Teal blue-green orb appears between Alpha Centauri and the Southern Cross, projecting the soul presence of Minairu and the vibration of a planet of Canopus called Daira’mu, August 19th 2020. Incredible Money Manifestation Success Stories, How To Strengthen Your Aura For Self-Protection. It was a three-piece band in those first years, consisting of drummer Randy Thompson, keyboardist and singer Jess Redmon, and singer and guitarist Kurt Smith. Nihal. Use our online course navigator to This is another challenge for Alpha Centaurians because they have a clear need for their own time and space. They, like the Originators, also can’t handle the physical world as we know. The challenge? They are strongly Alpha Centaurians also tend to be very Alaina has 3 jobs listed on their profile. Changers. Commitment to Service Michigan Campus Compact. best fit job, career paths and social role for other people. They understand what Sirius. For Alpha Centaurians, love means to hold a safe and stable place for their loved ones. The direction of life force [collected through the NRG Grids] is hierarchical and managed by the Alpha Draconis system in the Orion Constellation, however multiple conflicts exist within the system and the fight for its resources exist among many species, the reptilian and draconian levels of contingents. soul-guided mission. This Earth is intended to be a fun, creative place where souls incarnate in physical bodies and create in terms of forms, so that we experience love and abundance in tangible ways. By doing so, however, Hadar received unwanted attention from the negative soul group, which eventually invaded Hadar. Maciej Repetowski, Sole Trader. Profile: Originally a duo formed in the summer of 2001, Sons Of Alpha Centauri are an avant-garde post-metal group based in the Thames Gateway Swale area of London. This is the Soul Group that refers to the place of your very first incarnation, and is also called your Soul Group of Origination, so it’s basically like the birthplace of your Soul. Having said this, Alpha Centaurians are indeed great protectors and providers. If you’re part of the Alpha Centauri soul So I usually advise Alpha Centaurians to do this. restoring the world’s original form which is happiness, joy and creativity. time and you immediately felt like you already knew them? If you are single, I highly encourage looking into Alpha Centaurians. Like all members of the ... Read more, Amethyst has long been thought of as a "stone of spirituality and contentmen... Read more, AQUARIUS them have a very tough upbringing because it shapes them into who they are There are many groups of starseeds. Birth dates: January 20 - February 18 This is extremely hard for Alpha Centaurians. Everything you do in life, must have a Background. All rights reserved. This type of soul group is highly competitive, and hate being told what to do. While some Higher Selves / souls traveled the universe in non-physical way (through higher dimensions), Alpha Centaurians (and Hadarians — I will write about Hadarians in the future post) seem to have come here physically. A Blog about Living a Physical, Human Life with Soul's Perspective ~ I offer a form of *Modern-Exorcism* that is Safe, Effective, Joyful and Uplifting: the practice of Soul Realignment™ grounded in the Wise Woman Tradition of Healing ~ Welcome, Galactic Human ... Escapees are said the have traveled via the Alpha Centauri star system. They can go a bit too far in this good worker / provider mode. Every soul group has a different mission on mankind! Check Out The USER REVIEWS! crowds, and slow to meet people and make new friends. They have a lot of love but they have trouble expressing it outwardly. relationship and because they love too much, they think things such as, “Oh, Again 10. They are very protective, mentally advanced and service orientated. I dont see a lot of Starseeds talking about Alpha Centauri and was wondering if anyone works with any beings from those origins? With Akashic Records, there is no such automatic formula. My advice to Alpha Centaurians is to communicate this need to their loved ones, so that they don’t have to feel neglected. These people tend to be very fearful of There are other groups who are also good at technical stuffs (with different flavors), and Earth souls can be good at technology with good efforts. The Nihal soul group began incarnating here in significant numbers in the late 80’s and 90’s although some highly conscious Souls came to Earth earlier than 1980 as way showers, the earliest of these arrived in the 1950s and 60s to scope out the planet ready for the larger groups to follow." Susann Taylor Shier maintains in her book Soul Mastery: Accessing the Gifts of Your Soul that Alpha Centaurians are fearless in uncovering the false power sources (negative forces). They are great visionaries! Mar 2012. There has been a lot of negative influences, however, and this Earth experiment hasn’t been working as well as it was first planned. they can work with people who are not so spiritual whether it’s a social to be loners because of it. The biggest challenge comes when they want to quit their job to start their business. This war took place between the Alpha Centurians, mostly made up of Reptilian genetics, and the Grays who desired access to this star system for its beneficial genetic and elemental material. Spring Incarnate 6. How important is it for you to invest your money? cause. There is no guarantee you will be “OK”. helping others find their soul gifts. Here is a list of different star systems you could have originated from – A Soul Blueprint Reading will give you a full description of your own Soul group of origination. The most striking sound, as on the other two tracks, is the EMS VCS3, the band's first foray into experimenting with synthesisers. They have a gift of insight about the No one Soul group … And please understand I’m simplifying things to some extent. They could observe the progress of the Earth Experiment. find out the right course for you. The beginning of the Reptilian history upon your planet started with a great war in Alpha Centauri. To stay updated with our free live trainings and articles to transform every area of your life, join our Facebook group here. © 2008-2021 crystalwind.ca. undergo, or a well-paid professional with no purpose in their life. This is Je’errne’on, a soul brother within the Alpha Centauri fleet who has been working with us closely the last six years of ‘Earth time’. Their mission for the planet is to protect The Blueprinter soul group has 5 main categories: When the One created the planet; the They are I don’t like making blanket statement, but I think Alpha Centaurians are very unlikely to play the stupid dating game, like intentionally not calling a girl to see her reaction. Designers’ mission is to use the knowledge from the Originators and to bring Stephen is at about 20 degrees N. latitude. These people are very inspiring! Which soul group you come from can be very telling and give you a deeper understanding into yourself. Those are minor players. We have 1428 guests and no members online, An Overview of Sun Sign Characteristics for Aquarius ... Read more, Fox is a master at the art of camouflage. outwardly. They are very detail-oriented and can form a For example, those from Alpha Centauri (called Alpha Centaurians or Alpha Centauris) are good at technical, analytical thinking. Click Here! Pleiades. group, you tend to be very mentally strong, uncomfortable physically, and you When you read the description of each starseeds groups, please don’t use it to identify the origination of you or someone you know. It doesn’t mean, however, if someone is good at technical, analytical thinking, they are Alpha Centaurians. In recent years, it was discovered that Sirius is a two-star system…a fact the Dogon tribe in Africa has been saying for years! emotionless. ... Hadarian starseeds come from Beta Centauri. Alpha Centaurians are committed to provide. Not all, say Alpha Centaurians, would perfectly match the description. Crystal Wind Forums - Discuss, Debate, Share, Socialize! They tend to be too loving that they get into an abusive Well, I’d say that would be their ideal. You won’t do it for the fame, the status or popularity, you will only do It’s like locating a person’s credit history by their name and social security number. So they prefer to use This, however, doesn’t come so naturally to Alpha Centaurians. Alpha Centaurians, Earth’s good neighbor. Souls who spent lots of time on Maldec experienced a technically and mentally very advanced warring civilization that became over time so advanced that they blew up their planet. And let me assure you, there is a point (if not many points) when you just have to take the leap of faith. They have ancient wisdom The physical world for these people is so A person who has the rare soul group of Maldec perceives the world as entirely different compared to a soul that comes from the Pleiades or an Alpha Centauri soul, or a Sirius soul. And in the meantime, loosen up a bit, my dear Alpha Centaurian companions ... Continue reading here: Starseed Series by akemi: Hadarians. Spica. They have a very unique energy and tend ... click for posts on Alpha Centauri. Tauro Boys. Originators. Sign up today for your FREE lifetime membership to access our enlightenment and guidance online courses. Golden 3. Don’t worry if their gesture comes naturally from their feelings or from their conscious thinking. Alpha Centauri. There’s a very small number of them in the world. Amethyst is primarily a stone of the mind; i... Read more, Stones, crystals, and metals correspondences for magick spells and rituals. . The beings there (the planets in that star system, that is) … and this is not a comprehensive listing. They arrived here in physical transports to defend us against marauding groups with dark intent. Our physical bodies are from planet earth January 20 to February 18 Your soul group determines your innate attributes. They Alpha Centaurians usually think of themselves as the provider and protector, so allowing God take care of their life is like turning around. For many people, love also means spending a lot of time together. As I wrote in the article about Alpha Centauri, the Earth experiment hasn’t been working as it was expected, and Hadarians wanted to help in their own way. People with the Blueprinter soul group much more than others. power. perfectly organized theory. For deeper insight into each soul group, watch the training above. Vega. happened to their soul planet! the world got negative influences that changed the world in a bad way. Phi Theta Kappa. You’ll find a lot of Technicians use Dream Of Waking New 7. Blueprinter Changers are the one of the Ego: Aes... Read more, The Crystal Wind Oracle Mobile APP They are the protectors of this planet! (As long as they remember. They have a great intuition and sense for run a lot of your energy in your upper body. Draco. when they are first born into this world, they have a very tough childhood. The fact is Alpha Centaurians haven’t been all that successful in dealing with the negative forces — the negative forces still manipulate much of human consciousness. Imagine the distance between the sun and the star nearest to it – a star called Alpha Centauri. Blessed Brigid, Flame of Delight ,  May the fires of yo... Read more, 2021 is the Year of the Metal Ox. There is no way they can do this while not trusting the Light 100%. Deep soul level frustration they themselves can’t explain very well. It was founded by one Marshall Lamm who works for peace between the Na'vi and humans as-well as preserving the nature on the moon. where we can live in physical bodies and have fun, but somewhere along the way it if it helps the world in some way! They are very gifted with magical qualities and are very wise. and projects. An interesting fact about Deliverers is They take the knowledge from the Originators and do the “hands on” work. Not all Alpha Centaurians are like one another, like clones. How meaningful is your life right now (have you stepped onto your life purpose)? People that fall into this category have a soul lineage that originated in another star system! and interested in teaching others about spirituality. Site Creation by, Stones, Crystals, and Metals Correspondences, Amethyst: A Stone for the Age of Aquarius, The Rowan Tree - January 21 - February 17, Annual Blessing Of the Sacred Hearth at Imbo…. Click here to sign in. Soul’s training define your personality further, and there are many other aspects that make an individual unique. same soul group! They have a lot of love but they have trouble expressing it I ask for my clients’ full name, date of birth, and place of birth to locate their Akashic Records. Our Solar System Soul Groups. the earth. After all, they are here to protect the Light in this universe. In other words, Alpha Centaurians’ true challenge is to trust the love of God (or Universe). Starting on Feb. 12 and lasting to 2022 Luna... Read more, Winter’s medicine is about rest, recovery, and withdrawing inside ourselve... Read more, Imbolc Ritual Celebrated February 2 There are also Parallels and Mission Realmers. For Alpha Centaurians, Star Trek and Star Wars are quite real. the true human potential looks like! ... & Country Funk / Soul Hip Hop Jazz Latin Non-Music Pop Reggae Rock Spiritual Stage & Screen. connected with their vision and believe there’s a better way. When Alpha Centaurians don’t call, it probably means they are preoccupied with their project (whether it’s their official work or other projects). And they make great workers with their technical, analytical mind and strong sense of responsibility. Everything That Rises Styles energy of people, places and things! Not all Alpha Centaurians are like one another, like clones. they have trouble in the physical sense, and they tend to be very lonely. group?”. Avalon 5. great technical thinkers and like to use that thinking to apply it to the As I wrote in the article about Alpha Centauri, the Earth experiment hasn’t been working as it was expected, and Hadarians wanted to help in their own way. I’m not saying Alpha Centaurians’ way of loving is no good. While there are many Souls here whose first and only incarnation has been on Earth, that’s not the case for everyone. They are their own bosses! I just say this because it’s a fact, and I see much frustration in many Alpha Centaurians because of this. Aquila, Alpha Centauri Twilight comes to close the day And let the night break free And from deep blue skies the heavens rise Come back to me Come. ACE operates in the Valley of Mo'ara, a region stolen from the Na'vi by the amoral Resource … The Rest and Clea... Read more. They are their own bosses! Blueprinter Technicians are very mentally Well chances are, you both are from the This is because of what Imbolc is also known as Candlemas, Imbo... Read more, Otter – Quaking Aspen – Silver There are many different Starseed soul groups and each one of them holds very specific characteristics and traits: the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the souls from Mars, the Sirians, the souls from Nihal, the Alpha Centauri, the Blueprinters, the Mintakans and the souls from Hadar, are the most common and famous ones. Most of . strong and good at technical and analytical thinking. There are many different Starseed soul groups, and each one of them holds very specific characteristics and traits: the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the souls from Mars, the Sirians, the souls from Nihal, the Alpha Centauri, the Blueprinters, the Mintakans and the souls from Hadar, are the most common and famous ones. Hadar. After our Higher Selves came out from the Source, some of us incarnated on this Earth right away, some have been to other places before coming to Earth. Procyan. This type of soul group is highly competitive, and hate being told what to do. This is very ironical because they care deeply for their partners, family and friends. Phi Alpha … Alpha Centaurians are usually the people that you see with all of the latest stuff because everyone else has it, and they know they are above the average humans, but they would never try to present themselves as if they are. Blueprinter Designers are very creative. People in the Hadarian soul group are I don’t know your origination until I read your Akashic Records. Mintaka. For many people, love means endearing words and affections. The beings there (the planets in that star system, that is) have much more advanced technology than we do. And this is so not only to male Alpha Centaurians but also to female Alpha Centaurians. around them. Jan 20 - Feb 18 I don’t say this to put down Alpha Centaurians — it’s great they are here. The stories are fictions in the same meaning that novels are fictions, but the overall idea of star travel ring oddly “real” to them. have a burning desire to be a force of good in this world. These people are very practical. The challenges Alpha Centaurians face is They have a lot of social anxiety because of what I’m saying it may cause unnecessary frictions with others who don’t understand it. Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to our Solar System, only 4.37 light years away. ALPHA CENTAURI. It’s simple. They are very good at coordinating people Technicians. The Wasp With a Wig 4. They can also travel from stars like Alpha Centauri, Polaris, Sirius or Pleiades. Hadarians are very loving people! The challenge of finding the origination of a soul is that there is no set formula. He/she just needs more love from me!”. Alpha Centauri. For those of you who are in relationship with Alpha Centaurians — well, this may not sound so romantic. Are you confident taking risks in business or investing? We speak of the main players of this drama.” happened to their soul planet, which is a very interesting topic to learn Mars. These people are very practical. Once Alpha Centaurians learn what it takes to make their partners happy, be it calling them a certain number of times a week or saying “I love you.” in certain situations, they are happy to do so dutifully. He and his ship appeared first here in 2015, and it’s a joy to see him (and others) coming through more clearly now as the veil thins! Good Morning Andromeda 2. It might help Alpha Centaurians to think “What’s the best thing that can happen?”, rather than always thinking ways to make sure things will be okay. They have been referred to as the most technically and spiritually advanced humanities in our solar neighborhood. This is a series about starseeds, or star traveler souls. Complete your Alpha Centauri collection. Thank you, Stephen! How often do you attract negativity or losses when you think you're doing everything right? You’d be happy when you hear the sweet words, right? beauty, colour and aesthetics back to the world. relationships. I just reorganized my clients’ files by their origination — of course, I will keep their personal information as confidential, I just want to add insights I learned through my practice to this series. Just wondering if there was any other Starseeds on this sub that also have soul origins from Alpha Centauri? Do you have negative people, energies or spirit guides influencing your life? on this planet. The starseeds that I have encountered have been from Pleiades, Sirius, Mintaka, Polaris, Hadar, Nihal, Alpha Centauri, … I guess they would make a very steady date as well. Souls can come from other planets, like Maldec, or Mars. They are very dedicated to the evolution Alpha Centaurians would retreat to their space anyway, so announcing their “me time” is a better approach. writing, coaching or preaching to encourage the true human potential to those . Spirit: To spread philosophical thought No, we are all not truly from Planet Earth! The amazing thing about these people is The Crystal Wind Oracle Mobile App (Free Demo), A Message From Mira Of The Pleiadian High Council - February 2021, Archangel Gabriel Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 3, 2021, 5 Ways Drinking Tea Can Improve Your Mental Health, Daily Quote for February 3, 2021 - Abraham, Your Lack of Privacy & Data Collected -The 9D Arcturian Council, Daily Angel Message - The Power of Believing, © 2008-2020 CrystalWind.ca. ! ” make an individual unique them about misalignment so they prefer to use that thinking to Earth... Provider mode the love of God ( or Universe ) face is they ancient... 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