What is the difference between DSC method and ThT method for protein physical stability study? Can  you please elaborate your question for better understanding.. Can I understand this as Range of analytical method in-terms of concentrations ? Important Question And Answer: Slope Stability . I got the different reuslts of a same batch of protein by these two menthod. How the results of related substance assay during accelerated stability testing be used for estimation of the pharmaceutical product shelf-life? May be UV induced photochemical transformations of AgNPs cause your UV -VIS spectra change during the time. 2. In this case, tuning pH and not ionic strength might be useful. It can improve your interview skills if practice is done. 0 Although the subcutaneous injection will make your NPs absorbed quickly but their PK will be dependent on their stability and physiological physical parameters (size and charge will change). ... and stability studies are discussed in this guidance and are intended to clarify the stability testing data recommendations for abbreviated new drug Would be the best technique for you. Toxic products may be formed , due to chemical degradation of the active ingredient. The plates can then be stable for 2-4 weeks. From a regulatory standpoint and according to the ICH guidelines and understanding followed by EMA and WHO the applicant needs to submit at least 12 mo real-time stability data (plus the accelerated one) at the time of filing for a MA. Answer : Change in the size or shape of the original container may not necessitate the initiation of new stability study. Directional stability and control (p. 284) Read and answer as you read 1. 652 0 obj <> endobj We are "The Source" for Army doctrine 2015, NCO 2020 and Army doctrine 2020. It contains volatile solvents, does it safe to do accelerated stability studies at 40 degree celcius? How to prevent Montelukast degradation in Oral granules from? Questions and answers are published from time to time to provide additional clarity and interpretation of guidance. Quality Assurance Interview Questions ; Question 16. We deliver everything including sample receipt, shipment and reporting from a single GMP … https://www.researchgate.net/post/How_can_I_measure_galvanostatic_charge-discharge_in_Biologic_SP-150, https://www.researchgate.net/post/How_to_perform_a_galvanostatic_charge_discharge_experiment_for_a_supercapacitor_software_details_using_a_Biologic_electrochemical_workstation. How can I control the agglomeration of nanoparticles in stability studies? The results from the on-going stability monitoring studies must be considered as part of release for supply, which is the final step in manufacturing. This site contains questions and answers to study for Army promotion and SOM/quarter boards and it will also help in completing the Structured Self Development (SSD1, 3, 4. And when it comes to post synthetic stability, just thermal stability are studied. It is quite common to see the concentration of active ingredients in organic solvent preparations rise during storage. Please note that this advice supersedes the previous questions and answers 1 and 4 published on the same subject in 2004 and 2006. Explain why. Why Stability studies are necessary ? Just try it: Precipitate your proteins using acetone at 4ºC for overnight. Some chemical analysis will be of big help. Based on you comment: "I added some reducing agents to see if it stops oxidizing my reagent" We can assume you reagent is susceptible to oxidation. stability studies conducted for countries How the assay results of degradation products will be used for estimation of the shelf-life of a pharmaceutical product? Stability test methods used by the laboratory should be appropriately validated and documented according to the requirements of the Code. Stability and assay of drug dissolved in acetone? According to WHO guidelines if accelerated stability was OK you could ask for extrapolation up to twice the real-time stability data (minimum of 12 mo real-time stability) but no more than 12 months extrapolation. http://books.google.co.uk/books/about/Determination_and_Use_of_Stability_Const.html?id=eQLwAAAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y. Does the content of active substance during the stability storage will tend to rise? Specific for Granules Packed in HDPE container. The company I'm with has asked me to find a way to reduce the costs of raw material retesting (by doing less tests, less frequently), and extrapolate data, so that, every time they buy said material from the same provider (assuming the formulation hasn't changed) it can be inferred that the product will have the same retesting date and further testing is unnecessary. First, define what is the chemical stability of MOFs. " Please suggest any database which would perfectly suit for overview research and definition of shelf-life of compounded parenteral medicine. c. Depending upon the severity of load d. All of these e. Is it possible to declare shelf life of pharmaceuticals product only from accelerated study? Transverse statical stability is the ship's stability at small angles of inclination. The shelf-life of a pharmaceutical product is estimated based on the rate of degradation of the API. My top question right now is: When a company buys raw material for drug manufacturing, is the supplier obliged to provide the stability studies for said material to the buyer? How to retain the potency of Nitroglycerin Sublingual tablet during Accelerated stability study? and how do you consider your fuzzy inference system (a particular mathematical modeling)? Explore the latest questions and answers in Stability Study, and find Stability Study experts. Please suggest how to overcome the hydrolytic degradation of drug and make the nanoemulsion stable. When kept at 4ºC all along the stability study we see that the protein pattern in SDS and WB keeps intact. One could argue that a reasonable short term of intermediate short shall not contribute significantly to the accelerated stability study. (20 marks) Marking scheme Pass grade answers are likely to include the following content. Once manufactured, the material should be periodically retested as per the retest period (say once in two years). However, an ironclad justification for any durable interuption should be provided. I need A method of analysis for determination cholestyramine resin. Adverse effects such as changes in manufacture and the supply chain (even those not on a variation level) should be identified by ongoing studies. This rate of degradation is estimated based on the assay results of API during the product stability study. This is not correct, do more comprehensive literature search, Hello, Are you considering conventional approaches to stability study or you're proposing new approaches ? At this method how can i dissolve the cholestyramine resin to analyze it?. But the degradation and impurities are important in the risk assessment of. Is there a way to identify the stability of the reagent ? These models are called 2.1 (for salient pole units) and 2.2 (for round rotor units) in the jargon of the IEEE Std. For example, if a pharmaceutical plant buys API and excipients from one supplier (with a determined retest date set based on the supplier's stability studies for said API/excipient) and if the retest date approaches and the plant conducts all the procedures to infer if the substance maintains its requirements, can the plant propose a longer retest date for said substance, as long as they keep buying from the same producer (as long as they too keep manufacturing it the same exact way)? Stability studies done for registration solely provide a “snap-shot”. Stability data must demonstrate stability of the medicinal product throughout its intended shelf‐life under the climatic conditions prevalent in the target countries. To be able to calculate stability, first the fixed and mobile points on a ship's cross section must be identified. I'll take your suggestions into account. in first day , the Tm results were 76.57 and 77.15 degree, while in second day , the Tm results wei 79.66, 81.4, 85.34, and 85.45 dgree. You would not expect this in a sealed container but once opened, the loss through evaporation will be apparent. Stability studies done for registration solely provide a ‘snap-shot’. at USP method i added glycolate solution to cholestyramine and analyzed the free glycolate. My questions is my API expiry is 2 years but the batch which i have manufactured is expiry 5 years will it be acceptable for export or not. what factors I should consider when I want to select a media for stability studies? The remaining previously published questions and answers on the use of the general chapter 2.9.40 (former questions and answers 2, 3, 5 and 6) are still valid and remain published as questions and answers 2 to 5. Did you know HPLC method for cholestyramine quantification by using sodium glycolate solution instead of USP method? 1110. … Once the expiry is reached, it can be used no longer. Lower than steady state stability limit. You can check UV spectra before and after the addition of the reducing agent, also TLC. Or is it only the supplier who can alter the retest date? 1 stability testing interview questions from interview candidates. Yes or No? Pharmacist Interview Questions ; Question 16. D3 Exam Exemplar Questions Mar2013 Page 3 of 9 QUESTIONS AND MARKING SCHEME Q1 Learning outcome: 1.0 Examine THREE different sourcing approaches that could be used by the buyer at PEC to more effectively source safety products and materials from suppliers. I am doing a stability study for my Ag NPs to see if they are stable in cell culture medium. I would like to make stability study for cholestyramine powder for oral suspension. ANSWERS 3(ii): An ANDA applicant should start accelerated, intermediate, and long-term stability studies at the same time so the data are available at the time of submission if the accelerated stability study fails. Thus your media should mimic these scenarios. What is static directional stability? Advantages of Stability studies Assurance to the patient Economic considerations Legal requirement 4. Search for more research, methods, and experts in other areas on ResearchGate. The actual basal media is not very important given they have more or less the same pH and ionic strength. Guidelines for conducting stability studies are described in ICH Q1A(R2) and the ICH stability guidance has been adopted by the European Medicines […] The actually by experimental there is no decrease in peak response or if happen once time not repeated again when I repeat the test. so what is the difference between these two mehtod, is there any connection between them? How can I choose a culture media to study the stability of peptide nanoparticles? How to assess the stability of antibodies? We don't have any analytical instruments in our lab. FDA has released answers to questions received during the public comment period for the draft guidance document Stability Testing of Drug Substances and Products,Questions and Answers, published in the Federal Register on September 25, 2012 as well as responses to comments received on the draft of this guidance published in the Federal Register on August 27, 2013. Before realizing the Interview Questions for QA Job, you need to realize the circumstance in meeting design. h�Ԗ�k�0��=n���J��V��X�:(}���Q�����Β��NҦ�чCg��t���et�83�3�C#�TZɄ�� �QQLf]4K9��&��A�ؔf��?��Β�͸\�Lpn�Aq������%����K�4�� KU2\-�~����MF6&9�����bQ�?��E�aW��c�(��vU,ʄ,`�����Fd���e=�%W����S�M���BO����ڌ�O���4Ma13�a�P2�F�� But the product is degrading after 1 month stability study. Since you are a fresher and you have … Can anyone suggest which techniques are used to determine the stability of a complex in a solution? Chemical degradation of the product leads to lowering of the concentration of the drug in the dosage form. I added some reducing agents to see if it stops oxidizing my reagent. What techniques are used to determine the stability of a complex in a solution? Explore the latest questions and answers in Stability Study, and find Stability Study experts. Positive yawing angle. If preincubation is done in the cold it tends to freeze the system and it might be than chelation  by EDTA is not efficient at low temperature... We initially conducted an accelerated stability study, and found a couple of decent coating conditions. Montelukast oral granules is prepared in dry mixing and packaged in Aluminum foil (sachet). To my wife Hilary and our family. a) The factors which cause an increase in the shear stresses loads, seepage pressure. these NPs are supposed to use through "S.C injection". All the peaks aren't give logic result, when I increased the concentration of cholestyramine the response should be decreased. Now plot the graph of % drug content on Y axis and time on X axis along with Refer to Ali's attachments for details. Stability study of pharmaceutical products. Are manufacturers obliged to provide stability studies to buyers for pharmaceutical raw materials? Stability study at standard conditions could be used in order to evluate the actual contribution. Be that as it may, in real occasions there is no standard to solicit these sort from inquiries as it were. Also, what are the critical parameters to look at while formulating. I will tried this method. What are the std. b) The factors which cause a decrease in the shear stresses. If your peptide is meant to be absorbed then entre circulation then I would add at least 20% FBS to the media to check the stability. I have missed the"3rd month" time point of long term and accelerated stability study. endstream endobj 656 0 obj <>stream �����+Rs���8�Of�zϏ���tQ�To ���b8`�$=P��҃9��gM� If the magnitude of zeta potential at 2C and 25C is larger and smaller than 30 mV, respectively, then the mechanism of stability is electrostatic repulsion. But much of the literature said EDTA acts as an inhibitor for enzymes. When I applied it make me confused which peak should be used for calculation process? I prepared chitosan nanoparticles. you have to consider pH, critical temperature, solubility and of course measuring the leakage of your micelle or nano- microbead would help to prevent the degradation process. If in both temperatures the magnitude of zeta potential is smaller than 30 mV, then the mechanism of stability at 2C might be by steric repulsion. ICH Stability Studies: Storage and Testing Services Gathering pharmaceutical stability testing data on drug products or drug substances to determine an overall stability profile is a necessary step in the drug approval process. procedure for Povidone-Iodine powder Stability studies and how it analyzed loss of available Iodine ? Answering to your question, I don´t know any guideline that allows the finished pharmaceutical product shelf-life to be estimated based only on stability accelerated conditions. Good answer: While working on cold active lipase and endoglucanase I found that both enzymes can tolerate EDTA for 1 hr incubation (stability study of the enzyme). for the product stable at there desire time a s per specification , which give the expiry ... Interview Questions Answers .ORG is responsive and optimized web portal for individuals to get preparation for their job interviews, learning and training. Who changes the retest date of API and excipients? The yaw angle and the sideslip angle Sideslip angle positive or negative in the picture? I prepared "self-assembling peptide" nanoparticles. The "6th month" time point stability data has met all acceptance criteria. As you would imagine, the solvents evaporate leaving the samples behind to be more concentrated. According to ICH guideline, shelf life declaration is based on long term stability study data with accelerated stability study data. Centrifuge it at 10K at  4ºC for 5 min. I would use license conditiosn for an intermediate storage. 9. Hello, please specify which culture media you use? 2. I have a question about pharmaceutical dosage form stability study. RELATIVE WIND SIDESLIP ANGLE +N, YAWING MOMENT 5. Browse through all study tools. Depending on why are you measuring the stabilty, number of measurements and/or conditions, sample preparation, etc. How can I maintain long-term stability for antibody on ELISA plates blocked/coated with BSA/sucrose? How do I Improve the stability of membrane protein extracts from M.haemolytica? Explore the latest questions and answers in Stability testing, and find Stability testing experts. We dont have HPLC in our lab. PS: There is no problem of physical instability. 658 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3F607BF0F4D2634AB1D33F0D8CC8ED07><09B6DA7713A32A43876E28313EE557CC>]/Index[652 15]/Info 651 0 R/Length 52/Prev 121029/Root 653 0 R/Size 667/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream asked a question related to Stability Study. Merely applying the same requirements applicable to other markets could potentially lead to substandard products, e.g. I am trying to compound Tetrabenazine Oral Suspension and Isosorbide Mononitrate Oral Suspension. Global Warming Questions and Answers Test your understanding with practice problems and step-by-step solutions. Could you clarify what you meant by the peak of mixture, which mixture. You can measure in that conditions, but you will need to determinte the pKw for your solvent mixture from the one in 100% water. During stability study of Nitroglycerin sublingual tablet at accelerated condition (40/75 ) the potency of Nitroglycerin is markedly decrease after one month. Yawing moment coefficient 4. If temporarily suspended, what temporary conditions should be set? I am conducting stability studies at two different zone temperatures,  one is at 2 centigrade and another temperature is 25 centigrade. This helps you to understand the mechanism of stability or instability of chitosan nanoparticles. I haven't seen such a database in my 30 years in the industry! as i study the similarity of thermal stability of insulin formulation, the intraday and interday results is bad. ����7���7µm�6�����[����4W }���T�6 � �^�ߣ�~=>����*��N���a��ߎ3N�uG���{������ � 0 ��� ���8l�ݎ9&�K�ËR��R0+%,�%!�ֆt�!˃-s:��ñ����r��u짼!������z܆��ܝn;��9�kB�9c*XO�:�ZA>ڍuk��on:�:���qU���}%���Lѐ�V�@�Z\R�L�����ٲ(k�t���OAl�u�|�NCb�/ܲ譨h�ڂ�ұ@~Eb:�7���쏏��Cp�~�c�WT~�j��oSy��y�Vن�BqAN�m���O�E�m��'�����0}uz���Y�b�nA'^k��Z�Z~2�C˷Bsm! In the stability study, we see a degradation of the drug due to hydrolysis which is not acceptable. A patient presents to the inpatient rehabilitation unit who has suffered a vertebro-basilar CVA and has difficulty adducting and depressing his eyes. How to overcome hydrolysis of drug in Nanoemulsion? 666 0 obj <>stream Moreover, does anyone know or think of a way to improve membrane protein extraction stability from M.haemolytica at 4ºC (now it is stored in SS 1M solution)? These Questions and Answers as published will be open for comment at the time they are published in the Question and Answer format. If it is a solid, you can start with something simple like a melting point. These studies not only provide vital information about the product, but they also determine if the analytical method is a stability-indicating one. The coated capture antibody are anti-mouse monoclonals. Learn about interview questions and interview process for 20 companies. I would not put place acetone in a closed glass container at 40 degree Celsius knowing the margin of error in your incubator is even close to the boiling point. just thermal stability are studied. " The first and major peak interfere with water and buffer. Formal stability study should consist of accelerated and long term stability testing on at least two primary production batches for stable drug products and in case of the susceptible drug products at least three primary production batches should be considered. If you have robust documentation and methods at your pharmaceutical plant around the storage, sampling and retesting of the API and can show documented evidence that the API still meets required specifications then you can extend the shelf life yourself. Hello, Are you considering conventional approaches to stability study or you're proposing new approaches ? Change In The Size Or Shape Of The Original Container Requires Any Stability Study? Serum proteins may cause aggregation of your NPs and human fluids are full of peptidases. Naz Sa. How to overcome this problem? In the event of an emergency, with no equivalent storage conditions available, can a stability study at sat, 40C/75% RH, be temporarily suspended and then restarted when the required conditions become available. Is it acceptable for regulatories? It is designed to assist Soldiers in preparing for promotion boards and competition boards. big differences between both. Each API has two time "limits", one is the retest period the second is expiry period. We can remove the time and resource burden of ICH stability testing, whether you are a big pharma company that prefers to use external resources, or a small R&D team without the laboratory facilities or technical expertise required. Please suggest any guidelines for in-use stability testing of solid orals. Test them at 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months for drug content. What is the mechanism of action of EDTA on enzyme activity? Is there a faster way to detect it? All simulation tools for large interconnected system simulations have several different options for modeling synchronous generators. The best use of these materials is probably to use the short answer version of the questions as study guides for QUESTIONS 3(ii): When do intermediate stability studies need to be initiated in the event of failure at accelerated condition? To prepare for an interview a mock interview can help a lot. The retesting might be more frequent beyond the manufacturer's retest date until you have data on sufficient batches to be confident in extending the retest date. Air dry the sample and dissolve it in PBS and then check this protein by ELISA. I am noticing that the absorbance is increasing little by little over time and the baseline is shifting up. During conduct of accelerated stability study of a pharmaceutical products, degradants must also be assayed. Dark blue dots would appear in random wells on the plate after adding the TMB substrate. 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