Bud (Camp Halohead) mentioned the movie "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane" and "Knives Out" when, This is the first Pixar Animation Studios' live-action/animated hybrid film, followed by. Arpyst, Poulplinthé, Zypoïce, Boyng, Kooica, Alsichord, Trompot, Pahung, DuGryTue, Cascagnet, Organsizer, Choireal, Rochor, Chipbits, Croakree, Vocavox, Futterdrums, Trombird, Doppeloid, Revoxo, Floolo, Kitsosion, 8-Beat, Aerobeats, Treeth, Plascrash, Wubstep, Cyboard, Hamstring, Heatzup, Whakke, Zaplash, Lizzarb, Knarmd, Erbex, Xyzzle, Trupican, Vacuutsica, Blubflubber, Trixelle, Clankenstein, Firbilz, Gladimari, Speakterio, Anubonek, Jawblagu, Boggroak, Swirlusc, Guirbop, Optwurm, Squellows, Mintzicato, Telepaca, Macaremlin, Blibeepa, Monchur, Pylonaut, Flipstixx, Officer Hoggers, Roadkoon, Scrubdubber, Jeennz, Crystallire, Drumball, Organite, Bonglets, Drompy, Gutair, Snaptap, Kicitte, Creenee, Vudol, Pegglin, Mimba, Spirand, Snower, Bicap, Placidrain, Flutterby, Terrasoar, Organeyke, Roborg, Rimba, Smovoid, Larx, Bob, Numbass, Thexplorer, Dexxtar, Timminkit, Doofenator, Curragimba, Wubrass, Sausage, Tuna, Uobo, Canboi, Dum Dum, Nixxit, Joarj, Cococopy, Greedy Guppies, E L E P H A N T C A R, Toahlbocks, Simplings, Tobias The Tank, Pippa Peg, Barkouse, Alphabass, DJ-Ruffman, TenBen, Stæv, Bloo, Perkysite, The Wonder Blunders, Slap-n' Screech, Chowderada, Chēêèéësė, Pizzicaturr, Billynet, Rigky.exe, Catstack, Ted, Tedd, N' Teddi, Suku, Clarance Cell, Mikk-Key Mouzz, Teenkwyredrums, HACKKEQUAYSHUN, Yumsed, Juaxofon, Shovlenpayl, Pill-OW, Bulbox, Zanittizurr, drum, Bushake, TRUMPETTUBATROMBONEFRENCHHORN, String Thing, Mr. Skeleton Plays The Marimba .JPEG, Glitch-a-Gloompas, GrounDEAD, , My Biggest Fan, circle beats, The Boys, gerald, Bacteereeail, Alagaerythym, Fun Guy, Sneezo, Grabop, Cangdrum, Pencylophone, Stikkitree, Beataeb, Clomp, Pianocular, Boopanana, Astrothesaurus, Octom, Stringoon, Trumpetear, Bongalonga, Cymbeast, Kapelizekap, Twinkuttle, Choime, Nesshane, Stareat, Junoth, Dragobell, Lumbergitar, Pharatch, Heartarp, Planetstem, Aliemonica, Oimaophone, Concot, Shashii, Robotikit, Voxilla, Ogorn, Galiball, Droms, Wodote, Wormsnap, Pluckurple, Strigimole, Googuu, Quintaa, Tomatoe, Broccorb, Podbass, Ghopper, Pipecorn, Stembeat, Robomber, Coralka, Asprock, Ghauliflower, Caost, Bassah, Strikion, Chanana, Harmonyt, Orbange, Percuselon, Leafharp, Pumpkern, Foodrum, Autumree, Trumpalet, Stoomp, Treek, Ki-Itz, Flurs, Tapanap, Tree-J, Pufftree, Pigank, Sticklef, Pipetant, Septemi, Pilamai, Darkfraid, Theraghosts, Skeletorgan, Gravetapper, Bloodgre, Harpsidead, Screeming.exe, Boneybeat, Coffineow, Cauldreep, Dracubat, Satani, Scarepants, Mummeet, Starmuity, Glowzma, Pluxlie, Dubvoxxo, Mechachine, Eeriedow, Tootbot, Slymeastrings, Glassii, Mechzapp, Stick-x, Rockhor, Darklant, Ironarp, Chineskull, Robotarp, Meefoan4, Aythn, Gamecadroid, Brass-boty, Gud n' Bahd, Pazzi, Blue-zzi, Orangieldy, ABCpil, Hostommy, Kalclatro, The Epic Gamers, Sault, Puppr, Hornera, Drummer, Spidymbol, Bananymbol, Al-arm Bot, AppaWario, Wailerr, Screamir, Blooibrass, Appeel, Oniin, Eddo, Totom, Matty, Mickkey..., Beetloid, Beanite, Tooniano, Bridgitarr, Bassorse, RubBarkHose, Smilynth, Syronemer Man, Littlest Nugg, Chickedrum, Opsidown, Lightymbal, Pumpklantum, Roobell, Heartoolove, Eastuhtoot, Sunnanzah, Squwaak, Psykokit, Fairimono, Skeledrum, Monodrums, Monbass, Mongitar, Monano, Monblast, Monarok, Monbone, Monbrine, Mondeedge, Mondiredoo, Monfiddle, Monobit, Monsitar, Montabla, Montink, Monzapp, Monsynt, Monophone, Shugabrass, Shugabox, Shugette, Shugastring, Shugajewl, Shugafloot, Shugichan, Shugaboard, Factef, Violeaf, Rosep, Nuthead, Razudaz, Crinole, Illumaino, Thring, Karmonican, Finip, Clamk, Sharkapelle, Stracker, Creeboot, Cymbaboon, Marian, Bleek, Olpro, Hay-Diddle, Lookito, Whick-Alay, Dubster, Octoblow, Telirl, Howler, Honitar, Ceyorus, Xydo, Warpyon, Whumpeii, Bairoll, Betatt, Moltute, Belothes, Clickterr, Knarmd, Abblah, Yalgo, Gumpo, Bugitar, Bonkey JoJo, Thinging, Barage, Polkadip, Tinkird, Twung, Wheedle, Cow-maily, Urchor, Painguise, Ritride, Swiverfit, Cheebii, Mastind, Cutalie, Dinkleberg, Twinlee, Murump, Fyngerpik, Leefblower, Laamung, Fuzzaphone, Boomboxer, Stawmp, Krash, Hydratar, Jumba, Sawphyn, Chrystel, Plink, Bogon, Tikah, Kappaka, Cugan, Quackhead, Brassirina, Iorbe, Lightnera, Stynth, Tikitom, Marcuz, Zapcrash, Doodel, Spectorbot, Thundula, Legth, Aracnopad, Rolantis, Lushisp, Pluctopus, Gongkong, Bixel, Keytoad, Kitto, Barky, Burnace, Orbilily, Univalaxy, Pentarock, Krabsnapper, Rusterbot, Cryir, Blazap, Templetaur, Polterbeats, Voogoul, Ornams, Pluclove, Taicrack, Sunnlar, Bushitar, Vocatron, Flwoot, Celestiul, Plazyn, Spooghost, Steempunk, Crystalina, Rabbeat, Paddern, Stellrum, Swink, Plick, Ashorgan, Ereapertex, Bello, Cymbeat, Woodeyn, Vortexuid, Ortectus, Tetreeth, GK-7, Vioin, Mozcto, Speekrzz, Blackhorn, Electrostomp, Mettalbeatz, Untar, Cawaew, Forest Deedge, Pluxers, Glazpic, Queen Vortexia, Znas, Despass, Speabruh, Techalino, Snibewow, Crockroch, Puffalad, Mechagnome, Rowturee, Ristonk, Fournaroor, Wibbleck, Deepnott, Katboard, Lumbalog, Addvisc, Chungalon, Klaebabby, Nokitick, Unduthcuvurs, Pixapartat, Cluckamuck, Curclape, Boncata, Scread, Другдемон, Mecharachnic, Cravabe, Oboenga, Doinadamla, Æughfurf, Abdisaloid, Looweegeer, Spynulchord, Dootlebone, Mr. Emeetm Icro, Chanjda, Gatukos and Ooutis, Halisc, Swaigœ, Moizacato, Tuhugang, Yadadootis, Prismagaunt, Hexucahst, Gnawaueed, Boosh, Sproutyna, Clunkadron, Krakelohpad, Clongdung, Nolecous, Escargoolunk, Dragonorb, Thurtyfloor, Caroskull, Reddteem, Kattyphish, Widow, Tweets, Young Ethereals, Wublins, Supernaturals, Seasonals, Mythicals, Shugafam, Magicals and Dipsters -, Deer, Fox, Cougar, Bison, Dire Wolf, Mouse, Goat, Armadillo, Jellyfish, Goose, Cheetah, Hyena, Sea Scorpion, Butterfly, Dragonfly, Skeleton Wolf, Tarantula, Faded, Zomgus, Dreath, Nether Medusa, Magma Plant, Mutant Zombie, Mutant Skeleton, Mutant Creeper, Mutant Enderman, Mutant Snow Golem, Spider Pig, Laser Creeper, T - REX, Jet Pack Spider, Infected Zombie, Foglet, Sludge Lord, Piranhas, Swarmers, Parasite, Vespa, Ptera, OsVermis, Raven, Scarecrow, Undead Swine, Ithaqua/Wendigo, Ingheta, Penghouls, Mimicrab, Nether Salamanders, Grove Sprite, Festive Creeper, Rocket Creeper, Support Creeper, Filch Lizard, Spider Family, Traveling Merchant, Lost Miner, Goblin, Trollager, Bewitched Tome, Haunted Tool, Mimic, Skeleton Warrior, Chameleon, Lily Lurker, Treasure Slime, Brain Slime, Dodo, Harpy, Void Eye, Flame Spewer, Blazing Juggernaut, Sheepman, Swampy, Rotten Eskimo, Mummy, Undead Miner, Frostbitten, Burned, Dead beard, Immortal, Acidic Archvine, Hellhound, Arachnon, Crab, Seahorse, Bufflon, End Troll, Foliaath, Ferrous Wroughtnaut, Barakoa & Barakoana, Barako the Sun Chief, Lantern, Frostmaw, Naga, Grottol, Overworld Drake, Roost Stalker, Dragonfruit Drake, Canari Wyvern, Silver Glider, Alpine, Butterfly Leviathan, Royal Red, Lesser Desertwyrm, Coin Dragon -, Polandball, Chinaball, Russiaball, Japanball and Various Countryballs -, Raichu, Marill, Noctowl, Silcoon with Glasses, Gigalith, Bayleef, Ninetales, Ambipom, Lilligant, Lileep, Venusaur, Miltank, Milotic, Delcatty, Flaaffy, Arbok, Wartortle, Piloswine, Zigzagoon, Hynpo, Taruos, Ducklett, Sylveon, Sableye, Kecleon, Corphish, Maractus, Floatzel, Scolipede, Totodile, Castform, Corsola, Lillipup, Ursaring, Happiny, Cyndaquil, Shieldon, Nidoqueen, Lickilicky, Magmar, Froslass, Charmeleon, Smeargle, Manaphy, Lanturn, Lucario, Torkoal, Wingull, Carbink, Shiny Ditto, Sceptile, Tyranitar, Tropius, Sandile, Beautifly, Dustox, Heatmor, Cottonee, Porygon2, Chimchar, Swoobat, Swellow, Pichu Spiky-eared, Hariyama, Qwilfish, Noivern, Natu, Staraptor, Swablu, Pluse, Minun, Pikachu, Sawk, Fraxure, Magikarp, Dunsparce, Meinshao, Flareon, Aron, Abra, Surskit, Lumineon, Cherrim Sunshine From, Luvdisc, Patrat, Froakie, Trapinch, Pineco, Cacturne, Gardevoir, Lopunny, Basculin Blue-Striped Form, Furret, Piplup, Litleo, Ditto and others -, Vincent, Ms. Jill, Dark Pinkie Pie, Dark Applejack, Dark Twilight Sparkle, Dark Fluttershy, Dark Rarity, Dark Rainbow Dash and others -, SuperSmashBros. In the middle of the credits, King Julien, "Check this out!" Noisy, Mr. Rude, Little Miss Scary, Mr. Strong, Little Miss Strong, Little Miss Bossy, Mr. Bump, Mr. Grumpy, Little Miss Shy, Mr. Quiet, Little Miss Giggles, Mr. Flash, Uncle Mailman, and Kiwi -, Masha, Bear, Tiger, Bear’s Dad, Lion, Hare, Pig, Wolves, Hedgehog, Squirrel, Dog, Goat, Penguin, Panda, Dasha -, Mr. Bill, Spot, Sluggo, Mr. Baracus -, J.T. Meet The Emotions 42. Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) There’s no Fine Line between Harry Styles and activism; Sam Smith and Christine and the Queens honor SOPHIE Pig, Easter Pig, Chinese Pig, Elf Pig, Octopus Pig, Frankenstein Pig, Friday the 13th Pig, Scarecrow Pig, Boars, Pumpkin, Christmas Present, Pig in a "Cupid Suit", Four-leaf Clover, Easter Egg, Sunflower, Mooncake, Scary Skull, Candy Cane, Firework, Cherry Blossom Flower, Red Starfish, Blue ABC Book, Ghost Costume, Star-shaped Cookie, Colored Juggling Pins (3), Furnace, Aztec Calendar, Golden Basketball, Masonry Stone, Tiki Statue, Gas Pump Creature, Cable Car, Fairytale Mushroom, Garden Pedestal, Camp Neversleep Badge, Pig Oscar Award, Piggywood "Superstar", Spooky Shed, Viking War Hammer -, Super Red Bird, Lightning Birds, Fire Bomb Bird, Lazer Bird, Ice Bird, The Incredible Terence, Atomic Bird, Slash, Space Eagle, Mighty Buzzard, Space Wingman, Space Eggs, Fat Pig, Alien Pig, Spacecraft Pig, Porko, Space Pig, S.P.A.R.K., White Raddish, Ice Mushroom, Space Egg, Space Mine, Lollipop, Blue Crystal, Red Oyster, Gold Diamond, Purple Gem, Hard Hat, New Horizons -, Luke Skywalker Bird, Obi-Wan Kenobi Bird, Princess Leia Bird, Han Solo Bird, Chewbacca Bird, Rebel Pilot Birds, Lando Calrissian Bird, Yoda Bird, C-3PO Bird, R2-D2 Egg, Mighty Millenium Falcon, Tusken Raider Pig, Stormtrooper Pig, Imperial Officer Pig, Tie-Fighter Pig, Death Star Trooper Pig, Grand Moff Tarkin Pig, Darth Vader Pig, Viper Probe Droid Pig, Snowtrooper Pig, AT-AT Walker Commander Pig, Mynock Pigs, Tie-Fighter Pilot Pig, Emperor Palpatine Pig, Boba Fett Pig, Qui-Gon Jinn Bird, Young Obi-Wan Kenobi Bird, Yoda Bird, Silver C-3PO Bird, Jar Jar Binks Bird, Anakin Skywalker Bird Podracer, Anakin Skywalker Bird Padawan, Padme Amidala Bird, Captain Panaka Bird, Mace Windu Bird, Jedi Youngling Birds, Kit Fisto Bird, Ewok Birds, Jango Fett Pig, General Grievous Pig, Anakin Skywalker Bird Sith Apprentice, Darth Sidious Pig, Battle Droid Pig, Darth Maul Pig, Count Dooku Pig, Zam Wesell Pig, Shocktrooper Pig, Luke Skywalker Bird Jedi, Luke Skywalker Bird Endor, Luke Skywalker Bird Pilot, Han Solo Bird Carbonite, Scout Trooper Pig, Shadowtrooper Pig, Red Battle Droid Pig, Ezra Bridger Bird, Kanan Jarrus Bird, Sabine Wren Bird, Garazeb "Zeb" Orrelios Bird, Hera Syndulla Bird, Chooper Egg, Inquisitor Pig, Chikatro Vizago Pig, Agent Kallus Pig, Imperial Officer Pig 2, AT-DP Pilot Pig, Vizago Droid Pig, Sebulba Pig, Nute Gunray Pig, Rune Haako Pig, Super Battle Droid Pig, Star Wars Rebels Enemies, Neimoidian Pig, Tie Fighter Vlture Droid Pig, Naboo Security Officers, Gungan Bird, Clone Tropper Pig, Nass Bird, Ki-Adi-Mundi Bird, Plio Koon Bird, FX-6 Pig, Reek Pig, Yoffar Bird -, Optimus Prime Bird, Bumblebee Bird, Heatwave Bird, Ratchet Bird, Soundwave Pig, Soundblaster Pig, Blaster Bird, Ultra Magnus Bird, Galvatron Pig, Jazz Bird, Hound Bird, Lockdown Pig, Energon Lockdown Pig, Brawl Big, Ironhide Bird, Energon Starscream Pig, Thundercracker Pig, Skywarp Pig, Starscream Pig, Energon Grimlock Bird, Energon Soundwave Pig, Energon Galvatron Pig, Energon Optimus Prime Bird, Ultimate Megatron Pig, Ultimate Optimus Prime Bird, Goldbite Grimlock Bird, High Octane Bumblebee Bird, Bludgeon Pig, Sentinel Prime Bird, Grey Slam Grimlock Bird, Dark Megatron Pig, Arcee Bird, Airachnid Bird, Windblade Bird, Chromia Bird, Prowl Bird, Bluestreak Bird, Smokescreen Bird, Beachcomber Bird, Epic Optimus Prime Bird, Nemesis Prime Bird, Energon Bumblebee Bird, Classic Bumblebee Bird, Dead End Pig, Ricochet Bird, Drift Bird, Shockwave Pig, Acid Storm Pig, Sunstorm Pig, Trypticon Bird, Wheeljack Bird, Ultra Magnus Bird, Rodimus Bird, Moonracer Bird, Scorponok Pig, Barricade Pig, Motormaster Pig, Nemesis Hot Rod Bird, Sideswipe Bird, Red Alert Bird, Sunstreaker Bird, Mirage Bird, Energon Windblade Bird, Energon Shockwave Pig, Energon Nautica Bird, Energon Megatron Pig, Nautica Bird, Elita One Bird, Strongarm Bird, Novastar Bird, Alpha Trion Bird, Kup Bird, Breakdown Pig, Blurr Bird, Cliffjumper Bird, Nightbird Bird, Grapple Bird, Drag Strip Pig, Greenlight Bird, Warpath Bird, Devastator Pig, Superion Bird, Menasor Pig, Optimus Maximus Bird, Slipstream Bird, General Optimus Prime Bird, Lord Megatron Pig, Cosmos Bird, Ramjet Pig, Thrust Pig, Dirge Pig, Captain Starscream Pig, Specialist Ratchet Bird, Major Prowl Bird, Major Soundwave Pig, Volcanicus Bird, Omega Supreme Pig, Pigbots, Walking Mortar Towers, Sharktihogs, EggBots -, Dr. Evil Pants, Ronnie, The Beavers, The Black Widow Spiders, Roxxy, Matilda, Roxxy’s Siblings, Kappus, Kappus’s Friends, Jerry, Mum, The Gorillas, The Butterflies, The Junebugs, The Dragonflies (Cherry, Maude, Longface, Bibi, Cha-Cha) and others -, Sanjay Patel, Craig Slithers, Vijay Patel, Darlene Patel, Hector Flanagan, Belle Pepper, Megan Sparkles, others -, Molly, Gil, Deema, Goby, Oona, Nonny, Zooli, Mr. Grouper, Bubble Puppy, Little Fish and others -, Take, The Chief, Jeera, Lok, Linda the Sheep, Keeko, Banutu Jibolba, Zarla, Slog, Navis, The Pupununu Tribe, Chaka and Oonga Oongachaka, Jujus and others -, Danny Phantom, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, Jack Fenton, Maddie Fenton, Jazz Fenton, Dash Baxter, Paulina, Kwan, Star, Valerie Gray, Vlad Masters/Plasmius, Box Ghost, Lunch Lady Ghost, Skulker, Technus, Desiree, Ember, Spectra, Bertrand, Fright Knight, Dora Mattingly, Klemper, Walker, Johnny 13, Kitty, Youngblood, Sidney Poindexter, Pariah Dark, Femalien, Terminatra, Nightmerica, Hotep-Ra, Lydia, Vortex, Nocturne, Undergrowth, Amorpho, Pandora, Frostbite, Dani Phantom and others -, Manny Rivera/El Tigre, Frida Suárez, Rodolfo Rivera/White Pantera, Grandpapi/Puma Loco, Maria Rivera/Plata Peligrosa, Other Mexican characters -, Otis, Pip, Pig, Freddy, Peck, Miles, Dag, Maddy, Daisy, Bessy, Duke, Etta, Eddy, Igg, Bud, Abby, Sheep, Everett, Buck, Pizza Twins, Officer O'Hanlon, Wild Mike, Canadian Cows, Root, and Other Barnyard animals -, Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, Private, King Julian, Maurice, Mort, Roger, Max, Joey, Bada and Bing, Fred, Burt, Marlene -, Master Chao, Master Yao, Mr. Yeung, Mrs. Gow, Master Shengqi, Master Kweng, Master Mugan, Master Lun, Master Elephant, Master Snow Leopard, Master Rooster, Shirong, Peng, Song, Constable Hu -, Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, April, Splinter -, Felicity, Miguel, Yana, Athena, Santa Paws -, Baby Shark, William, Mommy Shark, Daddy Shark, Grandma Shark, Grandpa Shark, Santa Jaws -, Bunsen, Mikey Munroe, Amanda Killman, Miss Flap, Darcy, Sophie Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe, Beverly, Boodles, Mr. and Mrs. Bunsen, Ken and others -, Ansi Molina, Olly Timbers, Saraline Timbers -, Kid Danger, Captain Man, Schwoz, Charlotte, Jasper -, Harvey Beaks, Fee, Foo, Michelle Beaks, Dade, Claire, Princess Roberts, Techno Bear, Kratz, Rooter, Piri Piri, Seth/The Blargus, Wade, Mikey, Paul, MJ, Pip, Kevin, Ralph, Carla or Clara, Kathy, Janey, Miriam Beaks, Irving Beaks, Doctor Roberts, The Spirit of the Wetbark Lake, Jeremy, Randl, Moff Williamson, Felicity, Bartleburt, Carol, Tara, Les Squirrels, Gerald, Jackle Slytherstein, Officer Fredd, The Inspiriation and Pooker, Aiden and Miley, Roland Beaks and others -, Pig, Goat, Banana, Cricket, Burgerstein, Goat's reflection, TJ, Sleazy Beave, Rasta Rat, President of the Planet, Junior Rangers, Ranger Rhino, Breakfast Buffalo, Armpit Willy, Lady Primavera Van de Snuggles and others -, Nella, Trinket, Sir Garrett, Clod, Badalf, Terry, The Frostbite Brothers (Snowpuff, Freezy, and Frozey), Sir Blaine, Olivia, Stella, King Dad, Queen Mom, Norma, The Knight Brigade, Willow, Fidget, Fickle, Gork, Polkadottie, Minatori, Tilly, Cici, Smelgly, Sir Coach, Flutter, The Unicorn of the Lake and others -, Rosie Redd, Mandy Orange, Anna Banana, Pepper Mintz, Bonnie Blueberry, Indy Allfruit, Lavender LaViolette, Floof, Kalia, Preston Praxton, Patty Praxton -, Shane, David, Puppet, Mrs. Foil, Schmuzzies and others -, Valeria Olivas, Winnie, Yuna, Celeste and others -, Ollie Allen, Cleo Badette, Bernie Alves, Piper Allen, Captain Wowski, Ivy -, Annie, Pony, Dad, Mom, Fred, Brian, Ms. Ramiro, Mr. Bancks, Beatrice -, Karolz, Catherine, Channy, Yullyna, Anlhy, Ciency, Chloyle, Inatchi, Slimark, Goraka, Ruby, Rhaychi, Curely, Heally, Kissy, Loneria, Luria, Huria, Honiria, Quimyc, Xhimena, Thika, Team Yerikha, Robo-Warton X's Team, Chloe with her Family and friends -, Jimmy, Toby, Patrick, Sam, Roger, Maria, Cindy, -, Samantha Van Hof (without her bigger butt) -, Nyxen, Isabeth Luvenka, Deima, Augus, Argus, Ar'dalla, Kogo, Shigemi, Android CIS-1161 'Cissi', Warden Diana, Cardiff Goil, -, Sugar Ball, Art Block, Fox Tail Keychain, Caramel Ball, Magnetic Thinking Putty, Glazed Star Top Hat, Floating Robotic Naval Bomb, BFDI Poster, Autodesk Sketchbook, Petunia, Pink Bowling Ball, Oreo Shake, -, Ra1nb0wK1tty101, Lana, Samantha, Deli, Elizabeth Campbell, Akko Rita, Boomer, Ressie, Luke, Gabby, Anna Blue, Angel Fox, Henrietta, Vitessa, Prismatrica Frederick, xXLanaBear23Xx, TheMasterCreative -, Martaru, Maddie Wolfie, Mark, Emily Rabitton, Sam, Eddie Malcolm, Zack Gilligan, Tommy Regginolds, Micheal Flyton, Fredrick Jackson, Donnie Phillips, Ashley and her Crew from Spy Raccoon, Marcus Teknick, The Great Roboter, Stringey, Wylee,Triangler, Crusher, Crazer-, Lottie, Lexi, Sonya, Crazy Lizard Woman Driver (CLWD), Sparkles, Swirl, Rocky, Mushmallow, Rainbowcorn, Minty, Sugar, Cosma, and others -, Marilyn Shine, Nathan Nomad, Harper, Susie Feeble, Meek, Madilyn Glaze, Tuesday Van Dour, Emma Bore, Trixie Bittersweet and others -, Bellybutton, Jellybean, Goldie, Pip, Cruncher -, Spot, Riya, MuruKir, Clyde, Nattsu, Judy, Devin, Beki, Christina, Jason, Brian, Cato -, Kirby Krisis, Archie the Fox, Carl the Cardinal, Peter the Beaver, Jamie the Fire-Ant, Mammoth Thighs and others -, William, Spike and Chuck, Suzette Espenshade, Paige Gami, Potato, Random Marshmallow, Nookaling and Eddy the Ghost, Jenny Hushbuckler and Finn Callahan, Markus, Reggie and Doug, Jake and Chris -, Matthew, Clementine, Naomi, Lilly and Magdalene, Fiona, Rheneas, Caleb, Ethel, Luigi, Mom, Ditco, -, Jake Zoobrawd, Maria Jones, Savannah Garrison, Teresa Mochizuki,-, Hemlock Holmes, Joe Jitsu, Heap O'Caloire, and Manuel Tijuana Guadalajara Tampico "Go Go" Gomez Jr. -, Peter Venkman, Raymond Stantz, Egon Spengler, Winston Zeddemore and Slimer -, Agent J, Agent K, Agent H, Agent M, Pawny, Various Aliens -, Private / Corporal / Sergeant / Lieutenant John "Johnny" Rico, Private Isabelle "Dizzy" Flores, Lieutenant / Captain Carmen Ibanez, Private Ace Levy, Colonel Carl Jenkins, Lieutenant Zander Barcalow, Career Sergeant / Private Zim, and others -, Tallahassee, Columbus, Wichita, Little Rock, -, Spencer Gilpin, Dr. Xander "Smolder" Bravestone, Anthony "Fridge" Johnson, Franklin "Mouse" Finbar: Fridge's Jumanji avatar, Professor Sheldon "Shelly" Oberon, Ruby Roundhouse, Jefferson "Seaplane" McDonough -, Detective Lieutenant Michael Eugene 'Mike' Lowrey, Detective Lieutenant Marcus Miles Burnett -, Natalie Cook, Dylan Sanders and Alex Munday -, Sing, Brother Sum, The Landlord of Pig Sty Alley, The Landlady of Pig Sty Alley, the Beast, Coolie, Tailor, Donut, Bone, Fong, Brother Sum's adviser, The Harpists, Beggar -, Dustin J. 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