When I take your Locations worksheet from your workbook download and expand Quarter to Month, the dates shift from 2016 for 3 quarters to May 2007 through April 2008. Useful tips and tricks for turning Data into Insights with Tableau, Alteryx, Excel…. When I put in the Reporting Month as filter, I get all of the days and it looks good. Note: On January 11, 2021, the SBA and Treasury reopened the Paycheck Protection Program. On Monday, the company had 15 employees. Expand the Business Date Quarter column to Month Hi Jose, The challenge is that if I add a filter on Business Date for the last 3 years, my headcount will be wrong, counting only the flows happening over the last 3 years. asked 9 years ago by anonymous +1. You can increase /change the number of machines for the products as per requirement. I’ve been stuck here for around half an hour now…, Hello, it’s me again. https://www.blueboard.com/blog/top-16-experiential-rewards-to-promote-employee-wellness, https://public.tableau.com/profile/frederic.pinchon#!/vizhome/Headcount_7/HeadcountProgress, Cross Tab and Transpose INDB with Snowflake using Pivot and Unpivot, Use API with Alteryx to import QuickBooks GL reports to Tableau, Customer Cohorts and Product Sequence with orders data, Easy Fuzzy Match on Names in Tableau with SQL. There must be something I am missing in the Filter formulas but I’ve proofed them all. The following calculator gives your number of agents required to handle given call number with given service level. Now if you have been following my posts, we are entering with this filter what I have been calling Tableau post wall territory in terms of complexity, so buckle up! Note how the business date is using hire date for inflow, and termination date for outflow. Cost Accounting 101 – Earned Hours and Direct Headcount. Replace Reporting Quarter filter by Reporting Month Headcount Model Setup. We actually have 792 active employees right now but it’s showing 722. First, it calculates the total number of employees whose hire dates is less than 31-Jan-2016 and country is equal to UAE THEN it SUBTRACTS the total numbers of leavers whose last working day was less than or equal to 31-Jan-2016 and country is equal to UAE. Average headcount of the firm for a week is 13.8. ... FT or PT — this field is in calculating the correctly monthly wage expense. This call center calculator, powered by the Erlang B and Erlang C traffic models, helps you work out how many agents you need in your call center and how many trunks (lines) it needs to handle those calls. If you like this Site about Solving Math Problems, please let Google know by clicking the +1 button. Seems wrong. My total does not equal my grand total for the month. It\'s easy to work out staff required with an Erlang Calculator. New Article on How to Calculate the Number of Agents Required. I can get to this very dynamic way to report on headcount: var divElement = document.getElementById('viz1472755004271'); var vizElement = divElement.getElementsByTagName('object')[0]; vizElement.style.width='100%';vizElement.style.height=(divElement.offsetWidth*0.75)+'px'; var scriptElement = document.createElement('script'); scriptElement.src = 'https://public.tableau.com/javascripts/api/viz_v1.js'; vizElement.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, vizElement); Now, how to get there? (If you borrow more than you end up spending, you At a higher level of abstraction, a very good read by Keith Helfrich is diving into the similarity of those data sets. I’m finding, however, that the data isn’t computing properly. One of the Erlang calculators that Jonty pointed you in the direction of would take care of that. Required fields are marked *. You are facing the data densification problem I address at the bottom of that very post. 2. First things first, it is important to understand in which order the Tableau engine performs calculations. The SLA is built into your scheduling. I was able to make your scenario work by: But it can be daunting to work out if maths isn’t your strong point. This business plan headcount and staff costs calculator will help you to calculate staff related costs for use in the Financial Projections Template and your business plan.. Headcount and staff costs form part of operating expenses, and can be a major expense to consider when preparing a financial projection. It can provide a starting point, but is designed for single task call centres (e.g. It’s helpful to know how to calculate staff turnover. However, whereas Keith is using Custom SQL and Table Calcs in Tableau to reshape the data, I will take the Alteryx route, which I find cleaner, easier to explain and document. Learn who is eligible and find out how to apply. The headcount modelling approach comprises four main development stages: The timing of each stage depends on the current number of assets/branches/business units in the scope of the modelling, the details required and the number of model parameters. Get answers from the Call Centre Helper community on your most difficult challenges, Get all the latest news straight to your inbox, How to Calculate the Number of Agents Required. Work out the number of emails per employee per day, https://www.callcentrehelper.com/tools/erlang-calculator/, https://www.callcentrehelper.com/how-to-work-out-how-many-staff-you-need-in-a-contact-centre-96591.htm, https://www.callcentrehelper.com/erlang-c-calculator-2473.htm, https://www.callcentrehelper.com/erlang-c-formula-example-121281.htm, https://www.callcentrehelper.com/a-beginners-guide-to-the-erlang-a-formula-140998.htm, https://www.callcentrehelper.com/how-to-calculate-contact-centre-shrinkage-90353.htm, https://www.callcentrehelper.com/tools/multi-channel-calculator/, https://www.callcentrehelper.com/tools/erlang-calculator, How to Calculate Contact Centre Shrinkage. See the below answer. I am trying to recreate the headcount tab and getting an error message when I drag the “Reporting Date Filter” into the filters area and add the last 3 year filter. Let’s start with the source data: a set of transactions records for each employee, that you can download from here, looks like this: We need to reshape that data before we load it into Tableau, so that we can count at any point of time how many employees are active in the headcount: Need help please. Reporting Date Filter = lookup(max(([Business Date])),0), This is simple to implement, and will work really well for most purpose, like on the Headcount or the Headcount progress tabs above, because the data underlying is dense enough, that is you have at least one entry per business date month. If you haven’t done this before, you might find the results surprising. The SBA may issue additional forgiveness-related guidance. Tenure sheet look fine to me here: https://public.tableau.com/profile/frederic.pinchon#!/vizhome/Headcount_7/HeadcountProgress. Here are the links to the Tableau Viz, the source data, the proof data, and the workflow used in this demo. Furthermore, the granularity of the transactions increases: Running a successful call center operation means managing by the numbers. I solved the problem. Calculate factory production capacity separately as above. Headcount = Running_Sum(sum([Flow])) Is it something to do with the parameters? When I try to show last three years’ gender evo with bar chart (color by gender), male values disappear in the years which don’t have any male flows and total headcount shows wrong. The company wanted to know if it was paying unnecessary labour costs as a result of overstaffing. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The ISO 17021:2015 table below represents the guidelines provided by IAF to be used for calculating ISO 9001:2015 Audit Days based on number of employees. The scope of work and the approach to its How much time do you have per question in the PMP exam? When I add up the “headcount” column, that results into 722, but when I run a report that shows a roster of active employees and I filter out anyone with a termination date, it shows me 792 employees. I currently have a formula, shown below, that calculates HC based on call volume, aht, for 1 hour/ftehrsinamonth and shrinkage: Customer service program X is open 24 hours a day and has a backlog of 2,400 e-mails. That good old Lookup() Jedi Trick: I’ve encountered some problems. Thanks in advance. The Real Reasons for Headcount Reporting Problems One oft-cited reason for the headcount reporting problem is the different taxonomies finance and HR departments employ to tabulate headcounts. Let's calculate the average headcount for a week. Call center calculator instructions. This is why we are frequently asked how to compute earned hours and direct headcount, which we have been doing for many years. Headcount is indeed very close technically and conceptually to inventory management, with flows of employees coming in and out the organization, and the required snapshot of where it stands It can also be used to see if improvements can be brought in to help motivate employees (such as the https://www.blueboard.com/blog/top-16-experiential-rewards-to-promote-employee-wellness systems that have started to appear across many industries). Same goes for the end date. 3. You must have missed a step, and without seeing your Tableau workbook, it is hard to identify which…, I’m encountering the same problem. The call center is open from 6H00 AM to 5H00 PM and the agent shift is of 8.5 with a 1 hour lunch. o Calculate how much of that maximum you will spend on permitted expenditures within 8 weeks of receiving the loan. make sure you read in details the part that starts with: “Now if you have been following my posts, we are entering with this filter what I have been calling Tableau post wall territory in terms of complexity”. I want to ask you how can I show them in the dashboard using the reporting date filter. Error message, “The calculation ‘reporting date filter’ can’t be applied to a user defined aggregate.” Please send me more detailed instructions. Make sure you check Show Missing Values from the Quarter drop down options. This is quite easy to calculate the number of staff needed with the Erlang Calculator. On an annual basis, an FTE is considered to be 2,080 hours, which is calculated as: 8 hours per day x 5 work days per week Service level is calculated as percentage of calls handled by the agents within given (small) amount of time. The only required fields are Wage Rate, PT/FT, Hours, Taxes, Medical Rate, and Start and End Date. An accredited registrar will use the guidelines and requirements set forth by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) to consider these factors and determine time required to audit clients. Note: If a +1 button is dark blue, you have already +1'd it. Just pop the figures into an Erlang Calculator, Actual HC calulation to include Service Level. pmp; In that case, it would take two 15-hour a week workers and one 10-hour a week worker to equal one FTE (15 + 15 +10 = 40 hours). Tenure in Years = DATEDIFF(‘year’,[Hire Date],today()) Learn how your comment data is processed. Thanks in advance. The approach consists in processing the hires as positive additions to the headcount using these formulae for the inflow (=hires): Time-Period Basis: An implication surrounding the use of time-series data in which the final statistical conclusion can change based on to the starting or ending dates of the sample data. This is applicable for companies that employ both full-time and part-time workers. Turnover = sum([Departures])/[Headcount] You will see that you need to use a dedicated reporting quarter. inbound customer service agents whose primary task is to handle those inbound calls).For such call centres, Average Handling Times (AHTs), call volumes and average answer time (or % answered within x seconds targets) can be used to calculate staffing requirements. What is a good method of calculating the number of agents required to handle calls in a given time period. Calculate the HR-to-employee ratio by dividing the number of HR FTEs (full-time equivalents) by the total number of employees in the organization and multiplying … I missed it. From there, calculate the necessary selling hours to derive the number of reps needed. How many hours does it take to get the backlog of e-mails to the level of 1000 e-mails? I’m not able to ascertain why I’m off by 70 employees. Calculate the call handling capacity of an executive (CHC) CHC= (Staffing time * Occupancy%) / ACHT For example if you have to calculate CHC of an executive with staffing time of 400 minutes/day and ACHT of 10 minutes, working at an occupancy of 80% then CHC = (400 * 80%) / 10 = 32 Thanks again Joe! Duplicate the locations tab, rename it to location by month To determine how much direct headcount a work center requires, you first need to determine how many hours of labor is going to be required given your build plan. As Bora Beran explained in his blog, Table Calcs like Running_Sum are performed last: I read all your comments and help please to know how many agents i need per hour. [1] X Research source Multiply the total weekly hours by the number of weeks each part-time employee has worked. We were recently contracted by a major player in Zimbabwe. That’s why we’re going to explain how to calculate … Erlang C is a formula used by call centres to help them determine their staffing numbers. Thanks for this tutorial; it looks easy but there’s a lot going on under the hood. It can be a bit tricky to calculate staffing for a combination of both Calls and Emails. Great post. Hi, Frederic One question, though. Assume there are 18 employees each hour assigned to process e-mails who are actually productive (able to do work) 90% of the time. I figured out what was wrong. In Tableau, I need a couple of calculated fields to get the dynamic headcount and various additional relevant indicators: Headcount = Running_Sum(sum([Flow])) Hires/Arrivals = if [Flow Type]=’In’ then [Flow] END Terminations/Departures = if [Flow Type]=’Out’ then -[Flow] END Thank you for your support! How do you calculate the exact sum of the bonus in case of a project team by each person if you even want to give direct incentive right after the end of the project (not on yearly basis)? I want to do my report by month because of seasonality, but when I drag the Location to Color I suffer from the densification problem. I am not able to identify the tool in above snapshot. Dust off the calculator. I downloaded your Tableau workbook and created another calculated field with the exact same formula as “Reporting Date Filter” but when I use this new calculated field I get the same error as Sandy Shapiro above. Departures Voluntary = if [Flow Type]=’Out’ and [Termination Type]=’Voluntary’ then -[Flow] END To find EFT people required assuming eight hours per day without scheduled break/lunch, divide production hours required by .75 (that is, 1.00 – .25 nonproductive in this example). I start with 110 employee records, and add 22 terminations to end at 132 rows loaded into Tableau. Show your calculation steps and round the final answer off to a whole number. Thanks! The FTE calculation (and definition) can be confusing at first, so we’re here to help you make sense of it all. Hires/Arrivals = if [Flow Type]=’In’ then [Flow] END Thanks! And the most important number of all is the number of bodies in seats each hour to respond to customer contacts. This way we get the monthly headcount by considering both joining dates and leaving dates. Compensation specialists generate employee headcount reports based on actual salaries and wages, or they prepare reports based on hypothetical scenarios to determine appropriate wage and salary increases. The Tenure Dash and associated worksheets are showing all the same values for each worksheet – Tenure Bins, Tenure of Voluntary Terminations, and Tenure of Involuntary Terminations. Great article! o Calculate your loan amount by taking 2.5x average monthly payroll costs. 1. 1. answer. I've always regarded this as two separate calculations. How can I achieve this? You are instead getting this: If you want to push further your understanding of data densification issues, beyond the purpose of this blog post and at the frontier of my abilities, I highly recommend this material put together by Joe, in Jedi Master territory. That works well for our purpose, now which formula to use? Tenure in Days = DATEDIFF(‘day’,[Hire Date],iif(isnull([Termination Date]),today(),[Termination Date]))/365 Employee headcount reports are required as part of a compensation survey or when an employer contemplates making changes to the organization's compensation and benefits structure. This video is dedicated for those of you who need to understand what are the staffing needs within a business or a team. Hi, Glad it worked out though…, Happened to me as well. Many business dashboards track headcount figures, since it is quite a vital indicator for most organizations. Is that really correct? On Thursday, a new employee had his first day. For example, 80% calls, must be handled in 20 seconds or less. Wow! Use accounting records to identify hours worked by part-time employees. The potential can differ significantly by rep territory – and is root cause we often see of unequal quota attainment. Businesses hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic can get a second loan through the Paycheck Protection Program. On Tuesday, 2 employees left the company. In order to calculate the full-time equivalent employee following steps are to be followed – Step 1: Firstly, convert the number of hours which are worked by the part-time employees in the company on a full-time basis. Many businesses will flock to a data visualization site, like this online histogram maker, to present data like this. Calculating Call Center Staff Calculating Resource Requirements and Understanding Staff and Service Tradeoffs Sharpen your pencils. Conceptually, headcount is a straight forward concept. , yes, a lot of calcs under the hood… If you will use it all, request the maximum amount. I’ve tried to figure this out for a long time. It took none other than Joe Mako himself to help me find the proper formula that does address this data densification issue: and creating additional new entries for the outflow (=terminations) of employees which will decrease the headcount only after the terminations occur: After running the workflows, the data will look like this: Flow is simply a counter that has a value of 1 when type=in and -1 when type=out. Erlang C Calculator Excel - Including Shrinkage, A Quick Guide to the 0845 and 0870 number changes, Call Centre Erlang Staffing Calculator – v 3.1 – With Maximum Occupancy, Free Erlang C Calculator Excel – Including Shrinkage, Monthly Forecasting Excel Spreadsheet Template, Experimental Multi-Channel Contact Centre Calculator Tool. Tweak the Reporting Month Filter table calc, use at the level: Location, then set the filter to past 5 years and it works…, Your email address will not be published. The concept is used to convert the hours worked by several part-time employees into the hours worked by full-time employees. Required Fields. Thanks, Hence the need to create in Tableau an extra Reporting Date Filter filtering the Table Calcs without filtering Business Date: Reporting Quarter Filter = DATE(DATEADD(‘quarter’,INDEX()-1,DATETRUNC(‘quarter’,#First business date in your dataset#))). Sorry, I am not sure I can see what you are describing? Not sure if you’re still accepting comments here. The formula used: Headcount Movement = CALCULATE (COUNTROWS (Staff), FILTER (Staff, AND (Staff [Date Employed]<=MIN (Date_Dim [Calendar_Date]), Staff [Termination_Date]>=MAX (Date_Dim [Calendar_Date])))) Leave, extended hours etc. I could not make it global filter. Let me know if you figured out how to solve the issue. Answers: What is the Minimum Number of Staff Required for a 24 hour Call Centre? Example: 1 Part-time Employee worked 15 hours every week for 30 weeks: … Total nonproductive time in this example is 32 + 26 + 8 days = 65 / 260 = 25%. A common mistake in calculating shrinkage is to take the 100 and multiply by 130% to get the total required. In this post, we’ll show you exactly how to calculate the number of full-time equivalents you have on your team. Learn how to calculate your headcount reductions so you can determine if they affect your PPP loan forgiveness amount. 4. To calculate staffing you divide your required headcount by useful time: 50 / (1-0.16667) = 50 / (0.8333) = 60 agents required. Accepting comments here isn ’ t your strong point needs within a business or a.! Very post source Multiply the total required can see what I ’ finding. Of all is the Minimum number of agents you need engine performs calculations ’ still... The +1 button is dark blue, you have to convert it to location by Month.! 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