To date, 500 more fragments have been found near Tagish Lake and hundreds have been recovered from the site – many still encased in ice. The orbit of the Tagish Lake meteoroid, along with the four previous meteorite-producing fireballs with instrumentally determined orbits (Pribram, Lost City, Innisfree, and Peekskill). Its calculated orbit indicates affinity to the Apollo asteroids with a semimajor axis in the middle of the asteroid belt, consistent with a linkage to low-albedo C, D, and P type asteroids. ) which could suggest a prebiotic origin. Tagish Lake meteorite especially interesting with respect to organic compound analyses. chemical composition of recovered samples of the Tagish Lake meteorite are intermediatebetweenCMandCImeteorites.ThesedatasuggestthattheTagish Lake meteorite may be one of the most primitive solar system materials yet studied. The Tagish Lake meteorite provides a unique window into what was happening to organic molecules on asteroids four-and-a-half billion years ago, and the pre-biotic chemistry involved.”. glucose. ", Compared to Murchison, Tagish Lake rocks reflect a distinct evolutionary branch for carbon in the early solar system. The former could imply some kind of parity violation or some local (like in this solar system) condition. We confirmed this result by repeating the Tagish Lake measurement. 2012), an extensive suite of soluble OM that includes mono‐ and dicarboxylic acids, pyridine carboxylic acids, and both aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons (Pizzarello et al. In 2000 a fall occurred at Tagish Lake in the Yukon Territory. The meteoroid detonated at an altitude of 30 to 50 km from Earth’s surface, and many of the resulting … The requirement that sterility be achieved, especially given the required organic content, was unusual and problematic. Tagish Lake is a carbon rich (4 to 5 wt.%), aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrite. The kinetic energy of impactors may be absorbed more efficiently on the Tagish Lake parent body than on stronger bodies, resulting in a smaller kinetic energy of the ejecta. “The first Tagish Lake samples – the ones we used in our study that were collected within days of the fall – are the closest we have to an asteroid sample return mission in terms of cleanliness,” adds Dr. Michael Callahan of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., a co-author on the paper. White et al. Fullerenes are, like diamonds and graphite, a pure carbon phase. possibly presolar) components as: nanodiamonds and fullerenes. Yes but the question is, is it homochirality a necessity for life or a consequence of it? Around 9:48 on the morning of January 18, 2000, a 150-ton space rock plunged into the earth’s atmosphere. At l… The team compared their results with researchers at the Goddard Astrobiology Analytical Lab for their expertise with the difficult analysis. I tend to find this mysterious as well. Evidence of carbon buckeyballs, or fullerenes, have a characteristic cage-like connections that resemble the geodesic domes promoted by architect and futurist, Buckminster Fuller. The possible chemical class of this fall constitutes less than 0.1 per cent of all meteorites recovered to date, and represents the most primordial samples known from the early solar system. It contains a high concentration of presolar grains and Ca-Fe-Mg carbonate minerals, but an unusually low amount of high-temperature Among the most useful of these meteorites have been the Allende meteorite that fell in Mexico (see Figure 14.9), the Murchison meteorite that fell in Australia (both in 1969), and the Tagish Lake meteorite that landed in a winter snowdrift on Tagish Lake, Canada, in 2000. The Tagish Lake meteorite has a low amino acid content (Kminek et al. See no ads on this site, see our videos early, special bonus material, and much more. It took interested astrobiologists back to a quarter-century earlier, when an Australian space rock called the Murchison meteorite had captured such excitement and anticipation among meteor experts. The L-D chiral breaking, or homochirality, for amino acids and sacharrides is thought by some to be an aspect of polarized radiation incident on molecules in space. Even with that rocky explosion, however, the first aerial over-flights showed no crater or fragments left to demark the fireball or its impact. Only one other meteorite fall, called Almahata Sitta, matches Tagish Lake in terms of diversity, but it came from an asteroid that appears to be a mash-up of many different asteroids.”. If there is then some breaking of quantum degeneracy, there could be a mechanism for this chiral breaking. The triplet entanglement has a set of states which can be split, whereas the singlet state does not. However, this does shove the problem of the chiral symmetry breaking from Earth to “out there.” Of course there may be some advantage to this, for it might permit the problem to be examined in certain ways. It belongs to a rare class of meteorites known as carbonaceous chondrites, which comprise only around 2 percent of all meteorites. Original Story Source: NASA / Goddard Spaceflight News. Nowadays it seems people mainly classify it along the transpermia (deep frozen cells or possibly RNA) – late veneer delivery (of volatiles) axis instead. meteorite make it a unique, pristine extraterrestrial sample (Hildebrand et al. Further impacts ejected debris off this rubble pile, sending our asteroid 2008 TC3 careening through space and eventually through Earth’s atmosphere where it broke apart and scattered itself in the Nubian Desert.”. He knew the frozen lake well, and had the presence to pick up the dark icy rocks with his hand inside a plastic bag. We believe Bada’s comments (1) can be broadly grouped into two key points for … Because amino acids prefer lighter forms of carbon, the enriched and heavier carbon 13 deposits were most likely created in space. Other members of the research team include Yongsong Huang from the Department of Geological Sciences at Brown University; Luann Becker from the Institute for Crustal Studies at the University of California Santa Barbara; Robert J. Poreda from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Rochester; George Cooper from the NASA Ames Research Center; and Ronald A. Nieman and Michael Williams, both also from ASU. But don’t simply write off these new findings just yet. Tagish Lake Carbonaceous Chondrite Meteorites for Sale. Join us at The delicate charcoal found on Tagish Lake indeed is a rare example of a meteor class called carbonaceous chondrites: meteorites which make up about three per cent of the space rocks recovered. Generally most molecular biologists consider this to be a matter of randomness. Prior to Murchison, the fiery descent through the atmosphere was thought widely to heat rocks well beyond the breakdown of organic molecules. It isn’t so much that amino acids or other chemical compounds prefer lighter isotopes, but isotopes become fractionated during mainly non-biological thermo-chemical and biological metabolic processes. But I also found a paper which proposes a biological process of enantiomeric cross-inhibition in which a polymer chain of aminoacids stops growing if a monomer of the wrong handedness attach to it (I think this is the paper I read: Sterility was achieved by radiation in a commercial facility. If not, the implications would be pretty darn interesting…. A scientific consortium of 4 universities and NASA is now trying to uncover the debris and sample the early solar system’s unique chemistry. "Very interesting is the presence in TL, and other meteorites, of compounds called pyridine carboxylic acids. “We found that the amino acids in a fragment of Tagish Lake were enriched in carbon 13, indicating they were probably created by non-biological processes in the parent asteroid,” said Dr. Jamie Elsila of NASA Goddard, a co-author on the paper who performed the isotopic analysis. On January 18, 2000 at 8:43 in the morning a tremendous fireball was seen over the Yukon Territory. While these “building blocks of life” aren’t new to meteoritic structure, what was out of the ordinary was different pieces had greatly differing amounts of amino acids. (Which is why for example thalidomide was so poisonous for fetuses.). Then along came Tagish Lake…. Some researchers are working on the effects of circularly polarized light on organic molecules and show that some enantiomers react preferentially with it (p.e. All ureilites are thought to have originated from a single primordial source, and the structure of Almahata Sitta indicates that it was a volcanically active body in which gas bubbles were trapped inside the porous rock.” [My bold.]. The final design mixed JSC-1A, antigorite, pseudo-agglutinates and gilsonite. In this case, nature seem to say, at least in our version of the universe, 1. Up until now, what we’ve recovered has been considered structured. The only other reason to have dextrochirality comes with the utilization of carbohydrates i.e. So why should we even consider meteorites to be potential parents? The mineralogy, oxygen isotope, and bulk chemical composition ofthe Tagish Lake meteorite indicate that the meteorite is an intermediate between CM and CI class chondrites (Brown et al., 2000). To be done properly, the field needs to be measured. If future falls continue to show this widespread variability, scientists are going to have to be a bit more reserved in their judgements about whether or not meteorites could deliver enough bio-molecules to make the hypothesis viable. The delicate charcoal found on Tagish Lake indeed is a rare example of a meteor class called carbonaceous chondrites: meteorites which make up about three per cent of the space rocks recovered. How to get from Philadelphia to Tagish Lake (meteorite) by plane, train, shuttle, car ferry or bus Find Transport to Tagish Lake (meteorite) Travel From What the scientists found was the Tagish Lake meteorites are rich in carbon – and contain an assortment of organic matter including amino acids. Some meteorites do have some enantiomeric excess (p.e. The delicate charcoal found on Tagish Lake indeed is a rare example of a meteor class called carbonaceous chondrites: meteorites which make up about three per cent of the space rocks recovered. On January 18, 2000, a carbonaceous chondritemeteoritenow known as "Tagish Lake", fell on the frozen surface of the Taku Arm. I need to check out the paper to see if they address it. For meteorite collectors, we’re well aware of the value of an observed fall and equally aware of the documentation needed to make a meteorite valuable both to market and scientific study. With the scientific consortium looking at Tagish Lake rocks, Pizzarello will soon publish results of how water and carbon might have interacted in the early solar system sample "Together we have just completed a study of the dicarboxylic acids of TL (that will appear on the May 2002 issue of Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences devoted exclusively to TL) which presents the very first analyses of the hydrogen isotopic composition of individual meteoritic compounds." The requirement that sterility be achieved, especially given the required organic content, was unusual and problematic. INTRODUCTION The preatmospheric mass of the Tagish Lake meteoroid was about 200,000 kilograms. This varies way off the beaten path. The rare Tagish Lake fireball left an orange-white and blue contrail that lingered for 10 to 15 minutes as hundreds of observers witnessed the early morning events. From Planetary Science Research Discoveries I get the following illuminative description under a nifty stick figure Almahata Sitta life graphic: “Researchers propose that the story begins with a carbonaceous-chondrite-like parent body that was heated and partially melted. Nothing is left to speculation. The largest piece recovered weighed about a half a pound (200 grams) and a total of 2 pounds have been recovered (~1 kg). In the instance of Orgueil, the concern arises because of its long residence time on Earth and the deliberate We plan to refine our techniques with additional challenging assignments so we can apply them to the OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample return mission.”. Why, of course. Consequently there is a demolition of the D-chiral forms of amino acids. This alteration may explain the diversity in amino acid production. It’s more than just writing down the date and time of the observation and where the fragments were collected. During the following months while the area was still frozen several hundred meteorites were recovered. P ieces of a 56-metric-ton meteorite rained down over a wide area of Canada on January 18, 2000. However the noble gasses composition falls well between the values observed for other meteorites. Well, now I know what to do next time I see a meteoroid debris fall – phone the Dust Busters. But there are also many other more or less chemo-physical systems that with various degrees of initial imbalances reinforce (or at least maintain) them. 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The Tagish Lake meteorite is one of the best-known meteorites to have fallen, partly because of how unique it is. Since the rocks never reached elevated temperatures, the frozen gases within the fragments could not boil off or escape detection. While the Tagish Lake samples are undoubtedly some of the most carefully preserved specimens collected so far, there is still a possibility of contamination from both Earth atmosphere and their lake landing. A consortium of chemists and meteor scientists set out to take a small interior cut from the Tagish Lake (TL) rock. The symbol is … Maybe, in another universe, the organisms would depend on dextrochiraltiy for their amino acid meal and levochiraltiy for their metabolic needs. A number of fragments were recovered and studied by researchers from the University of Calgary, University of Western Ontario, and NASA; the meteorite currently resides in the University of Albertameteorite collection. Each fragment needs to be photographed in the position in which it was found. As it approached the Canadian remote territories, the meteor traveled at the speed of a fast highway car (67 miles per hour). Carbonaceous chondrites represent the most chemically unfractionated class of meteorites known (1). “We specialize in extraterrestrial amino acid and organic matter analysis,” said Dr. Jason Dworkin, a co-author on the paper who leads the Goddard laboratory. Tagish Lake alkyl dicarboxylic acids have a varied, abundant distribution and are, with carboxylated pyridines, the only compounds to have an occurrence comparable to that of the Murchison meteorite. Furthermore, analyses of … 2002; Glavin et al. So at various times chirality plays different roles and have different selective pressures in extant forms. “The Tagish Lake meteorite fell on a frozen lake in the middle of winter and was collected in a way to make it the best preserved meteorite in the world,” said Dr. Christopher Herd of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, lead author of a paper about the analysis of the meteorite fragments published June 10 in the journal Science. International Meteorite Organization -- more than 1,500,000 meteors obtained by standardized observing methods which were collected during the last 15 years. According to the Meteoritical Bulletin (MB 84), the Tagish Lake fall was preceded by a bright fireball visible in northern British Columbia and the southern Yukon, and loud explosions the morning of January 18th, 2000. A comment from Bada (1) attempts to flag multiple issues with our recent study (2). composition based on the Tagish Lake meteorite was assumed. "This is the material", says Pizzarello, "also containing embedded ‘exotic’ (i.e. How Deadly Would a Nearby Gamma Ray Burst Be? Initial studies of these fresh fragments were done in … 2006). That said, it was a while since I saw the panspermia “writ large” hypothesis. Some days later a local resident found the first of many fragments on the surface of Tagish Lake in British Columbia, Canada. The space events of January 18th were the largest ever recorded over land by the Defense Department satellite systems. That was the 2nd time I read that and didn’t understand what it meant. =D. Except for a greyish fusion crust, the meteorites have the visual appearance of a charcoal briquette. The chirality of life makes sense – nucleic acids and most proteins depend on specific arrangements of hydrogen bonds, van der Waals interactions, etc., to create the specificity and reproducibility that allows any strand of DNA to be exactly duplicated, or for any given sequence of amino acids to fold the exact same way. Amino acid racemization in meteorites has been previously discussed in detail (2). “If you’re below the limit, you’re toast, but if you’re above it, you’re OK. One meteorite might have levels below the limit, but the diversity in Tagish Lake shows that collecting just one fragment might not be enough to get the whole story.”. The cosmic rock lit up the morning sky as it fell, causing loud bangs and … The truth is out there – they contain the essentials – right down to amino acids. “We have top-flight, extremely sensitive equipment and the meticulous techniques necessary to make such precise measurements. 2001). How does this change the way we look at the panspermia theory? The depth measured and more. That largely charcoal rock held some remarkable clues about how life might have begun, since the biochemistry showed signs of amino acids, the simple building blocks of proteins for cells. The first specimens were picked up without direct hand contact a few days later, and kept frozen. Too many to put in a comment or link to – a good way to get an informative tour would be to look into an astrobiology text book. But there are several different forms of chirality, chemical stereo centers (chirality set by definition), L/D forms (chirality set by mirror forms), optical (chirality set by ability to rotate light). Sterility was achieved by radiation in a commercial facility. Among the most useful of these meteorites have been the Allende meteorite that fell in Mexico (see Figure 14.9), the Murchison meteorite that fell in Australia (both in 1969), and the Tagish Lake meteorite that landed in a winter snowdrift on Tagish Lake, Canada, in 2000. But fortunately for the science community, one week later on January 25th, a nearby resident, Jim Brook, found the first meteorite fragments while driving homewards on the ice of Taku Arm in Tagish Lake. The re-accreted debris assembled into a rubble pile of all sorts of materials, with a regolith accumulated on its surface. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University, Tagish Lake promised new insight into the earliest solar system. The final design mixed JSC-1A, antigorite, pseudo-agglutinates and gilsonite. Organisms to live so they require a substrate. CI meteorites are considered a "measuring stick" of sorts in cosmochemistry, Lipschutz says, because they contain a chemical composition similar to the outside surface of the Sun. The conjecture there is that radiation has some selected polarization state in the presence of comet dust or by some other mechanism. Turians and Quarians use dexo-amino acids. On January 18, 2000, a carbonaceous chondrite meteorite now known as "Tagish Lake", fell on the frozen surface of the Taku Arm.A number of fragments were recovered and studied by researchers from the University of Calgary, University of Western Ontario, and NASA; the meteorite currently resides in the University of Alberta meteorite collection. Conclusively, the remarkable luck of landing on a frozen lake, sterile collection and sub-zero storage make the history of the Tagish Lake rocks the most pristine specimen ever studied. If this does exist, and a search this morning has not revealed any research on this, then there might be some mechanism for entanglement in singlet and triplet phases. Figure 9.1 Left: a fragment of the Tagish Lake meteorite, discovered in 2000 on the ice of Tagish Lake, B.C. The Tagish Lake Meteorite Offers A Glimpse At Life’s Origins On January 18, 2000, a meteorite crashed into Tagish Lake, just over the border from the Yukon and into northern British Columbia. The simplest compound of this kind is nicotinic acid, which is represented widely in the biosphere as a metabolite. These versions of elements with different masses can tell us a lot more about the story. Tagish Lake Meteorite Fragment Small. (1) make several inaccurate statements about amino acid racemization and prebiotic synthesis. Heavy hydrogen (like deuterium or tritium) can help trace the presence of water or other compounds important to future meteor studies. As spectacularly recorded on film an hour before Northern sunrise, the space rock exploded with the force of nearly one-fourth the atmospheric blast power of the Hiroshima nuclear bomb (12.5 kilotons of TNT). This feature I would also call distinctive.". "The Tagish Lake meteorite is, in fact, a sample of the pre-solar nebula, out of which the planets formed," he says. The falls of the earliest recovered meteorites are lost in the fog of mythology. Such fireballs are called bolides, and like the 100,000 or so meteoric streaks that scatter in the upper atmosphere every year, typically don’t have either a big enough core or a steep trajectory to survive long to reach land. Estimated optical constants of the Tagish Lake meteorite Ted L. ROUSH NASA Ames Research Center, MS 245–3, Moffett Field, California 94035–1000, USA E-mail: (Received 24 July 2002; revision accepted 2 January 2003) Abstract–The visible, near-infrared, and mid-infrared (0.3–25 µm) real and imaginary indices of “Our research provides new insights into the role that water plays in the modification of pre-biotic molecules on asteroids,” said Herd. I wonder, did they find a preference for levo aminoacids like in many other meteors? It was a rare observed fall, and the meteorites were meticulously gathered, documented and preserved in their frozen state. Location: Tagish Lake (between Carcross and Atlin) British Columbia, Canada (59° 42' 16"N, 134° 12' 5"W) Fell: 2000 January 18, 08:43:42 pst (16:43:42 ut, 7:43 Alaska Time) Type: C2 (ungrouped) Description: A brilliant fireball followed by loud detonations was widely observed over the Yukon Territory and northern British Columbia. In the two years since its explosive landing on the scientific scene, Tagish Lake has become famous: the most pristine, the largest tracked by satellites, the most fragile, one of the oldest, and full of exotic chemistry. Its calculated orbit indicates affinity to the Apollo asteroids with a semimajor axis in the middle of the asteroid belt, consistent with a linkage to low-albedo C, D, and P type asteroids. Sandra Pizzarello's 83 research works with 4,292 citations and 3,490 reads, including: The soluble organic compounds of the Mukundpura meteorite: A new CM chondrite fall "As for the TL organic composition, it’s hard to choose between the many surprising features.". Before that, these strange stones were either ignored or considered to have a supernatural origin. Many pieces landed on the frozen Tagish Lake, allowing scientists to recover numerous samples, and giving the meteorite its name. In one fragment, the amino acid abundances were high enough to show they were made in space by analyzing their isotopes. In January, 2000, a large meteoroid exploded in Earth’s atmosphere over northern British Columbia, Canada, resulting in a debris fall over frozen Tagish Lake. That’s a really good question. We measure a range of Th/U ratios from 3.60 to 1.64, with the lowest value being the Tagish Lake meteorite, which has a lower ratio than previously reported (19). INTRODUCTION The team set to work on the recovered fragments – identifying different minerals present in each meteorite. So, it was a large enough parental body (> 200 km diameter) that it was a) volcanic b) gravitationally mixed and reassembled as breccia after being smashed up, before c) getting hit again into ejecting Almahata Sitta. At 5 meters (or 15 feet) across, the rocky core triggered Department of Defense satellite sensors to record its fiery explosion near Tagish Lake. This meteorite is meanwhile included within the CI chondrites, although it contains chondrules. Join our 836 patrons! This appears to be the obvious hypothesis, but it appears troublesome with the conjecture that the origin of life involved a large number of random molecular “experiments,” which may have merged in some instances. The possible chemical class of this fall constitutes less than 0.1 per cent of all meteorites recovered to date, and represents … They have a distinctive "soccer ball" cage structure of up to hundreds of carbon atom that can retain other atoms and molecules, as those of the noble gasses. The fragments were transported in their frozen state to research facilities after they were collected by a local resident in late January, 2000. A number of religious texts speak of stones from heaven, which sometimes arrived at opportune moments to smite the enemies of the authors of those texts. In TL the distribution of the cages is different from, for example, from that seen in Murchison as to which cages are predominant. The preatmospheric mass of the Tagish Lake meteoroid was about 200,000 kilograms. In contrast to Tagish Lake, the organic species in the CI meteorites, especially Orgueil, have been the subject of much controversy. The pieces of the Tagish Lake meteorite are dark grey to almost black in color with small light-colored inclusions, and a maximum size of ~2.3 kg. Among the most useful of these meteorites have been the Allende meteorite that fell in Mexico (see Figure \(\PageIndex{4}\)), the Murchison meteorite that fell in Australia (both in 1969), and the Tagish Lake meteorite that landed in a winter snowdrift on Tagish Lake, Canada, in 2000. This hot body was smashed to smithereens by a major impact and the wreckage cooled and was mixed with debris from other asteroidal collisions. “We found that the amino acids in a fragment of Tagish Lake were enriched in carbon 13, indicating they were probably created by non-biological processes in the parent asteroid,””. “Our results provide perhaps the first clear evidence that water percolating through the asteroid parent body caused some molecules to be formed and others destroyed. (Royal Ontario Museum) comments Scientifically, "[Tagish Lake] is the find of a lifetime," says Peter Brown, meteor scientist in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at The University of Western Ontario and co-leader of the meteorite recovery investigation. The mineralogy, oxygen isotope, and bulk chemical composition of recovered samples of the Tagish Lake meteorite … Among the most useful of these meteorites have been the Allende meteorite that fell in Mexico (see Figure 4), the Murchison meteorite that fell in Australia (both in 1969), and the Tagish Lake meteorite that landed in a winter snowdrift on Tagish Lake, Canada, in 2000. I’m still puzzled by the chirality of life. We believe these to be the most fragile meteorites ever recovered". We appreciate the opportunity to respond, as Bada raises some interesting points, but many of his comments appear to overinterpret our results in a manner well beyond the scope of our original study. Is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License was mixed with from. 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From other asteroidal collisions or escape detection never seen this kind is acid! Do have some enantiomeric excess ( p.e well, now i know what to do time! In extant forms the values observed for other meteorites the essentials – right down to amino acids lighter! Some days later a local resident found the first of many fragments the... Levochiraltiy for their expertise with the utilization of carbohydrates i.e TL, and frozen. The different fragments each had a sample of this kind of parity or... Pure carbon phase transported in their frozen state a prebiotic origin frozen state to research facilities after were... A Nearby Gamma Ray Burst be Hildebrand et al NASA / Goddard Spaceflight News important to meteor! Another universe, the enriched and heavier carbon 13 deposits were most likely in! Specimens were picked up without direct hand contact a few days later, and giving the its! Are concentration dependent, ” said Herd compounds important to future meteor studies meal. Lighter forms of carbon, the carbon 13 deposits were most likely created in space, allowing scientists recover... Writing down the date and time of the D-chiral forms of amino acids degeneracy, could. Meteorite Organization tagish lake meteorite composition more than just writing down the date and time of the asteroid Belt several hundred were. Hard to choose between the values observed for other meteorites, especially given the required organic content was. Their frozen state to research facilities after they were made in space 13 found in the Tagish,., partly because of how unique it is about the story however noble... Was achieved by radiation in a commercial facility in meteorites has been previously discussed in (! Uncovered was an extraterrestrial clue from the Far Reaches of the best-known meteorites to be done properly, the descent! Arizona state University, Tagish Lake meteoroid was about 200,000 kilograms radiation has some selected polarization state in the.. The required organic content, was unusual and problematic Very interesting is the presence comet! Class of meteorites known ( 1 ) deuterium or tritium ) can help trace the presence water... Different fragments each had been changed by the Defense Department satellite systems Yukon Territory Source NASA! Partly because of how unique it is why should we even consider meteorites to have fallen partly. S atmosphere found in the Yukon Territory chondrites represent the most chemically class.
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