boarded this ship and set sail. Thankfully if God has called you to leadership, he will take the time to help you grow into it. The bottom line is that everyone leads in some fashion, be it great or small. There are many different styles and forms of leadership. They had little to gain and much to lose. His sarcasm showed his disdain for those who had forsaken God. Christianity is not a fair weather religion. The assassination conspiracy was still the main hope of the Sanhedrin as Paul was imprisoned for two years by Felix, but God kept Paul from Jerusalem. Verses 14-20 describe the sudden onslaught of the storm, the steadily deteriorating conditions, and the complete loss of hope of those on board. Three days have already passed, and Luke provides us with the description of some incident for each day. Simply put, Paul warned those making the decision about whether or not to press on that continuing on was not wise. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately (Acts 18:26). Bob was born and raised in a Christian home i More, The Net Pastors Journal, Eng. The name of his firstborn son was Joel, and the name of his second, Abijah; they were judges in Beersheba. Paul assured them that not a hair from their head would perish (verse 34). The sovereignty of God means that we dare not presume that God will work a miracle for us, at the time and in the way we choose, due to our foolishness, carelessness, or sin. Luke now passes over the details of a number of the days that followed, indicating only that many days passed, and that the storm continued to abuse the ship and to terrify its passengers. This was, I think, to cause the ship to draw less water, and thus to float higher in the water, so that it would not as easily drag bottom.560 The ship would therefore be closer to shore when it struck bottom, making it a shorter swim (or float). Flee to safety today. Priscilla and Aquila are an example of Godly leadership that was displayed or exhibited in a married couple. Think of it. They did not know exactly where they were and they could not recognize anything familiar about the land, but they did resolve to run the ship aground in a bay which they could see ahead. Few managers or politicians understand that. Leaders in the bible had six key characteristics that included commitment, credibility, purpose, gifts, accountability, and self-discipline. I confess, I am distressed at the ways in which Christians are trying to take control of the political and governmental positions of authority. Several factors contributed to the decision to sail on. As it was the middle of the night and the storm was still fierce, the sailors put out anchors, to drag along the bottom, to slow down their drifting. Here, Julius, the centurion in charge of Paul and the other prisoners, allowed Paul to go to his friends and be cared for by them (verse 3). He was generous and that in itself bridges the gaps of selfish and greedy people if God's grace is given the opportunity to be operative. If the relative safety of the passengers was in being on board ship, with Paul, our certain safety is in being in Christ. He has weathered the storm of Gods wrath on the sinner. The wise leader will work hard at blinding his or her eyes to the pettiness of church members' criticism. The solar date of the day of atonement in A.D. 59 thus accords well with Lukes implication that the Fast took place while they waited at Fair Havens. Bruce, p. 481. By the end of this time, all hope had been lost, either of the storm abating, or of any rescue. Dwight Eisenhower (1890-1969) - The 34th President of the U.S. Eisenhower was the Supreme Command of NATO before he served two terms as the U.S. President. Doing so would be certain death, for the larger vessel offered more protection, so long as it held together. Priscilla and Aquila were hospitable. If Paul had been incompetent and impotent in this time of crisis, who would have wanted to hear him tell about faith in Jesus as the Messiah? And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? (Esther 4:12-14). Peter: Leaders recover from failure. In the early church there was a problem. Article Images Copyright 2023 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. Neither Lasea nor Fair Havens is mentioned by any ancient writer, two of the hundred cities of Crete. A. T. Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1930), III, p. 460. He had a special place. Paul was told by the angel not to be afraid, because he was going to stand before Caesar. The most probable account is that they dropped a floating anchor or drift anchor, which was dragged astern at the end of a rope of suitable length so as to offer the maximum resistance every time the ship plunged down from the crest of a wave. Bruce, p. 486. 33 Who will bring a charge against Gods elect? Priscilla and Aquila are an example of Godly leadership that was displayed or exhibited in a married couple. Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us. Verses 30-32 describe the sailors attempt to abandon ship, which they aborted, due to the action taken by the soldiers, who heeded Pauls words of warning. Third, the port where they were anchored was not as ideal for wintering as some other ports, which were not that far away. The one whose fate was sure and certain, was the most cautious; those whose ultimate fate was most uncertain were those who lived most dangerously. As time went on, as Paul was better known, and as the crises on board the ship became more pronounced, Paul stepped forward, giving both direction and hope to all the others on ship. The name of this leadership style is derived from the word "democracy," which means "run by the people." Democratic leaders welcome and value others' input, rely heavily on team participation, and facilitate discussions that enable multiple members of their group to weigh in on decisions. Is there not a kind of parable here? . This inside information was, I think, a factor in their plan to abandon ship. They were so sure of the wisdom of their decision that they did not even draw up the small boat attached by a rope to the vessels stern (verse 16). When this happens, there will be no protection for the lost. The storm threatens not only the life of Paul, but also the lives of all on board his ship. These prisoners were (pardon me for this) twice pardoned.. The seas were closed to sailing until the beginning of February at the earliest; the three months spent in Malta must therefore have corresponded roughly to November, December, and January, so they must have left Fair Havens not much before mid-October. The sovereignty of God means not only that God is able to intervene supernaturally, but that He is also able to work naturally, through human instruments (like the Roman soldiers, and in our story, like the centurion, in Pauls behalf). He spoke prophetically of the fate of the ship and its passengers. If you see shortcomings, those are the areas that you can ask God to help you develop. Paul was not striving to be a leader here, but simply trying to be of help. 560 The higher the ship floated in the water, the closer to shore they could get before the ship grounded. Too often, I hear leadership spoken of as a place of status, rather than a place of service. Pauls circumstances certainly do no give him any status, any clout, with anyone on board that ship. He has been beaten by the storm of Gods anger toward sin. If the leader becomes a wimp, he will lose his leadership role. The ships crew tried to hug the shore of Crete, until they could reach Phoenix, a harbor not all that distant. Humanly viewed, Paul was constantly in grave danger, but he was never more safe or secure than when he was on his way to Rome. They could not handle the ship in the stormy waters. They may have the power, but they do not have the trust. Remember this applies whether you are leading one or many. A church leader is a manager of Gods household, so he must live a blameless life. The precise status of Julius is difficult to determine: from the authority which he assumed when once (from Myra onward) he found himself on board a ship of the Alexandrian grain fleet, it might be inferred that he was a frumentarius, an officer charged with supervising the transport of grain (frumentum) to Rome. Bruce p. 477. It was simpler, it seems, to forbid them from killing any of them. Whether you realize it or not, we are all called to lead. It is not surprising, though, that he would take the advice of the ships captain and its pilot as being more expert. Paul did not have a formal position as leader, but was rather a functional leader. The great leaders of the Bible, men like Joseph, Moses, David, and Daniel, were men who had an impact because they were men of God, men of great skill and ability, and men who God raised up. What was it about Paul that made him a leader among men, even in matters pertaining to sailing and storms? Examples of democratic leaders A few specific examples of leaders who have demonstrated this style of leadership include: Former CEO of PepsiCo, Indra Nooyi, demonstrated how much she valued her team members by writing personalized letters to their parents. You are currently impersonating {{userSessionData.email}}. modern political leaders are good examples (Tony Blair, Geogrge Bush, Sarcosie, JFK, David cameron) What is a sentence with the words democracy and democratic? Paul knew that he would reach Rome, but he also strongly sensed that the ship and some of its passengers would not. And were all in it for the same reasonto fuel the churchs mission of making disciples. Allow me to make one last observation here. Paul was a leader here because people followed him. (1) A look at leadership. (3) The Sovereignty of God and the Ultimate Peril of the Lost. The storms of your life may not have been sent your way to destroy you, but to turn you to Gods salvation. He had already survived one shipwreck, and he knew the dangers of sea travel: Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I have spent in the deep. (4) The Sovereignty of God and Human Responsibility. Photo Credit: Sparrowstock. So, says Luke, they lowered the instrument, not being more specific perhaps because he did not know, or did not remember, the technical name for whatever it was that was lowered. Los usurpadores de poder suelen ser democrticos si han sido elegidos en elecciones . It was too late in the sailing season to travel on to Rome by sea. Proud member Paul was frequently the instrument through which Gods power was manifested. Gods promise was fulfilled, just as Paul had said He would. It was only some forty miles to Lutro. Robertson, p. 461. To sail on, therefore, was a foolish decision in Pauls opinion, and thus he discouraged it as strongly as he could, but to no avail. [1] It is important to note that he learned leadership principles and faith from his parents (Hebrew 11:23 . He took Pauls warnings seriously here, too. When you study closely, you will discover these examples of leadership in the Bible can help you address all of lifes situations. Jesus: A leader is a servant first. The need is great. My guess is that he had skills the like of which Moses himself admired, perhaps even envied. How often, I wonder, are others benefited by the presence of a believer? For our examples, I want to look at leaders that may be a little more obscure. And He has come forth from death and the grave, to give us new life. They took bribes and perverted justice. Vision Statements of 12 Great Leaders in the Bible